path: root/rust_tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rust_tools')
7 files changed, 2433 insertions, 663 deletions
diff --git a/rust_tools/auto_update_rust_bootstrap.py b/rust_tools/auto_update_rust_bootstrap.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c41fcd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust_tools/auto_update_rust_bootstrap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Automatically maintains the rust-bootstrap package.
+This script is responsible for:
+ - uploading new rust-bootstrap prebuilts
+ - adding new versions of rust-bootstrap to keep up with dev-lang/rust
+ - removing versions of rust-bootstrap that are no longer depended on by
+ dev-lang/rust
+It's capable of (and intended to primarily be used for) uploading CLs to do
+these things on its own, so it can easily be regularly run by Chrotomation.
+import argparse
+import collections
+import dataclasses
+import functools
+import glob
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import textwrap
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import copy_rust_bootstrap
+# The bug to tag in all commit messages.
+TRACKING_BUG = "b:315473495"
+# Reviewers for all CLs uploaded.
+ "gbiv@chromium.org",
+ "inglorion@chromium.org",
+@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True, order=True)
+class EbuildVersion:
+ """Represents an ebuild version, simplified for rust-bootstrap versions.
+ "Simplified," means that no `_pre`/etc suffixes have to be accounted for.
+ """
+ major: int
+ minor: int
+ patch: int
+ rev: int
+ def prior_minor_version(self) -> "EbuildVersion":
+ """Returns an EbuildVersion with just the major/minor from this one."""
+ return dataclasses.replace(self, minor=self.minor - 1)
+ def major_minor_only(self) -> "EbuildVersion":
+ """Returns an EbuildVersion with just the major/minor from this one."""
+ if not self.rev and not self.patch:
+ return self
+ return EbuildVersion(
+ major=self.major,
+ minor=self.minor,
+ patch=0,
+ rev=0,
+ )
+ def without_rev(self) -> "EbuildVersion":
+ if not self.rev:
+ return self
+ return dataclasses.replace(self, rev=0)
+ def __str__(self):
+ result = f"{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}"
+ if self.rev:
+ result += f"-r{self.rev}"
+ return result
+def find_raw_bootstrap_sequence_lines(
+ ebuild_lines: List[str],
+) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ """Returns the start/end lines of RUSTC_RAW_FULL_BOOTSTRAP_SEQUENCE."""
+ for i, line in enumerate(ebuild_lines):
+ if line.startswith("RUSTC_RAW_FULL_BOOTSTRAP_SEQUENCE=("):
+ start = i
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("No bootstrap sequence start found in text")
+ for i, line in enumerate(ebuild_lines[i + 1 :], i + 1):
+ if line.rstrip() == ")":
+ return start, i
+ raise ValueError("No bootstrap sequence end found in text")
+def read_bootstrap_sequence_from_ebuild(
+ rust_bootstrap_ebuild: Path,
+) -> List[EbuildVersion]:
+ """Returns a list of EbuildVersions from the given ebuild."""
+ ebuild_lines = rust_bootstrap_ebuild.read_text(
+ encoding="utf-8"
+ ).splitlines()
+ start, end = find_raw_bootstrap_sequence_lines(ebuild_lines)
+ results = []
+ for line in ebuild_lines[start + 1 : end]:
+ # Ignore comments.
+ line = line.split("#", 1)[0].strip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ assert len(line.split()) == 1, f"Unexpected line: {line!r}"
+ results.append(parse_raw_ebuild_version(line.strip()))
+ return results
+def version_listed_in_bootstrap_sequence(
+ ebuild: Path, rust_bootstrap_version: EbuildVersion
+) -> bool:
+ ebuild_lines = ebuild.read_text(encoding="utf-8").splitlines()
+ start, end = find_raw_bootstrap_sequence_lines(ebuild_lines)
+ str_version = str(rust_bootstrap_version.without_rev())
+ return any(
+ line.strip() == str_version for line in ebuild_lines[start + 1 : end]
+ )
+def fetch_most_recent_sdk_version() -> str:
+ """Fetches the most recent official SDK version from gs://."""
+ latest_file_loc = "gs://chromiumos-sdk/cros-sdk-latest.conf"
+ sdk_latest_file = subprocess.run(
+ ["gsutil", "cat", latest_file_loc],
+ check=True,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ ).stdout.strip()
+ latest_sdk_re = re.compile(r'^LATEST_SDK="([0-9\.]+)"$')
+ for line in sdk_latest_file.splitlines():
+ m = latest_sdk_re.match(line)
+ if m:
+ latest_version = m.group(1)
+ logging.info("Detected latest SDK version: %r", latest_version)
+ return latest_version
+ raise ValueError(f"Could not find LATEST_SDK in {latest_file_loc}")
+def find_rust_bootstrap_prebuilt(version: EbuildVersion) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Returns a URL to a prebuilt for `version` of rust-bootstrap."""
+ # Searching chroot-* is generally unsafe, because some uploads might
+ # include SDK artifacts built by CQ+1 runs, so just use the most recent
+ # verified SDK version.
+ sdk_version = fetch_most_recent_sdk_version()
+ # Search for all rust-bootstrap versions rather than specifically
+ # `version`, since gsutil will exit(1) if no matches are found. exit(1) is
+ # desirable if _no rust boostrap artifacts at all exist_, but substantially
+ # less so if this function seeks to just `return False`.
+ gs_glob = (
+ f"gs://chromeos-prebuilt/board/amd64-host/chroot-{sdk_version}"
+ "/packages/dev-lang/rust-bootstrap-*tbz2"
+ )
+ logging.info("Searching %s for rust-bootstrap version %s", gs_glob, version)
+ results = subprocess.run(
+ ["gsutil", "ls", gs_glob],
+ check=True,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ ).stdout.strip()
+ binpkg_name_re = re.compile(
+ r"rust-bootstrap-" + re.escape(str(version)) + r"\.tbz2$"
+ )
+ result_lines = results.splitlines()
+ for line in result_lines:
+ result = line.strip()
+ if binpkg_name_re.search(result):
+ logging.info("Found rust-bootstrap prebuilt: %s", result)
+ return result
+ logging.info("Skipped rust-bootstrap prebuilt: %s", result)
+ logging.info(
+ "No rust-bootstrap for %s found (regex: %s); options: %s",
+ version,
+ binpkg_name_re,
+ result_lines,
+ )
+ return None
+def parse_raw_ebuild_version(raw_ebuild_version: str) -> EbuildVersion:
+ """Parses an ebuild version without the ${PN} prefix or .ebuild suffix.
+ >>> parse_raw_ebuild_version("1.70.0-r2")
+ EbuildVersion(major=1, minor=70, patch=0, rev=2)
+ """
+ version_re = re.compile(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:-r(\d+))?")
+ m = version_re.match(raw_ebuild_version)
+ if not m:
+ raise ValueError(f"Version {raw_ebuild_version} can't be recognized.")
