AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-17Remove html_root_url & readme reminder from Cargo.tomlupstream-masterDavid Tolnay
2024-04-09Release 1.0.36David Tolnay
2024-04-09Merge pull request #273 from dtolnay/docDavid Tolnay
2024-04-09Apply doc comment to cfg(not(doc)) macros tooDavid Tolnay
2024-04-08Revert "Temporarily disable miri on doctests"David Tolnay
2024-03-30Update ui test suite to nightly-2024-03-31David Tolnay
2024-03-25Explicitly install a Rust toolchain for cargo-outdated jobDavid Tolnay
2024-03-24Temporarily disable miri on doctestsDavid Tolnay
2024-02-07Update ui test suite to nightly-2024-02-08David Tolnay
2024-01-30Update ui test suite to nightly-2024-01-31David Tolnay
2024-01-07Merge pull request #270 from dtolnay/benchDavid Tolnay
2024-01-07Update benchmark results using nightly-2024-01-07David Tolnay
2024-01-07Remove absolute path from benchmark example outputDavid Tolnay
2024-01-01Release 1.0.35David Tolnay
2024-01-01Pull in proc-macro2 sccache fixDavid Tolnay
2023-12-31Release 1.0.34David Tolnay
2023-12-31Pull in proc-macro2 build script improvementDavid Tolnay
2023-09-24Test docs.rs documentation build in CIDavid Tolnay
2023-09-04Update actions/checkout@v3 -> v4David Tolnay
2023-08-23Merge pull request #262 from dtolnay/syn2David Tolnay
2023-08-23Update syn 1.0 link to syn 2.0David Tolnay
2023-08-16Release 1.0.33David Tolnay
2023-08-16Partially work around ridiculous rust-analyzer behaviorDavid Tolnay
2023-07-23Release 1.0.32David Tolnay
2023-07-23Update PR 259: tokens are the output of the programDavid Tolnay
2023-07-23Merge pull request #259 from mfreeborn/docsDavid Tolnay
2023-07-23Update README.mdMichael Freeborn
2023-07-22Revert "Temporarily disable -Zrandomize-layout due to rustc ICE"David Tolnay
2023-07-21Temporarily disable -Zrandomize-layout due to rustc ICEDavid Tolnay
2023-07-16Release 1.0.31David Tolnay
2023-07-16Import from alloc to make remaining std dependencies clearDavid Tolnay
2023-07-16Pull in 2021-edition proc-macro2David Tolnay
2023-07-16Delete build.rs, as no version detection is still usedDavid Tolnay
2023-07-16Delete needs_invalid_span_woraround config for rustc older than 1.53David Tolnay
2023-07-16Delete rustc minimum version check from build.rsDavid Tolnay
2023-07-16Resolve manual_strip clippy lintDavid Tolnay
2023-07-16Raise required compiler to rust 1.56David Tolnay
2023-07-15Release 1.0.30David Tolnay
2023-07-14Opt in to generate-link-to-definition when building on docs.rsDavid Tolnay
2023-07-08Update ui test suite to nightly-2023-07-09David Tolnay
2023-07-04Move minimal-versions CI to dedicated jobDavid Tolnay
2023-06-28Release 1.0.29David Tolnay
2023-06-28Fix -Zminimal-versions buildDavid Tolnay
2023-06-15Remove .clippy.toml in favor of respecting rust-version from Cargo.tomlDavid Tolnay
2023-06-15Ignore uninlined_format_args pedantic clippy lintDavid Tolnay
2023-05-25Release 1.0.28David Tolnay
2023-05-25Merge pull request #254 from dtolnay/wasmDavid Tolnay
2023-05-25Extern crate proc_macro available on all wasm targetsDavid Tolnay
2023-05-23Show error details during miri setup in CIDavid Tolnay
2023-05-08Release 1.0.27David Tolnay