path: root/resources
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
9 daysMerge branch 'upstream-google' into attempt_merge_upstreamAng Li
10 daysSmall fixes on potential null pointers since ARSC loading support.Googler
2024-04-03Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-google' into mergeRex Hoffman
2024-03-22Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2024-03-18Fixing all missed deltas (bad merges) between upstream robolectric google bra...Rex Hoffman
2024-03-13Merge branch 'upstream-google' into roboUpdateKevin Liu
2024-03-11Fix documentation for methods in `AndroidManifest`Gaëtan Muller
2024-03-06Support loading arbitrary ARSC resources from a file descriptor.Googler
2024-02-18Fix UnnecessaryParentheses for resources moduleutzcoz
2024-02-12Deprecate the rest of RoboSettingsMichael Hoisie
2024-02-12Improve the performance of RebuildFilterList by 6xMichael Hoisie
2024-02-07Add perf stat for RebuildFilterListMichael Hoisie
2024-01-08Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2023-11-29Merge branch 'upstream-google' into convert_iso_keyboardAng Li
2023-11-28Bump default minSdk to 19 of AndroidManifestutzcoz
2023-11-27Remove obsolete targetSdkVersion=O handling.Brett Chabot
2023-11-27Add warning message when AndroidManifest cannot be found.Brett Chabot
2023-11-03Merge branch 'upstream-google' into to_main_againAng Li
2023-10-31Fix AttributeSetBuilder lookups with sparse resource table encodingMichael Hoisie
2023-10-19Merge branch 'upstream-google' into merge_shadow_change3Ang Li
2023-10-17Increment targetSdk and compileSdk from 33 to 34 for integration tests.Brett Chabot
2023-10-13Default to binary resources mode.Brett Chabot
2023-10-12Fix issue using AttributeSetBuilder with compact resource table entriesMichael Hoisie
2023-10-03Clean up obsolete aliases for Truth.Krzysztof Kosiński
2023-09-29Upstream some of useful logging and ShadowDateIntervalFormat update to GithubGoogler
2023-09-13Merge branch 'upstream-google' into roboUpdateKevin Liu
2023-08-31Use a global cache for ApkAssetsMichael Hoisie
2023-08-25Merge branch 'upstream-google' into roboLibSyncKevin Liu
2023-05-26Support sparse encoding in AttributeSetBuilder.Brett Chabot
2023-05-24Merge branch 'upstream-google' into rng_importRam Peri
2023-05-24Support sparse encoding in FindEntryByName.Brett Chabot
2023-05-23Merge branch 'upstream-google' into tm_syncRam Peri
2023-05-08Enable version catalogsYOUNG HO CHA
2023-04-09Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2023-04-08Support partial AppComponentFactory in Robolectricutzcoz
2023-04-07Merge branch 'upstream-google' into third_upstream_to_masterAng Li
2023-04-06Add support for ARSC resource table compact encodingRex Hoffman
2023-04-04Add support for ARSC resource table compact encodingMichael Hoisie
2023-03-16Fix line length issue in LoadedArscMichael Hoisie
2023-03-16Fix some Java Lint naming errorsMichael Hoisie
2023-02-01Support ResTable staged alias typeJoshua Selbo
2023-01-03Merge branch 'upstream-google' into rng7Ram Peri
2023-01-02Bump compile-testing from 0.19 to 0.21.0dependabot[bot]
2022-12-14Merge branch 'upstream-google' into upgradeRex Hoffman
2022-12-02Merge branch 'google' into 'master'Michael Hoisie
2022-12-02Support zip files where EOCD's offset to central dir is -1Michael Hoisie
2022-11-07Use uninterruptibly acquire for ResTable's lockutzcoz
2022-11-03Add android build bp filesRex Hoffman
2022-11-03Enable new_robolectric sdk and loggingRex Hoffman
2022-10-28Fix android-9.0.0_r12 ResourceTypes.h link for ResTableutzcoz