+ major, minor, patch, rev_str = m.groups()
+ rev = 0 if not rev_str else int(rev_str)
+ return EbuildVersion(
+ major=int(major), minor=int(minor), patch=int(patch), rev=rev
+ )
+def parse_ebuild_version(ebuild_name: str) -> EbuildVersion:
+ """Parses the version from an ebuild.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if the `ebuild_name` doesn't contain a parseable version.
+ Notably, version suffixes like `_pre`, `_beta`, etc are unexpected in
+ Rust-y ebuilds, so they're not handled here.
+ >>> parse_ebuild_version("rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild")
+ EbuildVersion(major=1, minor=70, patch=0, rev=2)
+ """
+ version_re = re.compile(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:-r(\d+))?\.ebuild$")
+ m = version_re.search(ebuild_name)
+ if not m:
+ raise ValueError(f"Ebuild {ebuild_name} has no obvious version")
+ major, minor, patch, rev_str = m.groups()
+ rev = 0 if not rev_str else int(rev_str)
+ return EbuildVersion(
+ major=int(major), minor=int(minor), patch=int(patch), rev=rev
+ )
+def collect_ebuilds_by_version(
+ ebuild_dir: Path,
+) -> List[Tuple[EbuildVersion, Path]]:
+ """Returns the latest ebuilds grouped by version.without_rev.
+ Result is always sorted by version, latest versions are last.
+ """
+ ebuilds = ebuild_dir.glob("*.ebuild")
+ versioned_ebuilds: Dict[EbuildVersion, Tuple[EbuildVersion, Path]] = {}
+ for ebuild in ebuilds:
+ version = parse_ebuild_version(ebuild.name)
+ version_no_rev = version.without_rev()
+ other = versioned_ebuilds.get(version_no_rev)
+ this_is_newer = other is None or other[0] < version
+ if this_is_newer:
+ versioned_ebuilds[version_no_rev] = (version, ebuild)
+ return sorted(versioned_ebuilds.values())
+def maybe_copy_prebuilt_to_localmirror(
+ copy_rust_bootstrap_script: Path, prebuilt_gs_path: str, dry_run: bool
+) -> bool:
+ upload_to = copy_rust_bootstrap.determine_target_path(prebuilt_gs_path)
+ result = subprocess.run(
+ ["gsutil", "ls", upload_to],
+ check=False,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+ if not result.returncode:
+ logging.info("Artifact at %s already exists", upload_to)
+ return False
+ cmd: List[Union[Path, str]] = [
+ copy_rust_bootstrap_script,
+ prebuilt_gs_path,
+ ]
+ if dry_run:
+ cmd.append("--dry-run")
+ subprocess.run(
+ cmd,
+ check=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+ return True
+def add_version_to_bootstrap_sequence(
+ ebuild: Path, version: EbuildVersion, dry_run: bool
+ ebuild_lines = ebuild.read_text(encoding="utf-8").splitlines(keepends=True)
+ _, end = find_raw_bootstrap_sequence_lines(ebuild_lines)
+ # `end` is the final paren. Since we _need_ prebuilts for all preceding
+ # versions, always put this a line before the end.
+ ebuild_lines.insert(end, f"\t{version}\n")
+ if not dry_run:
+ ebuild.write_text("".join(ebuild_lines), encoding="utf-8")
+def is_ebuild_linked_to_in_dir(root_ebuild_path: Path) -> bool:
+ """Returns whether symlinks point to `root_ebuild_path`.
+ The only directory checked is the directory that contains
+ `root_ebuild_path`.
+ """
+ assert (
+ root_ebuild_path.is_absolute()
+ ), f"{root_ebuild_path} should be an absolute path."
+ in_dir = root_ebuild_path.parent
+ for ebuild in in_dir.glob("*.ebuild"):
+ if ebuild == root_ebuild_path or not ebuild.is_symlink():
+ continue
+ points_to = Path(os.path.normpath(in_dir / os.readlink(ebuild)))
+ if points_to == root_ebuild_path:
+ return True
+ return False
+def uprev_ebuild(ebuild: Path, version: EbuildVersion, dry_run: bool) -> Path:
+ assert ebuild.is_absolute(), f"{ebuild} should be an absolute path."
+ new_version = dataclasses.replace(version, rev=version.rev + 1)
+ new_ebuild = ebuild.parent / f"rust-bootstrap-{new_version}.ebuild"
+ if dry_run:
+ logging.info(
+ "Skipping rename of %s -> %s; dry-run specified", ebuild, new_ebuild
+ )
+ return new_ebuild
+ # This condition tries to follow CrOS best practices. Namely:
+ # - If the ebuild is a symlink, move it.
+ # - Otherwise, if the ebuild is a normal file, symlink to it as long as
+ # it has no revision.
+ #
+ # Since rust-bootstrap's functionality relies heavily on `${PV}`, it's
+ # completely expected for cross-${PV} symlinks to exist.
+ uprev_via_rename = (
+ version.rev != 0 or ebuild.is_symlink()
+ ) and not is_ebuild_linked_to_in_dir(ebuild)
+ if uprev_via_rename:
+ logging.info("Moving %s -> %s", ebuild, new_ebuild)
+ ebuild.rename(new_ebuild)
+ else:
+ logging.info("Symlinking %s to %s", new_ebuild, ebuild)
+ new_ebuild.symlink_to(ebuild.relative_to(ebuild.parent))
+ return new_ebuild
+def update_ebuild_manifest(rust_bootstrap_ebuild: Path):
+ subprocess.run(
+ ["ebuild", rust_bootstrap_ebuild, "manifest"],
+ check=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+def commit_all_changes(
+ git_dir: Path, rust_bootstrap_dir: Path, commit_message: str
+ subprocess.run(
+ ["git", "add", rust_bootstrap_dir.relative_to(git_dir)],
+ cwd=git_dir,
+ check=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+ subprocess.run(
+ ["git", "commit", "-m", commit_message],
+ cwd=git_dir,
+ check=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+def scrape_git_push_cl_id_strs(git_push_output: str) -> List[str]:
+ id_regex = re.compile(
+ r"^remote:\s+https://chromium-review\S+/\+/(\d+)\s", re.MULTILINE
+ )
+ results = id_regex.findall(git_push_output)
+ if not results:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Found 0 matches of {id_regex} in {git_push_output!r}; expected "
+ "at least 1."
+ )
+ return results
+def upload_changes(git_dir: Path):
+ logging.info("Uploading changes")
+ result = subprocess.run(
+ ["git", "push", "cros", "HEAD:refs/for/main"],
+ check=True,
+ cwd=git_dir,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ )
+ # Print this in case anyone's looking at the output.
