path: root/SPIRV/SPVRemapper.cpp
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authorJohn Kessenich <cepheus@frii.com>2015-05-13 20:38:44 +0000
committerJohn Kessenich <cepheus@frii.com>2015-05-13 20:38:44 +0000
commit4217d2ea22bcbd49025627f4dd2c7d31374caed8 (patch)
treef47aea394d38d601d8948ac5ce17216bdcdfe9c5 /SPIRV/SPVRemapper.cpp
parent3a44d7fee8c4ac591768b28a155ad6938a188e54 (diff)
SPIR-V compression: Add stripping and remapping tools for compressibility of generated SPIR-V.
git-svn-id: https://cvs.khronos.org/svn/repos/ogl/trunk/ecosystem/public/sdk/tools/glslang@31180 e7fa87d3-cd2b-0410-9028-fcbf551c1848
Diffstat (limited to 'SPIRV/SPVRemapper.cpp')
1 files changed, 1275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SPIRV/SPVRemapper.cpp b/SPIRV/SPVRemapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8147a289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPIRV/SPVRemapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1275 @@
+#include "SPVRemapper.h"
+#include "doc.h"
+/* -*-mode:c++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 3 -*- */
+// Poor man's basename: given a complete path, return file portion.
+// E.g:
+// Linux: /foo/bar/test -> test
+// Win: c:\foo\bar\test -> test
+// It's not very efficient, but that doesn't matter for our minimal-duty use.
+// Using boost::filesystem would be better in many ways, but want to avoid that dependency.
+const std::string spv::spirvbin_base_t::basename(const std::string& filename)
+ const size_t sepLoc = filename.find_last_of(path_sep_char());
+ return (sepLoc == filename.npos) ? filename : filename.substr(sepLoc+1);
+#if !defined (use_cpp11)
+// ... not supported before C++11
+#else // defined (use_cpp11)
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace spv {
+// By default, just abort on error. Can be overridden via RegisterErrorHandler
+spirvbin_t::errorfn_t spirvbin_t::errorHandler = [](const std::string&) { exit(5); };
+// By default, eat log messages. Can be overridden via RegisterLogHandler
+spirvbin_t::logfn_t spirvbin_t::logHandler = [](const std::string&) { };
+// This can be overridden to provide other message behavior if needed
+void spirvbin_t::msg(int minVerbosity, int indent, const std::string& txt) const
+ if (verbose >= minVerbosity)
+ logHandler(std::string(indent, ' ') + txt);
+// hash opcode, with special handling for OpExtInst
+std::uint32_t spirvbin_t::asOpCodeHash(int word)
+ const spv::Op opCode = asOpCode(word);
+ std::uint32_t offset = 0;
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpExtInst:
+ offset += asId(word + 4); break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return opCode * 19 + offset; // 19 = small prime
+spirvbin_t::range_t spirvbin_t::literalRange(spv::Op opCode) const
+ static const int maxCount = 1<<30;
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpTypeFloat: // fall through...
+ case spv::OpTypePointer: return range_t(2, 3);
+ case spv::OpTypeInt: return range_t(2, 4);
+ case spv::OpTypeSampler: return range_t(3, 8);
+ case spv::OpTypeVector: // fall through
+ case spv::OpTypeMatrix: // ...
+ case spv::OpTypePipe: return range_t(3, 4);
+ case spv::OpConstant: return range_t(3, maxCount);
+ default: return range_t(0, 0);
+ }
+spirvbin_t::range_t spirvbin_t::typeRange(spv::Op opCode) const
+ static const int maxCount = 1<<30;
+ if (isConstOp(opCode))
+ return range_t(1, 2);
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpTypeVector: // fall through
+ case spv::OpTypeMatrix: // ...
+ case spv::OpTypeSampler: // ...
+ case spv::OpTypeArray: // ...
+ case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray: // ...
+ case spv::OpTypePipe: return range_t(2, 3);
+ case spv::OpTypeStruct: // fall through
+ case spv::OpTypeFunction: return range_t(2, maxCount);
+ case spv::OpTypePointer: return range_t(3, 4);
+ default: return range_t(0, 0);
+ }
+spirvbin_t::range_t spirvbin_t::constRange(spv::Op opCode) const
+ static const int maxCount = 1<<30;
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpTypeArray: // fall through...
+ case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray: return range_t(3, 4);
+ case spv::OpConstantComposite: return range_t(3, maxCount);
+ default: return range_t(0, 0);
+ }
+// Is this an opcode we should remove when using --strip?
