path: root/Lib/chicken
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/chicken')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 1961 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/chicken.swg b/Lib/chicken/chicken.swg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7df676754..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/chicken.swg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * chicken.swg
- *
- * CHICKEN configuration module.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* chicken.h has to appear first. */
-%insert(runtime) %{
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <chicken.h>
-%insert(runtime) "swigrun.swg" // Common C API type-checking code
-%insert(runtime) "swigerrors.swg" // SWIG errors
-%insert(runtime) "chickenrun.swg" // CHICKEN run-time code
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * standard typemaps
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- ----------
- fixnum: int, short, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned char,
- signed char
- char: char
- bool: bool
- flonum: float, double, long, long long, unsigned long, unsigned long
- long
- */
-/* --- Primitive types --- */
-%define SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(type_, from_scheme, to_scheme, checker, convtype, storage_)
-%typemap(in) type_
-%{ if (!checker ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'type_'");
- }
- $1 = ($1_ltype) from_scheme ($input); %}
-/* Const primitive references. Passed by value */
-%typemap(in) const type_ & ($*1_ltype temp)
-%{ if (!checker ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'type_'");
- }
- temp = ($*1_ltype) from_scheme ($input);
- $1 = &temp; %}
-/* --- Variable input --- */
-%typemap(varin) type_
-%{ if (!checker ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Cannot use '$1_ltype' for variable '$name' of type 'type_'");
- }
- $1 = ($1_ltype) from_scheme ($input); %}
-#if "storage_" == "0"
-%typemap(out) type_
- $result = to_scheme (convtype ($1));
-/* References to primitive types. Return by value */
-%typemap(out) const type_ &
- $result = to_scheme (convtype (*$1));
-/* --- Variable output --- */
-%typemap(varout) type_
- $result = to_scheme (convtype ($varname));
-%typemap(throws) type_
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(to_scheme ( convtype ($1)));
-%typemap(out) type_
- {
- C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
- $result = to_scheme (&space, convtype ($1));
- }
-/* References to primitive types. Return by value */
-%typemap(out) const type_ &
- {
- C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
- $result = to_scheme (&space, convtype (*$1));
- }
-/* --- Variable output --- */
-%typemap(varout) type_
- {
- C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
- $result = to_scheme (&space, convtype ($varname));
- }
-%typemap(throws) type_
- {
- C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(to_scheme (&space, convtype ($1)));
- }
-/* --- Constants --- */
-%typemap(constcode) type_
-"static const $1_type $result = $value;"
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(int, C_num_to_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (int), 0);
-//SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(enum SWIGTYPE, C_unfix, C_fix, C_swig_is_fixnum, (int), 0);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(short, C_num_to_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (int), 0);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(long, C_num_to_long, C_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(long long, C_num_to_long, C_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, C_num_to_unsigned_int, C_unsigned_int_to_num, C_swig_is_number, (unsigned int), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, C_num_to_unsigned_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (unsigned int), 0);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, C_num_to_unsigned_long, C_unsigned_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (unsigned long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, C_num_to_unsigned_long, C_unsigned_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (unsigned long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (unsigned int), 0);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(signed char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (int), 0);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (char), 0);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(bool, C_truep, C_mk_bool, C_swig_is_bool, (bool), 0);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(float, C_c_double, C_flonum, C_swig_is_number, (double), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(double, C_c_double, C_flonum, C_swig_is_number, (double), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-/* enum SWIGTYPE */
-%apply int { enum SWIGTYPE };
-%apply const int& { const enum SWIGTYPE& };
-%apply const int& { const enum SWIGTYPE&& };
-%typemap(varin) enum SWIGTYPE
- if (!C_swig_is_fixnum($input) && sizeof(int) != sizeof($1)) {
- swig_barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "enum variable '$name' can not be set");
- }
- *((int *)(void *)&$1) = C_unfix($input);
-/* --- Input arguments --- */
-/* Strings */
-%typemap(in) char *
-{ if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- $1 = NULL;
- }
- else {
- if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'char *'");
- }
- $1 = ($ltype) SWIG_MakeString ($input);
- }
-%typemap(freearg) char * "if ($1 != NULL) { free ($1); }"
-/* Pointers, references, and arrays */
-%typemap(in,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE && {
- $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, $argnum, $disown);
-%typemap(in,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE *DISOWN {
- $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, $argnum, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN);
-/* Void pointer. Accepts any kind of pointer */
-%typemap(in) void * {
- $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, NULL, $argnum, 0);
-%typemap(varin,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE * {
- $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, 1, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN);
-%typemap(varin,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE & {
- $1 = *(($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, 1, 0));
-%typemap(varin,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE && {
- $1 = *(($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, 1, 0));
-%typemap(varin) SWIGTYPE [] {
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Type error");
-%typemap(varin) SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
- void *temp;
- int ii;
- $1_basetype *b = 0;
- temp = SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $1_descriptor, 1, 0);
- b = ($1_basetype *) $1;
- for (ii = 0; ii < $1_size; ii++) b[ii] = *(($1_basetype *) temp + ii);
-%typemap(varin) void * {
- $1 = SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, NULL, 1, 0);
-%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE &&, SWIGTYPE [] {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj($1, $descriptor, $owner);
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- swig_type_info *ty = SWIG_TypeDynamicCast($1_descriptor,(void **) &$1);
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj($1, ty, $owner);
-%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [] {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj($varname, $descriptor, 0);
-%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE & {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) &$varname, $1_descriptor, 0);