+ print(result.stdout, end=None)
+ result.check_returncode()
+ cl_ids = scrape_git_push_cl_id_strs(result.stdout)
+ logging.info(
+ "Uploaded %s successfully!", [f"crrev.com/c/{x}" for x in cl_ids]
+ )
+ for cl_id in cl_ids:
+ gerrit_commands = (
+ ["gerrit", "label-v", cl_id, "1"],
+ ["gerrit", "label-cq", cl_id, "1"],
+ ["gerrit", "label-as", cl_id, "1"],
+ ["gerrit", "reviewers", cl_id] + list(DEFAULT_CL_REVIEWERS),
+ ["gerrit", "ready", cl_id],
+ )
+ for command in gerrit_commands:
+ logging.info("Running gerrit command: %s", command)
+ subprocess.run(
+ command,
+ check=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+def maybe_add_newest_prebuilts(
+ copy_rust_bootstrap_script: Path,
+ chromiumos_overlay: Path,
+ rust_bootstrap_dir: Path,
+ dry_run: bool,
+) -> bool:
+ """Ensures that prebuilts in rust-bootstrap ebuilds are up-to-date.
+ If dry_run is True, no changes will be made on disk. Otherwise, changes
+ will be committed to git locally.
+ Returns:
+ True if changes were made (or would've been made, in the case of
+ dry_run being True). False otherwise.
+ """
+ # A list of (version, maybe_prebuilt_location).
+ versions_updated: List[Tuple[EbuildVersion, Optional[str]]] = []
+ for version, ebuild in collect_ebuilds_by_version(rust_bootstrap_dir):
+ logging.info("Inspecting %s...", ebuild)
+ if version.without_rev() in read_bootstrap_sequence_from_ebuild(ebuild):
+ logging.info("Prebuilt already exists for %s.", ebuild)
+ continue
+ logging.info("Prebuilt isn't in ebuild; checking remotely.")
+ prebuilt = find_rust_bootstrap_prebuilt(version)
+ if not prebuilt:
+ # `find_rust_bootstrap_prebuilt` handles logging in this case.
+ continue
+ # Houston, we have prebuilt.
+ uploaded = maybe_copy_prebuilt_to_localmirror(
+ copy_rust_bootstrap_script, prebuilt, dry_run
+ )
+ add_version_to_bootstrap_sequence(ebuild, version, dry_run)
+ uprevved_ebuild = uprev_ebuild(ebuild, version, dry_run)
+ versions_updated.append((version, prebuilt if uploaded else None))
+ if not versions_updated:
+ logging.info("No updates made; exiting cleanly.")
+ return False
+ if dry_run:
+ logging.info("Dry-run specified; quit.")
+ return True
+ # Just pick an arbitrary ebuild to run `ebuild ... manifest` on; it always
+ # updates for all ebuilds in the same package.
+ update_ebuild_manifest(uprevved_ebuild)
+ pretty_artifact_lines = []
+ for version, maybe_gs_path in versions_updated:
+ if maybe_gs_path:
+ pretty_artifact_lines.append(
+ f"- rust-bootstrap-{version.without_rev()} => {maybe_gs_path}"
+ )
+ else:
+ pretty_artifact_lines.append(
+ f"- rust-bootstrap-{version.without_rev()} was already on "
+ "localmirror"
+ )
+ pretty_artifacts = "\n".join(pretty_artifact_lines)
+ logging.info("Committing changes.")
+ commit_all_changes(
+ chromiumos_overlay,
+ rust_bootstrap_dir,
+ commit_message=textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ rust-bootstrap: use prebuilts
+ This CL used the following rust-bootstrap artifacts:
+ {pretty_artifacts}
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ return True
+def rust_dir_from_rust_bootstrap(rust_bootstrap_dir: Path) -> Path:
+ """Derives dev-lang/rust's dir from dev-lang/rust-bootstrap's dir."""
+ return rust_bootstrap_dir.parent / "rust"
+class MissingRustBootstrapPrebuiltError(Exception):
+ """Raised when rust-bootstrap can't be landed due to a missing prebuilt."""
+def maybe_add_new_rust_bootstrap_version(
+ chromiumos_overlay: Path,
+ rust_bootstrap_dir: Path,
+ dry_run: bool,
+ commit: bool = True,
+) -> bool:
+ """Ensures that there's a rust-bootstrap-${N} ebuild matching rust-${N}.
+ Args:
+ chromiumos_overlay: Path to chromiumos-overlay.
+ rust_bootstrap_dir: Path to rust-bootstrap's directory.
+ dry_run: if True, don't commit to git or write changes to disk.
+ Otherwise, write changes to disk.
+ commit: if True, commit changes to git. This value is meaningless if
+ `dry_run` is True.
+ Returns:
+ True if changes were made (or would've been made, in the case of
+ dry_run being True). False otherwise.
+ Raises:
+ MissingRustBootstrapPrebuiltError if the creation of a new
+ rust-bootstrap ebuild wouldn't be buildable, since there's no
+ rust-bootstrap prebuilt of the prior version for it to sync.
+ """
+ # These are always returned in sorted error, so taking the last is the same
+ # as `max()`.
+ (
+ newest_bootstrap_version,
+ newest_bootstrap_ebuild,
+ ) = collect_ebuilds_by_version(rust_bootstrap_dir)[-1]
+ logging.info(
+ "Detected newest rust-bootstrap version: %s", newest_bootstrap_version
+ )
+ rust_dir = rust_dir_from_rust_bootstrap(rust_bootstrap_dir)
+ newest_rust_version, _ = collect_ebuilds_by_version(rust_dir)[-1]
+ logging.info("Detected newest rust version: %s", newest_rust_version)
+ # Generally speaking, we don't care about keeping up with new patch
+ # releases for rust-bootstrap. It's OK to _initially land_ e.g.,
+ # rust-bootstrap-1.73.1, but upgrades from rust-bootstrap-1.73.0 to
+ # rust-bootstrap-1.73.1 are rare, and have added complexity, so should be
+ # done manually. Hence, only check for major/minor version inequality.
+ if (
+ newest_rust_version.major_minor_only()
+ <= newest_bootstrap_version.major_minor_only()
+ ):
+ logging.info("No missing rust-bootstrap versions detected.")
+ return False
+ available_prebuilts = read_bootstrap_sequence_from_ebuild(
+ newest_bootstrap_ebuild
+ )
+ need_prebuilt = newest_rust_version.major_minor_only().prior_minor_version()
+ if all(x.major_minor_only() != need_prebuilt for x in available_prebuilts):
+ raise MissingRustBootstrapPrebuiltError(
+ f"want version {need_prebuilt}; "
+ f"available versions: {available_prebuilts}"
+ )
+ # Ensure the rust-bootstrap ebuild we're landing is a regular file. This
+ # makes cleanup of the old files trivial, since they're dead symlinks.
