path: root/heatmaps/heatmap_generator_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'heatmaps/heatmap_generator_test.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/heatmaps/heatmap_generator_test.py b/heatmaps/heatmap_generator_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 898c7370..00000000
--- a/heatmaps/heatmap_generator_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Tests for heatmap_generator.py."""
-import os
-import unittest
-import unittest.mock as mock
-from heatmaps import heatmap_generator
-def _write_perf_mmap(pid, tid, addr, size, fp):
- print(
- "0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 %d/%d: "
- "[%x(%x) @ 0x0 0:0 0 0] "
- "r-xp /opt/google/chrome/chrome\n" % (pid, tid, addr, size),
- file=fp,
- )
-def _write_perf_fork(pid_from, tid_from, pid_to, tid_to, fp):
- print(
- "0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_FORK(%d:%d):(%d:%d)\n"
- % (pid_to, tid_to, pid_from, tid_from),
- file=fp,
- )
-def _write_perf_exit(pid_from, tid_from, pid_to, tid_to, fp):
- print(
- "0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_EXIT(%d:%d):(%d:%d)\n"
- % (pid_to, tid_to, pid_from, tid_from),
- file=fp,
- )
-def _write_perf_sample(pid, tid, addr, fp):
- print(
- "0 0 0 0 PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE(IP, 0x2): "
- "%d/%d: %x period: 100000 addr: 0" % (pid, tid, addr),
- file=fp,
- )
- print(" ... thread: chrome:%d" % tid, file=fp)
- print(" ...... dso: /opt/google/chrome/chrome\n", file=fp)
-def _heatmap(file_name, page_size=4096, hugepage=None, analyze=False, top_n=10):
- generator = heatmap_generator.HeatmapGenerator(
- file_name, page_size, hugepage, "", log_level="none"
- ) # Don't log to stdout
- generator.draw()
- if analyze:
- generator.analyze("/path/to/chrome", top_n)
-def _cleanup(file_name):
- files = [
- file_name,
- "out.txt",
- "inst-histo.txt",
- "inst-histo-hp.txt",
- "inst-histo-sp.txt",
- "heat_map.png",
- "timeline.png",
- "addr2symbol.txt",
- ]
- for f in files:
- if os.path.exists(f):
- os.remove(f)
-class HeatmapGeneratorDrawTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """All of our tests for heatmap_generator.draw() and related."""
- def test_with_one_mmap_one_sample(self):
- """Tests one perf record and one sample."""
- fname = "test.txt"
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD101, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("out.txt", os.listdir("."))
- with open("out.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 1)
- self.assertIn("101/101: 1 0", lines[0])
- def test_with_one_mmap_multiple_samples(self):
- """Tests one perf record and three samples."""
- fname = "test.txt"
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD101, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD102, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE102, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("out.txt", os.listdir("."))
- with open("out.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 3)
- self.assertIn("101/101: 1 0", lines[0])
- self.assertIn("101/101: 2 0", lines[1])
- self.assertIn("101/101: 3 4096", lines[2])
- def test_with_fork_and_exit(self):
- """Tests perf fork and perf exit."""
- fname = "test_fork.txt"
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- _write_perf_fork(101, 101, 202, 202, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD101, f)
- _write_perf_sample(202, 202, 0xABCE101, f)
- _write_perf_exit(202, 202, 202, 202, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("out.txt", os.listdir("."))
- with open("out.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)
- self.assertIn("101/101: 1 0", lines[0])
- self.assertIn("202/202: 2 4096", lines[1])
- def test_hugepage_creates_two_chrome_mmaps(self):
- """Test two chrome mmaps for the same process."""
- fname = "test_hugepage.txt"
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x1000, f)
- _write_perf_fork(101, 101, 202, 202, f)
- _write_perf_mmap(202, 202, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- _write_perf_mmap(202, 202, 0xABCD300, 0xD00, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD102, f)
- _write_perf_sample(202, 202, 0xABCD102, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("out.txt", os.listdir("."))
- with open("out.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)
- self.assertIn("101/101: 1 0", lines[0])
- self.assertIn("202/202: 2 0", lines[1])
- def test_hugepage_creates_two_chrome_mmaps_fail(self):
- """Test two chrome mmaps for the same process."""
- fname = "test_hugepage.txt"
- # Cases where first_mmap.size < second_mmap.size
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x1000, f)
- _write_perf_fork(101, 101, 202, 202, f)
- _write_perf_mmap(202, 202, 0xABCD000, 0x10000, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as msg:
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("Original MMAP size", str(msg.exception))
- # Cases where first_mmap.address > second_mmap.address
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x1000, f)
- _write_perf_fork(101, 101, 202, 202, f)
- _write_perf_mmap(202, 202, 0xABCC000, 0x10000, f)
- with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as msg:
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("Original MMAP starting address", str(msg.exception))
- # Cases where first_mmap.address + size <
- # second_mmap.address + second_mmap.size
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x1000, f)
- _write_perf_fork(101, 101, 202, 202, f)
- _write_perf_mmap(202, 202, 0xABCD100, 0x10000, f)
- with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as msg:
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("exceeds the end of original MMAP", str(msg.exception))
- def test_histogram(self):
- """Tests if the tool can generate correct histogram.
