path: root/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py')
1 files changed, 697 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py b/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py
index 659c1a6..36940e7 100644
--- a/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py
+++ b/setuptools/tests/test_build_meta.py
@@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import signal
+import tarfile
+import importlib
+import contextlib
+from concurrent import futures
+import re
+from zipfile import ZipFile
import pytest
+from jaraco import path
-from .files import build_files
from .textwrap import DALS
+SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB = "__import__('setuptools').setup()"
-futures = pytest.importorskip('concurrent.futures')
-importlib = pytest.importorskip('importlib')
+TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv("TIMEOUT_BACKEND_TEST", "180")) # in seconds
+IS_PYPY = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names
-class BuildBackendBase(object):
- def __init__(self, cwd=None, env={}, backend_name='setuptools.build_meta'):
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+ sys.platform == "win32" and IS_PYPY,
+ reason="The combination of PyPy + Windows + pytest-xdist + ProcessPoolExecutor "
+ "is flaky and problematic"
+class BuildBackendBase:
+ def __init__(self, cwd='.', env={}, backend_name='setuptools.build_meta'):
self.cwd = cwd
self.env = env
self.backend_name = backend_name
@@ -19,108 +37,730 @@ class BuildBackendBase(object):
class BuildBackend(BuildBackendBase):
"""PEP 517 Build Backend"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(BuildBackend, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.pool = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor()
+ self.pool = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Handles aribrary function invocations on the build backend."""
def method(*args, **kw):
root = os.path.abspath(self.cwd)
caller = BuildBackendCaller(root, self.env, self.backend_name)
- return self.pool.submit(caller, name, *args, **kw).result()
+ pid = None
+ try:
+ pid = self.pool.submit(os.getpid).result(TIMEOUT)
+ return self.pool.submit(caller, name, *args, **kw).result(TIMEOUT)
+ except futures.TimeoutError:
+ self.pool.shutdown(wait=False) # doesn't stop already running processes
+ self._kill(pid)
+ pytest.xfail(f"Backend did not respond before timeout ({TIMEOUT} s)")
+ except (futures.process.BrokenProcessPool, MemoryError, OSError):
+ if IS_PYPY:
+ pytest.xfail("PyPy frequently fails tests with ProcessPoolExector")
+ raise
return method
+ def _kill(self, pid):
+ if pid is None:
+ return
+ with contextlib.suppress(ProcessLookupError, OSError):
+ os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM if os.name == "nt" else signal.SIGKILL)
class BuildBackendCaller(BuildBackendBase):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(BuildBackendCaller, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ (self.backend_name, _,
+ self.backend_obj) = self.backend_name.partition(':')
def __call__(self, name, *args, **kw):
"""Handles aribrary function invocations on the build backend."""
mod = importlib.import_module(self.backend_name)
- return getattr(mod, name)(*args, **kw)
+ if self.backend_obj:
+ backend = getattr(mod, self.backend_obj)
+ else:
+ backend = mod
-defns = [{
- 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ return getattr(backend, name)(*args, **kw)
+defns = [
+ { # simple setup.py script
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello'],
+ setup_requires=['six'],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.py that relies on __name__
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ assert __name__ == '__main__'
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello'],
+ setup_requires=['six'],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.py script that runs arbitrary code
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ variable = True
+ def function():
+ return variable
+ assert variable
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello'],
+ setup_requires=['six'],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.py script that constructs temp files to be included in the distribution
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ # Some packages construct files on the fly, include them in the package,
+ # and immediately remove them after `setup()` (e.g. pybind11==2.9.1).
+ # Therefore, we cannot use `distutils.core.run_setup(..., stop_after=...)`
+ # to obtain a distribution object first, and then run the distutils
+ # commands later, because these files will be removed in the meantime.
