path: root/analysis/R/ngrams_simulation.R
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Diffstat (limited to 'analysis/R/ngrams_simulation.R')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/analysis/R/ngrams_simulation.R b/analysis/R/ngrams_simulation.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ca7ce49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/R/ngrams_simulation.R
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+# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Authors: vpihur@google.com (Vasyl Pihur) and fanti@google.com (Giulia Fanti)
+# Tools used to simulate sending partial ngrams to the server for estimating the
+# dictionary of terms over which we want to learn a distribution. This
+# mostly contains functions that aid in the generation of synthetic data.
+# The alphabet is the set of all possible characters that will appear in a
+# string. Here we use the English alphabet, but one might want to include
+# numbers or punctuation marks.
+alphabet <- letters
+GenerateCandidates <- function(alphabet, ngram_size = 2) {
+ # Draws a random string for each individual in the
+ # population from distribution.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # N: Number of individuals in the population
+ # num_strs: Number of strings from which to draw strings
+ # str_len: Length of each string
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Vector of strings for each individual in the population
+ cands <- do.call(expand.grid, lapply(seq(ngram_size), function(i) alphabet))
+ apply(cands, 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ""))
+GenerateString <- function(n) {
+ # Generates a string of a given length from the alphabet.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # n: Number of characters in the string
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # String of length n
+ paste0(sample(alphabet, n, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
+GeneratePopulation <- function(N, num_strs, str_len = 10,
+ distribution = 1) {
+ # Generates a string for each individual in the population from distribution.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # N: Number of individuals in the population
+ # num_strs: Number of strings from which to draw strings
+ # str_len: Length of each string
+ # distribution: which type of distribution to use
+ # 1: Zipfian
+ # 2: Geometric (exponential)
+ # 3: Step function
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # Vector of strings for each individual in the population
+ strs <- sapply(1:num_strs, function(i) GenerateString(str_len))
+ if (distribution == 1) {
+ # Zipfian-ish distribution
+ prob <- (1:num_strs)^20
+ prob <- prob / sum(prob) + 0.001
+ prob <- prob / sum(prob)
+ } else if (distribution == 2) {
+ # Geometric distribution (discrete approximation to exponential)
+ p <- 0.3
+ prob <- p * (1 - p)^(1:num_strs - 1)
+ prob <- prob / sum(prob)
+ } else {
+ # Uniform
+ prob <- rep(1 / num_strs, num_strs)
+ }
+ sample(strs, N, replace = TRUE, prob = prob)
+SelectNGrams <- function(str, num_ngrams, size, max_str_len = 6) {
+ # Selects which ngrams each user will encode and then submit.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # str: String from which ngram is built.
+ # num_ngrams: Number of ngrams to choose
+ # size: Number of characters per ngram
+ # max_str_len: Maximum number of characters in the string
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # List of each individual's ngrams and which positions the ngrams
+ # were drawn from.
+ start <- sort(sample(seq(1, max_str_len, by = size), num_ngrams))
+ ngrams <- mapply(function(x, y, str) substr(str, x, y),
+ start, start + size - 1,
+ MoreArgs = list(str = str))
+ list(ngrams = ngrams, starts = start)
+UpdateMapWithCandidates <- function(str_candidates, sim, params) {
+ # Generates a new map based on the returned candidates.
+ # Normally this would be created on the spot by having the
+ # aggregator hash the string candidates. But since we already have
+ # the map from simulation, we'll just choose the appropriate
+ # column
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ # str_candidates: Vector of string candidates
+ # sim: Simulation object containing the original map
+ # params: RAPPOR parameter list
+ k <- params$k
+ h <- params$h
+ m <- params$m
+ # First add the real candidates to the map
+ valid_cands <- intersect(str_candidates, colnames(sim$full_map$map_by_cohort[[1]]))
+ updated_map <- sim$full_map
+ updated_map$map_by_cohort <- lapply(1:m, function(i) {
+ sim$full_map$map_by_cohort[[i]][, valid_cands]
+ })
+ # Now add the false positives (we can just draw random strings for
+ # these since they didn't appear in the original dataset anyway)
+ new_cands <- setdiff(str_candidates, colnames(sim$full_map$map_by_cohort[[1]]))
+ M <- length(new_cands)
+ if (M > 0) {
+ for (i in 1:m) {
+ ones <- sample(1:k, M * h, replace = TRUE)
+ cols <- rep(1:M, each = h)
+ strs <- c(sort(valid_cands), new_cands)
+ updated_map$map_by_cohort[[i]] <-
+ do.call(cBind, list(updated_map$map_by_cohort[[i]],
+ sparseMatrix(ones, cols, dims = c(k, M))))
+ colnames(updated_map$map_by_cohort[[i]]) <- strs
+ }
+ }
+ if (class(updated_map$map_by_cohort[[1]]) == "logical") {
+ updated_map$all_cohorts_map <- unlist(updated_map$map_by_cohort)
+ updated_map$all_cohorts_map <- Matrix(updated_map$all_cohorts_map, sparse = TRUE)
+ colnames(updated_map$all_cohorts_map) <- c(valid_cands, new_cands)
+ } else {
+ updated_map$all_cohorts_map <- do.call("rBind", updated_map$map_by_cohort)
+ }
+ updated_map
+SimulateNGrams <- function(N, ngram_params, str_len, num_strs = 10,
+ alphabet, params, distribution = 1) {
+ # Simulates the creation and encoding of ngrams for each individual.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # N: Number of individuals in the population
+ # ngram_params: Parameters about ngram size, etc.
