path: root/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rust_tools/rust_uprev.py')
1 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py b/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3c0ad012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Tool to automatically generate a new Rust uprev CL.
+This tool is intended to automatically generate a CL to uprev Rust to a
+newer version in Chrome OS, including creating a new Rust version or
+removing an old version. It's based on
+src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/dev-lang/rust/UPGRADE.md. When using
+the tool, the progress can be saved to a JSON file, so the user can resume
+the process after a failing step is fixed. Example usage to create a new
+1. (inside chroot) $ ./rust_tools/rust_uprev.py
+ --state_file /tmp/state-file.json
+ create --rust_version 1.45.0
+2. Step "compile rust" failed due to the patches can't apply to new version
+3. Manually fix the patches
+4. Execute the command in step 1 again.
+5. Iterate 1-4 for each failed step until the tool passes.
+Replace `create --rust_version 1.45.0` with `remove --rust_version 1.43.0`
+if you want to remove all 1.43.0 related stuff in the same CL. Remember to
+use a different state file if you choose to run different subcommands.
+If you want a hammer that can do everything for you, use the subcommand
+`roll`. It can create a Rust uprev CL with `create` and `remove` and upload
+the CL to chromium code review.
+See `--help` for all available options.
+# pylint: disable=cros-logging-import
+import argparse
+import pathlib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, T, Tuple
+from llvm_tools import chroot, git
+RUST_PATH = '/mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/dev-lang/rust'
+def get_command_output(command: List[str], *args, **kwargs) -> str:
+ return subprocess.check_output(
+ command, encoding='utf-8', *args, **kwargs).strip()
+class RustVersion(NamedTuple):
+ """NamedTuple represents a Rust version"""
+ major: int
+ minor: int
+ patch: int
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f'{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}'
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_from_ebuild(ebuild_name: str) -> 'RustVersion':
+ input_re = re.compile(r'^rust-'
+ r'(?P<major>\d+)\.'
+ r'(?P<minor>\d+)\.'
+ r'(?P<patch>\d+)'
+ r'(:?-r\d+)?'
+ r'\.ebuild$')
+ m = input_re.match(ebuild_name)
+ assert m, f'failed to parse {ebuild_name!r}'
+ return RustVersion(
+ int(m.group('major')), int(m.group('minor')), int(m.group('patch')))
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(x: str) -> 'RustVersion':
+ input_re = re.compile(r'^(?:rust-)?'
+ r'(?P<major>\d+)\.'
+ r'(?P<minor>\d+)\.'
+ r'(?P<patch>\d+)'
+ r'(?:.ebuild)?$')
+ m = input_re.match(x)
+ assert m, f'failed to parse {x!r}'
+ return RustVersion(
+ int(m.group('major')), int(m.group('minor')), int(m.group('patch')))
+def parse_commandline_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--state_file',
+ required=True,
+ help='A state file to hold previous completed steps. If the file '
+ 'exists, it needs to be used together with --continue or --restart. '
+ 'If not exist (do not use --continue in this case), we will create a '
+ 'file for you.',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--restart',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Restart from the first step. Ignore the completed steps in '
+ 'the state file',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--continue',
+ dest='cont',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Continue the steps from the state file',
+ )
+ create_parser_template = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ create_parser_template.add_argument(
+ '--template',
+ type=RustVersion.parse,
+ default=None,
+ help='A template to use for creating a Rust uprev from, in the form '
+ 'a.b.c The ebuild has to exist in the chroot. If not specified, the '
+ 'tool will use the current Rust version in the chroot as template.',
+ )
+ create_parser_template.add_argument(
