path: root/preinstrumented
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-02Move AndroidVersions to annotations sub project and always read build.prop di...Googler
2024-02-20Reland "Fixed warnings in Gradle files"Gaëtan Muller
2024-02-19Revert "Fixed warnings in Gradle files"utzcoz
2024-02-19Fixed warnings in Gradle filesGaëtan Muller
2024-01-25Remove exemptionlist-based throw-on-native method functionalityMichael Hoisie
2024-01-10Bump preinstrumented version to 5Michael Hoisie
2023-05-25Instrument Robolectric JARs to be able to throw on native calls.Googler
2023-05-19Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Brett Chabot
2023-05-18Android Versions in Robolectric.Googler
2023-05-18Re-enable publish to SnapshotsMichael Hoisie
2023-05-08Enable version catalogsYOUNG HO CHA
2023-04-07Migrate task definations to task.registerutzcoz
2022-12-17Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2022-12-14Detect prerelease SDK versions in JarInstrumentorMichael Hoisie
2022-11-07Only filter sdk when PREINSTRUMENTED_SDK_VERSIONS is not emptyutzcoz
2022-10-26Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2022-10-21Add ability to keep track of SDK versions during instrumentationSamuel Liu
2022-10-20Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2022-10-10Remove overly broad catch(Exception) from JarInstrumentorSamuel Liu
2022-10-08Add Java source & target compatibility config for preinstrumentedutzcoz
2022-10-06Remove dead code (isClassRenamed logic) inside of JarInstrumentorSamuel Liu
2022-09-23Add the ability to deploy specific preinstrumented jars to mavenMichael Hoisie
2021-10-16Extract guava version as gradle propertyutzcoz
2021-08-07Merge InvokeDynamicClassInstrumentor into ClassInstrumentorGoogler
2021-02-15Restore JarInstrumentorhoisie