AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-20Add Adam Chainz (adam@adamj.eu) into CONTRIBUTORS.Lei Zhang
2016-04-29Fix add_copyright.py and add license to android_test/test.cpp.David Yen
2016-03-03fixed missing typedef in shaderc.hJakob Vogel
2016-01-15Add qining@google.com to contributors listDavid Neto
2015-12-02Replace "ar -M" on Mac with "libtool" to merge static libraries.Damien Mabin
2015-11-06Set Vulkan and SPIR-V rules bits when invoking glslangJason Ekstrand
2015-10-23Add shaderc_get_spv_version() to retrieve SPIR-V version/revisionMark Adams
2015-08-06Initial commit of shaderc.Andrew Woloszyn