+ prior_ebuild_resolved = newest_bootstrap_ebuild.resolve()
+ new_ebuild = (
+ rust_bootstrap_dir
+ / f"rust-bootstrap-{newest_rust_version.without_rev()}.ebuild"
+ )
+ if dry_run:
+ logging.info("Would move %s to %s.", prior_ebuild_resolved, new_ebuild)
+ return True
+ logging.info(
+ "Moving %s to %s, and creating symlink at the old location",
+ prior_ebuild_resolved,
+ new_ebuild,
+ )
+ prior_ebuild_resolved.rename(new_ebuild)
+ prior_ebuild_resolved.symlink_to(new_ebuild.relative_to(rust_bootstrap_dir))
+ update_ebuild_manifest(new_ebuild)
+ if commit:
+ newest_no_rev = newest_rust_version.without_rev()
+ commit_all_changes(
+ chromiumos_overlay,
+ rust_bootstrap_dir,
+ commit_message=textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ rust-bootstrap: add version {newest_no_rev}
+ Rust is now at {newest_no_rev}; add a rust-bootstrap version so
+ prebuilts can be generated early.
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ return True
+class OldEbuildIsLinkedToError(Exception):
+ """Raised when a would-be-removed ebuild has symlinks to it."""
+def find_external_links_to_files_in_dir(
+ in_dir: Path, files: Iterable[Path]
+) -> Dict[Path, List[Path]]:
+ """Returns all symlinks to `files` in `in_dir`, excluding from `files`.
+ Essentially, if this returns an empty dict, nothing in `in_dir` symlinks to
+ any of `files`, _except potentially_ things in `files`.
+ """
+ files_set = {x.absolute() for x in files}
+ linked_to = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for f in in_dir.iterdir():
+ if f not in files_set and f.is_symlink():
+ target = f.parent / os.readlink(f)
+ if target in files_set:
+ linked_to[target].append(f)
+ return linked_to
+def maybe_delete_old_rust_bootstrap_ebuilds(
+ chromiumos_overlay: Path,
+ rust_bootstrap_dir: Path,
+ dry_run: bool,
+ commit: bool = True,
+) -> bool:
+ """Deletes versions of rust-bootstrap ebuilds that seem unneeded.
+ "Unneeded", in this case, is specifically only referencing whether
+ dev-lang/rust (or similar) obviously relies on the ebuild, or whether it's
+ likely that a future version of dev-lang/rust will rely on it.
+ Args:
+ chromiumos_overlay: Path to chromiumos-overlay.
+ rust_bootstrap_dir: Path to rust-bootstrap's directory.
+ dry_run: if True, don't commit to git or write changes to disk.
+ Otherwise, write changes to disk.
+ commit: if True, commit changes to git. This value is meaningless if
+ `dry_run` is True.
+ Returns:
+ True if changes were made (or would've been made, in the case of
+ dry_run being True). False otherwise.
+ Raises:
+ OldEbuildIsLinkedToError if the deletion of an ebuild was blocked by
+ other ebuilds linking to it. It's still 'needed' in this case, but with
+ some human intervention, it can be removed.
+ """
+ rust_bootstrap_versions = collect_ebuilds_by_version(rust_bootstrap_dir)
+ logging.info(
+ "Current rust-bootstrap versions: %s",
+ [x for x, _ in rust_bootstrap_versions],
+ )
+ rust_versions = collect_ebuilds_by_version(
+ rust_dir_from_rust_bootstrap(rust_bootstrap_dir)
+ )
+ # rust_versions is sorted, so taking the last is the same as max().
+ newest_rust_version = rust_versions[-1][0].major_minor_only()
+ need_rust_bootstrap_versions = {
+ rust_ver.major_minor_only().prior_minor_version()
+ for rust_ver, _ in rust_versions
+ }
+ logging.info(
+ "Needed rust-bootstrap versions (major/minor only): %s",
+ sorted(need_rust_bootstrap_versions),
+ )
+ discardable_bootstrap_versions = [
+ (version, ebuild)
+ for version, ebuild in rust_bootstrap_versions
+ # Don't remove newer rust-bootstrap versions, since they're likely to
+ # be needed in the future (& may have been generated by this very
+ # script).
+ if version.major_minor_only() not in need_rust_bootstrap_versions
+ and version.major_minor_only() < newest_rust_version
+ ]
+ if not discardable_bootstrap_versions:
+ logging.info("No versions of rust-bootstrap are unneeded.")
+ return False
+ discardable_ebuilds = []
+ for version, ebuild in discardable_bootstrap_versions:
+ # We may have other files with the same version at different revisions.
+ # Include those, as well.
+ escaped_ver = glob.escape(str(version.without_rev()))
+ discardable = list(
+ ebuild.parent.glob(f"rust-bootstrap-{escaped_ver}*.ebuild")
+ )
+ assert ebuild in discardable, discardable
+ discardable_ebuilds += discardable
+ # We can end up in a case where rust-bootstrap versions are unneeded, but
+ # the ebuild is still required. For example, consider a case where
+ # rust-bootstrap-1.73.0.ebuild is considered 'old', but
+ # rust-bootstrap-1.74.0.ebuild is required. If rust-bootstrap-1.74.0.ebuild
+ # is a symlink to rust-bootstrap-1.73.0.ebuild, the 'old' ebuild can't be
+ # deleted until rust-bootstrap-1.74.0.ebuild is fixed up.
+ #
+ # These cases are expected to be rare (this script should never push
+ # changes that gets us into this case, but human edits can), but uploading
+ # obviously-broken changes isn't a great UX. Opt to detect these and
+ # `raise` on them, since repairing can get complicated in instances where
+ # symlinks link to symlinks, etc.
+ has_links = find_external_links_to_files_in_dir(
+ rust_bootstrap_dir, discardable_ebuilds
+ )
+ if has_links:
+ raise OldEbuildIsLinkedToError(str(has_links))
+ logging.info("Plan to remove ebuilds: %s", discardable_ebuilds)
+ if dry_run:
+ logging.info("Dry-run specified; removal skipped.")
+ return True
+ for ebuild in discardable_ebuilds:
+ ebuild.unlink()
+ remaining_ebuild = next(
+ ebuild
+ for _, ebuild in rust_bootstrap_versions
+ if ebuild not in discardable_ebuilds
+ )
+ update_ebuild_manifest(remaining_ebuild)
+ if commit:
+ many = len(discardable_ebuilds) > 1
+ message_lines = [
+ "Rust has moved on in ChromeOS, so",
+ "these ebuilds are" if many else "this ebuild is",
+ "no longer needed.",
+ ]
+ message = textwrap.fill("\n".join(message_lines))
+ commit_all_changes(
+ chromiumos_overlay,
+ rust_bootstrap_dir,
+ commit_message=textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ rust-bootstrap: remove unused ebuild{"s" if many else ""}
+ {message}
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ return True
+def main(argv: List[str]):
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ format=">> %(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: "
+ "%(message)s",
+ level=logging.INFO,
+ )
+ my_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--chromiumos-overlay",
+ type=Path,
+ default=my_dir.parent.parent / "chromiumos-overlay",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "action",
+ choices=("dry-run", "commit", "upload"),
+ help="""
+ What to do. `dry-run` makes no changes, `commit` commits changes
+ locally, and `upload` commits changes and uploads the result to Gerrit,
+ and sets a few labels for convenience (reviewers, CQ+1, etc).