+bool spirvbin_t::isStripOp(spv::Op opCode) const
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpSource:
+ case spv::OpSourceExtension:
+ case spv::OpName:
+ case spv::OpMemberName:
+ case spv::OpLine: return true;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+bool spirvbin_t::isFlowCtrlOpen(spv::Op opCode) const
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpBranchConditional:
+ case spv::OpSwitch: return true;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+bool spirvbin_t::isFlowCtrlClose(spv::Op opCode) const
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpLoopMerge:
+ case spv::OpSelectionMerge: return true;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+bool spirvbin_t::isTypeOp(spv::Op opCode) const
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpTypeVoid:
+ case spv::OpTypeBool:
+ case spv::OpTypeInt:
+ case spv::OpTypeFloat:
+ case spv::OpTypeVector:
+ case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
+ case spv::OpTypeSampler:
+ case spv::OpTypeFilter:
+ case spv::OpTypeArray:
+ case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
+ case spv::OpTypeStruct:
+ case spv::OpTypeOpaque:
+ case spv::OpTypePointer:
+ case spv::OpTypeFunction:
+ case spv::OpTypeEvent:
+ case spv::OpTypeDeviceEvent:
+ case spv::OpTypeReserveId:
+ case spv::OpTypeQueue:
+ case spv::OpTypePipe: return true;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+bool spirvbin_t::isConstOp(spv::Op opCode) const
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpConstantNullObject: error("unimplemented constant type");
+ case spv::OpConstantSampler: error("unimplemented constant type");
+ case spv::OpConstantTrue:
+ case spv::OpConstantFalse:
+ case spv::OpConstantNullPointer:
+ case spv::OpConstantComposite:
+ case spv::OpConstant: return true;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+const auto inst_fn_nop = [](spv::Op, int) { return false; };
+const auto op_fn_nop = [](spv::Id&) { };
+// g++ doesn't like these defined in the class proper in an anonymous namespace.
+// Dunno why. Also MSVC doesn't like the constexpr keyword. Also dunno why.
+// Defining them externally seems to please both compilers, so, here they are.
+const spv::Id spirvbin_t::unmapped = spv::Id(-10000);
+const spv::Id spirvbin_t::unused = spv::Id(-10001);
+const int spirvbin_t::header_size = 5;
+spv::Id spirvbin_t::nextUnusedId(spv::Id id)
+ while (isNewIdMapped(id)) // search for an unused ID
+ ++id;
+ return id;
+spv::Id spirvbin_t::localId(spv::Id id, spv::Id newId)
+ assert(id != spv::NoResult && newId != spv::NoResult);
+ if (id >= idMapL.size())
+ idMapL.resize(id+1, unused);
+ if (newId != unmapped && newId != unused) {
+ if (isOldIdUnused(id))
+ ferror(std::string("ID unused in module: ") + std::to_string(id));
+ if (!isOldIdUnmapped(id))
+ ferror(std::string("ID already mapped: ") + std::to_string(id) + " -> "
+ + std::to_string(localId(id)));
+ if (isNewIdMapped(newId))
+ ferror(std::string("ID already used in module: ") + std::to_string(newId));
+ msg(4, 4, std::string("map: ") + std::to_string(id) + " -> " + std::to_string(newId));
+ setMapped(newId);
+ largestNewId = std::max(largestNewId, newId);
+ }
+ return idMapL[id] = newId;
+// Parse a literal string from the SPIR binary and return it as an std::string
+// Due to C++11 RValue references, this doesn't copy the result string.
+std::string spirvbin_t::literalString(int word) const
+ std::string literal;
+ literal.reserve(16);
+ const char* bytes = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(spv.data() + word);
+ while (bytes && *bytes)
+ literal += *bytes++;
+ return literal;
+// Write word stream to disk, in outputDir, with same filename used to read it.
+void spirvbin_t::write(const std::string& outputDir) const
+ if (filename.empty())
+ error("missing filename");
+ if (outputDir.empty())
+ error("missing output directory");
+ const std::string outfile = outputDir + path_sep_char() + basename(filename);
+ std::ofstream fp;
+ msg(2, 2, std::string("writing: ") + outfile);
+ fp.open(outfile, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary);
+ if (fp.fail())
+ error(std::string("error opening file for write: ") + outfile);
+ for (auto word : spv) {
+ fp.write((char *)&word, sizeof(word));
+ if (fp.fail())
+ error(std::string("error writing file: ") + outfile);
+ }
+ // file is closed by destructor
+void spirvbin_t::applyMap()
+ msg(3, 2, std::string("Applying map: ") + basename(filename));
+ // Map local IDs through the ID map
+ process(inst_fn_nop, // ignore instructions
+ [this](spv::Id& id) {
+ id = localId(id);
+ assert(id != unused && id != unmapped);
+ }
+ );
+// Find free IDs for anything we haven't mapped
+void spirvbin_t::mapRemainder()