-%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE && {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) &$varname, $1_descriptor, 0);
-/* special typemaps for class pointers */
-%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
- char err_msg[256];
- if (C_swig_is_pair($input)) {
- /* try and convert pointer object */
- void *result;
- if (!SWIG_ConvertPtr(C_block_item($input,1), &result, $descriptor, 0)) {
- C_word ptr = C_block_item($input,0);
- if (C_swig_is_string(ptr)) {
- SWIG_UnpackData(C_c_string(ptr), (void *) &$1, sizeof($type));
- } else {
- snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", $argnum, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
- }
- } else {
- snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", $argnum, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
- }
- } else {
- snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", $argnum, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
- }
-%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
- size_t ptr_size = sizeof($type);
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(2*ptr_size) + C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- char *temp = (char *)malloc(2*ptr_size);
- C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) known_space, $descriptor, 0);
- SWIG_PackData(temp, (void *) &$1, ptr_size);
- $result = C_pair(&known_space, C_string(&known_space, 2*ptr_size, temp), ptr);
- free(temp);
-%typemap(varin) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
- char err_msg[256];
- if (C_swig_is_pair($input)) {
- /* try and convert pointer object */
- void *result;
- if (!SWIG_ConvertPtr(C_block_item($input,1), &result, $descriptor, 0)) {
- C_word ptr = C_block_item($input,0);
- if (C_swig_is_string(ptr)) {
- SWIG_UnpackData(C_c_string(ptr), (void *) &$1, sizeof($type));
- } else {
- snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", 1, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
- }
- } else {
- snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", 1, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
- }
- } else {
- snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", 1, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
- }
-%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
- size_t ptr_size = sizeof($type);
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(2*ptr_size) + C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- char *temp = (char *)malloc(2*ptr_size);
- C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) known_space, $descriptor, 0);
- SWIG_PackData(temp, (void *) &$varname, ptr_size);
- $result = C_pair(&known_space, C_string(&known_space, 2*ptr_size, temp), ptr);
- free(temp);
-/* Pass-by-value */
-%typemap(in,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE($&1_ltype argp) {
- argp = ($&1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $&1_descriptor, $argnum, 0);
- $1 = *argp;
-%typemap(varin,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE {
- $&1_ltype argp;
- argp = ($&1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $&1_descriptor, 1, 0);
- $1 = *argp;
-%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- $&1_ltype resultptr;
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- resultptr = new $1_ltype((const $1_ltype &) $1);
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 1);
- $&1_ltype resultptr;
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- resultptr = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type));
- memmove(resultptr, &$1, sizeof($1_type));
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 1);
-%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- $&1_ltype resultptr;
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- resultptr = new $1_ltype((const $1_ltype&) $1);
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 0);
- $&1_ltype resultptr;
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- resultptr = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type));
- memmove(resultptr, &$1, sizeof($1_type));
- $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 0);
-/* --- Output values --- */
-/* Strings */
- char *
-{ char *s = (char*) $1;
- if ($1 == NULL) {
- $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
- }
- else {
- int string_len = strlen ((char *) ($1));
- C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
- $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, s);
- }
- char *
-{ char *s = (char*) $varname;
- if ($varname == NULL) {
- $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
- }
- else {
- int string_len = strlen ($varname);
- C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
- $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, s);
- }
-%typemap(throws) char *
- if ($1 == NULL) {
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(C_SCHEME_FALSE);
- } else {
- int string_len = strlen($1);
- C_word *string_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING(string_len));
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(C_string(&string_space, string_len, (char *) $1));
- }
-/* Void */
-%typemap(out) void
-/* Special typemap for character array return values */
- char [ANY], const char [ANY]
-%{ if ($1 == NULL) {
- $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
- }
- else {
- const int string_len = strlen ($1);
- C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
- $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, $1);
- } %}
-/* Primitive types--return by value */
-/* --- Variable input --- */
-/* A string */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-%typemap(varin) char * {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- $1 = NULL;
- }
- else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
- }
- else {
- char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
- int len = C_header_size ($input);
- if ($1) delete [] $1;
- $1 = ($type) new char[len+1];
- strncpy((char*)$1, temp, len);
- ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;
- }
-%typemap(varin,warning="451:Setting const char * variable may leak memory") const char * {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- $1 = NULL;
- }
- else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
- }
- else {
- char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
- int len = C_header_size ($input);
- $1 = ($type) new char[len+1];
- strncpy((char*)$1,temp,len);
- ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;
- }
-%typemap(varin) char * {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- $1 = NULL;
- }
- else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
- }
- else {
- char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
- int len = C_header_size ($input);
- if ($1) free((char*) $1);
- $1 = ($type) malloc(len+1);
- strncpy((char*)$1,temp,len);
- ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;
- }
-%typemap(varin,warning="451:Setting const char * variable may leak memory") const char * {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- $1 = NULL;
- }
- else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
- }
- else {
- char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
- int len = C_header_size ($input);
- $1 = ($type) malloc(len+1);
- strncpy((char*)$1,temp,len);
- ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;
- }
-%typemap(varin) char [] {
- swig_barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C/C++ variable '$name' is read-only");
-/* Special case for string array variables */
-%typemap(varin) char [ANY] {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- memset($1,0,$1_dim0*sizeof(char));
- }
- else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
- }
- else {
