path: root/analysis/R/read_input.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'analysis/R/read_input.R')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/analysis/R/read_input.R b/analysis/R/read_input.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..47f8be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/R/read_input.R
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Read parameter, counts and map files.
+source.rappor <- function(rel_path) {
+ abs_path <- paste0(Sys.getenv("RAPPOR_REPO", ""), rel_path)
+ source(abs_path)
+source.rappor("analysis/R/util.R") # for Log
+ReadParameterFile <- function(params_file) {
+ # Read parameter file. Format:
+ # k, h, m, p, q, f
+ # 128, 2, 8, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75
+ params <- as.list(read.csv(params_file))
+ if (length(params) != 6) {
+ stop("There should be exactly 6 columns in the parameter file.")
+ }
+ if (any(names(params) != c("k", "h", "m", "p", "q", "f"))) {
+ stop("Parameter names must be k,h,m,p,q,f.")
+ }
+ params
+# Handle the case of redundant cohorts, i.e. the counts file needs to be
+# further aggregated to obtain counts for the number of cohorts specified in
+# the params file.
+# NOTE: Why is this happening?
+AdjustCounts <- function(counts, params) {
+ apply(counts, 2, function(x) {
+ tapply(x, rep(1:params$m, nrow(counts) / params$m), sum)
+ })
+ReadCountsFile <- function(counts_file, params, adjust_counts = FALSE) {
+ # Read in the counts file.
+ if (!file.exists(counts_file)) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ counts <- read.csv(counts_file, header = FALSE)
+ if (adjust_counts) {
+ counts <- AdjustCounts(counts, params)
+ }
+ if (nrow(counts) != params$m) {
+ stop(sprintf("Got %d rows in the counts file, expected m = %d",
+ nrow(counts), params$m))
+ }
+ if ((ncol(counts) - 1) != params$k) {
+ stop(paste0("Counts file: number of columns should equal to k + 1: ",
+ ncol(counts)))
+ }
+ if (any(counts < 0)) {
+ stop("Counts file: all counts must be positive.")
+ }
+ # Turn counts from a data frame into a matrix. (In R a data frame and matrix
+ # are sometimes interchangeable, but sometimes we need it to be matrix.)
+ as.matrix(counts)
+ReadMapFile <- function(map_file, params) {
+ # Read in the map file which is in the following format (two hash functions):
+ # str1, h11, h12, h21 + k, h22 + k, h31 + 2k, h32 + 2k ...
+ # str2, ...
+ # Output:
+ # map: a sparse representation of set bits for each candidate string.
+ # strs: a vector of all candidate strings.
+ Log("Parsing %s", map_file)
+ map_pos <- read.csv(map_file, header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)
+ strs <- map_pos[, 1]
+ strs[strs == ""] <- "Empty"
+ # Remove duplicated strings.
+ ind <- which(!duplicated(strs))
+ strs <- strs[ind]
+ map_pos <- map_pos[ind, ]
+ n <- ncol(map_pos) - 1
+ if (n != (params$h * params$m)) {
+ stop(paste0("Map file: number of columns should equal hm + 1:",
+ n, "_", params$h * params$m))
+ }
+ row_pos <- unlist(map_pos[, -1], use.names = FALSE)
+ col_pos <- rep(1:nrow(map_pos), times = ncol(map_pos) - 1)
+ # TODO: When would this ever happen?
+ removed <- which(is.na(row_pos))
+ if (length(removed) > 0) {
+ Log("Removed %d entries", length(removed))
+ row_pos <- row_pos[-removed]
+ col_pos <- col_pos[-removed]
+ }
+ map <- sparseMatrix(row_pos, col_pos,
+ dims = c(params$m * params$k, length(strs)))
+ colnames(map) <- strs
+ list(map = map, strs = strs, map_pos = map_pos)
+LoadMapFile <- function(map_file, params) {
+ # Reads the map file, caching an .rda (R binary data) version of it to speed
+ # up future loads.
+ rda_path <- sub(".csv", ".rda", map_file, fixed = TRUE)
+ # This must be unique per process, so concurrent processes don't try to
+ # write the same file.
+ tmp_path <- sprintf("%s.%d", rda_path, Sys.getpid())
+ # First save to a temp file, and then atomically rename to the destination.
+ if (file.exists(rda_path)) {
+ Log("Loading %s", rda_path)
+ load(rda_path, .GlobalEnv) # creates the 'map' variable in the global env
+ } else {
+ map <- ReadMapFile(map_file, params)
+ Log("Saving %s as an rda file for faster access", map_file)
+ tryCatch({
+ save(map, file = tmp_path)
+ file.rename(tmp_path, rda_path)
+ }, warning = function(w) {
+ Log("WARNING: %s", w)
+ }, error = function(e) {
+ Log("ERROR: %s", e)
+ })
+ }
+ return(map)