+ """,
+ )
+ opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if opts.action == "dry-run":
+ dry_run = True
+ upload = False
+ elif opts.action == "commit":
+ dry_run = False
+ upload = False
+ else:
+ assert opts.action == "upload"
+ dry_run = False
+ upload = True
+ rust_bootstrap_dir = opts.chromiumos_overlay / "dev-lang/rust-bootstrap"
+ copy_rust_bootstrap_script = my_dir / "copy_rust_bootstrap.py"
+ had_recoverable_error = False
+ # Ensure prebuilts are up to date first, since it allows
+ # `ensure_newest_rust_bootstrap_ebuild_exists` to succeed in edge cases.
+ made_changes = maybe_add_newest_prebuilts(
+ copy_rust_bootstrap_script,
+ opts.chromiumos_overlay,
+ rust_bootstrap_dir,
+ dry_run,
+ )
+ try:
+ made_changes |= maybe_add_new_rust_bootstrap_version(
+ opts.chromiumos_overlay, rust_bootstrap_dir, dry_run
+ )
+ except MissingRustBootstrapPrebuiltError:
+ logging.exception(
+ "Ensuring newest rust-bootstrap ebuild exists failed."
+ )
+ had_recoverable_error = True
+ try:
+ made_changes |= maybe_delete_old_rust_bootstrap_ebuilds(
+ opts.chromiumos_overlay, rust_bootstrap_dir, dry_run
+ )
+ except OldEbuildIsLinkedToError:
+ logging.exception("An old ebuild is linked to; can't remove it")
+ had_recoverable_error = True
+ if upload:
+ if made_changes:
+ upload_changes(opts.chromiumos_overlay)
+ logging.info("Changes uploaded successfully.")
+ else:
+ logging.info("No changes were made; uploading skipped.")
+ if had_recoverable_error:
+ sys.exit("Exiting uncleanly due to above error(s).")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/rust_tools/auto_update_rust_bootstrap_test.py b/rust_tools/auto_update_rust_bootstrap_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0578539d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust_tools/auto_update_rust_bootstrap_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Tests for auto_update_rust_bootstrap."""
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+import auto_update_rust_bootstrap
+remote: Waiting for private key checker: 2/2 objects left
+remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (\)
+remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (|)
+remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done
+remote: SUCCESS
+remote: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay/+/5018826 rust-bootstrap: use prebuilts [WIP] [NEW]
+To https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay
+ * [new reference] HEAD -> refs/for/main
+remote: Waiting for private key checker: 2/2 objects left
+remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (\)
+remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (|)
+remote: Processing changes: new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 (/)
+remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done
+remote: SUCCESS
+remote: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay/+/5339923 rust-bootstrap: add version 1.75.0 [NEW]
+remote: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay/+/5339924 rust-bootstrap: remove unused ebuilds [NEW]
+To https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay
+ * [new reference] HEAD -> refs/for/main
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for auto_update_rust_bootstrap."""
+ def make_tempdir(self) -> Path:
+ tempdir = Path(
+ tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="auto_update_rust_bootstrap_test_")
+ )
+ self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tempdir)
+ return tempdir
+ def test_git_cl_id_scraping(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.scrape_git_push_cl_id_strs(
+ ),
+ ["5018826"],
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.scrape_git_push_cl_id_strs(
+ ),
+ ["5339923", "5339924"],
+ )
+ def test_ebuild_linking_logic_handles_direct_relative_symlinks(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ target = tempdir / "target.ebuild"
+ target.touch()
+ (tempdir / "symlink.ebuild").symlink_to(target.name)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.is_ebuild_linked_to_in_dir(target)
+ )
+ def test_ebuild_linking_logic_handles_direct_absolute_symlinks(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ target = tempdir / "target.ebuild"
+ target.touch()
+ (tempdir / "symlink.ebuild").symlink_to(target)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.is_ebuild_linked_to_in_dir(target)
+ )
+ def test_ebuild_linking_logic_handles_indirect_relative_symlinks(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ target = tempdir / "target.ebuild"
+ target.touch()
+ (tempdir / "symlink.ebuild").symlink_to(
+ Path("..") / tempdir.name / target.name
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.is_ebuild_linked_to_in_dir(target)
+ )
+ def test_ebuild_linking_logic_handles_broken_symlinks(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ target = tempdir / "target.ebuild"
+ target.touch()
+ (tempdir / "symlink.ebuild").symlink_to("doesnt_exist.ebuild")
+ self.assertFalse(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.is_ebuild_linked_to_in_dir(target)
+ )
+ def test_ebuild_linking_logic_only_steps_through_one_symlink(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ target = tempdir / "target.ebuild"
+ target.symlink_to("doesnt_exist.ebuild")
+ (tempdir / "symlink.ebuild").symlink_to(target.name)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.is_ebuild_linked_to_in_dir(target)
+ )
+ def test_raw_bootstrap_seq_finding_functions(self):
+ ebuild_contents = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # Some copyright
+ FOO=bar
+ 1.2.3 # (with a comment with parens)
+ 4.5.6
+ )
+ """
+ )
+ ebuild_lines = ebuild_contents.splitlines()
+ (
+ start,
+ end,
+ ) = auto_update_rust_bootstrap.find_raw_bootstrap_sequence_lines(
+ ebuild_lines
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(start, len(ebuild_lines) - 4)
+ self.assertEqual(end, len(ebuild_lines) - 1)
+ def test_collect_ebuilds_by_version_ignores_older_versions(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ ebuild_170 = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0.ebuild"
+ ebuild_170.touch()
+ ebuild_170_r1 = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r1.ebuild"
+ ebuild_170_r1.touch()
+ ebuild_171_r2 = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap-1.71.1-r2.ebuild"
+ ebuild_171_r2.touch()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.collect_ebuilds_by_version(tempdir),
+ [
+ (
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=1, minor=70, patch=0, rev=1
+ ),
+ ebuild_170_r1,
+ ),
+ (
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=1, minor=71, patch=1, rev=2
+ ),
+ ebuild_171_r2,
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_has_prebuilt_works(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ ebuild = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0.ebuild"
+ ebuild.write_text(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # Some copyright
+ FOO=bar
+ 1.67.0
+ 1.68.1
+ 1.69.0
+ )
+ """
+ ),
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.version_listed_in_bootstrap_sequence(
+ ebuild,
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=1,
+ minor=69,
+ patch=0,
+ rev=0,
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.version_listed_in_bootstrap_sequence(
+ ebuild,
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=1,
