AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-09-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/master' into updatendk-r13ndk-r13-releaseDan Albert
2016-09-21Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into shaderc-update-masterDavid Neto
2016-09-19HLSL: Turn on reflection, with basic test file, to catch regressions.John Kessenich
2016-09-19HLSL: Remove extraneous built-in member decorations for IO structs used in no...John Kessenich
2016-09-19HLSL: Add string basic type and recognize string declaration grammar.John Kessenich
2016-09-19Track separate entry-point names and mangled names...John Kessenich
2016-09-19Merge pull request #512 from steve-lunarg/liveness-traverserJohn Kessenich
2016-09-19Refactor TLiveTraverser from the former reflection traverser, for future use ...steve-lunarg
2016-09-19Non-functional: Sweep through the stack for consistent with "main" and entry ...John Kessenich
2016-09-19HLSL: Change the final syntax-error printf to go to the infoLog.John Kessenich
2016-09-19HLSL: Fix assert: ensure flattened shadow is EvqTemporary.John Kessenich
2016-09-19HLSL: Intercept flatten aggregates passed to a function input, and copy membe...John Kessenich
2016-09-18HLSL: Non-functional; make flatten semantics be about aggregates, not just st...John Kessenich
2016-09-16HLSL: Fix bug in previous checkin when non-flattened objects are not simple l...John Kessenich
2016-09-16HLSL: Handle flatten for reads from flatten structs and parameter passing.John Kessenich
2016-09-16HLSL: Improve setting and testing of interpolation qualifiers.John Kessenich
2016-09-16HLSL: Flatten whole-struct assigns and returns when targeting flattened I/O s...John Kessenich
2016-09-16HLSL: Flatten all input/output structs, regardless of stage.John Kessenich
2016-09-16HLSL: Flatten a return struct from an entry point and assign locations after ...John Kessenich
2016-09-15HLSL: return correct error when HLSL parsing fails.John Kessenich
2016-09-15Merge pull request #508 from amdrexu/bugfixJohn Kessenich
2016-09-14SPV: Support simultaneous l-value swizzle and dynamic component selection.Rex Xu
2016-09-12HLSL: Register all entry-point in/out as part of the interface.John Kessenich
2016-09-11SPV: Fix issue #506: generalize struct deep copy to include arrays.John Kessenich
2016-09-10HLSL: Flatten vertex input and fragment output structures.John Kessenich
2016-09-09Merge pull request #505 from steve-lunarg/rowmajor-fix-2aJohn Kessenich
2016-09-09WIP: HLSL: Treat HLSL rows as GLSL columns.steve-lunarg
2016-09-09HLSL: Report an error if SPIR-V for Vulkan wasn't selected.John Kessenich
2016-09-09Merge branch 'amdrexu-bugfix2'John Kessenich
2016-09-09Merge branch 'bugfix2' of https://github.com/amdrexu/glslang into amdrexu-bug...John Kessenich
2016-09-09Merge pull request #503 from amdrexu/feature3John Kessenich
2016-09-09SPV: Use OpBitcast to implement 4 pack/unpack built-in functions.Rex Xu
2016-09-09Preprocessor: UINT_MAX is translated to constant incorrectly.Rex Xu
2016-09-05HLSL: Support register(..., spaceN) for setting the descriptor set.John Kessenich
2016-09-05HLSL: Accept layout(...) also as a post-decl. Issue #454.John Kessenich
2016-09-05HLSL Non-Functional: Move to more robust capturing of postDecls into a qualif...John Kessenich
2016-09-05HLSL: Track binding numbers to struct instances; fixes issue #496.John Kessenich
2016-09-05Merge pull request #498 from amdrexu/bugfixJohn Kessenich
2016-09-05Parser: Add 64-bit type conversion for specialization constant.Rex Xu
2016-09-02HLSL: Handle swizzles on vectors of size 1. Addresses issue #453.John Kessenich
2016-09-02HLSL: Fix issue #442, smear and truncate shape conversions for == and !=.John Kessenich
2016-09-02HLSL: Handle "fake" entry points, by undoing their built-in variable declarat...John Kessenich
2016-09-02HLSL: Handle greater/less depth modes. Fixes issue #489.John Kessenich
2016-09-02HLSL: Error if funcion with return type doesn't return a value.John Kessenich
2016-09-02HLSL: Correct line numbers for function definitions.John Kessenich
2016-09-02SPV: Flatten structs for copy when they are GLSL type aliases.John Kessenich
2016-09-02Merge pull request #495 from steve-lunarg/remapper-tests-2John Kessenich
2016-09-02Remapper: move remapper tests into the glslangtests executable.steve-lunarg
2016-09-01SPV: Tighten up number of struct-types declared based on decoration.John Kessenich
2016-08-31Front-ends: Remove now defunct afterEOF and related, use scanner's instead.John Kessenich