path: root/llvm_tools/patch_utils.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'llvm_tools/patch_utils.py')
1 files changed, 594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/llvm_tools/patch_utils.py b/llvm_tools/patch_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..affb3d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm_tools/patch_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Provides patch utilities for PATCHES.json file handling."""
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import dataclasses
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from typing import Any, Dict, IO, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+CHECKED_FILE_RE = re.compile(r"^checking file\s+(.*)$")
+HUNK_FAILED_RE = re.compile(r"^Hunk #(\d+) FAILED at.*")
+HUNK_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r"^@@\s+-(\d+),(\d+)\s+\+(\d+),(\d+)\s+@@")
+HUNK_END_RE = re.compile(r"^--\s*$")
+PATCH_SUBFILE_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r"^\+\+\+ [ab]/(.*)$")
+def atomic_write(fp: Union[Path, str], mode="w", *args, **kwargs):
+ """Write to a filepath atomically.
+ This works by a temp file swap, created with a .tmp suffix in
+ the same directory briefly until being renamed to the desired
+ filepath.
+ Args:
+ fp: Filepath to open.
+ mode: File mode; can be 'w', 'wb'. Default 'w'.
+ *args: Passed to Path.open as nargs.
+ **kwargs: Passed to Path.open as kwargs.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError when the mode is invalid.
+ """
+ if isinstance(fp, str):
+ fp = Path(fp)
+ if mode not in ("w", "wb"):
+ raise ValueError(f"mode {mode} not accepted")
+ temp_fp = fp.with_suffix(fp.suffix + ".tmp")
+ try:
+ with temp_fp.open(mode, *args, **kwargs) as f:
+ yield f
+ except:
+ if temp_fp.is_file():
+ temp_fp.unlink()
+ raise
+ temp_fp.rename(fp)
+class Hunk:
+ """Represents a patch Hunk."""
+ hunk_id: int
+ """Hunk ID for the current file."""
+ orig_start: int
+ orig_hunk_len: int
+ patch_start: int
+ patch_hunk_len: int
+ patch_hunk_lineno_begin: int
+ patch_hunk_lineno_end: Optional[int]
+def parse_patch_stream(patch_stream: IO[str]) -> Dict[str, List[Hunk]]:
+ """Parse a patch file-like into Hunks.
+ Args:
+ patch_stream: A IO stream formatted like a git patch file.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping filenames to lists of Hunks present
+ in the patch stream.
+ """
+ current_filepath = None
+ current_hunk_id = 0
+ current_hunk = None
+ out = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for lineno, line in enumerate(patch_stream.readlines()):
+ subfile_header = PATCH_SUBFILE_HEADER_RE.match(line)
+ if subfile_header:
+ current_filepath = subfile_header.group(1)
+ if not current_filepath:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not get file header in patch stream")
+ # Need to reset the hunk id, as it's per-file.
+ current_hunk_id = 0
+ continue
+ hunk_header = HUNK_HEADER_RE.match(line)
+ if hunk_header:
+ if not current_filepath:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Parsed hunk before file header in patch stream"
+ )
+ if current_hunk:
+ # Already parsing a hunk
+ current_hunk.patch_hunk_lineno_end = lineno
+ current_hunk_id += 1
+ current_hunk = Hunk(
+ hunk_id=current_hunk_id,
+ orig_start=int(hunk_header.group(1)),
+ orig_hunk_len=int(hunk_header.group(2)),
+ patch_start=int(hunk_header.group(3)),
+ patch_hunk_len=int(hunk_header.group(4)),
+ patch_hunk_lineno_begin=lineno + 1,
+ patch_hunk_lineno_end=None,
+ )
+ out[current_filepath].append(current_hunk)
+ continue
+ if current_hunk and HUNK_END_RE.match(line):
+ current_hunk.patch_hunk_lineno_end = lineno
+ return out
+def parse_failed_patch_output(text: str) -> Dict[str, List[int]]:
+ current_file = None
+ failed_hunks = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for eline in text.split("\n"):
+ checked_file_match = CHECKED_FILE_RE.match(eline)
+ if checked_file_match:
+ current_file = checked_file_match.group(1)
+ continue
+ failed_match = HUNK_FAILED_RE.match(eline)
+ if failed_match:
+ if not current_file:
+ raise ValueError("Input stream was not parsable")
+ hunk_id = int(failed_match.group(1))
+ failed_hunks[current_file].append(hunk_id)
+ return failed_hunks
+class PatchResult:
+ """Result of a patch application."""