+ minor=70,
+ patch=0,
+ rev=0,
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ def test_ebuild_updating_works(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ ebuild = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0.ebuild"
+ ebuild.write_text(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # Some copyright
+ FOO=bar
+ \t1.67.0
+ \t1.68.1
+ \t1.69.0
+ )
+ """
+ ),
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ )
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.add_version_to_bootstrap_sequence(
+ ebuild,
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=1,
+ minor=70,
+ patch=1,
+ rev=2,
+ ),
+ dry_run=False,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ebuild.read_text(encoding="utf-8"),
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # Some copyright
+ FOO=bar
+ \t1.67.0
+ \t1.68.1
+ \t1.69.0
+ \t1.70.1-r2
+ )
+ """
+ ),
+ )
+ def test_ebuild_version_parsing_works(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.parse_ebuild_version(
+ "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild"
+ ),
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=1, minor=70, patch=0, rev=2
+ ),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.parse_ebuild_version(
+ "rust-bootstrap-2.80.3.ebuild"
+ ),
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=2, minor=80, patch=3, rev=0
+ ),
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.parse_ebuild_version(
+ "rust-bootstrap-2.80.3_pre1234.ebuild"
+ )
+ def test_raw_ebuild_version_parsing_works(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.parse_raw_ebuild_version("1.70.0-r2"),
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.EbuildVersion(
+ major=1, minor=70, patch=0, rev=2
+ ),
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.parse_ebuild_version("2.80.3_pre1234")
+ def test_ensure_newest_version_does_nothing_if_no_new_rust_version(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ rust = tempdir / "rust"
+ rust.mkdir()
+ (rust / "rust-1.70.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ rust_bootstrap = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap"
+ rust_bootstrap.mkdir()
+ (rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0.ebuild").touch()
+ self.assertFalse(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.maybe_add_new_rust_bootstrap_version(
+ tempdir, rust_bootstrap, dry_run=True
+ )
+ )
+ @mock.patch.object(auto_update_rust_bootstrap, "update_ebuild_manifest")
+ def test_ensure_newest_version_upgrades_rust_bootstrap_properly(
+ self, update_ebuild_manifest
+ ):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ rust = tempdir / "rust"
+ rust.mkdir()
+ (rust / "rust-1.71.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ rust_bootstrap = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap"
+ rust_bootstrap.mkdir()
+ rust_bootstrap_1_70 = rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild"
+ rust_bootstrap_contents = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # Some copyright
+ FOO=bar
+ \t1.67.0
+ \t1.68.1
+ \t1.69.0
+ \t1.70.0-r1
+ )
+ """
+ )
+ rust_bootstrap_1_70.write_text(
+ rust_bootstrap_contents, encoding="utf-8"
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.maybe_add_new_rust_bootstrap_version(
+ tempdir, rust_bootstrap, dry_run=False, commit=False
+ )
+ )
+ update_ebuild_manifest.assert_called_once()
+ rust_bootstrap_1_71 = rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.71.0.ebuild"
+ self.assertTrue(rust_bootstrap_1_70.is_symlink())
+ self.assertEqual(
+ os.readlink(rust_bootstrap_1_70),
+ rust_bootstrap_1_71.name,
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(rust_bootstrap_1_71.is_symlink())
+ self.assertEqual(
+ rust_bootstrap_1_71.read_text(encoding="utf-8"),
+ rust_bootstrap_contents,
+ )
+ def test_ensure_newest_version_breaks_if_prebuilt_is_not_available(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ rust = tempdir / "rust"
+ rust.mkdir()
+ (rust / "rust-1.71.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ rust_bootstrap = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap"
+ rust_bootstrap.mkdir()
+ rust_bootstrap_1_70 = rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild"
+ rust_bootstrap_contents = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # Some copyright
+ FOO=bar
+ \t1.67.0
+ \t1.68.1
+ \t1.69.0
+ # Note: Missing 1.70.0 for rust-bootstrap-1.71.1
+ )
+ """
+ )
+ rust_bootstrap_1_70.write_text(
+ rust_bootstrap_contents, encoding="utf-8"
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.MissingRustBootstrapPrebuiltError
+ ):
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.maybe_add_new_rust_bootstrap_version(
+ tempdir, rust_bootstrap, dry_run=True
+ )
+ def test_version_deletion_does_nothing_if_all_versions_are_needed(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ rust = tempdir / "rust"
+ rust.mkdir()
+ (rust / "rust-1.71.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ rust_bootstrap = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap"
+ rust_bootstrap.mkdir()
+ (rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild").touch()
+ self.assertFalse(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.maybe_delete_old_rust_bootstrap_ebuilds(
+ tempdir, rust_bootstrap, dry_run=True
+ )
+ )
+ def test_version_deletion_ignores_newer_than_needed_versions(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ rust = tempdir / "rust"
+ rust.mkdir()
+ (rust / "rust-1.71.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ rust_bootstrap = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap"
+ rust_bootstrap.mkdir()
+ (rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild").touch()
+ (rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.71.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ (rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.72.0.ebuild").touch()
+ self.assertFalse(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.maybe_delete_old_rust_bootstrap_ebuilds(
+ tempdir, rust_bootstrap, dry_run=True
+ )
+ )
+ @mock.patch.object(auto_update_rust_bootstrap, "update_ebuild_manifest")
+ def test_version_deletion_deletes_old_files(self, update_ebuild_manifest):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ rust = tempdir / "rust"
+ rust.mkdir()
+ (rust / "rust-1.71.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ rust_bootstrap = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap"
+ rust_bootstrap.mkdir()
+ needed_rust_bootstrap = (
+ rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild"
+ )
+ needed_rust_bootstrap.touch()
+ # There are quite a few of these, so corner-cases are tested.
+ # Symlink to outside of the group of files to delete.
+ bootstrap_1_68_symlink = rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.68.0.ebuild"
+ bootstrap_1_68_symlink.symlink_to(needed_rust_bootstrap.name)
+ # Ensure that absolute symlinks are caught.
+ bootstrap_1_68_symlink_abs = (
+ rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.68.0-r1.ebuild"
+ )
+ bootstrap_1_68_symlink_abs.symlink_to(needed_rust_bootstrap)
+ # Regular files should be no issue.
+ bootstrap_1_69_regular = rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.69.0.ebuild"
+ bootstrap_1_69_regular.touch()
+ # Symlinks linking back into the set of files to delete should also be
+ # no issue.