+ '--skip_compile',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Skip compiling rust to test the tool. Only for testing',
+ )
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name')
+ subparser_names = []
+ subparser_names.append('create')
+ create_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'create',
+ parents=[create_parser_template],
+ help='Create changes uprevs Rust to a new version',
+ )
+ create_parser.add_argument(
+ '--rust_version',
+ type=RustVersion.parse,
+ required=True,
+ help='Rust version to uprev to, in the form a.b.c',
+ )
+ subparser_names.append('remove')
+ remove_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'remove',
+ help='Clean up old Rust version from chroot',
+ )
+ remove_parser.add_argument(
+ '--rust_version',
+ type=RustVersion.parse,
+ default=None,
+ help='Rust version to remove, in the form a.b.c If not '
+ 'specified, the tool will remove the oldest version in the chroot',
+ )
+ subparser_names.append('roll')
+ roll_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'roll',
+ parents=[create_parser_template],
+ help='A command can create and upload a Rust uprev CL, including '
+ 'preparing the repo, creating new Rust uprev, deleting old uprev, '
+ 'and upload a CL to crrev.',
+ )
+ roll_parser.add_argument(
+ '--uprev',
+ type=RustVersion.parse,
+ required=True,
+ help='Rust version to uprev to, in the form a.b.c',
+ )
+ roll_parser.add_argument(
+ '--remove',
+ type=RustVersion.parse,
+ default=None,
+ help='Rust version to remove, in the form a.b.c If not '
+ 'specified, the tool will remove the oldest version in the chroot',
+ )
+ roll_parser.add_argument(
+ '--skip_cross_compiler',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Skip updating cross-compiler in the chroot',
+ )
+ roll_parser.add_argument(
+ '--no_upload',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='If specified, the tool will not upload the CL for review',
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.subparser_name not in subparser_names:
+ parser.error('one of %s must be specified' % subparser_names)
+ if args.cont and args.restart:
+ parser.error('Please select either --continue or --restart')
+ if os.path.exists(args.state_file):
+ if not args.cont and not args.restart:
+ parser.error('State file exists, so you should either --continue '
+ 'or --restart')
+ if args.cont and not os.path.exists(args.state_file):
+ parser.error('Indicate --continue but the state file does not exist')
+ if args.restart and os.path.exists(args.state_file):
+ os.remove(args.state_file)
+ return args
+def parse_stage0_file(new_version: RustVersion) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
+ # Find stage0 date, rustc and cargo
+ stage0_file = get_command_output([
+ 'curl', '-f', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rust-lang/rust/'
+ f'{new_version}/src/stage0.txt'
+ ])
+ regexp = re.compile(r'date:\s*(?P<date>\d+-\d+-\d+)\s+'
+ r'rustc:\s*(?P<rustc>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+'
+ r'cargo:\s*(?P<cargo>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
+ m = regexp.search(stage0_file)
+ assert m, 'failed to parse stage0.txt file'
+ stage0_date, stage0_rustc, stage0_cargo = m.groups()
+ logging.info('Found stage0 file has date: %s, rustc: %s, cargo: %s',
+ stage0_date, stage0_rustc, stage0_cargo)
+ return stage0_date, stage0_rustc, stage0_cargo
+def prepare_uprev(rust_version: RustVersion, template: Optional[RustVersion]
+ ) -> Optional[Tuple[RustVersion, str]]:
+ if template is None:
+ ebuild_path = get_command_output(['equery', 'w', 'rust'])
+ ebuild_name = os.path.basename(ebuild_path)
+ template_version = RustVersion.parse_from_ebuild(ebuild_name)
+ else:
+ ebuild_path = find_ebuild_for_rust_version(template)
+ template_version = template
+ if rust_version <= template_version:
+ logging.info(
+ 'Requested version %s is not newer than the template version %s.',
+ rust_version, template_version)
+ return None
+ logging.info('Template Rust version is %s (ebuild: %r)', template_version,
+ ebuild_path)
+ return template_version, ebuild_path
+def copy_patches(template_version: RustVersion,