+ with open('world.py', 'w') as f:
+ f.write('x = 42')
+ try:
- py_modules=['hello'],
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['world'],
+ finally:
+ # Some packages will clean temporary files
+ __import__('os').unlink('world.py')
+ """),
+ },
+ { # setup.cfg only
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ version = 0.0.0
+ [options]
+ py_modules=hello
+ setup_requires=six
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """)
+ },
+ { # setup.cfg and setup.py
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ version = 0.0.0
+ [options]
+ py_modules=hello
+ setup_requires=six
+ """),
+ 'setup.py': "__import__('setuptools').setup()",
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """)
+ },
+class TestBuildMetaBackend:
+ backend_name = 'setuptools.build_meta'
+ def get_build_backend(self):
+ return BuildBackend(backend_name=self.backend_name)
+ @pytest.fixture(params=defns)
+ def build_backend(self, tmpdir, request):
+ path.build(request.param, prefix=str(tmpdir))
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ yield self.get_build_backend()
+ def test_get_requires_for_build_wheel(self, build_backend):
+ actual = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel()
+ expected = ['six', 'wheel']
+ assert sorted(actual) == sorted(expected)
+ def test_get_requires_for_build_sdist(self, build_backend):
+ actual = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_sdist()
+ expected = ['six']
+ assert sorted(actual) == sorted(expected)
+ def test_build_wheel(self, build_backend):
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-wheel')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ wheel_name = build_backend.build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ wheel_file = os.path.join(dist_dir, wheel_name)
+ assert os.path.isfile(wheel_file)
+ # Temporary files should be removed
+ assert not os.path.isfile('world.py')
+ with ZipFile(wheel_file) as zipfile:
+ wheel_contents = set(zipfile.namelist())
+ # Each one of the examples have a single module
+ # that should be included in the distribution
+ python_scripts = (f for f in wheel_contents if f.endswith('.py'))
+ modules = [f for f in python_scripts if not f.endswith('setup.py')]
+ assert len(modules) == 1
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('build_type', ('wheel', 'sdist'))
+ def test_build_with_existing_file_present(self, build_type, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # Building a sdist/wheel should still succeed if there's
+ # already a sdist/wheel in the destination directory.
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': "from setuptools import setup\nsetup()",
+ 'VERSION': "0.0.1",
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [metadata]
+ name = foo
+ version = file: VERSION
+ """),
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+ """),
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('preexisting-' + build_type)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_method = getattr(build_backend, 'build_' + build_type)
+ # Build a first sdist/wheel.
+ # Note: this also check the destination directory is
+ # successfully created if it does not exist already.
+ first_result = build_method(dist_dir)
+ # Change version.
+ with open("VERSION", "wt") as version_file:
+ version_file.write("0.0.2")
+ # Build a *second* sdist/wheel.
+ second_result = build_method(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, first_result))
+ assert first_result != second_result
+ # And if rebuilding the exact same sdist/wheel?
+ open(os.path.join(dist_dir, second_result), 'w').close()
+ third_result = build_method(dist_dir)
+ assert third_result == second_result
+ assert os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dist_dir, third_result)) > 0
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("setup_script", [None, SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB])
+ def test_build_with_pyproject_config(self, tmpdir, setup_script):
+ files = {
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+ [project]
+ name = "foo"
+ license = {text = "MIT"}
+ description = "This is a Python package"
+ dynamic = ["version", "readme"]
+ classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers"
+ ]
+ urls = {Homepage = "http://github.com"}
+ dependencies = [
+ "appdirs",
+ ]
+ [project.optional-dependencies]
+ all = [
+ "tomli>=1",
+ "pyscaffold>=4,<5",
+ 'importlib; python_version == "2.6"',
+ ]
+ [project.scripts]
+ foo = "foo.cli:main"
+ [tool.setuptools]
+ zip-safe = false
+ package-dir = {"" = "src"}
+ packages = {find = {where = ["src"]}}
+ license-files = ["LICENSE*"]
+ [tool.setuptools.dynamic]
+ version = {attr = "foo.__version__"}
+ readme = {file = "README.rst"}
+ [tool.distutils.sdist]
+ formats = "gztar"
+ [tool.distutils.bdist_wheel]
+ universal = true
+ """),
+ "MANIFEST.in": DALS("""
+ global-include *.py *.txt