+ msg(3, 2, std::string("Remapping remainder: ") + basename(filename));
+ spv::Id unusedId = 1; // can't use 0: that's NoResult
+ spirword_t maxBound = 0;
+ for (spv::Id id = 0; id < idMapL.size(); ++id) {
+ if (isOldIdUnused(id))
+ continue;
+ // Find a new mapping for any used but unmapped IDs
+ if (isOldIdUnmapped(id))
+ localId(id, unusedId = nextUnusedId(unusedId));
+ if (isOldIdUnmapped(id))
+ ferror(std::string("old ID not mapped: ") + std::to_string(id));
+ // Track max bound
+ maxBound = std::max(maxBound, localId(id) + 1);
+ }
+ bound(maxBound); // reset header ID bound to as big as it now needs to be
+void spirvbin_t::stripDebug()
+ if ((options & Options::STRIP) == 0)
+ return;
+ // build local Id and name maps
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ // remember opcodes we want to strip later
+ if (isStripOp(opCode))
+ stripInst(start);
+ return true;
+ },
+ op_fn_nop);
+void spirvbin_t::buildLocalMaps()
+ msg(2, 2, std::string("build local maps: ") + filename);
+ mapped.clear();
+ idMapL.clear();
+ nameMap.clear();
+ fnPos.clear();
+ fnPosDCE.clear();
+ fnCalls.clear();
+ typeConstPos.clear();
+ typeConstPosR.clear();
+ entryPoint = spv::NoResult;
+ largestNewId = 0;
+ idMapL.resize(bound(), unused);
+ int fnStart = 0;
+ spv::Id fnRes = spv::NoResult;
+ // build local Id and name maps
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ // remember opcodes we want to strip later
+ if ((options & Options::STRIP) && isStripOp(opCode))
+ stripInst(start);
+ if (opCode == spv::Op::OpName) {
+ const spv::Id target = asId(start+1);
+ const std::string name = literalString(start+2);
+ nameMap[name] = target;
+ return true;
+ } else if (opCode == spv::Op::OpFunctionCall) {
+ ++fnCalls[asId(start + 3)];
+ } else if (opCode == spv::Op::OpEntryPoint) {
+ entryPoint = asId(start + 2);
+ } else if (opCode == spv::Op::OpFunction) {
+ if (fnStart != 0)
+ ferror("nested function found");
+ fnStart = start;
+ fnRes = asId(start + 2);
+ } else if (opCode == spv::Op::OpFunctionEnd) {
+ assert(fnRes != spv::NoResult);
+ if (fnStart == 0)
+ ferror("function end without function start");
+ fnPos[fnRes] = {fnStart, start + asWordCount(start)};
+ fnStart = 0;
+ } else if (isConstOp(opCode)) {
+ assert(asId(start + 2) != spv::NoResult);
+ typeConstPos.insert(start);
+ typeConstPosR[asId(start + 2)] = start;
+ } else if (isTypeOp(opCode)) {
+ assert(asId(start + 1) != spv::NoResult);
+ typeConstPos.insert(start);
+ typeConstPosR[asId(start + 1)] = start;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ [this](spv::Id& id) { localId(id, unmapped); }
+ );
+// Read word stream from disk
+void spirvbin_t::read(const std::string& inFilename)
+ std::ifstream fp;
+ filename = inFilename;
+ msg(2, 2, std::string("reading: ") + filename);
+ spv.clear();
+ fp.open(filename, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
+ if (fp.fail())
+ ferror("error opening file for read: ");
+ // Reserve space (for efficiency, not for correctness)
+ fp.seekg(0, fp.end);
+ spv.reserve(size_t(fp.tellg()) / sizeof(spirword_t));
+ fp.seekg(0, fp.beg);
+ while (!fp.eof()) {
+ spirword_t inWord;
+ fp.read((char *)&inWord, sizeof(inWord));
+ if (!fp.eof()) {
+ spv.push_back(inWord);
+ if (fp.fail())
+ ferror("error reading file: ");
+ }
+ }
+// Validate the SPIR header
+void spirvbin_t::validate() const
+ msg(2, 2, std::string("validating: ") + filename);
+ if (spv.size() < header_size)
+ ferror("file too short: ");
+ if (magic() != spv::MagicNumber)
+ ferror("bad magic number");
+ // 1 = version: TODO: print for verbose output
+ // 2 = generator magic: TODO: print for verbose output
+ // 3 = result <id> bound: TODO: print for verbose output
+ if (schemaNum() != 0)
+ ferror("bad schema, must be 0");
+int spirvbin_t::processInstruction(int word, instfn_t instFn, idfn_t idFn)
+ const auto instructionStart = word;
+ const unsigned wordCount = asWordCount(instructionStart);
+ const spv::Op opCode = asOpCode(instructionStart);
+ const int nextInst = word++ + wordCount;
+ if (nextInst > int(spv.size()))
+ ferror("spir instruction terminated too early");
+ // Base for computing number of operands; will be updated as more is learned
+ unsigned numOperands = wordCount - 1;
+ // msg(5, 4, std::string("opcode: ") + spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].opName);
+ if (instFn(opCode, instructionStart))
+ return nextInst;
+ // Read type and result ID from instruction desc table
+ if (spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].hasType()) {
+ idFn(asId(word++));
+ --numOperands;
+ }
+ if (spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].hasResult()) {
+ idFn(asId(word++));
+ --numOperands;
+ }
+ // Extended instructions: currently, assume everything is an ID.