- In the tool, histogram is generated from statistics
- of perf samples (saved to out.txt). The histogram is
- generated by perf-to-inst-page.sh and saved to
- inst-histo.txt. It will be used to draw heat maps.
- """
- fname = "test_histo.txt"
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- for i in range(100):
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABFD000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xAFCD000 + i, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- _heatmap(fname)
- self.assertIn("inst-histo.txt", os.listdir("."))
- with open("inst-histo.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 4)
- self.assertIn("100 0", lines[0])
- self.assertIn("100 4096", lines[1])
- self.assertIn("100 196608", lines[2])
- self.assertIn("100 4194304", lines[3])
- def test_histogram_two_mb_page(self):
- """Tests handling of 2MB page."""
- fname = "test_histo.txt"
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- for i in range(100):
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABFD000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xAFCD000 + i, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- _heatmap(fname, page_size=2 * 1024 * 1024)
- self.assertIn("inst-histo.txt", os.listdir("."))
- with open("inst-histo.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)
- self.assertIn("300 0", lines[0])
- self.assertIn("100 4194304", lines[1])
- def test_histogram_in_and_out_hugepage(self):
- """Tests handling the case of separating samples in and out huge page."""
- fname = "test_histo.txt"
- with open(fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- for i in range(100):
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABFD000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xAFCD000 + i, f)
- self.addCleanup(_cleanup, fname)
- _heatmap(fname, hugepage=[0, 8192])
- file_list = os.listdir(".")
- self.assertNotIn("inst-histo.txt", file_list)
- self.assertIn("inst-histo-hp.txt", file_list)
- self.assertIn("inst-histo-sp.txt", file_list)
- with open("inst-histo-hp.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)
- self.assertIn("100 0", lines[0])
- self.assertIn("100 4096", lines[1])
- with open("inst-histo-sp.txt") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)
- self.assertIn("100 196608", lines[0])
- self.assertIn("100 4194304", lines[1])
-class HeatmapGeneratorAnalyzeTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """All of our tests for heatmap_generator.analyze() and related."""
- def setUp(self):
- # Use the same perf report for testing
- self.fname = "test_histo.txt"
- with open(self.fname, "w") as f:
- _write_perf_mmap(101, 101, 0xABCD000, 0x100, f)
- for i in range(10):
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCD000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABCE000 + i, f)
- _write_perf_sample(101, 101, 0xABFD000 + i, f)
- self.nm = (
- "000000000abcd000 t Func1@Page1\n"
- "000000000abcd001 t Func2@Page1\n"
- "000000000abcd0a0 t Func3@Page1andFunc1@Page2\n"
- "000000000abce010 t Func2@Page2\n"
- "000000000abfd000 t Func1@Page3\n"
- )
- def tearDown(self):
- _cleanup(self.fname)
- @mock.patch("subprocess.check_output")
- def test_analyze_hot_pages_with_hp_top(self, mock_nm):
- """Test if the analyze() can print the top page with hugepage."""
- mock_nm.return_value = self.nm
- _heatmap(self.fname, hugepage=[0, 8192], analyze=True, top_n=1)
- file_list = os.listdir(".")
- self.assertIn("addr2symbol.txt", file_list)
- with open("addr2symbol.txt") as f:
- contents = f.read()
- self.assertIn("Func2@Page1 : 9", contents)
- self.assertIn("Func1@Page1 : 1", contents)
- self.assertIn("Func1@Page3 : 10", contents)
- # Only displaying one page in hugepage
- self.assertNotIn("Func3@Page1andFunc1@Page2 : 10", contents)
- @mock.patch("subprocess.check_output")
- def test_analyze_hot_pages_without_hp_top(self, mock_nm):
- """Test if the analyze() can print the top page without hugepage."""
- mock_nm.return_value = self.nm
- _heatmap(self.fname, analyze=True, top_n=1)
- file_list = os.listdir(".")
- self.assertIn("addr2symbol.txt", file_list)
- with open("addr2symbol.txt") as f:
- contents = f.read()
- self.assertIn("Func2@Page1 : 9", contents)
- self.assertIn("Func1@Page1 : 1", contents)
- # Only displaying one page
- self.assertNotIn("Func3@Page1andFunc1@Page2 : 10", contents)
- self.assertNotIn("Func1@Page3 : 10", contents)
- @mock.patch("subprocess.check_output")
- def test_analyze_hot_pages_with_hp_top10(self, mock_nm):
- """Test if the analyze() can print with default top 10."""
- mock_nm.return_value = self.nm
- _heatmap(self.fname, analyze=True)
- # Make sure nm command is called correctly.
- mock_nm.assert_called_with(["nm", "-n", "/path/to/chrome"])
- file_list = os.listdir(".")
- self.assertIn("addr2symbol.txt", file_list)
- with open("addr2symbol.txt") as f:
- contents = f.read()
- self.assertIn("Func2@Page1 : 9", contents)
- self.assertIn("Func1@Page1 : 1", contents)
- self.assertIn("Func3@Page1andFunc1@Page2 : 10", contents)
- self.assertIn("Func1@Page3 : 10", contents)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()