AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-05Update curl to 7.88.1upstream-r2.13-0bf8d38519aMihai Maruseac
2023-05-03Merge pull request #60480 from tensorflow/r2.13-a0619c79b08learning-to-play
2023-05-03Merge pull request #60488 from tensorflow/revert-60484-venkat-patch-9Mihai Maruseac
2023-05-03Revert "Update keras version in TF-core release branch to 2.13 release"Mihai Maruseac
2023-05-03Merge pull request #60484 from tensorflow/venkat-patch-9Mihai Maruseac
2023-05-03Update keras version in TF-core release branch to 2.13 releasevenkat2469
2023-05-03[Linaro:ARM_CI] Update container used to build AARCH64 wheelsupstream-r2.13-a0619c79b08Andrew Goodbody
2023-05-02Merge pull request #60478 from tensorflow/venkat-patch-8Mihai Maruseac
2023-05-03Update setup.py on TF release branch with released versionvenkat2469
2023-05-02Merge pull request #60476 from tensorflow-jenkins/version-numbers-2.13.0rc0-1...Mihai Maruseac
2023-05-02Update version numbers to 2.13.0-rc0TensorFlow Release Automation
2023-05-03Merge pull request #60463 from tensorflow-jenkins/relnotes-2.13.0rc0-15794Rishika Sinha
2023-05-02Update RELEASE.mdvenkat2469
2023-05-02Insert release notes place-fillTensorFlow Release Automation
2023-04-30Update GraphDef version to 1482.A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-30compat: Update forward compatibility horizon to 2023-04-30A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-30Internal compatible_with change.A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-29Make build and test targets under python/compat strict.Fiona Lang
2023-04-29compat: Update forward compatibility horizon to 2023-04-29A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-29Update GraphDef version to 1481.A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-28Go: Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow ops.A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-28Update XLACallModule adding new attribute function_list.Christina Sorokin
2023-04-28Normalize profiled costs to the scale of costs inferred from input sizesJuanli Shen
2023-04-28Make all python build and test targets in python/client strict.Fiona Lang
2023-04-28Allow skipping windowed einsum users check to force more overlapping.Shibo Wang
2023-04-28Integrate StableHLO at openxla/stablehlo@43d81c6Sandeep Dasgupta
2023-04-28Turn lazy load of `saved_model/nested_structure_coder.py` into a regular import.Fiona Lang
2023-04-28This is the second of several CLs that implement automatic mesh selection in ...A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-28Record op cost in CPU cyclesJuanli Shen
2023-04-28[PJRT:C]: Return PjRtDeviceDescriptions from the c-api.Parker Schuh
2023-04-28Disable flaky testPartialRunMissingPlaceholderFeedExceptionDist testEdward Schwartz
2023-04-28Delete `tensorflow/python/platform` glob now that it is no longer used.Brian Wieder
2023-04-28Remove parameter server restriction for non-TPU MLIR bridgeJian Cai
2023-04-28Update ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-28Allow string_join on empty strings, and as_string on strings.Antonio Sanchez
2023-04-28Change std::vector to a fixed std::array to avoid a heap allocation.Ashish Shenoy
2023-04-28Submitting internal changes.Brian Wieder
2023-04-28Integrate LLVM at llvm/llvm-project@dc275fd03254Jorge Gorbe Moya
2023-04-28Initialize all the fields in BufferInterval.Ryan M. Lefever
2023-04-28Integrate LLVM at llvm/llvm-project@ade3c6a6a88eJorge Gorbe Moya
2023-04-28Remove some unused functions in stream executor.Reed Wanderman-Milne
2023-04-28Merge pull request #60432 from annop-w:fixed-format-nchwTensorFlower Gardener
2023-04-28Update Image Classification Reference LinkGrant Jensen
2023-04-28rewrite TraceContainer::NumTracks to std::accumulateA. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-28Fix type annotations for Python 3.8Faizan Muhammad
2023-04-28Fix TF32 test and docstring.Reed Wanderman-Milne
2023-04-28Announce sunset of TFSAs, moving to rely solely on CVEs.Laura Pak
2023-04-28Implement stochastic_cast from half/bfloat16/float/double to int8/int16/int32...A. Unique TensorFlower
2023-04-28Fix that IfrtSharding to OpSharding doesn't respect device assignment.Yuchen Zhang
2023-04-28 raw trace viewer is broken because the template specialization is wrong with...Jie Sun