+ # str_len: Length of each string
+ # num_strs: NUmber of strings in the dictionary
+ # alphabet: Alphabet used to generate strings
+ # params: RAPPOR parameters, like noise and cohorts
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # List containing all the information needed for estimating and
+ # verifying the results.
+ # Get the list of strings for each user
+ strs <- GeneratePopulation(N, num_strs = num_strs,
+ str_len = str_len,
+ distribution)
+ # Split them into ngrams and encode
+ ngram <- lapply(strs, function(i)
+ SelectNGrams(i,
+ num_ngrams = ngram_params$num_ngrams_collected,
+ size = ngram_params$ngram_size,
+ max_str_len = str_len))
+ cands <- GenerateCandidates(alphabet, ngram_params$ngram_size)
+ map <- CreateMap(cands, params, FALSE)
+ cohorts <- sample(1:params$m, N, replace = TRUE)
+ g <- sapply(ngram, function(x) paste(x$starts, sep = "_",
+ collapse = "_"))
+ ug <- sort(unique(g))
+ pairings <- t(sapply(ug, function(x)
+ sapply(strsplit(x, "_"), function(y) as.numeric(y))))
+ inds <- lapply(1:length(ug), function(i) ind <- which(g == ug[i]))
+ reports <- lapply(1:length(ug), function(k) {
+ # Generate the ngram reports
+ lapply(1:ngram_params$num_ngrams_collected, function(x) {
+ EncodeAll(sapply(inds[[k]], function(j) ngram[[j]]$ngrams[x]),
+ cohorts[inds[[k]]], map$map_by_cohort, params)})
+ })
+ cat("Encoded the ngrams.\n")
+ # Now generate the full string reports
+ full_map <- CreateMap(sort(unique(strs)), params, FALSE)
+ full_reports <- EncodeAll(strs, cohorts, full_map$map_by_cohort, params)
+ list(reports = reports, cohorts = cohorts, ngram = ngram, map = map,
+ strs = strs, pairings = pairings, inds = inds, cands = cands,
+ full_reports = full_reports, full_map = full_map)
+EstimateDictionaryTrial <- function(N, str_len, num_strs,
+ params, ngram_params,
+ distribution = 3) {
+ # Runs a single trial for simulation. Generates simulated reports,
+ # decodes them, and returns the result.
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ # N: Number of users to simulation
+ # str_len: The length of strings to estimate
+ # num_strs: The number of strings in the dictionary
+ # params: RAPPOR parameter list
+ # ngram_params: Parameters related to the size of ngrams
+ # distribution: Tells what kind of distribution to use:
+ # 1: Zipfian
+ # 2: Geometric
+ # 3: Uniform (default)
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # List with recovered and true marginals.
+ # We call the needed libraries here in order to make them available when this
+ # function gets called by BorgApply. Otherwise, they do not get included.
+ library(glmnet)
+ library(parallel)
+ sim <- SimulateNGrams(N, ngram_params, str_len, num_strs = num_strs,
+ alphabet, params, distribution)
+ res <- EstimateDictionary(sim, N, ngram_params, params)
+ str_candidates <- res$found_candidates
+ pairwise_candidates <- res$pairwise_candidates
+ if (length(str_candidates) == 0) {
+ return (NULL)
+ }
+ updated_map <- UpdateMapWithCandidates(str_candidates, sim, params)
+ # Compute the marginal for this new set of strings
+ variable_counts <- ComputeCounts(sim$full_reports, sim$cohorts, params)
+ # Our dictionary estimate
+ marginal <- Decode(variable_counts, updated_map$all_cohorts_map, params)$fit
+ # Estimate given full dictionary knowledge
+ marginal_full <- Decode(variable_counts, sim$full_map$all_cohorts_map, params)$fit
+ # The true (sampled) data distribution
+ truth <- sort(table(sim$strs)) / N
+ list(marginal = marginal, marginal_full = marginal_full,
+ truth = truth, pairwise_candidates = pairwise_candidates)