- char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
- strncpy($1,temp,$1_dim0*sizeof(char));
- }
-/* --- Variable output --- */
-/* Void */
-%typemap(varout) void "$result = C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED;";
-/* Special typemap for character array return values */
-%typemap(varout) char [ANY], const char [ANY]
-%{ if ($varname == NULL) {
- $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
- }
- else {
- const int string_len = strlen ($varname);
- C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
- $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, (char *) $varname);
- }
-/* --- Constants --- */
-%typemap(constcode) char *
-"static const char *$result = $value;"
-%typemap(constcode) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE &&, SWIGTYPE []
-"static const void *$result = (void*) $value;"
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * String & length
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-%typemap(in) (char *STRING, int LENGTH), (char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Cannot use a null/#f string for a char*, int arguments");
- }
- else if (C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- $1 = ($1_ltype) C_c_string ($input);
- $2 = ($2_ltype) C_header_size ($input);
- }
- else {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'string'");
- }
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * CHICKEN types
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-%typemap(in) C_word "$1 = $input;";
-%typemap(out) C_word "$result = $1;";
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * Typechecking rules
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- bool, const bool &
- $1 = C_swig_is_bool ($input);
- int, short,
- unsigned int, unsigned short,
- signed char, unsigned char,
- const int &, const short &,
- const unsigned int &, const unsigned short &,
- $1 = C_swig_is_fixnum ($input);
- long,
- unsigned long,
- long long, unsigned long long,
- const long &,
- const unsigned long &,
- const long long &, const unsigned long long &
- $1 = (C_swig_is_bool ($input) ||
- C_swig_is_fixnum ($input) ||
- C_swig_is_flonum ($input)) ? 1 : 0;
- float, double,
- const float &, const double &
- $1 = C_swig_is_flonum ($input);
-%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR) char {
- $1 = C_swig_is_string ($input);
-%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING) char * {
- $1 = C_swig_is_string ($input);
- void *ptr;
- $1 = !SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, $1_descriptor, 0);
-%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_VOIDPTR) void * {
- void *ptr;
- $1 = !SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, 0, 0);
- void *ptr = 0;
- if (SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, $descriptor, SWIG_POINTER_NO_NULL)) {
- $1 = 0;
- } else {
- $1 = 1;
- }
- void *ptr = 0;
- if (SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, $descriptor, SWIG_POINTER_NO_NULL)) {
- $1 = 0;
- } else {
- $1 = 1;
- }
- void *ptr = 0;
- if (SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, $&descriptor, SWIG_POINTER_NO_NULL)) {
- $1 = 0;
- } else {
- $1 = 1;
- }
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * Exception handling
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * --- Exception handling ---
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE {
- $&ltype temp = new $ltype($1);
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj(temp, $&descriptor,1);
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(ptr);
-%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE * {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) $1, $descriptor, 0);
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(ptr);
-%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) $1, $descriptor, 0);
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(ptr);
-%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE & {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *)&($1),$descriptor,0);
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(ptr);
-%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE && {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
- C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *)&($1),$descriptor,0);
- SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(ptr);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * ANSI C typemaps
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-%apply unsigned long { size_t };
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * Various
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Array reference typemaps */
-%apply SWIGTYPE & { SWIGTYPE ((&)[ANY]) }
-%apply SWIGTYPE && { SWIGTYPE ((&&)[ANY]) }
-/* const pointers */
-%apply SWIGTYPE * { SWIGTYPE *const }
-%apply SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) { SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*const) }
-%apply SWIGTYPE & { SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*const&) }
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * Overloaded operator support
- * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-%rename(__add__) *::operator+;
-%rename(__pos__) *::operator+();
-%rename(__pos__) *::operator+() const;
-%rename(__sub__) *::operator-;
-%rename(__neg__) *::operator-();
-%rename(__neg__) *::operator-() const;
-%rename(__mul__) *::operator*;
-%rename(__div__) *::operator/;
-%rename(__mod__) *::operator%;
-%rename(__lshift__) *::operator<<;
-%rename(__rshift__) *::operator>>;
-%rename(__and__) *::operator&;
-%rename(__or__) *::operator|;
-%rename(__xor__) *::operator^;
-%rename(__invert__) *::operator~;
-%rename(__iadd__) *::operator+=;
-%rename(__isub__) *::operator-=;
-%rename(__imul__) *::operator*=;
-%rename(__idiv__) *::operator/=;
-%rename(__imod__) *::operator%=;
-%rename(__ilshift__) *::operator<<=;
-%rename(__irshift__) *::operator>>=;
-%rename(__iand__) *::operator&=;
-%rename(__ior__) *::operator|=;
-%rename(__ixor__) *::operator^=;
-%rename(__lt__) *::operator<;
-%rename(__le__) *::operator<=;
-%rename(__gt__) *::operator>;
-%rename(__ge__) *::operator>=;
-%rename(__eq__) *::operator==;
-%rename(__ne__) *::operator!=;
-/* Special cases */
-%rename(__call__) *::operator();
-/* Warnings for certain CHICKEN keywords */
-%include <chickenkw.swg>
-/* TinyCLOS <--> Low-level CHICKEN */
-%typemap("clos_in") SIMPLE_CLOS_OBJECT * "(slot-ref $input (quote this))"
-%typemap("clos_out") SIMPLE_CLOS_OBJECT * "(make $class (quote this) $1)"
-%insert(header) %{
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Chicken initialization function */
-SWIGEXPORT void SWIG_init(C_word, C_word, C_word) C_noret;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-%insert(closprefix) "swigclosprefix.scm"
-%insert(init) "swiginit.swg"
-%insert(init) %{
-/* CHICKEN initialization function */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-SWIGEXPORT void SWIG_init(C_word argc, C_word closure, C_word continuation) {
- int i;
- C_word sym;
- C_word tmp;
- C_word *a;
- C_word ret;
- C_word *return_vec;
- SWIG_InitializeModule(0);
- SWIG_PropagateClientData();
- ret = C_SCHEME_TRUE;
-#if $veclength
- return_vec = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_VECTOR($veclength));
- ret = (C_word) return_vec;
- *(return_vec++) = C_VECTOR_TYPE | $veclength;
- a = C_alloc(2*$nummethods$symsize);
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/chickenkw.swg b/Lib/chicken/chickenkw.swg
deleted file mode 100644
index d2c26c74c..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/chickenkw.swg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* Warnings for certain CHICKEN keywords. From Section 7.1.1 of
- Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme */
-#define CHICKENKW(x) %namewarn("314: '" #x "' is a R^5RS syntatic keyword") #x
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/chickenrun.swg b/Lib/chicken/chickenrun.swg
deleted file mode 100644
index bb14b4bc9..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/chickenrun.swg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * chickenrun.swg
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <chicken.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_WATCOM)
-# ifndef snprintf
-# define snprintf _snprintf
-# endif
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#define SWIG_malloc(size) \
- malloc(size)
-#define SWIG_free(mem) \
- free(mem)
-#define SWIG_MakeString(c) \
- SWIG_Chicken_MakeString(c)
-#define SWIG_ConvertPtr(s, result, type, flags) \
- SWIG_Chicken_ConvertPtr(s, result, type, flags)
-#define SWIG_MustGetPtr(s, type, argnum, flags) \
- SWIG_Chicken_MustGetPtr(s, type, argnum, flags)
-#define SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, owner) \
- SWIG_Chicken_NewPointerObj((void*)ptr, type, owner, &known_space)
-#define swig_barf SWIG_Chicken_Barf
-#define SWIG_ThrowException(val) SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(val)
-#define SWIG_contract_assert(expr, message) if (!(expr)) { \
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_CONTRACT_ASSERT, C_text(message)); } else
-/* Runtime API */
-#define SWIG_GetModule(clientdata) SWIG_Chicken_GetModule(clientdata)
-#define SWIG_SetModule(clientdata, pointer) SWIG_Chicken_SetModule(pointer)
-#define C_swig_is_bool(x) C_truep (C_booleanp (x))
-#define C_swig_is_char(x) C_truep (C_charp (x))
-#define C_swig_is_fixnum(x) C_truep (C_fixnump (x))
-#define C_swig_is_flonum(x) (C_truep (C_blockp (x)) && C_truep (C_flonump (x)))
-#define C_swig_is_string(x) (C_truep (C_blockp (x)) && C_truep (C_stringp (x)))
-#define C_swig_is_vector(x) (C_truep (C_blockp (x)) && C_truep (C_vectorp (x)))
-#define C_swig_is_list(x) (C_truep (C_i_listp (x)))
-#define C_swig_is_pair(x) (C_truep (C_blockp(x)) && C_truep (C_pairp(x)))
-#define C_swig_is_ptr(x) (C_truep (C_blockp (x)) && C_truep (C_pointerp (x)))
-#define C_swig_is_swigpointer(x) (C_truep (C_blockp(x)) && C_truep (C_swigpointerp(x)))
-#define C_swig_is_closurep(x) (C_truep (C_blockp(x)) && C_truep(C_closurep(x)))
-#define C_swig_is_number(x) (C_swig_is_fixnum(x) || C_swig_is_flonum(x))
-#define C_swig_is_long(x) C_swig_is_number(x)
-#define C_swig_sizeof_closure(num) (num+1)
-#define SWIG_Chicken_SetupArgout { \
- C_word *a = C_alloc(C_swig_sizeof_closure(2)); \
- C_word *closure = a; \
- *(a++)=C_CLOSURE_TYPE|2; \
- *(a++)=(C_word)SWIG_Chicken_ApplyResults; \
- *(a++)=continuation; \
- continuation=(C_word)closure; \
-#define SWIG_APPEND_VALUE(obj) { \
- C_word val = (C_word)(obj); \
- if (val != C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED) { \
- C_word *a = C_alloc(C_swig_sizeof_closure(3)); \
- C_word *closure = a; \
- *(a++)=C_CLOSURE_TYPE|3; \
- *(a++)=(C_word)SWIG_Chicken_MultiResultBuild; \
- *(a++)=(C_word)continuation; \
- *(a++)=val; \
- continuation=(C_word)closure; \
- } }
-#define SWIG_Chicken_FindCreateProxy(func,obj) \
- if (C_swig_is_swigpointer(obj)) { \
- swig_type_info *t = (swig_type_info *) C_block_item(obj, 1); \
- if (t && t->clientdata && ((swig_chicken_clientdata *)t->clientdata)->gc_proxy_create) { \
- func = CHICKEN_gc_root_ref( ((swig_chicken_clientdata *)t->clientdata)->gc_proxy_create); \
- } else { \
- func = C_SCHEME_FALSE; \
- } \
- } else { \
- func = C_SCHEME_FALSE; \
- }
-enum {
-typedef C_word (*swig_chicken_destructor)(C_word,C_word,C_word,C_word);
-typedef struct swig_chicken_clientdata {
- void *gc_proxy_create;
- swig_chicken_destructor destroy;
-} swig_chicken_clientdata;
-static char *
-SWIG_Chicken_MakeString(C_word str) {
- char *ret;
- size_t l;
- l = C_header_size(str);
- ret = (char *) SWIG_malloc( (l + 1) * sizeof(char));
- if (!ret) return NULL;
- memcpy(ret, C_c_string(str), l);
- ret[l] = '\0';
- return ret;
-static C_word SWIG_Chicken_LookupSymbol(char *name, C_SYMBOL_TABLE *stable) {
- C_word *a = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING (strlen (name)));
- C_word n = C_string2(&a, name);
- C_word sym = C_find_symbol(n, stable);
- if (C_truep(sym)) {
- return C_symbol_value(sym);
- } else {
- return C_SCHEME_FALSE;
- }
-/* Just a helper function. Do not export it */
-static void SWIG_Chicken_Panic (C_char *) C_noret;
-static void SWIG_Chicken_Panic (C_char *msg)
- C_word *a = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (strlen (msg)));
- C_word scmmsg = C_string2 (&a, msg);
- C_halt (scmmsg);
- exit (5); /* should never get here */
-static void
-SWIG_Chicken_Barf(int code, C_char *msg, ...) C_noret;
-static void
-SWIG_Chicken_Barf(int code, C_char *msg, ...)
- char *errorhook = C_text("\003syserror-hook");
- C_word *a = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (strlen (errorhook)));
- C_word err = C_intern2 (&a, errorhook);
- int c = -1;
- int i, barfval;
- va_list v;
- C_temporary_stack = C_temporary_stack_bottom;
- err = C_block_item(err, 0);
- if(C_immediatep (err))
- SWIG_Chicken_Panic (C_text ("`##sys#error-hook' is not defined"));
- switch (code) {
- c = 1;
- break;
- c = 1;
- break;
- c = 1;
- break;
- default:
- SWIG_Chicken_Panic (C_text (msg));
- };
- if(c > 0 && !C_immediatep (err)) {
- C_save (C_fix (barfval));
- i = c;
- if (i) {
- C_word *b = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (strlen (msg)));
- C_word scmmsg = C_string2 (&b, msg);
- C_save (scmmsg);
- i--;
- }
- va_start (v, msg);
- while(i--)
- C_save (va_arg (v, C_word));
- va_end (v);
- C_do_apply (c + 1, err,
- C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED); /* <- no continuation is passed:
- '##sys#error-hook' may not
- return! */
- }
- else if (msg) {
- SWIG_Chicken_Panic (msg);
- }
- else {
- SWIG_Chicken_Panic (C_text ("unspecified panic"));
- }
-static void SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(C_word value) C_noret;
-static void SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(C_word value)
- char *aborthook = C_text("\003sysabort");
- C_word *a = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING(strlen(aborthook)));
- C_word abort = C_intern2(&a, aborthook);
- abort = C_block_item(abort, 0);
- if (C_immediatep(abort))
- SWIG_Chicken_Panic(C_text("`##sys#abort' is not defined"));
- C_save(value);
- C_do_apply(1, abort, C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED);
-static void
-SWIG_Chicken_Finalizer(C_word argc, C_word closure, C_word continuation, C_word s)
- swig_type_info *type;
- swig_chicken_clientdata *cdata;
- if (argc == 3 && s != C_SCHEME_FALSE && C_swig_is_swigpointer(s)) {
- type = (swig_type_info *) C_block_item(s, 1);
- if (type) {
- cdata = (swig_chicken_clientdata *) type->clientdata;
- if (cdata && cdata->destroy) {
- /* this will not return, but will continue correctly */
- cdata->destroy(3,closure,continuation,s);
- }
- }
- }
- C_kontinue(continuation, C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED);
-static C_word finalizer_obj[2] = {(C_word) (C_CLOSURE_TYPE|1), (C_word) SWIG_Chicken_Finalizer};
-static C_word
-SWIG_Chicken_NewPointerObj(void *ptr, swig_type_info *type, int owner, C_word **data)
- swig_chicken_clientdata *cdata = (swig_chicken_clientdata *) type->clientdata;
- if (ptr == NULL)
- return C_SCHEME_FALSE;
- else {
- C_word cptr = C_swigmpointer(data, ptr, type);
- /* add finalizer to object */
- if (owner)
- C_do_register_finalizer(cptr, (C_word) finalizer_obj);
- #endif
- return cptr;
- }
-/* Return 0 if successful. */
-static int
-SWIG_Chicken_ConvertPtr(C_word s, void **result, swig_type_info *type, int flags)
- swig_cast_info *cast;
- swig_type_info *from;
