AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-26Fix formatting in typing_anti_pitch.rst (#1512)upstream-masterMegaIng
2023-11-26Fix docs warnings (#1514)Jelle Zijlstra
2023-10-03Add .readthedocs.yaml (#1482)Jelle Zijlstra
2023-09-26Add an anti-pitch for typing (#1477)Shantanu
2023-06-30Remove typing_extensions directory (#1423)Sebastian Rittau
2023-06-25Import the generics documentation from mypy (#1416)Shantanu
2023-06-18Import the protocols documentation from mypy (#1415)Shantanu
2023-06-18Add link to PEP 705, update 695 status (#1414)Shantanu
2023-06-18Docs: fix `TypeError` in code example (#1413)Özgür
2023-03-29Link to mypy docs (#1380)Shantanu
2023-03-28Update PEP 688 status, drop mentions of Python 2 (#1379)Shantanu
2023-02-19Update docs for tools that inline pyi (#1352)Shantanu
2023-02-03Update list of PEPs (#1341)Shantanu
2023-01-29Add information about Python discord (#1338)Sergei Vorobev
2022-10-10Update LICENSE file (#1233)Sebastian Rittau
2022-08-22Add type-hint and stub integration section (#1244)Kevin Kirsche
2022-07-07Document use of assert_type (#1220)Ilya Konstantinov
2022-06-02Best Practices: Add note about object/Any (#1198)Sebastian Rittau
2022-05-24Delete "Workflow" section in the README (#1196)Alex Waygood
2022-05-21Split Best Practics document from Stubs document (#1193)Sebastian Rittau
2022-05-21Delete `CONTRIBUTING.md` (#1192)Alex Waygood
2022-05-19Remove the typing-extensions issue template (#1190)Sebastian Rittau
2022-05-19Remove typing-extensions (#1189)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-05-01Fix broken headers (#1171)Shantanu
2022-04-29Advice for writing and maintaining stub files (#1167)Shantanu
2022-04-28Minor changes to stub reference (#1166)Shantanu
2022-04-28Make library docs more FAQ-like (#1164)Shantanu
2022-04-19Change home URL to tree instead of README (#1157)Sebastian Rittau
2022-04-19Add a README.rst file back temporarily. (#1156)Sebastian Rittau
2022-04-19Remove deprecated py36 classifier (#1153)q0w
2022-04-18Convert README.rst to README.md (#1150)Sebastian Rittau
2022-04-18Rename CHANGELOG to CHANGELOG.md (#1148)Sebastian Rittau
2022-04-18pyproject.toml: Add PyPI Project URLs (#1147)Tony Narlock
2022-04-17prepare release 4.2.0 (#1144)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-04-16Fix tests on Python 3.11 (#1139)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-04-16Add to the CHANGELOG (#1141)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-04-16dataclass_transform: accept **kwargs, rename field_descriptors (#1120)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-04-16Add get_overloads() (#1140)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-04-15test that all names are present in __all__ (#1138)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-04-15Add `assert_type` to `__all__` (#1136)Alex Waygood
2022-04-11Fix "accepts only single type" errors (#1130)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-04-10Update the statuses of the typing PEPs (#1128)Redowan Delowar
2022-04-05Don't list specific bugs with union short-hand syntax (#1119)Sebastian Rittau
2022-04-05TypeAlias can now be used, add guidance (#1116)Sebastian Rittau
2022-03-22Add assert_type (#1103)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-03-22LiteralString, NotRequired, Required will be in 3.11 (#1110)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-03-22test_typing_extensions: fix lint (#1111)Shantanu
2022-03-17typing-extensions: Drop Python 3.6 (#1104)Jelle Zijlstra
2022-03-02Improve distribution package (#1097)Marc Mueller
2022-02-21Document how to test type annotations (#1071)Stephen Rosen