+ succeeded: bool
+ failed_hunks: Dict[str, List[Hunk]] = dataclasses.field(
+ default_factory=dict
+ )
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return self.succeeded
+ def failure_info(self) -> str:
+ if self.succeeded:
+ return ""
+ s = ""
+ for file, hunks in self.failed_hunks.items():
+ s += f"{file}:\n"
+ for h in hunks:
+ s += f"Lines {h.orig_start} to {h.orig_start + h.orig_hunk_len}\n"
+ s += "--------------------\n"
+ return s
+class PatchEntry:
+ """Object mapping of an entry of PATCHES.json."""
+ workdir: Path
+ """Storage location for the patches."""
+ metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
+ platforms: Optional[List[str]]
+ rel_patch_path: str
+ version_range: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[int]]]
+ _parsed_hunks = None
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ if not self.workdir.is_dir():
+ raise ValueError(f"workdir {self.workdir} is not a directory")
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, workdir: Path, data: Dict[str, Any]):
+ """Instatiate from a dictionary.
+ Dictionary must have at least the following key:
+ {
+ 'rel_patch_path': '<relative patch path to workdir>',
+ }
+ Returns:
+ A new PatchEntry.
+ """
+ return cls(
+ workdir,
+ data.get("metadata"),
+ data.get("platforms"),
+ data["rel_patch_path"],
+ data.get("version_range"),
+ )
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ out: Dict[str, Any] = {
+ "metadata": self.metadata,
+ }
+ if self.platforms:
+ # To match patch_sync, only serialized when
+ # non-empty and non-null.
+ out["platforms"] = sorted(self.platforms)
+ out.update(
+ {
+ "rel_patch_path": self.rel_patch_path,
+ "version_range": self.version_range,
+ }
+ )
+ return out
+ def parsed_hunks(self) -> Dict[str, List[Hunk]]:
+ # Minor caching here because IO is slow.
+ if not self._parsed_hunks:
+ with self.patch_path().open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ self._parsed_hunks = parse_patch_stream(f)
+ return self._parsed_hunks
+ def patch_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self.workdir / self.rel_patch_path
+ def can_patch_version(self, svn_version: int) -> bool:
+ """Is this patch meant to apply to `svn_version`?"""
+ # Sometimes the key is there, but it's set to None.
+ if not self.version_range:
+ return True
+ from_v = self.version_range.get("from") or 0
+ until_v = self.version_range.get("until")
+ if until_v is None:
+ until_v = sys.maxsize
+ return from_v <= svn_version < until_v
+ def is_old(self, svn_version: int) -> bool:
+ """Is this patch old compared to `svn_version`?"""
+ if not self.version_range:
+ return False
+ until_v = self.version_range.get("until")
+ # Sometimes the key is there, but it's set to None.
+ if until_v is None:
+ until_v = sys.maxsize
+ return svn_version >= until_v
+ def apply(
+ self, root_dir: Path, extra_args: Optional[List[str]] = None
+ ) -> PatchResult:
+ """Apply a patch to a given directory."""
+ if not extra_args:
+ extra_args = []
+ # Cmd to apply a patch in the src unpack path.
+ abs_patch_path = self.patch_path().absolute()
+ if not abs_patch_path.is_file():
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"Cannot apply: patch {abs_patch_path} is not a file"
+ )
+ cmd = [
+ "patch",
+ "-d",
+ root_dir.absolute(),
+ "-f",
+ "-p1",
+ "--no-backup-if-mismatch",
+ "-i",
+ abs_patch_path,
+ ] + extra_args
+ try:
+ subprocess.run(
+ cmd, encoding="utf-8", check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ parsed_hunks = self.parsed_hunks()
+ failed_hunks_id_dict = parse_failed_patch_output(e.stdout)
+ failed_hunks = {}
+ for path, failed_hunk_ids in failed_hunks_id_dict.items():
+ hunks_for_file = parsed_hunks[path]
+ failed_hunks[path] = [
+ hunk
+ for hunk in hunks_for_file
+ if hunk.hunk_id in failed_hunk_ids
+ ]
+ return PatchResult(succeeded=False, failed_hunks=failed_hunks)
+ return PatchResult(succeeded=True)
+ def test_apply(self, root_dir: Path) -> PatchResult:
+ """Dry run applying a patch to a given directory."""
+ return self.apply(root_dir, ["--dry-run"])
+ def title(self) -> str:
+ if not self.metadata:
+ return ""
+ return self.metadata.get("title", "")
+class PatchInfo:
+ """Holds info for a round of patch applications."""
+ # str types are legacy. Patch lists should
+ # probably be PatchEntries,
+ applied_patches: List[PatchEntry]
+ failed_patches: List[PatchEntry]
+ # Can be deleted once legacy code is removed.
+ non_applicable_patches: List[str]
+ # Can be deleted once legacy code is removed.
+ disabled_patches: List[str]
+ # Can be deleted once legacy code is removed.
+ removed_patches: List[str]
+ # Can be deleted once legacy code is removed.