- if (s == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- *result = NULL;
- return (flags & SWIG_POINTER_NO_NULL) ? SWIG_NullReferenceError : SWIG_OK;
- } else if (C_swig_is_swigpointer(s)) {
- /* try and convert type */
- from = (swig_type_info *) C_block_item(s, 1);
- if (!from) return 1;
- if (type) {
- cast = SWIG_TypeCheckStruct(from, type);
- if (cast) {
- int newmemory = 0;
- *result = SWIG_TypeCast(cast, (void *) C_block_item(s, 0), &newmemory);
- assert(!newmemory); /* newmemory handling not yet implemented */
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- *result = (void *) C_block_item(s, 0);
- }
- /* check if we are disowning this object */
- if (flags & SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN) {
- C_do_unregister_finalizer(s);
- }
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static SWIGINLINE void *
-SWIG_Chicken_MustGetPtr (C_word s, swig_type_info *type, int argnum, int flags)
- void *result;
- char err_msg[256];
- if (SWIG_Chicken_ConvertPtr(s, &result, type, flags)) {
- /* type mismatch */
- snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", argnum, (type->str ? type->str : type->name));
- SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
- }
- return result;
-static char *chicken_runtimevar_name = "type_pointer" SWIG_TYPE_TABLE_NAME;
-static swig_module_info *
-SWIG_Chicken_GetModule(void *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(clientdata)) {
- swig_module_info *ret = 0;
- C_word sym;
- /* lookup the type pointer... it is stored in its own symbol table */
- C_SYMBOL_TABLE *stable = C_find_symbol_table("swig_runtime_data" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION);
- if (stable != NULL) {
- sym = SWIG_Chicken_LookupSymbol(chicken_runtimevar_name, stable);
- if (C_truep(sym) && C_swig_is_ptr(sym)) {
- ret = (swig_module_info *) C_block_item(sym, 0);
- }
- }
- return ret;
-static void
-SWIG_Chicken_SetModule(swig_module_info *module) {
- C_word *a;
- C_SYMBOL_TABLE *stable;
- C_word sym;
- C_word pointer;
- static C_word *space = 0;
- /* type pointer is stored in its own symbol table */
- stable = C_find_symbol_table("swig_runtime_data" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION);
- if (stable == NULL) {
- stable = C_new_symbol_table("swig_runtime_data" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION, 16);
- }
- if (!space) {
- space = (C_word *) C_malloc((C_SIZEOF_POINTER + C_SIZEOF_INTERNED_SYMBOL(C_strlen(chicken_runtimevar_name))) * sizeof(C_word));
- }
- a = space;
- pointer = C_mpointer(&a, (void *) module);
- sym = C_intern_in(&a, C_strlen(chicken_runtimevar_name), chicken_runtimevar_name, stable);
- C_set_block_item(sym, 0, pointer);
-static C_word SWIG_Chicken_MultiResultBuild(C_word num, C_word closure, C_word lst) {
- C_word cont = C_block_item(closure,1);
- C_word obj = C_block_item(closure,2);
- C_word func;
- SWIG_Chicken_FindCreateProxy(func,obj);
- if (C_swig_is_closurep(func)) {
- ((C_proc4)(void *)C_block_item(func, 0))(4,func,cont,obj,lst);
- } else {
- C_word *a = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR);
- C_kontinue(cont,C_pair(&a,obj,lst));
- }
- return C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED; /* never reached */
-static C_word SWIG_Chicken_ApplyResults(C_word num, C_word closure, C_word result) {
- C_apply_values(3,C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED,C_block_item(closure,1),result);
- return C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED; /* never reached */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/extra-install.list b/Lib/chicken/extra-install.list
deleted file mode 100644
index 48721cee0..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/extra-install.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/multi-generic.scm b/Lib/chicken/multi-generic.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d2e31d34..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/multi-generic.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-;; This file is no longer necessary with Chicken versions above 1.92
-;; This file overrides two functions inside TinyCLOS to provide support
-;; for multi-argument generics. There are many ways of linking this file
-;; into your code... all that needs to happen is this file must be
-;; executed after loading TinyCLOS but before any SWIG modules are loaded
-;; something like the following
-;; (require 'tinyclos)
-;; (load "multi-generic")
-;; (declare (uses swigmod))
-;; An alternative to loading this scheme code directly is to add a
-;; (declare (unit multi-generic)) to the top of this file, and then
-;; compile this into the final executable or something. Or compile
-;; this into an extension.
-;; Lastly, to override TinyCLOS method creation, two functions are
-;; overridden: see the end of this file for which two are overridden.
-;; You might want to remove those two lines and then exert more control over
-;; which functions are used when.
-;; Comments, bugs, suggestions: send either to chicken-users@nongnu.org or to
-;; Most code copied from TinyCLOS
-(define <multi-generic> (make <entity-class>
- 'name "multi-generic"
- 'direct-supers (list <generic>)
- 'direct-slots '()))
-(letrec ([applicable?
- (lambda (c arg)
- (memq c (class-cpl (class-of arg))))]
- [more-specific?
- (lambda (c1 c2 arg)
- (memq c2 (memq c1 (class-cpl (class-of arg)))))]
- [filter-in
- (lambda (f l)
- (if (null? l)
- '()
- (let ([h (##sys#slot l 0)]
- [r (##sys#slot l 1)] )
- (if (f h)
- (cons h (filter-in f r))
- (filter-in f r) ) ) ) )])
-(add-method compute-apply-generic
- (make-method (list <multi-generic>)
- (lambda (call-next-method generic)
- (lambda args
- (let ([cam (let ([x (compute-apply-methods generic)]
- [y ((compute-methods generic) args)] )
- (lambda (args) (x y args)) ) ] )
- (cam args) ) ) ) ) )
-(add-method compute-methods
- (make-method (list <multi-generic>)
- (lambda (call-next-method generic)
- (lambda (args)
- (let ([applicable
- (filter-in (lambda (method)
- (let check-applicable ([list1 (method-specializers method)]
- [list2 args])
- (cond ((null? list1) #t)
- ((null? list2) #f)
- (else
- (and (applicable? (##sys#slot list1 0) (##sys#slot list2 0))
- (check-applicable (##sys#slot list1 1) (##sys#slot list2 1)))))))
- (generic-methods generic) ) ] )
- (if (or (null? applicable) (null? (##sys#slot applicable 1)))
- applicable
- (let ([cmms (compute-method-more-specific? generic)])
- (sort applicable (lambda (m1 m2) (cmms m1 m2 args))) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
-(add-method compute-method-more-specific?
- (make-method (list <multi-generic>)
- (lambda (call-next-method generic)
- (lambda (m1 m2 args)
- (let loop ((specls1 (method-specializers m1))
- (specls2 (method-specializers m2))
- (args args))
- (cond-expand
- [unsafe
- (let ((c1 (##sys#slot specls1 0))
- (c2 (##sys#slot specls2 0))
- (arg (##sys#slot args 0)))
- (if (eq? c1 c2)
- (loop (##sys#slot specls1 1)
- (##sys#slot specls2 1)
- (##sys#slot args 1))
- (more-specific? c1 c2 arg))) ]
- [else
- (cond ((and (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
- (##sys#error "two methods are equally specific" generic))
- ;((or (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
- ; (##sys#error "two methods have different number of specializers" generic))
- ((null? specls1) #f)
- ((null? specls2) #t)
- ((null? args)
- (##sys#error "fewer arguments than specializers" generic))
- (else
- (let ((c1 (##sys#slot specls1 0))
- (c2 (##sys#slot specls2 0))
- (arg (##sys#slot args 0)))
- (if (eq? c1 c2)
- (loop (##sys#slot specls1 1)
- (##sys#slot specls2 1)
- (##sys#slot args 1))
- (more-specific? c1 c2 arg)))) ) ] ) ) ) ) ) )
-) ;; end of letrec
-(define multi-add-method
- (lambda (generic method)
- (slot-set!