+ // TODO: add whatever data we need for exceptions to that
+ if (opCode == spv::OpExtInst) {
+ word += 2; // instruction set, and instruction from set
+ numOperands -= 2;
+ for (unsigned op=0; op < numOperands; ++op)
+ idFn(asId(word++)); // ID
+ return nextInst;
+ }
+ // Store IDs from instruction in our map
+ for (int op = 0; op < spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].operands.getNum(); ++op, --numOperands) {
+ switch (spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].operands.getClass(op)) {
+ case spv::OperandId:
+ idFn(asId(word++));
+ break;
+ case spv::OperandOptionalId:
+ case spv::OperandVariableIds:
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < numOperands; ++i)
+ idFn(asId(word++));
+ return nextInst;
+ case spv::OperandVariableLiterals:
+ if (opCode == spv::OpDecorate && asDecoration(word - 1) == spv::DecorationBuiltIn) {
+ ++word;
+ --numOperands;
+ }
+ word += numOperands;
+ return nextInst;
+ case spv::OperandVariableLiteralId:
+ while (numOperands > 0) {
+ ++word; // immediate
+ idFn(asId(word++)); // ID
+ numOperands -= 2;
+ }
+ return nextInst;
+ case spv::OperandLiteralString:
+ word += literalStringWords(literalString(word));
+ return nextInst;
+ // Single word operands we simply ignore, as they hold no IDs
+ case spv::OperandLiteralNumber:
+ case spv::OperandSource:
+ case spv::OperandExecutionModel:
+ case spv::OperandAddressing:
+ case spv::OperandMemory:
+ case spv::OperandExecutionMode:
+ case spv::OperandStorage:
+ case spv::OperandDimensionality:
+ case spv::OperandDecoration:
+ case spv::OperandBuiltIn:
+ case spv::OperandSelect:
+ case spv::OperandLoop:
+ case spv::OperandFunction:
+ case spv::OperandMemorySemantics:
+ case spv::OperandMemoryAccess:
+ case spv::OperandExecutionScope:
+ case spv::OperandGroupOperation:
+ case spv::OperandKernelEnqueueFlags:
+ case spv::OperandKernelProfilingInfo:
+ ++word;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nextInst;
+// Make a pass over all the instructions and process them given appropriate functions
+spirvbin_t& spirvbin_t::process(instfn_t instFn, idfn_t idFn, int begin, int end)
+ // For efficiency, reserve name map space. It can grow if needed.
+ nameMap.reserve(32);
+ // If begin or end == 0, use defaults
+ begin = (begin == 0 ? header_size : begin);
+ end = (end == 0 ? int(spv.size()) : end);
+ // basic parsing and InstructionDesc table borrowed from SpvDisassemble.cpp...
+ int nextInst = int(spv.size());
+ for (int word = begin; word < end; word = nextInst)
+ nextInst = processInstruction(word, instFn, idFn);
+ return *this;
+// Apply global name mapping to a single module
+void spirvbin_t::mapNames()
+ static const std::uint32_t softTypeIdLimit = 3011; // small prime. TODO: get from options
+ static const std::uint32_t firstMappedID = 3019; // offset into ID space
+ for (const auto& name : nameMap) {
+ std::uint32_t hashval = 1911;
+ for (const char c : name.first)
+ hashval = hashval * 1009 + c;
+ if (isOldIdUnmapped(name.second))
+ localId(name.second, nextUnusedId(hashval % softTypeIdLimit + firstMappedID));
+ }
+// Map fn contents to IDs of similar functions in other modules
+void spirvbin_t::mapFnBodies()
+ static const std::uint32_t softTypeIdLimit = 19071; // small prime. TODO: get from options
+ static const std::uint32_t firstMappedID = 6203; // offset into ID space
+ // Initial approach: go through some high priority opcodes first and assign them
+ // hash values.
+ spv::Id fnId = spv::NoResult;
+ std::vector<int> instPos;
+ instPos.reserve(int(spv.size()) / 16); // initial estimate; can grow if needed.
+ // Build local table of instruction start positions
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op, int start) { instPos.push_back(start); return true; },
+ op_fn_nop);
+ // Window size for context-sensitive canonicalization values
+ // Emperical best size from a single data set. TODO: Would be a good tunable.
+ // We essentially performa a little convolution around each instruction,
+ // to capture the flavor of nearby code, to hopefully match to similar
+ // code in other modules.