+ bootstrap_1_69_symlink = (
+ rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.69.0-r2.ebuild"
+ )
+ bootstrap_1_69_symlink.symlink_to(bootstrap_1_69_regular.name)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.maybe_delete_old_rust_bootstrap_ebuilds(
+ tempdir,
+ rust_bootstrap,
+ dry_run=False,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ )
+ update_ebuild_manifest.assert_called_once()
+ self.assertFalse(bootstrap_1_68_symlink.exists())
+ self.assertFalse(bootstrap_1_68_symlink_abs.exists())
+ self.assertFalse(bootstrap_1_69_regular.exists())
+ self.assertFalse(bootstrap_1_69_symlink.exists())
+ self.assertTrue(needed_rust_bootstrap.exists())
+ def test_version_deletion_raises_when_old_file_has_dep(self):
+ tempdir = self.make_tempdir()
+ rust = tempdir / "rust"
+ rust.mkdir()
+ (rust / "rust-1.71.0-r1.ebuild").touch()
+ rust_bootstrap = tempdir / "rust-bootstrap"
+ rust_bootstrap.mkdir()
+ old_rust_bootstrap = rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.69.0-r1.ebuild"
+ old_rust_bootstrap.touch()
+ (rust_bootstrap / "rust-bootstrap-1.70.0-r2.ebuild").symlink_to(
+ old_rust_bootstrap.name
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.OldEbuildIsLinkedToError
+ ):
+ auto_update_rust_bootstrap.maybe_delete_old_rust_bootstrap_ebuilds(
+ tempdir, rust_bootstrap, dry_run=True
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/rust_tools/copy_rust_bootstrap.py b/rust_tools/copy_rust_bootstrap.py
index 5da8007f..fd6770f7 100755
--- a/rust_tools/copy_rust_bootstrap.py
+++ b/rust_tools/copy_rust_bootstrap.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors.
+# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Copies rust-bootstrap artifacts from an SDK build to localmirror.
We use localmirror to host these artifacts, but they've changed a bit over
-time, so simply `gsutil.py cp $FROM $TO` doesn't work. This script allows the
+time, so simply `gsutil cp $FROM $TO` doesn't work. This script allows the
convenience of the old `cp` command.
@@ -21,172 +21,184 @@ import tempfile
from typing import List
-_LOCALMIRROR_ROOT = 'gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/'
+_LOCALMIRROR_ROOT = "gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/"
def _is_in_chroot() -> bool:
- return Path('/etc/cros_chroot_version').exists()
+ return Path("/etc/cros_chroot_version").exists()
-def _ensure_pbzip2_is_installed():
- if shutil.which('pbzip2'):
- return
+def _ensure_lbzip2_is_installed():
+ if shutil.which("lbzip2"):
+ return
- logging.info('Auto-installing pbzip2...')
- subprocess.run(['sudo', 'emerge', '-G', 'pbzip2'], check=True)
+ logging.info("Auto-installing lbzip2...")
+ subprocess.run(["sudo", "emerge", "-g", "lbzip2"], check=True)
-def _determine_target_path(sdk_path: str) -> str:
- """Determine where `sdk_path` should sit in localmirror."""
- gs_prefix = 'gs://'
- if not sdk_path.startswith(gs_prefix):
- raise ValueError(f'Invalid GS path: {sdk_path!r}')
+def determine_target_path(sdk_path: str) -> str:
+ """Determine where `sdk_path` should sit in localmirror."""
+ gs_prefix = "gs://"
+ if not sdk_path.startswith(gs_prefix):
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid GS path: {sdk_path!r}")
- file_name = Path(sdk_path[len(gs_prefix):]).name
- return _LOCALMIRROR_ROOT + file_name
+ file_name = Path(sdk_path[len(gs_prefix) :]).name
+ return _LOCALMIRROR_ROOT + file_name
def _download(remote_path: str, local_file: Path):
- """Downloads the given gs:// path to the given local file."""
- logging.info('Downloading %s -> %s', remote_path, local_file)
- subprocess.run(
- ['gsutil.py', 'cp', remote_path,
- str(local_file)],
- check=True,
- )
-def _debinpkgify(binpkg_file: Path) -> Path:
- """Converts a binpkg into the files it installs.
- Note that this function makes temporary files in the same directory as
- `binpkg_file`. It makes no attempt to clean them up.
- """
- logging.info('Converting %s from a binpkg...', binpkg_file)
- # The SDK builder produces binary packages:
- # https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Binary_package_guide
- #
- # Which means that `binpkg_file` is in the XPAK format. We want to split
- # that out, and recompress it from zstd (which is the compression format
- # that CrOS uses) to bzip2 (which is what we've historically used, and
- # which is what our ebuild expects).
- tmpdir = binpkg_file.parent
- def _mkstemp(suffix=None) -> str:
- fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir, suffix=suffix)
- os.close(fd)
- return Path(file_path)
- # First, split the actual artifacts that land in the chroot out to
- # `temp_file`.
- artifacts_file = _mkstemp()
- logging.info('Extracting artifacts from %s into %s...', binpkg_file,
- artifacts_file)
- with artifacts_file.open('wb') as f:
+ """Downloads the given gs:// path to the given local file."""
+ logging.info("Downloading %s -> %s", remote_path, local_file)
- [
- 'qtbz2',
- '-s',
- '-t',
- '-O',
- str(binpkg_file),
- ],
+ ["gsutil", "cp", remote_path, str(local_file)],
- stdout=f,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- decompressed_artifacts_file = _mkstemp()
- decompressed_artifacts_file.unlink()
- logging.info('Decompressing artifacts from %s to %s...', artifacts_file,
- decompressed_artifacts_file)
- subprocess.run(
- [
- 'zstd',
- '-d',
- str(artifacts_file),
- '-o',
- str(decompressed_artifacts_file),
- ],
- check=True,
- )
- # Finally, recompress it as a tbz2.
- tbz2_file = _mkstemp('.tbz2')
- logging.info(
- 'Recompressing artifacts from %s to %s (this may take a while)...',
- decompressed_artifacts_file, tbz2_file)
- with tbz2_file.open('wb') as f:
+def _debinpkgify(binpkg_file: Path) -> Path:
+ """Converts a binpkg into the files it installs.
+ Note that this function makes temporary files in the same directory as
+ `binpkg_file`. It makes no attempt to clean them up.
+ """
+ logging.info("Converting %s from a binpkg...", binpkg_file)
+ # The SDK builder produces binary packages:
+ # https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Binary_package_guide
+ #
+ # Which means that `binpkg_file` is in the XPAK format. We want to split
+ # that out, and recompress it from zstd (which is the compression format
+ # that CrOS uses) to bzip2 (which is what we've historically used, and
+ # which is what our ebuild expects).
+ tmpdir = binpkg_file.parent
+ def _mkstemp(suffix=None) -> Path:
+ fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir, suffix=suffix)
+ os.close(fd)
+ return Path(file_path)
+ # First, split the actual artifacts that land in the chroot out to
+ # `temp_file`.
+ artifacts_file = _mkstemp()
+ logging.info(
+ "Extracting artifacts from %s into %s...", binpkg_file, artifacts_file
+ )
+ with artifacts_file.open("wb") as f:
+ subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "qtbz2",
+ "-s",
+ "-t",
+ "-O",
+ str(binpkg_file),
+ ],
+ check=True,
+ stdout=f,
+ )
+ decompressed_artifacts_file = _mkstemp()
+ decompressed_artifacts_file.unlink()
+ logging.info(
+ "Decompressing artifacts from %s to %s...",
+ artifacts_file,
+ decompressed_artifacts_file,
+ )
- 'pbzip2',
- '-9',
- '-c',
+ "zstd",
+ "-d",
+ str(artifacts_file),
+ "-o",
- stdout=f,
- return tbz2_file
+ # Finally, recompress it as a tbz2.
