AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-01Import abseil to external/tensorflow am: 46f97afdf8main-16kqiaoli
2022-11-01Import abseil to external/tensorflowqiaoli
2022-09-12Mark android12L-tests-dev@8941410 as merged. am: 2feaa3166eXin Li
2022-08-26Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into rebasetfMiao Wang
2022-08-23Add proto targets for tensorflow/core/framework|protobuf for federated comput...qiaoli
2022-08-23Port GELU support to TFLiteMiao Wang
2022-08-22Re-implement checkpoint saving to use `Trackable._serialize_to_tensors`.Jiawei Xia
2022-08-22Integrate LLVM at llvm/llvm-project@9a764ffeb6f0A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Reduce the logging verbosity of compilation environment stats by using VLOG.A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Add constant folder for rsqrt().A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22[tfrt:jitrt] introduce BufferDesc Argument typeEmilio Cota
2022-08-22Merge pull request #56936 from jswag180:masterTensorFlower Gardener
2022-08-22[xla:cpu:next] introduce hlo_xla_runtime_pipelineEmilio Cota
2022-08-22Add AsyncValueTensor which can store a AsyncValue in Tensor.A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Merged commit includes the following changes:A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Add constant folder for rsqrt().Chenguang Wang
2022-08-22Disable windowed einsum for gpu partitionerA. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Update tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor to not depend on tensorflow::m...A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22[TFG][ShapeInference] Fix assert on failed conversion of MLIR ranked tensor t...A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Fix issue with `TF_COORDINATOR_SCHEDULE_START_DELAY` not being a function of ...A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22[TFG][ConstantFolding] Fix nodes-to-be-preserved checkA. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Fix typoA. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22[XLA] Add LLVM-style RTTI to HloInstruction subclasses.Ce Zheng
2022-08-22Using special version of PerformReadPerChannelSelector for Adreno in Vulkan API.Raman Sarokin
2022-08-22Break some dependencies of tensorflow/compiler/xla/mlir:mlir_hlo_to_hlo on Te...Peter Hawkins
2022-08-22[TFG][ConstantFolding] Create control anchor when adding control dependencies...A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22[Acceleration Service] Implement passing the Flatbuffer model to Minibenchmar...He Jiang
2022-08-22Enable cuBLASLt by default in XLA for all non-int8 gemms. The current XLA imp...A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Update TFRT dependency to use revisionA. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Enable cuBLASLt by default in XLA for all non-int8 gemms. The current XLA imp...Victor Stone
2022-08-22Added support of broadcast for first input in elementwise operations.Raman Sarokin
2022-08-22Integrate LLVM at llvm/llvm-project@72136d8ba266Benjamin Kramer
2022-08-22[TFG][ConstantFolding] In ReplaceOperationWithBroadcastTo, keep inputs *as co...A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Remove dependency on GPU delegate from `GPUCompatibilityList`Bernhard Bauer
2022-08-22[XLA:GPU] [NFC] Remove unused functionGeorge Karpenkov
2022-08-22Merge pull request #57249 from nouiz:kernel_nameTensorFlower Gardener
2022-08-22[TFG][ConstantFolding] Fix SimplifyReshapeOp asserting on i64 shapesA. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Update TFRT dependency to use revisionA. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Update dependencies for createChloLegalizeToHloPass.A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Integrate LLVM at llvm/llvm-project@4b33ea052ab7A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Update TFRT dependency to use revisionA. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22[GmlSt] Use arith.minsi for tiled loop upper bound.Christian Sigg
2022-08-22Factor out common XLA attribute utilsSongyi Han
2022-08-22compat: Update forward compatibility horizon to 2022-08-22A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Update GraphDef version to 1231.A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Integrate LLVM at llvm/llvm-project@58a47508f035A. Unique TensorFlower
2022-08-22Expose the error in the benchmark_performance_options.Jared Junyoung Lim
2022-08-22Merge pull request #57342 from rengolin:tosaTensorFlower Gardener
2022-08-22Merge pull request #57108 from ymwangg:fix_xla_multi_thread_compilationTensorFlower Gardener
2022-08-21Refactor static-range PTQ and static-range QAT.Dan Suh