+ static const int windowSize = 2;
+ for (int entry = 0; entry < int(instPos.size()); ++entry) {
+ const int start = instPos[entry];
+ const spv::Op opCode = asOpCode(start);
+ if (opCode == spv::OpFunction)
+ fnId = asId(start + 2);
+ if (opCode == spv::OpFunctionEnd)
+ fnId = spv::NoResult;
+ if (fnId != spv::NoResult) { // if inside a function
+ const int word = start + (spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].hasType() ? 2 : 1);
+ const int result = spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].hasResult() ? word : -1;
+ if (result > 0) {
+ const spv::Id resId = asId(result);
+ std::uint32_t hashval = fnId * 17; // small prime
+ for (int i = entry-1; i >= entry-windowSize; --i) {
+ if (asOpCode(instPos[i]) == spv::OpFunction)
+ break;
+ hashval = hashval * 30103 + asOpCodeHash(instPos[i]); // 30103 = semiarbitrary prime
+ }
+ for (int i = entry; i <= entry + windowSize; ++i) {
+ if (asOpCode(instPos[i]) == spv::OpFunctionEnd)
+ break;
+ hashval = hashval * 30103 + asOpCodeHash(instPos[i]); // 30103 = semiarbitrary prime
+ }
+ if (isOldIdUnmapped(resId))
+ localId(resId, nextUnusedId(hashval % softTypeIdLimit + firstMappedID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ spv::Op thisOpCode(spv::OpNop);
+ std::unordered_map<int, int> opCounter;
+ int idCounter(0);
+ fnId = spv::NoResult;
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpFunction:
+ // Reset counters at each function
+ idCounter = 0;
+ opCounter.clear();
+ fnId = asId(start + 2);
+ break;
+ case spv::OpTextureSample:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleDref:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleLod:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleProj:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleGrad:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleOffset:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleProjLod:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleProjGrad:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleLodOffset:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleProjOffset:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleGradOffset:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleProjLodOffset:
+ case spv::OpTextureSampleProjGradOffset:
+ case spv::OpDot:
+ case spv::OpCompositeExtract:
+ case spv::OpCompositeInsert:
+ case spv::OpVectorShuffle:
+ case spv::OpLabel:
+ case spv::OpVariable:
+ case spv::OpAccessChain:
+ case spv::OpLoad:
+ case spv::OpStore:
+ case spv::OpCompositeConstruct:
+ case spv::OpFunctionCall:
+ ++opCounter[opCode];
+ idCounter = 0;
+ thisOpCode = opCode;
+ break;
+ default:
+ thisOpCode = spv::OpNop;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ [&](spv::Id& id) {
+ if (thisOpCode != spv::OpNop) {
+ ++idCounter;
+ const std::uint32_t hashval = opCounter[thisOpCode] * thisOpCode * 50047 + idCounter + fnId * 117;
+ if (isOldIdUnmapped(id))
+ localId(id, nextUnusedId(hashval % softTypeIdLimit + firstMappedID));
+ }
+ });
+#ifdef NOTDEF
+// remove bodies of uncalled functions
+void spirvbin_t::offsetIds()
+ // Count of how many functions each ID appears within
+ std::unordered_map<spv::Id, int> idFnCount;
+ std::unordered_map<spv::Id, int> idDefinedLoc;
+ idset_t idsUsed; // IDs used in a given function
+ int instCount = 0;
+ // create a count of how many functions each ID is used within
+ process(
+ [&](spv::OpCode opCode, int start) {
+ ++instCount;
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpFunction:
+ for (const auto id : idsUsed)
+ ++idFnCount[id];
+ idsUsed.clear();
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ const int word = start + (spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].hasType() ? 2 : 1);
+ const int result = spv::InstructionDesc[opCode].hasResult() ? word : -1;
+ if (result > 0)
+ idDefinedLoc[asId(result)] = instCount;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ [&](spv::Id& id) { idsUsed.insert(id); });
+ // For each ID defined in exactly one function, replace uses by
+ // negative offset to definitions in instructions.
+ static const int relOffsetLimit = 64;
+ instCount = 0;
+ process([&](spv::OpCode, int) { ++instCount; return false; },
+ [&](spv::Id& id) {
+ if (idFnCount[id] == 1 && (instCount - idDefinedLoc[id]) < relOffsetLimit)
+ id = idDefinedLoc[id] - instCount;
+ });
+// EXPERIMENTAL: forward IO and uniform load/stores into operands
+// This produces invalid Schema-0 SPIRV
+void spirvbin_t::forwardLoadStores()
+ idset_t fnLocalVars; // set of function local vars
+ idmap_t idMap; // Map of load result IDs to what they load
+ // EXPERIMENTAL: Forward input and access chain loads into consumptions
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ // Add inputs and uniforms to the map
+ if (((opCode == spv::OpVariable && asWordCount(start) == 4) || (opCode == spv::OpVariableArray)) &&
+ (spv[start+3] == spv::StorageClassUniform ||
+ spv[start+3] == spv::StorageClassUniformConstant ||
+ spv[start+3] == spv::StorageClassInput))
+ fnLocalVars.insert(asId(start+2));
+ if (opCode == spv::OpAccessChain && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+3)) > 0)
+ fnLocalVars.insert(asId(start+2));
+ if (opCode == spv::OpLoad && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+3)) > 0) {
+ idMap[asId(start+2)] = asId(start+3);
+ stripInst(start);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ [&](spv::Id& id) { if (idMap.find(id) != idMap.end()) id = idMap[id]; }
+ );
+ // EXPERIMENTAL: Implicit output stores
+ fnLocalVars.clear();
+ idMap.clear();
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ // Add inputs and uniforms to the map
+ if (((opCode == spv::OpVariable && asWordCount(start) == 4) || (opCode == spv::OpVariableArray)) &&
+ (spv[start+3] == spv::StorageClassOutput))
+ fnLocalVars.insert(asId(start+2));
+ if (opCode == spv::OpStore && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+1)) > 0) {
+ idMap[asId(start+2)] = asId(start+1);
+ stripInst(start);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ op_fn_nop);
+ process(
+ inst_fn_nop,
+ [&](spv::Id& id) { if (idMap.find(id) != idMap.end()) id = idMap[id]; }
+ );
+ strip(); // strip out data we decided to eliminate
+ buildLocalMaps(); // rebuild ID mapping data
+// remove bodies of uncalled functions
+void spirvbin_t::optLoadStore()
+ idset_t fnLocalVars;
+ // Map of load result IDs to what they load
+ idmap_t idMap;
+ // Find all the function local pointers stored at most once, and not via access chains
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ const int wordCount = asWordCount(start);
+ // Add local variables to the map
+ if ((opCode == spv::OpVariable && spv[start+3] == spv::StorageClassFunction && asWordCount(start) == 4) ||
+ (opCode == spv::OpVariableArray && spv[start+3] == spv::StorageClassFunction))
+ fnLocalVars.insert(asId(start+2));
+ // Ignore process vars referenced via access chain
+ if ((opCode == spv::OpAccessChain || opCode == spv::OpInBoundsAccessChain) && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+3)) > 0) {
+ fnLocalVars.erase(asId(start+3));
+ idMap.erase(asId(start+3));
+ }
+ if (opCode == spv::OpLoad && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+3)) > 0) {
+ // Avoid loads before stores (TODO: why? Crashes driver, but seems like it shouldn't).
