AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-01float: use safe code for floating point endian conversionupstream-masterJonathan Behrens
2023-10-29Simplify pack_size() and pack_size128()Adam Ciarciński
2023-10-051.5.0Andrew Gallant
2023-10-05cargo: a few small fixupsAlex Touchet
2023-10-05changelog: add a note about it not being updatedAndrew Gallant
2023-10-05msrv: bump to Rust 1.60Andrew Gallant
2023-10-05safety: verify alignment requirements of floats vs intsLukasz Anforowicz
2023-10-05impl: remove unsafe code from read_uint and read_uint128 methodsMichal Nazarewicz
2023-10-05impl: eliminate unsafe_write_num_bytesMichal Nazarewicz
2023-10-05impl: refactor write_slice macro slightlyMichal Nazarewicz
2023-10-05impl: eliminate special case checking target_endianMichal Nazarewicz
2023-10-05perf: convert endianess while reading slice in a single passMichal Nazarewicz
2023-10-05bench: add read/write into benchmarks for u16 and i64Michal Nazarewicz
2023-10-05ci: polishing and add miriAndrew Gallant
2023-05-24ci: use latest OS versions and switch to dtolnayAndrew Gallant
2022-06-15ci: pin cross to v0.2.1Andrew Gallant
2021-03-15readme: document MSRVAndrew Gallant
2021-03-101.4.3Andrew Gallant
2021-03-10impl: change as_ptr to as_mut_ptr to fix Miri errorJim Turner
2021-02-24impl: prefix unsafe macros with 'unsafe_'Andrew Gallant
2021-01-08doc: use HTTPS in linksAlex Touchet
2021-01-081.4.2Andrew Gallant
2021-01-08crates.io: no_std -> no-stdAndrew Gallant
2021-01-081.4.1Andrew Gallant
2021-01-08impl: fix read implementationsAndrew Gallant
2021-01-081.4.0Andrew Gallant
2021-01-08impl: use std endian conversion routinesAndrew Gallant
2021-01-08msrv: bump to 1.41.1Andrew Gallant
2021-01-08deps: update to quickcheck 0.9 and rand 0.7Andrew Gallant
2021-01-08crates.io: add no_std in categoriesBenoît du Garreau
2021-01-08changelog: backfill to 1.3.4Jubilee
2020-11-22ci: update CI for github changesAndrew Gallant
2020-03-26ci: change MSRV back to 1.12.0 in CIAndrew Gallant
2020-02-07readme: update CI badgeAndrew Gallant
2020-02-07style: use rustfmtAndrew Gallant
2020-02-07ci: switch to GitHub ActionsAndrew Gallant
2020-02-071.3.4Andrew Gallant
2020-02-07tidy: squash deprecation warnings for try! macroAndrew Gallant
2020-02-071.3.3Andrew Gallant
2020-02-07api: add write_i8_into to ByteOrder traitAndrew Champion
2020-01-10tidy: code touchupsAndrew Gallant
2020-01-10safety: ensure that we dereference an aligned pointerAndrew Gallant
2019-06-091.3.2Andrew Gallant
2019-06-09doc: list alternatives, as Rust 1.32Jack O'Connor
2019-06-09io: add read_i8_into to ReadBytesExtJim Turner
2019-05-01test: check examples in READMEGuillaume Gomez
2019-03-04doc: fix overflowing literals in doc testsAndrew Gallant
2019-01-221.3.1Andrew Gallant
2019-01-22build: add back support for Rust 1.12Trevor Spiteri
2019-01-191.3.0Andrew Gallant