path: root/plugins
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-30Remove extra </a> for MavenDependencyResolver javadocutzcoz
2023-06-04Bump Kotlin to 1.9.0-Betadependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Set jvm target for maven-dependency-resolver compileTestKotlinutzcoz
2023-05-17Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2023-05-17Add additional logging when validating fetched android-all JarsMichael Hoisie
2023-05-08Enable version catalogsYOUNG HO CHA
2023-04-08Remove executable flag for some Java filesutzcoz
2023-04-05Fix comment for maven-dependency-resolver moduleutzcoz
2023-04-05Fix gradle wranings for Kotlin configurationutzcoz
2023-03-15Fix Kotlin lint issues with MavenDependencyResolverTestMichael Hoisie
2023-03-14Convert test code of maven-dependency-resolver to Kotlinhellosagar
2022-10-22Adding proxy settings to fetching artifactsSebastien Russell
2022-09-02refac: defaultCharset warning fixhellosagar
2022-08-30Use SHA-512 instead of SHA-1 in MavenArtifactFetcherMichael Hoisie
2022-03-17Migrate from strongly discouraged `@Test(expected = ...)` to `assertThrows(.....Googler
2021-10-16Extract guava version as gradle propertyutzcoz
2021-08-05Handling the NPE during the repository string trimming.Squadella
2021-08-05Trimming the localrepository string.Pierre Bouniol
2021-04-01Extract mockitoVersion to gradle.propertiesutzcoz
2021-04-01Update gradle dependenciesutzcoz
2021-03-28Remove CachedDependencyResolver and CachedMavenDependencyResolverhoisie
2021-03-09Upgrade ErrorProne and fix ErrorProne related build errorshoisie
2021-02-20Fix MavenDependencyResolverTest in restricted test environmentshoisie
2021-02-15Fix syntax warning of build.gradleutzcoz
2021-01-23Synchronize Truth version being used to be v1.1.1Al Sutton
2020-10-20Update JUnit to 4.13.1hoisie
2020-09-29Remove AccessibilityUtil from Robolectrichoisie
2020-08-13Stop casting to HTTPSUrlConnection in MavenArtifactFetcherMichael Hoisie
2020-08-12Handle the case where the artifact subdirectory existsMichael Hoisie
2020-08-12Stop inserting the BouncyCastle provider at the beginningMichael Hoisie
2020-08-11Add Javadoc for KeyStoreUtilTestMichael Hoisie
2020-08-11Use Sun JSSE provider for Maven TLS artifact fetchingMichael Hoisie
2020-08-08Merge pull request #5833 from hoisie/maven-fetcherMichael Hoisie
2020-08-08Update to androidx.test 1.3.0-rc03brettchabot
2020-08-07Log if artifact directory cannot be cratedMichael Hoisie
2020-08-07Add more javadocMichael Hoisie
2020-08-07Add some additional loggingMichael Hoisie
2020-08-07Fix MavenRoboSettingsTest and restore file lockMichael Hoisie
2020-08-07Drop maven-ant-tasks dependency and fetch from Maven manuallyMichael Hoisie
2020-05-27Update to androidx.test 1.3.0-beta02brettchabot
2020-03-26Move accessibility checking into its own artifact.Christian Williams
2020-03-03Upgrade to Android Gradle Plugin 3.5.3 and Gradle 5.4.1.Christian Williams
2020-01-20Remove autoservice from projects that don't actually use itZac Sweers
2020-01-20Update autoservice to rc6Zac Sweers
2019-03-20Stem CachedDependencyResolverFileCacheTest flakiness by increasing validBrett Chabot
2019-03-15Revert to `api` dependencies because of Android Studio bug.Christian Williams
2019-01-15Move Sdk from org.robolectric.internal to ...pluginapi.Christian Williams
2019-01-15Fix tests.Christian Williams
2019-01-15Fix path to URL conversion.Christian Williams
2019-01-14Fix generated robolectric-deps.properties for tests on Windows.Christian Williams