+ if (idMap.find(asId(start+3)) == idMap.end()) {
+ fnLocalVars.erase(asId(start+3));
+ idMap.erase(asId(start+3));
+ }
+ // don't do for volatile references
+ if (wordCount > 4 && (spv[start+4] & spv::MemoryAccessVolatileMask)) {
+ fnLocalVars.erase(asId(start+3));
+ idMap.erase(asId(start+3));
+ }
+ }
+ if (opCode == spv::OpStore && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+1)) > 0) {
+ if (idMap.find(asId(start+1)) == idMap.end()) {
+ idMap[asId(start+1)] = asId(start+2);
+ } else {
+ // Remove if it has more than one store to the same pointer
+ fnLocalVars.erase(asId(start+1));
+ idMap.erase(asId(start+1));
+ }
+ // don't do for volatile references
+ if (wordCount > 3 && (spv[start+3] & spv::MemoryAccessVolatileMask)) {
+ fnLocalVars.erase(asId(start+3));
+ idMap.erase(asId(start+3));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ op_fn_nop);
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ if (opCode == spv::OpLoad && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+3)) > 0)
+ idMap[asId(start+2)] = idMap[asId(start+3)];
+ return false;
+ },
+ op_fn_nop);
+ // Remove the load/store/variables for the ones we've discovered
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ if ((opCode == spv::OpLoad && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+3)) > 0) ||
+ (opCode == spv::OpStore && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+1)) > 0) ||
+ (opCode == spv::OpVariable && fnLocalVars.count(asId(start+2)) > 0)) {
+ stripInst(start);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ [&](spv::Id& id) { if (idMap.find(id) != idMap.end()) id = idMap[id]; }
+ );
+ strip(); // strip out data we decided to eliminate
+ buildLocalMaps(); // rebuild ID mapping data
+// remove bodies of uncalled functions
+void spirvbin_t::dceFuncs()
+ msg(3, 2, std::string("Removing Dead Functions: ") + filename);
+ // TODO: There are more efficient ways to do this.
+ bool changed = true;
+ while (changed) {
+ changed = false;
+ for (auto fn = fnPos.begin(); fn != fnPos.end(); ) {
+ if (fn->first == entryPoint) { // don't DCE away the entry point!
+ ++fn;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto call_it = fnCalls.find(fn->first);
+ if (call_it == fnCalls.end() || call_it->second == 0) {
+ // msg(3, 4, std::string("removing dead function: ") + std::to_string(fn->first));
+ changed = true;
+ stripRange.push_back(fn->second);
+ fnPosDCE.insert(*fn);
+ // decrease counts of called functions
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ if (opCode == spv::Op::OpFunctionCall) {
+ const auto call_it = fnCalls.find(asId(start + 3));
+ if (call_it != fnCalls.end()) {
+ if (--call_it->second <= 0)
+ fnCalls.erase(call_it);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ op_fn_nop,
+ fn->second.first,
+ fn->second.second);
+ fn = fnPos.erase(fn);
+ } else ++fn;
+ }
+ }
+// remove unused function variables + decorations
+void spirvbin_t::dceVars()
+ msg(3, 2, std::string("DCE Vars: ") + basename(filename));
+ std::unordered_map<spv::Id, int> varUseCount;
+ // Count function variable use
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ if (opCode == spv::OpVariable) { ++varUseCount[asId(start+2)]; return true; }
+ return false;
+ },
+ [&](spv::Id& id) { if (varUseCount[id]) ++varUseCount[id]; }
+ );
+ // Remove single-use function variables + associated decorations and names
+ process(
+ [&](spv::Op opCode, int start) {
+ if ((opCode == spv::OpVariable && varUseCount[asId(start+2)] == 1) ||
+ (opCode == spv::OpDecorate && varUseCount[asId(start+1)] == 1) ||
+ (opCode == spv::OpName && varUseCount[asId(start+1)] == 1)) {
+ stripInst(start);
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ op_fn_nop);