+ new_version: RustVersion) -> None:
+ patch_path = os.path.join(RUST_PATH, 'files')
+ for f in os.listdir(patch_path):
+ if f'rust-{template_version}' not in f:
+ continue
+ logging.info('Rename patch %s to new version', f)
+ new_name = f.replace(str(template_version), str(new_version))
+ shutil.copyfile(
+ os.path.join(patch_path, f),
+ os.path.join(patch_path, new_name),
+ )
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', f'files/rust-{new_version}-*.patch'],
+ cwd=RUST_PATH)
+def create_ebuild(template_ebuild: str, new_version: RustVersion) -> str:
+ shutil.copyfile(template_ebuild,
+ os.path.join(RUST_PATH, f'rust-{new_version}.ebuild'))
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', f'rust-{new_version}.ebuild'],
+ cwd=RUST_PATH)
+ return os.path.join(RUST_PATH, f'rust-{new_version}.ebuild')
+def update_ebuild(ebuild_file: str, stage0_info: Tuple[str, str, str]) -> None:
+ stage0_date, stage0_rustc, stage0_cargo = stage0_info
+ with open(ebuild_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ contents = f.read()
+ # Update STAGE0_DATE in the ebuild
+ stage0_date_re = re.compile(r'STAGE0_DATE="(\d+-\d+-\d+)"')
+ if not stage0_date_re.search(contents):
+ raise RuntimeError('STAGE0_DATE not found in rust ebuild')
+ new_contents = stage0_date_re.sub(f'STAGE0_DATE="{stage0_date}"', contents)
+ # Update STAGE0_VERSION in the ebuild
+ stage0_rustc_re = re.compile(r'STAGE0_VERSION="[^"]*"')
+ if not stage0_rustc_re.search(new_contents):
+ raise RuntimeError('STAGE0_VERSION not found in rust ebuild')
+ new_contents = stage0_rustc_re.sub(f'STAGE0_VERSION="{stage0_rustc}"',
+ new_contents)
+ # Update STAGE0_VERSION_CARGO in the ebuild
+ stage0_cargo_re = re.compile(r'STAGE0_VERSION_CARGO="[^"]*"')
+ if not stage0_cargo_re.search(new_contents):
+ raise RuntimeError('STAGE0_VERSION_CARGO not found in rust ebuild')
+ new_contents = stage0_cargo_re.sub(f'STAGE0_VERSION_CARGO="{stage0_cargo}"',
+ new_contents)
+ with open(ebuild_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(new_contents)
+ logging.info(
+ 'updated to %s, %s, %s respectively', stage0_date, stage0_rustc,
+ stage0_cargo)
+def flip_mirror_in_ebuild(ebuild_file: str, add: bool) -> None:
+ restrict_re = re.compile(
+ r'(?P<before>RESTRICT=")(?P<values>"[^"]*"|.*)(?P<after>")')
+ with open(ebuild_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ contents = f.read()
+ m = restrict_re.search(contents)
+ assert m, 'failed to find RESTRICT variable in Rust ebuild'
+ values = m.group('values')
+ if add:
+ if 'mirror' in values:
+ return
+ values += ' mirror'
+ else:
+ if 'mirror' not in values:
+ return
+ values = values.replace(' mirror', '')
+ new_contents = restrict_re.sub(r'\g<before>%s\g<after>' % values, contents)
+ with open(ebuild_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(new_contents)
+def rust_ebuild_actions(actions: List[str], sudo: bool = False) -> None:
+ ebuild_path_inchroot = get_command_output(['equery', 'w', 'rust'])
+ cmd = ['ebuild', ebuild_path_inchroot] + actions
+ if sudo:
+ cmd = ['sudo'] + cmd
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+def update_manifest(ebuild_file: str) -> None:
+ logging.info('Added "mirror" to RESTRICT to Rust ebuild')
+ flip_mirror_in_ebuild(ebuild_file, add=True)
+ rust_ebuild_actions(['manifest'])
+ logging.info('Removed "mirror" to RESTRICT from Rust ebuild')
+ flip_mirror_in_ebuild(ebuild_file, add=False)
+def update_rust_packages(rust_version: RustVersion, add: bool) -> None:
+ package_file = os.path.join(
+ RUST_PATH, '../../profiles/targets/chromeos/package.provided')
+ with open(package_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ contents = f.read()
+ if add:
+ rust_packages_re = re.compile(r'dev-lang/rust-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
+ rust_packages = rust_packages_re.findall(contents)
+ # Assume all the rust packages are in alphabetical order, so insert the new
+ # version to the place after the last rust_packages
+ new_str = f'dev-lang/rust-{rust_version}'
+ new_contents = contents.replace(rust_packages[-1],
+ f'{rust_packages[-1]}\n{new_str}')