+ global-exclude *.py[cod]
+ """),
+ "README.rst": "This is a ``README``",
+ "LICENSE.txt": "---- placeholder MIT license ----",
+ "src": {
+ "foo": {
+ "__init__.py": "__version__ = '0.1'",
+ "cli.py": "def main(): print('hello world')",
+ "data.txt": "def main(): print('hello world')",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if setup_script:
+ files["setup.py"] = setup_script
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ path.build(files)
+ sdist_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ wheel_file = build_backend.build_wheel("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", sdist_path)) as tar:
+ sdist_contents = set(tar.getnames())
+ with ZipFile(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", wheel_file)) as zipfile:
+ wheel_contents = set(zipfile.namelist())
+ metadata = str(zipfile.read("foo-0.1.dist-info/METADATA"), "utf-8")
+ license = str(zipfile.read("foo-0.1.dist-info/LICENSE.txt"), "utf-8")
+ epoints = str(zipfile.read("foo-0.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt"), "utf-8")
+ assert sdist_contents - {"foo-0.1/setup.py"} == {
+ 'foo-0.1',
+ 'foo-0.1/LICENSE.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/MANIFEST.in',
+ 'foo-0.1/PKG-INFO',
+ 'foo-0.1/README.rst',
+ 'foo-0.1/pyproject.toml',
+ 'foo-0.1/setup.cfg',
+ 'foo-0.1/src',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo/__init__.py',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo/cli.py',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo/data.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/PKG-INFO',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/SOURCES.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/dependency_links.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/entry_points.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/requires.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/top_level.txt',
+ 'foo-0.1/src/foo.egg-info/not-zip-safe',
+ }
+ assert wheel_contents == {
+ "foo/__init__.py",
+ "foo/cli.py",
+ "foo/data.txt", # include_package_data defaults to True
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/LICENSE.txt",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/METADATA",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/WHEEL",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/top_level.txt",
+ "foo-0.1.dist-info/RECORD",
+ }
+ assert license == "---- placeholder MIT license ----"
+ for line in (
+ "Summary: This is a Python package",
+ "License: MIT",
+ "Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Requires-Dist: appdirs",
+ "Requires-Dist: tomli (>=1) ; extra == 'all'",
+ "Requires-Dist: importlib ; (python_version == \"2.6\") and extra == 'all'"
+ ):
+ assert line in metadata
+ assert metadata.strip().endswith("This is a ``README``")
+ assert epoints.strip() == "[console_scripts]\nfoo = foo.cli:main"
+ def test_static_metadata_in_pyproject_config(self, tmpdir):
+ # Make sure static metadata in pyproject.toml is not overwritten by setup.py
+ # as required by PEP 621
+ files = {
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+ [project]
+ name = "foo"
+ description = "This is a Python package"
+ version = "42"
+ dependencies = ["six"]
'hello.py': DALS("""
def run():
- },
- {
'setup.py': DALS("""
- assert __name__ == '__main__'
- name='foo',
- py_modules=['hello'],
- setup_requires=['six'],
+ name='bar',
+ version='13',
- 'hello.py': DALS("""
- def run():
- print('hello')
+ }
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with tmpdir.as_cwd():
+ path.build(files)
+ sdist_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ wheel_file = build_backend.build_wheel("temp")
+ assert (tmpdir / "temp/foo-42.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert (tmpdir / "temp/foo-42-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-13.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-42.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/foo-13.tar.gz").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-13-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/bar-42-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ assert not (tmpdir / "temp/foo-13-py3-none-any.whl").exists()
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", sdist_path)) as tar:
+ pkg_info = str(tar.extractfile('foo-42/PKG-INFO').read(), "utf-8")
+ members = tar.getnames()
+ assert "bar-13/PKG-INFO" not in members
+ with ZipFile(os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp", wheel_file)) as zipfile:
+ metadata = str(zipfile.read("foo-42.dist-info/METADATA"), "utf-8")
+ members = zipfile.namelist()
+ assert "bar-13.dist-info/METADATA" not in members
+ for file in pkg_info, metadata:
+ for line in ("Name: foo", "Version: 42"):
+ assert line in file
+ for line in ("Name: bar", "Version: 13"):
+ assert line not in file
+ def test_build_sdist(self, build_backend):