- generic
- 'methods
- (let filter-in-method ([methods (slot-ref generic 'methods)])
- (if (null? methods)
- (list method)
- (let ([l1 (length (method-specializers method))]
- [l2 (length (method-specializers (##sys#slot methods 0)))])
- (cond ((> l1 l2)
- (cons (##sys#slot methods 0) (filter-in-method (##sys#slot methods 1))))
- ((< l1 l2)
- (cons method methods))
- (else
- (let check-method ([ms1 (method-specializers method)]
- [ms2 (method-specializers (##sys#slot methods 0))])
- (cond ((and (null? ms1) (null? ms2))
- (cons method (##sys#slot methods 1))) ;; skip the method already in the generic
- ((eq? (##sys#slot ms1 0) (##sys#slot ms2 0))
- (check-method (##sys#slot ms1 1) (##sys#slot ms2 1)))
- (else
- (cons (##sys#slot methods 0) (filter-in-method (##sys#slot methods 1))))))))))))
- (##sys#setslot (##sys#slot generic (- (##sys#size generic) 2)) 1 (compute-apply-generic generic)) ))
-(define (multi-add-global-method val sym specializers proc)
- (let ((generic (if (procedure? val) val (make <multi-generic> 'name (##sys#symbol->string sym)))))
- (multi-add-method generic (make-method specializers proc))
- generic))
-;; Might want to remove these, or perhaps do something like
-;; (define old-add-method ##tinyclos#add-method)
-;; and then you can switch between creating multi-generics and TinyCLOS generics.
-(set! ##tinyclos#add-method multi-add-method)
-(set! ##tinyclos#add-global-method multi-add-global-method)
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/std_string.i b/Lib/chicken/std_string.i
deleted file mode 100644
index fa77c1533..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/std_string.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * std_string.i
- *
- * SWIG typemaps for std::string
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <string>
-namespace std {
- %naturalvar string;
- %insert(closprefix) %{ (declare (hide <std-string>)) %}
- %nodefault string;
- %rename("std-string") string;
- class string {
- public:
- ~string() {}
- };
- %extend string {
- char *str;
- }
- %{
- #define std_string_str_get(s) ((char *)((s)->c_str()))
- #define std_string_str_set(s,v) (s->assign((char *)(v)))
- %}
- %typemap(typecheck) string = char *;
- %typemap(typecheck) const string & = char *;
- %typemap(in) string (char * tempptr) {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- $1.resize(0);
- } else {
- if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- "Argument #$argnum is not a string");
- }
- tempptr = SWIG_MakeString($input);
- $1.assign(tempptr);
- if (tempptr) SWIG_free(tempptr);
- }
- }
- %typemap(in) const string& ($*1_ltype temp, char *tempptr) {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- temp.resize(0);
- $1 = &temp;
- } else {
- if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- "Argument #$argnum is not a string");
- }
- tempptr = SWIG_MakeString($input);
- temp.assign(tempptr);
- if (tempptr) SWIG_free(tempptr);
- $1 = &temp;
- }
- }
- %typemap(out) string {
- int size = $1.size();
- C_word *space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (size));
- $result = C_string (&space, size, (char *) $1.c_str());
- }
- %typemap(out) const string& {
- int size = $1->size();
- C_word *space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (size));
- $result = C_string (&space, size, (char *) $1->c_str());
- }
- %typemap(varin) string {
- if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
- $1.resize(0);
- } else {
- char *tempptr;
- if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
- "Argument #$argnum is not a string");
- }
- tempptr = SWIG_MakeString($input);
- $1.assign(tempptr);
- if (tempptr) SWIG_free(tempptr);
- }
- }
- %typemap(varout) string {
- int size = $1.size();
- C_word *space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (size));
- $result = C_string (&space, size, (char *) $1.c_str());
- }
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/swigclosprefix.scm b/Lib/chicken/swigclosprefix.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index e4bd72b71..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/swigclosprefix.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-(declare (hide swig-initialize))
-(define (swig-initialize obj initargs create)
- (slot-set! obj 'swig-this
- (if (memq 'swig-this initargs)
- (cadr initargs)
- (let ((ret (apply create initargs)))
- (if (instance? ret)
- (slot-ref ret 'swig-this)
- ret)))))
-(define-class <swig-metaclass-$module> (<class>) (void))
-(define-method (compute-getter-and-setter (class <swig-metaclass-$module>) slot allocator)
- (if (not (memq ':swig-virtual slot))
- (call-next-method)
- (let ((getter (let search-get ((lst slot))
- (if (null? lst)
- #f
- (if (eq? (car lst) ':swig-get)
- (cadr lst)
- (search-get (cdr lst))))))
- (setter (let search-set ((lst slot))
- (if (null? lst)
- #f
- (if (eq? (car lst) ':swig-set)
- (cadr lst)
- (search-set (cdr lst)))))))
- (values
- (lambda (o) (getter (slot-ref o 'swig-this)))
- (lambda (o new) (setter (slot-ref o 'swig-this) new) new)))))
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/tinyclos-multi-generic.patch b/Lib/chicken/tinyclos-multi-generic.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e585960e..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/tinyclos-multi-generic.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# This patch is against chicken 1.92, but it should work just fine
-# with older versions of chicken. It adds support for mulit-argument
-# generics, that is, generics now correctly handle adding methods
-# with different lengths of specializer lists
-# This patch has been committed into the CHICKEN darcs repository,
-# so chicken versions above 1.92 work fine.
-# Comments, bugs, suggestions send to chicken-users@nongnu.org
-# Patch written by John Lenz <lenz@cs.wisc.edu>
---- tinyclos.scm.old 2005-04-05 01:13:56.000000000 -0500
-+++ tinyclos.scm 2005-04-11 16:37:23.746181489 -0500
-@@ -37,8 +37,10 @@
- (include "parameters")
-+(cond-expand [(not chicken-compile-shared) (declare (unit tinyclos))]
-+ [else] )
- (declare
-- (unit tinyclos)
- (uses extras)
- (usual-integrations)
- (fixnum)
-@@ -234,7 +236,10 @@
- y = C_block_item(y, 1);
- }
- }
-- return(C_block_item(v, i + 1));
-+ return(C_block_item(v, i + 1));
-+ else
-+ goto mismatch;
- }
- else if(free_index == -1) free_index = i;
- mismatch:
-@@ -438,7 +443,7 @@
- (define hash-arg-list
- (foreign-lambda* unsigned-int ((scheme-object args) (scheme-object svector)) "
- C_word tag, h, x;
-- int n, i, j;
-+ int n, i, j, len = 0;
- for(i = 0; args != C_SCHEME_END_OF_LIST; args = C_block_item(args, 1)) {
- x = C_block_item(args, 0);
- if(C_immediatep(x)) {
-@@ -481,8 +486,9 @@
- default: i += 255;
- }
- }
-+ ++len;
- }
-- return(i & (C_METHOD_CACHE_SIZE - 1));") )
-+ return((i + len) & (C_METHOD_CACHE_SIZE - 1));") )
- ;
-@@ -868,13 +874,27 @@
- (##tinyclos#slot-set!