+ modified_metadata: Optional[str]
+ def _asdict(self):
+ return dataclasses.asdict(self)
+def json_to_patch_entries(workdir: Path, json_fd: IO[str]) -> List[PatchEntry]:
+ """Convert a json IO object to List[PatchEntry].
+ Examples:
+ >>> f = open('PATCHES.json')
+ >>> patch_entries = json_to_patch_entries(Path(), f)
+ """
+ return [PatchEntry.from_dict(workdir, d) for d in json.load(json_fd)]
+def _print_failed_patch(pe: PatchEntry, failed_hunks: Dict[str, List[Hunk]]):
+ """Print information about a single failing PatchEntry.
+ Args:
+ pe: A PatchEntry that failed.
+ failed_hunks: Hunks for pe which failed as dict:
+ filepath: [Hunk...]
+ """
+ print(f"Could not apply {pe.rel_patch_path}: {pe.title()}", file=sys.stderr)
+ for fp, hunks in failed_hunks.items():
+ print(f"{fp}:", file=sys.stderr)
+ for h in hunks:
+ print(
+ f"- {pe.rel_patch_path} "
+ f"l:{h.patch_hunk_lineno_begin}...{h.patch_hunk_lineno_end}",
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+def apply_all_from_json(
+ svn_version: int,
+ llvm_src_dir: Path,
+ patches_json_fp: Path,
+ continue_on_failure: bool = False,
+) -> PatchInfo:
+ """Attempt to apply some patches to a given LLVM source tree.
+ This relies on a PATCHES.json file to be the primary way
+ the patches are applied.
+ Args:
+ svn_version: LLVM Subversion revision to patch.
+ llvm_src_dir: llvm-project root-level source directory to patch.
+ patches_json_fp: Filepath to the PATCHES.json file.
+ continue_on_failure: Skip any patches which failed to apply,
+ rather than throw an Exception.
+ """
+ with patches_json_fp.open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ patches = json_to_patch_entries(patches_json_fp.parent, f)
+ skipped_patches = []
+ failed_patches = []
+ applied_patches = []
+ for pe in patches:
+ applied, failed_hunks = apply_single_patch_entry(
+ svn_version, llvm_src_dir, pe
+ )
+ if applied:
+ applied_patches.append(pe)
+ continue
+ if failed_hunks is not None:
+ if continue_on_failure:
+ failed_patches.append(pe)
+ continue
+ else:
+ _print_failed_patch(pe, failed_hunks)
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "failed to apply patch " f"{pe.patch_path()}: {pe.title()}"
+ )
+ # Didn't apply, didn't fail, it was skipped.
+ skipped_patches.append(pe)
+ return PatchInfo(
+ non_applicable_patches=skipped_patches,
+ applied_patches=applied_patches,
+ failed_patches=failed_patches,
+ disabled_patches=[],
+ removed_patches=[],
+ modified_metadata=None,
+ )
+def apply_single_patch_entry(
+ svn_version: int,
+ llvm_src_dir: Path,
+ pe: PatchEntry,
+ ignore_version_range: bool = False,
+) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Dict[str, List[Hunk]]]]:
+ """Try to apply a single PatchEntry object.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple where the first element indicates whether the patch applied,
+ and the second element is a faild hunk mapping from file name to lists of
+ hunks (if the patch didn't apply).
+ """
+ # Don't apply patches outside of the version range.
+ if not ignore_version_range and not pe.can_patch_version(svn_version):
+ return False, None
+ # Test first to avoid making changes.
+ test_application = pe.test_apply(llvm_src_dir)
+ if not test_application:
+ return False, test_application.failed_hunks
+ # Now actually make changes.
+ application_result = pe.apply(llvm_src_dir)
+ if not application_result:
+ # This should be very rare/impossible.
+ return False, application_result.failed_hunks
+ return True, None
+def is_git_dirty(git_root_dir: Path) -> bool:
+ """Return whether the given git directory has uncommitted changes."""
+ if not git_root_dir.is_dir():
+ raise ValueError(f"git_root_dir {git_root_dir} is not a directory")
+ cmd = ["git", "ls-files", "-m", "--other", "--exclude-standard"]
+ return (
+ subprocess.run(
+ cmd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ check=True,
+ cwd=git_root_dir,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ ).stdout
+ != ""
+ )
+def clean_src_tree(src_path):
+ """Cleans the source tree of the changes made in 'src_path'."""
+ reset_src_tree_cmd = ["git", "-C", src_path, "reset", "HEAD", "--hard"]
+ subprocess.run(reset_src_tree_cmd, check=True)
+ clean_src_tree_cmd = ["git", "-C", src_path, "clean", "-fd"]
+ subprocess.run(clean_src_tree_cmd, check=True)
+def git_clean_context(git_root_dir: Path):
+ """Cleans up a git directory when the context exits."""