+ logging.info('%s has been inserted into package.provided', new_str)
+ else:
+ old_str = f'dev-lang/rust-{rust_version}\n'
+ assert old_str in contents, f'{old_str!r} not found in package.provided'
+ new_contents = contents.replace(old_str, '')
+ logging.info('%s has been removed from package.provided', old_str)
+ with open(package_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(new_contents)
+def update_virtual_rust(template_version: RustVersion,
+ new_version: RustVersion) -> None:
+ virtual_rust_dir = os.path.join(RUST_PATH, '../../virtual/rust')
+ assert os.path.exists(virtual_rust_dir)
+ shutil.copyfile(
+ os.path.join(virtual_rust_dir, f'rust-{template_version}.ebuild'),
+ os.path.join(virtual_rust_dir, f'rust-{new_version}.ebuild'))
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', f'rust-{new_version}.ebuild'],
+ cwd=virtual_rust_dir)
+def upload_single_tarball(rust_url: str, tarfile_name: str,
+ tempdir: str) -> None:
+ rust_src = f'{rust_url}/{tarfile_name}'
+ gsutil_location = f'gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/{tarfile_name}'
+ missing_file = subprocess.call(
+ ['gsutil', 'ls', gsutil_location],
+ stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+ if not missing_file:
+ logging.info('Rust artifact at %s already exists; skipping download',
+ gsutil_location)
+ return
+ logging.info('Downloading Rust artifact from %s', rust_src)
+ # Download Rust's source
+ rust_file = os.path.join(tempdir, tarfile_name)
+ subprocess.check_call(['curl', '-f', '-o', rust_file, rust_src])
+ # Verify the signature of the source
+ sig_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'rustc_sig.asc')
+ subprocess.check_call(['curl', '-f', '-o', sig_file, f'{rust_src}.asc'])
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_output(['gpg', '--verify', sig_file, rust_file],
+ encoding='utf-8',
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ if "gpg: Can't check signature" not in e.output:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to execute `gpg --verify`, {e.output}')
+ # If it fails to verify the signature, try import rustc key, and retry.
+ keys = get_command_output(
+ ['curl', '-f', 'https://keybase.io/rust/pgp_keys.asc'])
+ subprocess.run(['gpg', '--import'],
+ input=keys,
+ encoding='utf-8',
+ check=True)
+ subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '--verify', sig_file, rust_file])
+ # Since we are using `-n` to skip an item if it already exists, there's no
+ # need to check if the file exists on GS bucket or not.
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ['gsutil', 'cp', '-n', '-a', 'public-read', rust_file, gsutil_location])
+def upload_to_localmirror(tempdir: str, rust_version: RustVersion,
+ stage0_info: Tuple[str, str, str]) -> None:
+ stage0_date, stage0_rustc, stage0_cargo = stage0_info
+ rust_url = 'https://static.rust-lang.org/dist'
+ # Upload rustc source
+ upload_single_tarball(
+ rust_url,
+ f'rustc-{rust_version}-src.tar.gz',
+ tempdir,
+ )
+ # Upload stage0 toolchain
+ upload_single_tarball(
+ f'{rust_url}/{stage0_date}',
+ f'rust-std-{stage0_rustc}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz',
+ tempdir,
+ )
+ # Upload stage0 source
+ upload_single_tarball(
+ rust_url,
+ f'rustc-{stage0_rustc}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz',
+ tempdir,
+ )
+ # Upload stage0 cargo
+ upload_single_tarball(
+ rust_url,
+ f'cargo-{stage0_cargo}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz',
+ tempdir,
+ )
+def perform_step(state_file: pathlib.Path,
+ tmp_state_file: pathlib.Path,
+ completed_steps: Dict[str, Any],
+ step_name: str,
+ step_fn: Callable[[], T],
+ result_from_json: Optional[Callable[[Any], T]] = None,
+ result_to_json: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None) -> T:
+ if step_name in completed_steps:
+ logging.info('Skipping previously completed step %s', step_name)
+ if result_from_json:
+ return result_from_json(completed_steps[step_name])
+ return completed_steps[step_name]
+ logging.info('Running step %s', step_name)
+ val = step_fn()
+ logging.info('Step %s complete', step_name)
+ if result_to_json:
+ completed_steps[step_name] = result_to_json(val)
+ else:
+ completed_steps[step_name] = val
+ with tmp_state_file.open('w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ json.dump(completed_steps, f, indent=4)
+ tmp_state_file.rename(state_file)
+ return val
+def prepare_uprev_from_json(obj: Any) -> Optional[Tuple[RustVersion, str]]:
+ if not obj:
+ return None
+ version, ebuild_path = obj
+ return RustVersion(*version), ebuild_path
+def create_rust_uprev(rust_version: RustVersion,
+ maybe_template_version: Optional[RustVersion],
+ skip_compile: bool, run_step: Callable[[], T]) -> None:
+ stage0_info = run_step(
+ 'parse stage0 file', lambda: parse_stage0_file(rust_version))
+ template_version, template_ebuild = run_step(
+ 'prepare uprev',
+ lambda: prepare_uprev(rust_version, maybe_template_version),
+ result_from_json=prepare_uprev_from_json,
+ )
+ if template_ebuild is None:
+ return
+ run_step('copy patches', lambda: copy_patches(template_version, rust_version))
+ ebuild_file = run_step(
+ 'create ebuild', lambda: create_ebuild(template_ebuild, rust_version))
+ run_step('update ebuild', lambda: update_ebuild(ebuild_file, stage0_info))
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir='/tmp') as tempdir:
+ run_step('upload_to_localmirror', lambda: upload_to_localmirror(
+ tempdir, rust_version, stage0_info))
+ run_step('update manifest to add new version', lambda: update_manifest(
+ ebuild_file))
+ if not skip_compile:
+ run_step('emerge rust', lambda: subprocess.check_call(
+ ['sudo', 'emerge', 'dev-lang/rust']))
+ run_step('insert version into rust packages', lambda: update_rust_packages(
+ rust_version, add=True))
+ run_step('upgrade virtual/rust', lambda: update_virtual_rust(
+ template_version, rust_version))
+def find_rust_versions_in_chroot() -> List[Tuple[RustVersion, str]]:
+ return [(RustVersion.parse_from_ebuild(x), os.path.join(RUST_PATH, x))
+ for x in os.listdir(RUST_PATH)
+ if x.endswith('.ebuild')]
+def find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot() -> Tuple[RustVersion, str]:
+ rust_versions = find_rust_versions_in_chroot()
+ if len(rust_versions) <= 1:
+ raise RuntimeError('Expect to find more than one Rust versions')
+ return min(rust_versions)
+def find_ebuild_for_rust_version(version: RustVersion) -> str:
+ rust_ebuilds = [
+ ebuild for x, ebuild in find_rust_versions_in_chroot() if x == version
+ ]
+ if not rust_ebuilds:
+ raise ValueError(f'No Rust ebuilds found matching {version}')
+ if len(rust_ebuilds) > 1:
+ raise ValueError(f'Multiple Rust ebuilds found matching {version}: '
+ f'{rust_ebuilds}')
+ return rust_ebuilds[0]
+def remove_files(filename: str, path: str) -> None:
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'rm', filename], cwd=path)
+def remove_rust_uprev(rust_version: Optional[RustVersion],
+ run_step: Callable[[], T]) -> None:
+ def find_desired_rust_version():
+ if rust_version:
+ return rust_version, find_ebuild_for_rust_version(rust_version)
+ return find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot()
+ delete_version, delete_ebuild = run_step(
+ 'find rust version to delete',
+ find_desired_rust_version,
+ result_from_json=prepare_uprev_from_json,
+ )
+ run_step(
+ 'remove patches', lambda: remove_files(
+ f'files/rust-{delete_version}-*.patch', RUST_PATH))
+ run_step('remove ebuild', lambda: remove_files(delete_ebuild, RUST_PATH))
+ ebuild_file = get_command_output(['equery', 'w', 'rust'])
+ run_step('update manifest to delete old version', lambda: update_manifest(
+ ebuild_file))
+ run_step('remove version from rust packages', lambda: update_rust_packages(
+ delete_version, add=False))
+ run_step(
+ 'remove virtual/rust', lambda: remove_files(
+ f'rust-{delete_version}.ebuild',
+ os.path.join(RUST_PATH, '../../virtual/rust')))
+def create_new_repo(rust_version: RustVersion) -> None:
+ output = get_command_output(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'], cwd=RUST_PATH)
+ if output:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f'{RUST_PATH} has uncommitted changes, please either discard them '
+ 'or commit them.')
