AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-01Prune TfliteGeneratedNnapiTest out of general-tests.ndk-sysroot-r21easoncylee
2019-09-16Specify "nnapi-reference" backend for the buffer handle testMiao Wang
2019-08-27Avoid using SSE_OR_PORTABLEMiao Wang
2019-08-28Avoid using SSE_OR_PORTABLEMiao Wang
2019-08-27Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into tfl_rebaseMiao Wang
2019-08-15Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into tfl_rebaseMiao Wang
2019-08-11Support quantization for tfl.strided_sliceFeng Liu
2019-08-11Make sure the buffers in NNAPI delegate shared memory pool are 16 bytes aligned.Miao Wang
2019-08-11Converts hardswish subgraphs into atomic ops.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-11Update GraphDef version to 124.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-11compat: Update forward compatibility horizon to 2019-08-11A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-11Remove SplitAndParseAsFloats from tensorflow::strings API.Gunhan Gulsoy
2019-08-11Fuse Add into the proceding FullyConnected when there is a biasFeng Liu
2019-08-10Make sure the buffers in NNAPI delegate shared memory pool are 16 bytesMiao Wang
2019-08-10Fully qualify tstring in TF_CALL_tstring macros.Dero Gharibian
2019-08-10Add patterns to switch BiasAdd/AddV2 and MulFeng Liu
2019-08-10Refactor DenseElementAttr::getValues methods to return full ranges for splats.River Riddle
2019-08-10Cleanup TF executor dialect island coarsening pass (NFC).Andy Ly
2019-08-10Migrated tensorflow/core/platform/ to use tstring.Dero Gharibian
2019-08-10Rename namespace TFExecutor to tf_executor in IslandCoarsening pass (NFC)Mehdi Amini
2019-08-10Remove unused header fileAshwin Murthy
2019-08-10Correctly convert const int8 weights to uint8 for NNAPI.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-10Remove unnecessary const & for Type and also remove unnecessary 'template'.Renjie Liu
2019-08-10Ensure we can propagate error properly when setting "TF_ENABLE_EAGER_CLIENT_S...Xiao Yu
2019-08-10Migrated tensorflow/core/framework/ to use tstring.Dero Gharibian
2019-08-10Move annotation's thread_local storage to .cc file and clean up dependencies ...A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-10[XLA] Turn gathers of very small vectors into many selects.Blake Hechtman
2019-08-10Update GraphDef version to 123.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-10compat: Update forward compatibility horizon to 2019-08-10A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-10Merge pull request #31001 from ROCmSoftwarePlatform:google-upstream-pr-rnn-opsTensorFlower Gardener
2019-08-10Remove redundant const reference on llvm::ArrayRefAshwin Murthy
2019-08-09Fix TF select op code path.Tian Lin
2019-08-09NFC: Standardize the terminology used for parent ops/regions/etc.River Riddle
2019-08-09Fix tpu_ops.all_to_all op output shape.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-09TFLite GPU OpenGL: Add specialization of SOFTMAX 1x1.Juhyun Lee
2019-08-09NFC: Refactoring PatternSymbolResolver into SymbolInfoMapLei Zhang
2019-08-09Automated rollback of commit 23e33f871b2bf2879b40ebf3b883e104f30f389b. Revert...Anna R
2019-08-09Turn streaming rpc off by default. When stream rpc is off, fall back to use n...Xiao Yu
2019-08-09Update ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-09[TFLite] Add a ModulePass to prune unexported functions before legalization t...Ashwin Murthy
2019-08-09Tensor tracer: Adding full-tensor summary writing capability to tensor tracer.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-09Strip numerical ports from TPU paths starting with /bns.Revan Sopher
2019-08-09NFC: Update usages of OwningRewritePatternList to pass by & instead of &&.River Riddle
2019-08-09Added medium post and github links to posenet website.Eileen Mao
2019-08-09[Tensorflow Metrics] Add metrics to track whether tf2 behavior is turned on b...A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-09TFLite GPU Delegate: prepare for registering custom ops in Metal.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-09Removing unused function AdjustFilenameForLogging.Brian Zhao
2019-08-09Prepare convert_to_constants.py for tensor equality changes.Saurabh Saxena
2019-08-09A ragged to dense op for directly calculating tensors.A. Unique TensorFlower
2019-08-09Add model metadata for profiling.A. Unique TensorFlower