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-sdist')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, sdist_name))
+ def test_prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(self, build_backend):
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-dist-info')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ dist_info = build_backend.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, dist_info, 'METADATA'))
+ def test_build_sdist_explicit_dist(self, build_backend):
+ # explicitly specifying the dist folder should work
+ # the folder sdist_directory and the ``--dist-dir`` can be the same
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('dist')
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(dist_dir)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, sdist_name))
+ def test_build_sdist_version_change(self, build_backend):
+ sdist_into_directory = os.path.abspath("out_sdist")
+ os.makedirs(sdist_into_directory)
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(sdist_into_directory)
+ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sdist_into_directory, sdist_name))
+ # if the setup.py changes subsequent call of the build meta
+ # should still succeed, given the
+ # sdist_directory the frontend specifies is empty
+ setup_loc = os.path.abspath("setup.py")
+ if not os.path.exists(setup_loc):
+ setup_loc = os.path.abspath("setup.cfg")
+ with open(setup_loc, 'rt') as file_handler:
+ content = file_handler.read()
+ with open(setup_loc, 'wt') as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write(
+ content.replace("version='0.0.0'", "version='0.0.1'"))
+ shutil.rmtree(sdist_into_directory)
+ os.makedirs(sdist_into_directory)
+ sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist("out_sdist")
+ assert os.path.isfile(
+ os.path.join(os.path.abspath("out_sdist"), sdist_name))
+ def test_build_sdist_pyproject_toml_exists(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '',
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
+ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
- },
- {
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ targz_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join("temp", targz_path)) as tar:
+ assert any('pyproject.toml' in name for name in tar.getnames())
+ def test_build_sdist_setup_py_exists(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # If build_sdist is called from a script other than setup.py,
+ # ensure setup.py is included
+ path.build(defns[0])
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ targz_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join("temp", targz_path)) as tar:
+ assert any('setup.py' in name for name in tar.getnames())
+ def test_build_sdist_setup_py_manifest_excluded(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # Ensure that MANIFEST.in can exclude setup.py
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '',
+ 'MANIFEST.in': DALS("""
+ exclude setup.py
+ """)
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ targz_path = build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ with tarfile.open(os.path.join("temp", targz_path)) as tar:
+ assert not any('setup.py' in name for name in tar.getnames())
+ def test_build_sdist_builds_targz_even_if_zip_indicated(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
'setup.py': DALS("""
- variable = True
- def function():
- return variable
- assert variable
- py_modules=['hello'],
- setup_requires=['six'],
+ version='0.0.0',
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '',
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [sdist]
+ formats=zip
+ """)
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ _relative_path_import_files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version=__import__('hello').__version__,
+ py_modules=['hello']
+ )"""),
+ 'hello.py': '__version__ = "0.0.0"',
+ 'setup.cfg': DALS("""
+ [sdist]
+ formats=zip
+ """)
+ }
+ def test_build_sdist_relative_path_import(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ path.build(self._relative_path_import_files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="^No module named 'hello'$"):
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('setup_literal, requirements', [
+ ("'foo'", ['foo']),
+ ("['foo']", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo\n'", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo\n\n'", ['foo']),
+ ("['foo', 'bar']", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ (r"'# Has a comment line\nfoo'", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo # Has an inline comment'", ['foo']),
+ (r"'foo \\\n >=3.0'", ['foo>=3.0']),
+ (r"'foo\nbar'", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ (r"'foo\nbar\n'", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ (r"['foo\n', 'bar\n']", ['foo', 'bar']),
+ ])
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_wheel', [True, False])