- generic
- 'methods
-- (cons method
-- (filter-in
-- (lambda (m)
-- (let ([ms1 (method-specializers m)]
-- [ms2 (method-specializers method)] )
-- (not (every2 (lambda (x y) (eq? x y)) ms1 ms2) ) ) )
-- (##tinyclos#slot-ref generic 'methods))))
-+ (let* ([ms1 (method-specializers method)]
-+ [l1 (length ms1)] )
-+ (let filter-in-method ([methods (##tinyclos#slot-ref generic 'methods)])
-+ (if (null? methods)
-+ (list method)
-+ (let* ([mm (##sys#slot methods 0)]
-+ [ms2 (method-specializers mm)]
-+ [l2 (length ms2)])
-+ (cond ((> l1 l2)
-+ (cons mm (filter-in-method (##sys#slot methods 1))))
-+ ((< l1 l2)
-+ (cons method methods))
-+ (else
-+ (let check-method ([ms1 ms1]
-+ [ms2 ms2])
-+ (cond ((and (null? ms1) (null? ms2))
-+ (cons method (##sys#slot methods 1))) ;; skip the method already in the generic
-+ ((eq? (##sys#slot ms1 0) (##sys#slot ms2 0))
-+ (check-method (##sys#slot ms1 1) (##sys#slot ms2 1)))
-+ (else
-+ (cons mm (filter-in-method (##sys#slot methods 1)))))))))))))
- (if (memq generic generic-invocation-generics)
- (set! method-cache-tag (vector))
- (%entity-cache-set! generic #f) )
-@@ -925,11 +945,13 @@
- (memq (car args) generic-invocation-generics))
- (let ([proc
- (method-procedure
-+ ; select the first method of one argument
- (let lp ([lis (generic-methods generic)])
-- (let ([tail (##sys#slot lis 1)])
-- (if (null? tail)
-- (##sys#slot lis 0)
-- (lp tail)) ) ) ) ] )
-+ (if (null? lis)
-+ (##sys#error "Unable to find original compute-apply-generic")
-+ (if (= (length (method-specializers (##sys#slot lis 0))) 1)
-+ (##sys#slot lis 0)
-+ (lp (##sys#slot lis 1)))))) ] )
- (lambda (args) (apply proc #f args)) )
- (let ([x (compute-apply-methods generic)]
- [y ((compute-methods generic) args)] )
-@@ -946,9 +968,13 @@
- (lambda (args)
- (let ([applicable
- (filter-in (lambda (method)
-- (every2 applicable?
-- (method-specializers method)
-- args))
-+ (let check-applicable ([list1 (method-specializers method)]
-+ [list2 args])
-+ (cond ((null? list1) #t)
-+ ((null? list2) #f)
-+ (else
-+ (and (applicable? (##sys#slot list1 0) (##sys#slot list2 0))
-+ (check-applicable (##sys#slot list1 1) (##sys#slot list2 1)))))))
- (generic-methods generic) ) ] )
- (if (or (null? applicable) (null? (##sys#slot applicable 1)))
- applicable
-@@ -975,8 +1001,10 @@
- [else
- (cond ((and (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
- (##sys#error "two methods are equally specific" generic))
-- ((or (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
-- (##sys#error "two methods have different number of specializers" generic))
-+ ;((or (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
-+ ; (##sys#error "two methods have different number of specializers" generic))
-+ ((null? specls1) #f)
-+ ((null? specls2) #t)
- ((null? args)
- (##sys#error "fewer arguments than specializers" generic))
- (else
-@@ -1210,7 +1238,7 @@
- (define <structure> (make-primitive-class "structure"))
- (define <procedure> (make-primitive-class "procedure" <procedure-class>))
- (define <end-of-file> (make-primitive-class "end-of-file"))
--(define <environment> (make-primitive-class "environment" <structure>)) ; (Benedikt insisted on this)
-+(define <environment> (make-primitive-class "environment" <structure>))
- (define <hash-table> (make-primitive-class "hash-table" <structure>))
- (define <promise> (make-primitive-class "promise" <structure>))
- (define <queue> (make-primitive-class "queue" <structure>))
diff --git a/Lib/chicken/typemaps.i b/Lib/chicken/typemaps.i
deleted file mode 100644
index fd587fd68..000000000
--- a/Lib/chicken/typemaps.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * typemaps.i
- *
- * Pointer handling
- *
- * These mappings provide support for input/output arguments and
- * common uses for C/C++ pointers. INOUT mappings allow for C/C++
- * pointer variables in addition to input/output arguments.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-// INPUT typemaps.
-// These remap a C pointer to be an "INPUT" value which is passed by value
-// instead of reference.
-The following methods can be applied to turn a pointer into a simple
-"input" value. That is, instead of passing a pointer to an object,
-you would use a real value instead.
- int *INPUT
- short *INPUT
- long *INPUT
- long long *INPUT
- unsigned int *INPUT
- unsigned short *INPUT
- unsigned long *INPUT
- unsigned long long *INPUT
- unsigned char *INPUT
- char *INPUT
- bool *INPUT
- float *INPUT
- double *INPUT
-To use these, suppose you had a C function like this :
- double fadd(double *a, double *b) {
- return *a+*b;
- }
-You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- double fadd(double *INPUT, double *INPUT);
-or you can use the %apply directive :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *INPUT { double *a, double *b };
- double fadd(double *a, double *b);
-// OUTPUT typemaps. These typemaps are used for parameters that
-// are output only. The output value is appended to the result as
-// a list element.
-The following methods can be applied to turn a pointer into an "output"
-value. When calling a function, no input value would be given for
-a parameter, but an output value would be returned. In the case of
-multiple output values, they are returned in the form of a Scheme list.
- int *OUTPUT
- short *OUTPUT
- long *OUTPUT
- long long *OUTPUT
- unsigned int *OUTPUT
- unsigned short *OUTPUT
- unsigned long *OUTPUT
- unsigned long long *OUTPUT
- unsigned char *OUTPUT
- char *OUTPUT
- bool *OUTPUT
- float *OUTPUT
- double *OUTPUT
-For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the modf() function in the
-C math library which splits x into integral and fractional parts (and
-returns the integer part in one of its parameters).K:
- double modf(double x, double *ip);
-You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- double modf(double x, double *OUTPUT);
-or you can use the %apply directive :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *OUTPUT { double *ip };
- double modf(double x, double *ip);
-// T_OUTPUT typemap (and helper function) to return multiple argouts as
-// a tuple instead of a list.