+// remove unused types
+void spirvbin_t::dceTypes()
+ std::vector<bool> isType(bound(), false);
+ // for speed, make O(1) way to get to type query (map is log(n))
+ for (const auto typeStart : typeConstPos)
+ isType[asTypeConstId(typeStart)] = true;
+ std::unordered_map<spv::Id, int> typeUseCount;
+ // Count total type usage
+ process(inst_fn_nop,
+ [&](spv::Id& id) { if (isType[id]) ++typeUseCount[id]; }
+ );
+ // Remove types from deleted code
+ for (const auto& fn : fnPosDCE)
+ process(inst_fn_nop,
+ [&](spv::Id& id) { if (isType[id]) --typeUseCount[id]; },
+ fn.second.first, fn.second.second);
+ // Remove single reference types
+ for (const auto typeStart : typeConstPos) {
+ const spv::Id typeId = asTypeConstId(typeStart);
+ if (typeUseCount[typeId] == 1) {
+ --typeUseCount[typeId];
+ stripInst(typeStart);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef NOTDEF
+bool spirvbin_t::matchType(const spirvbin_t::globaltypes_t& globalTypes, spv::Id lt, spv::Id gt) const
+ // Find the local type id "lt" and global type id "gt"
+ const auto lt_it = typeConstPosR.find(lt);
+ if (lt_it == typeConstPosR.end())
+ return false;
+ const auto typeStart = lt_it->second;
+ // Search for entry in global table
+ const auto gtype = globalTypes.find(gt);
+ if (gtype == globalTypes.end())
+ return false;
+ const auto& gdata = gtype->second;
+ // local wordcount and opcode
+ const int wordCount = asWordCount(typeStart);
+ const spv::Op opCode = asOpCode(typeStart);
+ // no type match if opcodes don't match, or operand count doesn't match
+ if (opCode != opOpCode(gdata[0]) || wordCount != opWordCount(gdata[0]))
+ return false;
+ const unsigned numOperands = wordCount - 2; // all types have a result
+ const auto cmpIdRange = [&](range_t range) {
+ for (int x=range.first; x<std::min(range.second, wordCount); ++x)
+ if (!matchType(globalTypes, asId(typeStart+x), gdata[x]))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ };
+ const auto cmpConst = [&]() { return cmpIdRange(constRange(opCode)); };
+ const auto cmpSubType = [&]() { return cmpIdRange(typeRange(opCode)); };
+ // Compare literals in range [start,end)
+ const auto cmpLiteral = [&]() {
+ const auto range = literalRange(opCode);
+ return std::equal(spir.begin() + typeStart + range.first,
+ spir.begin() + typeStart + std::min(range.second, wordCount),
+ gdata.begin() + range.first);
+ };
+ assert(isTypeOp(opCode) || isConstOp(opCode));
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpTypeOpaque: // TODO: disable until we compare the literal strings.
+ case spv::OpTypeQueue: return false;
+ case spv::OpTypeEvent: // fall through...
+ case spv::OpTypeDeviceEvent: // ...
+ case spv::OpTypeReserveId: return false;
+ // for samplers, we don't handle the optional parameters yet
+ case spv::OpTypeSampler: return cmpLiteral() && cmpConst() && cmpSubType() && wordCount == 8;
+ default: return cmpLiteral() && cmpConst() && cmpSubType();
+ }
+// Look for an equivalent type in the globalTypes map
+spv::Id spirvbin_t::findType(const spirvbin_t::globaltypes_t& globalTypes, spv::Id lt) const
+ // Try a recursive type match on each in turn, and return a match if we find one
+ for (const auto& gt : globalTypes)
+ if (matchType(globalTypes, lt, gt.first))
+ return gt.first;
+ return spv::NoType;
+#endif // NOTDEF
+// Return start position in SPV of given type. error if not found.
+int spirvbin_t::typePos(spv::Id id) const
+ const auto tid_it = typeConstPosR.find(id);
+ if (tid_it == typeConstPosR.end())
+ ferror("type ID not found");
+ return tid_it->second;
+// Hash types to canonical values. This can return ID collisions (it's a bit
+// inevitable): it's up to the caller to handle that gracefully.