+ if is_git_dirty(git_root_dir):
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot setup clean context; git_root_dir is dirty")
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ clean_src_tree(git_root_dir)
+def _write_json_changes(patches: List[Dict[str, Any]], file_io: IO[str]):
+ """Write JSON changes to file, does not acquire new file lock."""
+ json.dump(patches, file_io, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))
+ # Need to add a newline as json.dump omits it.
+ file_io.write("\n")
+def update_version_ranges(
+ svn_version: int, llvm_src_dir: Path, patches_json_fp: Path
+) -> PatchInfo:
+ """Reduce the version ranges of failing patches.
+ Patches which fail to apply will have their 'version_range.until'
+ field reduced to the passed in svn_version.
+ Modifies the contents of patches_json_fp.
+ Args:
+ svn_version: LLVM revision number.
+ llvm_src_dir: llvm-project directory path.
+ patches_json_fp: Filepath to the PATCHES.json file.
+ Returns:
+ PatchInfo for applied and disabled patches.
+ """
+ with patches_json_fp.open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ patch_entries = json_to_patch_entries(
+ patches_json_fp.parent,
+ f,
+ )
+ modified_entries, applied_patches = update_version_ranges_with_entries(
+ svn_version, llvm_src_dir, patch_entries
+ )
+ with atomic_write(patches_json_fp, encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ _write_json_changes([p.to_dict() for p in patch_entries], f)
+ for entry in modified_entries:
+ print(
+ f"Stopped applying {entry.rel_patch_path} ({entry.title()}) "
+ f"for r{svn_version}"
+ )
+ return PatchInfo(
+ non_applicable_patches=[],
+ applied_patches=applied_patches,
+ failed_patches=[],
+ disabled_patches=[p.rel_patch_path for p in modified_entries],
+ removed_patches=[],
+ modified_metadata=str(patches_json_fp) if modified_entries else None,
+ )
+def update_version_ranges_with_entries(
+ svn_version: int,
+ llvm_src_dir: Path,
+ patch_entries: Iterable[PatchEntry],
+) -> Tuple[List[PatchEntry], List[PatchEntry]]:
+ """Test-able helper for UpdateVersionRanges.
+ Args:
+ svn_version: LLVM revision number.
+ llvm_src_dir: llvm-project directory path.
+ patch_entries: PatchEntry objects to modify.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple of (modified entries, applied patches)
+ Post:
+ Modifies patch_entries in place.
+ """
+ modified_entries: List[PatchEntry] = []
+ applied_patches: List[PatchEntry] = []
+ active_patches = (pe for pe in patch_entries if not pe.is_old(svn_version))
+ with git_clean_context(llvm_src_dir):
+ for pe in active_patches:
+ test_result = pe.test_apply(llvm_src_dir)
+ if not test_result:
+ if pe.version_range is None:
+ pe.version_range = {}
+ pe.version_range["until"] = svn_version
+ modified_entries.append(pe)
+ else:
+ # We have to actually apply the patch so that future patches
+ # will stack properly.
+ if not pe.apply(llvm_src_dir).succeeded:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Could not apply patch that dry ran successfully"
+ )
+ applied_patches.append(pe)
+ return modified_entries, applied_patches
+def remove_old_patches(
+ svn_version: int, llvm_src_dir: Path, patches_json_fp: Path
+) -> PatchInfo:
+ """Remove patches that don't and will never apply for the future.
+ Patches are determined to be "old" via the "is_old" method for
+ each patch entry.
+ Args:
+ svn_version: LLVM SVN version.
+ llvm_src_dir: LLVM source directory.
+ patches_json_fp: Location to edit patches on.
+ Returns:
+ PatchInfo for modified patches.
+ """
+ with patches_json_fp.open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ patches_list = json.load(f)
+ patch_entries = (
+ PatchEntry.from_dict(llvm_src_dir, elem) for elem in patches_list
+ )
+ oldness = [(entry, entry.is_old(svn_version)) for entry in patch_entries]
+ filtered_entries = [entry.to_dict() for entry, old in oldness if not old]
+ with atomic_write(patches_json_fp, encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ _write_json_changes(filtered_entries, f)
+ removed_entries = [entry for entry, old in oldness if old]
+ plural_patches = "patch" if len(removed_entries) == 1 else "patches"
+ print(f"Removed {len(removed_entries)} old {plural_patches}:")
+ for r in removed_entries:
+ print(f"- {r.rel_patch_path}: {r.title()}")
+ return PatchInfo(
+ non_applicable_patches=[],
+ applied_patches=[],
+ failed_patches=[],
+ disabled_patches=[],
+ removed_patches=[p.rel_patch_path for p in removed_entries],
+ modified_metadata=str(patches_json_fp) if removed_entries else None,
+ )