-// Simple types
-%define INOUT_TYPEMAP(type_, from_scheme, to_scheme, checker, convtype, storage_)
-%typemap(in) type_ *INPUT($*1_ltype temp), type_ &INPUT($*1_ltype temp)
-%{ if (!checker ($input)) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'type_'");
- }
- temp = ($*1_ltype) from_scheme ($input);
- $1 = &temp; %}
-%typemap(typecheck) type_ *INPUT = type_;
-%typemap(typecheck) type_ &INPUT = type_;
-%typemap(in, numinputs=0) type_ *OUTPUT($*1_ltype temp), type_ &OUTPUT($*1_ltype temp)
-" $1 = &temp;"
-#if "storage_" == "0"
-%typemap(argout) type_ *OUTPUT, type_ &OUTPUT
- if ($1 == NULL) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_ARGUMENT_NULL, "Argument #$argnum must be non-null");
- }
- SWIG_APPEND_VALUE(to_scheme (convtype (*$1)));
-%typemap(argout) type_ *OUTPUT, type_ &OUTPUT
- {
- C_word *known_space = C_alloc(storage_);
- if ($1 == NULL) {
- swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_ARGUMENT_NULL, "Variable '$1' must be non-null");
- }
- SWIG_APPEND_VALUE(to_scheme (&known_space, convtype (*$1)));
- }
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(int, C_num_to_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (int), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(enum SWIGTYPE, C_num_to_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (int), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(short, C_num_to_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (int), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(long, C_num_to_long, C_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(long long, C_num_to_long, C_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, C_num_to_unsigned_int, C_unsigned_int_to_num, C_swig_is_number, (int), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, C_num_to_unsigned_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (unsigned int), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, C_num_to_unsigned_long, C_unsigned_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (unsigned long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, C_num_to_unsigned_long, C_unsigned_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (unsigned long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (unsigned int), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(signed char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (int), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (char), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(bool, C_truep, C_mk_bool, C_swig_is_bool, (bool), 0);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(float, C_c_double, C_flonum, C_swig_is_number, (double), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-INOUT_TYPEMAP(double, C_c_double, C_flonum, C_swig_is_number, (double), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
-// Mappings for an argument that is both an input and output
-// parameter
-The following methods can be applied to make a function parameter both
-an input and output value. This combines the behavior of both the
-"INPUT" and "OUTPUT" methods described earlier. Output values are
-returned in the form of a CHICKEN tuple.
- int *INOUT
- short *INOUT
- long *INOUT
- long long *INOUT
- unsigned int *INOUT
- unsigned short *INOUT
- unsigned long *INOUT
- unsigned long long *INOUT
- unsigned char *INOUT
- char *INOUT
- bool *INOUT
- float *INOUT
- double *INOUT
-For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the following function :
- void neg(double *x) {
- *x = -(*x);
- }
-You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- void neg(double *INOUT);
-or you can use the %apply directive :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *INOUT { double *x };
- void neg(double *x);
-As well, you can wrap variables with :
- %include <typemaps.i>
- %apply double *INOUT { double *y };
- extern double *y;
-Unlike C, this mapping does not directly modify the input value (since
-this makes no sense in CHICKEN). Rather, the modified input value shows
-up as the return value of the function. Thus, to apply this function
-to a CHICKEN variable you might do this :
- x = neg(x)
-Note : previous versions of SWIG used the symbol 'BOTH' to mark
-input/output arguments. This is still supported, but will be slowly
-phased out in future releases.
-%typemap(in) int *INOUT = int *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) enum SWIGTYPE *INOUT = enum SWIGTYPE *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) short *INOUT = short *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) long *INOUT = long *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) long long *INOUT = long long *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned *INOUT = unsigned *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned short *INOUT = unsigned short *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned long *INOUT = unsigned long *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned long long *INOUT = unsigned long long *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned char *INOUT = unsigned char *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) char *INOUT = char *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) bool *INOUT = bool *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) float *INOUT = float *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) double *INOUT = double *INPUT;
-%typemap(in) int &INOUT = int &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) enum SWIGTYPE &INOUT = enum SWIGTYPE &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) short &INOUT = short &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) long &INOUT = long &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) long long &INOUT = long long &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned &INOUT = unsigned &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned short &INOUT = unsigned short &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned long &INOUT = unsigned long &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned long long &INOUT = unsigned long long &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) unsigned char &INOUT = unsigned char &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) char &INOUT = char &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) bool &INOUT = bool &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) float &INOUT = float &INPUT;
-%typemap(in) double &INOUT = double &INPUT;
-%typemap(argout) int *INOUT = int *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) enum SWIGTYPE *INOUT = enum SWIGTYPE *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) short *INOUT = short *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) long *INOUT = long *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) long long *INOUT = long long *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned *INOUT = unsigned *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned short *INOUT = unsigned short *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned long *INOUT = unsigned long *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned long long *INOUT = unsigned long long *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned char *INOUT = unsigned char *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) bool *INOUT = bool *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) float *INOUT = float *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) double *INOUT = double *OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) int &INOUT = int &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) enum SWIGTYPE &INOUT = enum SWIGTYPE &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) short &INOUT = short &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) long &INOUT = long &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) long long &INOUT = long long &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned &INOUT = unsigned &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned short &INOUT = unsigned short &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned long &INOUT = unsigned long &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned long long &INOUT = unsigned long long &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) unsigned char &INOUT = unsigned char &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) char &INOUT = char &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) bool &INOUT = bool &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) float &INOUT = float &OUTPUT;
-%typemap(argout) double &INOUT = double &OUTPUT;
-/* Overloading information */
-%typemap(typecheck) double *INOUT = double;
-%typemap(typecheck) bool *INOUT = bool;
-%typemap(typecheck) char *INOUT = char;
-%typemap(typecheck) signed char *INOUT = signed char;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned char *INOUT = unsigned char;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned long *INOUT = unsigned long;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned long long *INOUT = unsigned long long;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned short *INOUT = unsigned short;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned int *INOUT = unsigned int;
-%typemap(typecheck) long *INOUT = long;
-%typemap(typecheck) long long *INOUT = long long;
-%typemap(typecheck) short *INOUT = short;
-%typemap(typecheck) int *INOUT = int;
-%typemap(typecheck) enum SWIGTYPE *INOUT = enum SWIGTYPE;
-%typemap(typecheck) float *INOUT = float;
-%typemap(typecheck) double &INOUT = double;
-%typemap(typecheck) bool &INOUT = bool;
-%typemap(typecheck) char &INOUT = char;
-%typemap(typecheck) signed char &INOUT = signed char;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned char &INOUT = unsigned char;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned long &INOUT = unsigned long;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned long long &INOUT = unsigned long long;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned short &INOUT = unsigned short;
-%typemap(typecheck) unsigned int &INOUT = unsigned int;
-%typemap(typecheck) long &INOUT = long;
-%typemap(typecheck) long long &INOUT = long long;
-%typemap(typecheck) short &INOUT = short;
-%typemap(typecheck) int &INOUT = int;
-%typemap(typecheck) enum SWIGTYPE &INOUT = enum SWIGTYPE;
-%typemap(typecheck) float &INOUT = float;