+ def test_setup_requires(self, setup_literal, requirements, use_wheel,
+ tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup(
+ name="qux",
+ version="0.0.0",
+ py_modules=["hello"],
+ setup_requires={setup_literal},
- """),
+ """).format(setup_literal=setup_literal),
'hello.py': DALS("""
- def run():
- print('hello')
- """),
- }]
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ if use_wheel:
+ base_requirements = ['wheel']
+ get_requires = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel
+ else:
+ base_requirements = []
+ get_requires = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_sdist
+ # Ensure that the build requirements are properly parsed
+ expected = sorted(base_requirements + requirements)
+ actual = get_requires()
+ assert expected == sorted(actual)
+ def test_setup_requires_with_auto_discovery(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # Make sure patches introduced to retrieve setup_requires don't accidentally
+ # activate auto-discovery and cause problems due to the incomplete set of
+ # attributes passed to MinimalDistribution
+ files = {
+ 'pyproject.toml': DALS("""
+ [project]
+ name = "proj"
+ version = "42"
+ """),
+ "setup.py": DALS("""
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ setup_requires=["foo"],
+ py_modules = ["hello", "world"]
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': "'hello'",
+ 'world.py': "'world'",
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ setup_requires = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel()
+ assert setup_requires == ["wheel", "foo"]
+ def test_dont_install_setup_requires(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ files = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup(
+ name="qux",
+ version="0.0.0",
+ py_modules=["hello"],
+ setup_requires=["does-not-exist >99"],
+ )
+ """),
+ 'hello.py': DALS("""
+ def run():
+ print('hello')
+ """),
+ }
+ path.build(files)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-dist-info')
+ os.makedirs(dist_dir)
-def build_backend(tmpdir, request):
- build_files(request.param, prefix=str(tmpdir))
- with tmpdir.as_cwd():
- yield BuildBackend(cwd='.')
+ # does-not-exist can't be satisfied, so if it attempts to install
+ # setup_requires, it will fail.
+ build_backend.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ _sys_argv_0_passthrough = {
+ 'setup.py': DALS("""
+ import os
+ import sys
-def test_get_requires_for_build_wheel(build_backend):
- actual = build_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel()
- expected = ['six', 'setuptools', 'wheel']
- assert sorted(actual) == sorted(expected)
+ __import__('setuptools').setup(
+ name='foo',
+ version='0.0.0',
+ )
+ sys_argv = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
+ file_path = os.path.abspath('setup.py')
+ assert sys_argv == file_path
+ """)
+ }
-def test_build_wheel(build_backend):
- dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-wheel')
- os.makedirs(dist_dir)
- wheel_name = build_backend.build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ def test_sys_argv_passthrough(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ path.build(self._sys_argv_0_passthrough)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
- assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, wheel_name))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('build_hook', ('build_sdist', 'build_wheel'))
+ def test_build_with_empty_setuppy(self, build_backend, build_hook):
+ files = {'setup.py': ''}
+ path.build(files)
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match=re.escape('No distribution was found.')):
+ getattr(build_backend, build_hook)("temp")
-def test_build_sdist(build_backend):
- dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-sdist')
- os.makedirs(dist_dir)
- sdist_name = build_backend.build_sdist(dist_dir)
- assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, sdist_name))
+class TestBuildMetaLegacyBackend(TestBuildMetaBackend):
+ backend_name = 'setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__'
+ # build_meta_legacy-specific tests
+ def test_build_sdist_relative_path_import(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ # This must fail in build_meta, but must pass in build_meta_legacy
+ path.build(self._relative_path_import_files)
-def test_prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(build_backend):
- dist_dir = os.path.abspath('pip-dist-info')
- os.makedirs(dist_dir)
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")
- dist_info = build_backend.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(dist_dir)
+ def test_sys_argv_passthrough(self, tmpdir_cwd):
+ path.build(self._sys_argv_0_passthrough)
- assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dist_dir, dist_info, 'METADATA'))
+ build_backend = self.get_build_backend()
+ build_backend.build_sdist("temp")