+ git.CreateBranch(RUST_PATH, f'rust-to-{rust_version}')
+def build_cross_compiler() -> None:
+ # Get target triples in ebuild
+ rust_ebuild = get_command_output(['equery', 'w', 'rust'])
+ with open(rust_ebuild, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ contents = f.read()
+ target_triples_re = re.compile(r'RUSTC_TARGET_TRIPLES=\(([^)]+)\)')
+ m = target_triples_re.search(contents)
+ assert m, 'RUST_TARGET_TRIPLES not found in rust ebuild'
+ target_triples = m.group(1).strip().split('\n')
+ compiler_targets_to_install = [
+ target.strip() for target in target_triples if 'cros-' in target
+ ]
+ for target in target_triples:
+ if 'cros-' not in target:
+ continue
+ target = target.strip()
+ # We also always need arm-none-eabi, though it's not mentioned in
+ compiler_targets_to_install.append('arm-none-eabi')
+ logging.info('Emerging cross compilers %s', compiler_targets_to_install)
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ['sudo', 'emerge', '-j', '-G'] +
+ [f'cross-{target}/gcc' for target in compiler_targets_to_install])
+def create_new_commit(rust_version: RustVersion) -> None:
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', '-A'], cwd=RUST_PATH)
+ messages = [
+ f'[DO NOT SUBMIT] dev-lang/rust: upgrade to Rust {rust_version}',
+ '',
+ 'This CL is created by rust_uprev tool automatically.'
+ '',
+ 'BUG=None',
+ 'TEST=Use CQ to test the new Rust version',
+ ]
+ git.UploadChanges(RUST_PATH, f'rust-to-{rust_version}', messages)
+def main() -> None:
+ if not chroot.InChroot():
+ raise RuntimeError('This script must be executed inside chroot')
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ args = parse_commandline_args()
+ state_file = pathlib.Path(args.state_file)
+ tmp_state_file = state_file.with_suffix('.tmp')
+ try:
+ with state_file.open(encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ completed_steps = json.load(f)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ completed_steps = {}
+ def run_step(
+ step_name: str,
+ step_fn: Callable[[], T],
+ result_from_json: Optional[Callable[[Any], T]] = None,
+ result_to_json: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None,
+ ) -> T:
+ return perform_step(state_file, tmp_state_file, completed_steps, step_name,
+ step_fn, result_from_json, result_to_json)
+ if args.subparser_name == 'create':
+ create_rust_uprev(args.rust_version, args.template, args.skip_compile,
+ run_step)
+ elif args.subparser_name == 'remove':
+ remove_rust_uprev(args.rust_version, run_step)
+ else:
+ # If you have added more subparser_name, please also add the handlers above
+ assert args.subparser_name == 'roll'
+ run_step('create new repo', lambda: create_new_repo(args.uprev))
+ if not args.skip_cross_compiler:
+ run_step('build cross compiler', build_cross_compiler)
+ create_rust_uprev(args.uprev, args.template, args.skip_compile, run_step)
+ remove_rust_uprev(args.remove, run_step)
+ if not args.no_upload:
+ run_step('create rust uprev CL', lambda: create_new_commit(args.uprev))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())