+std::uint32_t spirvbin_t::hashType(int typeStart) const
+ const unsigned wordCount = asWordCount(typeStart);
+ const spv::Op opCode = asOpCode(typeStart);
+ switch (opCode) {
+ case spv::OpTypeVoid: return 0;
+ case spv::OpTypeBool: return 1;
+ case spv::OpTypeInt: return 3 + (spv[typeStart+3]);
+ case spv::OpTypeFloat: return 5;
+ case spv::OpTypeVector:
+ return 6 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+2])) * (spv[typeStart+3] - 1);
+ case spv::OpTypeMatrix:
+ return 30 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+2])) * (spv[typeStart+3] - 1);
+ case spv::OpTypeSampler:
+ return 120 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+2])) +
+ spv[typeStart+3] + // dimensionality
+ spv[typeStart+4] * 8 * 16 + // content
+ spv[typeStart+5] * 4 * 16 + // arrayed
+ spv[typeStart+6] * 2 * 16 + // compare
+ spv[typeStart+7] * 1 * 16; // multisampled
+ case spv::OpTypeFilter:
+ return 500;
+ case spv::OpTypeArray:
+ return 501 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+2])) * spv[typeStart+3];
+ case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
+ return 5000 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+2]));
+ case spv::OpTypeStruct:
+ {
+ std::uint32_t hash = 10000;
+ for (unsigned w=2; w < wordCount; ++w)
+ hash += w * hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+w]));
+ return hash;
+ }
+ case spv::OpTypeOpaque: return 6000 + spv[typeStart+2];
+ case spv::OpTypePointer: return 100000 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+3]));
+ case spv::OpTypeFunction:
+ {
+ std::uint32_t hash = 200000;
+ for (unsigned w=2; w < wordCount; ++w)
+ hash += w * hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+w]));
+ return hash;
+ }
+ case spv::OpTypeEvent: return 300000;
+ case spv::OpTypeDeviceEvent: return 300001;
+ case spv::OpTypeReserveId: return 300002;
+ case spv::OpTypeQueue: return 300003;
+ case spv::OpTypePipe: return 300004;
+ case spv::OpConstantNullObject: return 300005;
+ case spv::OpConstantSampler: return 300006;
+ case spv::OpConstantTrue: return 300007;
+ case spv::OpConstantFalse: return 300008;
+ case spv::OpConstantNullPointer: return 300009;
+ case spv::OpConstantComposite:
+ {
+ std::uint32_t hash = 300011 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+1]));
+ for (unsigned w=3; w < wordCount; ++w)
+ hash += w * hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+w]));
+ return hash;
+ }
+ case spv::OpConstant:
+ {
+ std::uint32_t hash = 400011 + hashType(typePos(spv[typeStart+1]));
+ for (unsigned w=3; w < wordCount; ++w)
+ hash += w * spv[typeStart+w];
+ return hash;
+ }
+ default:
+ ferror("unknown type opcode");
+ return 0;
+ }
+void spirvbin_t::mapTypeConst()
+ globaltypes_t globalTypeMap;
+ msg(3, 2, std::string("Remapping Consts & Types: ") + basename(filename));
+ static const std::uint32_t softTypeIdLimit = 3011; // small prime. TODO: get from options
+ static const std::uint32_t firstMappedID = 8; // offset into ID space
+ for (auto& typeStart : typeConstPos) {
+ const spv::Id resId = asTypeConstId(typeStart);
+ const std::uint32_t hashval = hashType(typeStart);
+ if (isOldIdUnmapped(resId))
+ localId(resId, nextUnusedId(hashval % softTypeIdLimit + firstMappedID));
+ }
+// Strip a single binary by removing ranges given in stripRange
+void spirvbin_t::strip()
+ if (stripRange.empty()) // nothing to do
+ return;
+ // Sort strip ranges in order of traversal
+ std::sort(stripRange.begin(), stripRange.end());
+ // Allocate a new binary big enough to hold old binary
+ // We'll step this iterator through the strip ranges as we go through the binary
+ decltype(stripRange)::const_iterator strip_it = stripRange.begin();
+ int strippedPos = 0;
+ for (unsigned word = 0; word < unsigned(spv.size()); ++word) {
+ if (strip_it != stripRange.end() && word >= strip_it->second)
+ ++strip_it;
+ if (strip_it == stripRange.end() || word < strip_it->first || word >= strip_it->second)
+ spv[strippedPos++] = spv[word];
+ }
+ spv.resize(strippedPos);
+ stripRange.clear();
+// Strip a single binary by removing ranges given in stripRange
+void spirvbin_t::remap(std::uint32_t opts)
+ options = opts;
+ validate(); // validate header
+ buildLocalMaps();
+ msg(3, 4, std::string("ID bound: ") + std::to_string(bound()));
+ if (options & OPT_LOADSTORE) optLoadStore();
+ if (options & OPT_FWD_LS) forwardLoadStores();
+ if (options & DCE_FUNCS) dceFuncs();
+ if (options & DCE_VARS) dceVars();
+ if (options & DCE_TYPES) dceTypes();
+ if (options & MAP_TYPES) mapTypeConst();
+ if (options & MAP_NAMES) mapNames();
+ if (options & MAP_FUNCS) mapFnBodies();
+ // if (options & STRIP) stripDebug();
+ mapRemainder(); // map any unmapped IDs
+ applyMap(); // Now remap each shader to the new IDs we've come up with
+ strip(); // strip out data we decided to eliminate
+#define EXPERIMENT3 0
+// TODO: ... shortcuts for simple single-const access chains and constants,
+// folded into high half of the ID space.
+// remap from a memory image
+void spirvbin_t::remap(std::vector<std::uint32_t>& in_spv, std::uint32_t opts)
+ spv.swap(in_spv);
+ remap(opts);
+ spv.swap(in_spv);
+// remap from a disk file
+void spirvbin_t::remap(const std::string& file, const std::string& outputDir,
+ std::uint32_t opts)
+ read(file);
+ remap(opts);
+ write(outputDir);
+} // namespace SPV
+#endif // defined (use_cpp11)