AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-19Revert "Merge commit '0e6fbba7762c0' into update-shaderc"ndk-r26dndk-r26cndk-r26bndk-r26-rc1ndk-r26-beta1ndk-r26ndk-r27-releasendk-r26-releasemaster-ndkJames Farrell
2023-01-16Merge commit '0e6fbba7762c0' into update-shadercDavid Neto
2023-01-16Prepare for v2023.1 release (#5057)Diego Novillo
2023-01-16cmake: Modernize install(TARGET) usage (#5056)Juan Ramos
2023-01-16cmake: Remove old policy code (#5055)Juan Ramos
2023-01-16Add Github Actions to test Bazel builds. (#5043)Rafael Marinheiro
2023-01-11Validate version 5 of clspv reflection (#5050)alan-baker
2023-01-11utils: repos use 'main' as main devlopment branch (#5054)David Neto
2023-01-11Update README.md: Development occurs on the "main" branch (#5053)David Neto
2023-01-09spirv-val: Use more specific term 'switch header' in error message (#5048)upstream-masterCaio Oliveira
2022-12-22DEPS: update to last googletest release supporting C++11 (#5045)David Neto
2022-12-22Bazel: Use @platforms//os:windows instead of @build_tools//src/conditions:win...David Neto
2022-12-21Add exported CMake config file for binaries in ./tools/ (#5034)Dmitry Kazakov
2022-12-21Update minimum required CMake to 3.17.2 (#5041)David Neto
2022-12-21git-sync-deps: Use argparse, and print better help (#5038)David Neto
2022-12-21Kokoro CI bots use git-sync-deps to get sources (#5031)David Neto
2022-12-20Enforce layering_check in Bazel build rules. (#5032)Rafael Marinheiro
2022-12-19Remove testing support for VS2015 (#5027)David Neto
2022-12-19Fix undef behaviour in hex float parsing (#5025)David Neto
2022-12-19Optimize allocation of spvtools::opt::Instruction::operands_ (#5024)Jeremy Gebben
2022-12-19First attempt to set up CI-windows-msvc-2017-release-bazel build (#5023)David Neto
2022-12-19[spirv-opt] Clone names for new struct in EliminateIODeadComponents (#5016)Greg Fischer
2022-12-16Test operator overloads for SPIR-V C++ mask enums (#5021)David Neto
2022-12-15Fix layout validation (#5015)alan-baker
2022-12-15README.md: The validator now handles larger limits (#5003)Samuel Bronson
2022-12-15Fix for bug https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/5017 (#5019)Pankaj Mistry
2022-12-15Require C++11 *or later* (#5020)David Neto
2022-12-12Roll external/spirv-headers/ 47f2465ee..1d31a1004 (13 commits) (#5012)Cassandra Beckley
2022-12-12Fix use of invalid analysis (#5013)alan-baker
2022-12-06Fix infinite loop in validator (#5006)alan-baker
2022-12-06spirv-opt: Fix OpCompositeInsert with Null Constant (#5008)Spencer Fricke
2022-12-05Revert "spirv-val: Multiple interface var with same SC (#4969)" (#5009)Cassandra Beckley
2022-11-28Update BUILD.gn with recently added file (#5004)Brian Osman
2022-11-25Change EliminateDeadInputComponentsPass to EliminateDeadIOComponentsPass (#4997)Greg Fischer
2022-11-25Fix missing declaration of std::numeric_limits (#5002)Biswapriyo Nath
2022-11-24Add validation support for SPV_NV_shader_invocation_reorder. (#4979)alelenv
2022-11-24spirv-opt: Handle null CompositeInsert (#4998)Spencer Fricke
2022-11-23Add option to ADCE to remove output variables from interface. (#4994)Greg Fischer
2022-11-18Add support for tesc, tese and geom to EliminateDead*Components (#4990)Greg Fischer
2022-11-17clean: constexpr-ify and unify anon namespace use (#4991)Nathan Gauër
2022-11-14Split EliminateDeadInputComponents into safe and unsafe versions. (#4984)Greg Fischer
2022-11-11Use Python3 for presubmit (#4986)Shahbaz Youssefi
2022-11-10Instrument: Change output buffer offset definitions (#4961)Jeremy Gebben
2022-11-10spirv-val: Multiple interface var with same SC (#4969)Spencer Fricke
2022-11-09Fix macos kokoro builds (#4985)alan-baker
2022-11-08Add pass to eliminate dead output components (#4982)Greg Fischer
2022-11-08spirv-opt: Add const folding for CompositeInsert (#4943)Spencer Fricke
2022-11-06spirv-val: Add VUID label for 07703 (#4980)Spencer Fricke
2022-11-04Switch SPIRV-Tools to use spirv.hpp11 internally (#4981)alan-baker
2022-11-02Add passes to eliminate dead output stores (#4970)Greg Fischer