+ tbz2_file = _mkstemp(".tbz2")
+ logging.info(
+ "Recompressing artifacts from %s to %s (this may take a while)...",
+ decompressed_artifacts_file,
+ tbz2_file,
+ )
+ with tbz2_file.open("wb") as f:
+ subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "lbzip2",
+ "-9",
+ "-c",
+ str(decompressed_artifacts_file),
+ ],
+ check=True,
+ stdout=f,
+ )
+ return tbz2_file
def _upload(local_file: Path, remote_path: str, force: bool):
- """Uploads the local file to the given gs:// path."""
- logging.info('Uploading %s -> %s', local_file, remote_path)
- cmd_base = ['gsutil.py', 'cp', '-a', 'public-read']
- if not force:
- cmd_base.append('-n')
- subprocess.run(
- cmd_base + [str(local_file), remote_path],
- check=True,
- stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- )
+ """Uploads the local file to the given gs:// path."""
+ logging.info("Uploading %s -> %s", local_file, remote_path)
+ cmd_base = ["gsutil", "cp", "-a", "public-read"]
+ if not force:
+ cmd_base.append("-n")
+ subprocess.run(
+ cmd_base + [str(local_file), remote_path],
+ check=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
def main(argv: List[str]):
- logging.basicConfig(
- format='>> %(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: '
- '%(message)s',
- level=logging.INFO,
- )
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=__doc__,
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'sdk_artifact',
- help='Path to the SDK rust-bootstrap artifact to copy. e.g., '
- 'gs://chromeos-prebuilt/host/amd64/amd64-host/'
- 'chroot-2022.07.12.134334/packages/dev-lang/'
- 'rust-bootstrap-1.59.0.tbz2.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-n',
- '--dry-run',
- action='store_true',
- help='Do everything except actually uploading the artifact.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--force',
- action='store_true',
- help='Upload the artifact even if one exists in localmirror already.')
- opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
- if not _is_in_chroot():
- parser.error('Run me from within the chroot.')
- _ensure_pbzip2_is_installed()
- target_path = _determine_target_path(opts.sdk_artifact)
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
- download_path = Path(tempdir) / 'sdk_artifact'
- _download(opts.sdk_artifact, download_path)
- file_to_upload = _debinpkgify(download_path)
- if opts.dry_run:
- logging.info('--dry-run specified; skipping upload of %s to %s',
- file_to_upload, target_path)
- else:
- _upload(file_to_upload, target_path, opts.force)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv[1:])
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ format=">> %(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: "
+ "%(message)s",
+ level=logging.INFO,
+ )
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "sdk_artifact",
+ help="Path to the SDK rust-bootstrap artifact to copy. e.g., "
+ "gs://chromeos-prebuilt/host/amd64/amd64-host/"
+ "chroot-2022.07.12.134334/packages/dev-lang/"
+ "rust-bootstrap-1.59.0.tbz2.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-n",
+ "--dry-run",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Do everything except actually uploading the artifact.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--force",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Upload the artifact even if one exists in localmirror already.",
+ )
+ opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if not _is_in_chroot():
+ parser.error("Run me from within the chroot.")
+ _ensure_lbzip2_is_installed()
+ target_path = determine_target_path(opts.sdk_artifact)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ download_path = Path(tempdir) / "sdk_artifact"
+ _download(opts.sdk_artifact, download_path)
+ file_to_upload = _debinpkgify(download_path)
+ if opts.dry_run:
+ logging.info(
+ "--dry-run specified; skipping upload of %s to %s",
+ file_to_upload,
+ target_path,
+ )
+ else:
+ _upload(file_to_upload, target_path, opts.force)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py b/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py
index 382d991a..9845c7c7 100755
--- a/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py
+++ b/rust_tools/rust_uprev.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ removing an old version. When using the tool, the progress can be
saved to a JSON file, so the user can resume the process after a
failing step is fixed. Example usage to create a new version:
-1. (inside chroot) $ ./rust_tools/rust_uprev.py \\
+1. (outside chroot) $ ./rust_tools/rust_uprev.py \\
--state_file /tmp/rust-to-1.60.0.json \\
roll --uprev 1.60.0
2. Step "compile rust" failed due to the patches can't apply to new version.
@@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ See `--help` for all available options.
import argparse
+import functools
import json
import logging
import os
@@ -36,34 +36,115 @@ import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
-import sys
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, T, Tuple
+import threading
+import time
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ List,
+ NamedTuple,
+ Optional,
+ Protocol,
+ Sequence,
+ Tuple,
+ TypeVar,
+ Union,
+import urllib.request
from llvm_tools import chroot
from llvm_tools import git
-EQUERY = "equery"
-GSUTIL = "gsutil.py"
-MIRROR_PATH = "gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles"
-EBUILD_PREFIX = Path("/mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay")
-RUST_PATH = Path(EBUILD_PREFIX, "dev-lang", "rust")
+T = TypeVar("T")
+Command = Sequence[Union[str, os.PathLike]]
+PathOrStr = Union[str, os.PathLike]
+class RunStepFn(Protocol):
+ """Protocol that corresponds to run_step's type.
+ This can be used as the type of a function parameter that accepts
+ run_step as its value.
+ """
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ step_name: str,
+ step_fn: Callable[[], T],
+ result_from_json: Optional[Callable[[Any], T]] = None,
+ result_to_json: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None,
+ ) -> T:
+ ...
-def get_command_output(command: List[str], *args, **kwargs) -> str:
+def get_command_output(command: Command, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
return subprocess.check_output(
command, encoding="utf-8", *args, **kwargs
-def get_command_output_unchecked(command: List[str], *args, **kwargs) -> str:
+def _get_source_root() -> Path:
+ """Returns the path to the chromiumos directory."""
+ return Path(get_command_output(["repo", "--show-toplevel"]))
+SOURCE_ROOT = _get_source_root()
+EQUERY = "equery"
+GPG = "gpg"
+GSUTIL = "gsutil.py"
+MIRROR_PATH = "gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles"
+EBUILD_PREFIX = SOURCE_ROOT / "src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay"
+CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS = EBUILD_PREFIX / "eclass/cros-rustc.eclass"
+# Keyserver to use with GPG. Not all keyservers have Rust's signing key;
+# this must be set to a keyserver that does.
+GPG_KEYSERVER = "keyserver.ubuntu.com"
+PGO_RUST = Path(
+ "/mnt/host/source"
+ "/src/third_party/toolchain-utils/pgo_tools_rust/pgo_rust.py"
+RUST_PATH = Path(EBUILD_PREFIX, "dev-lang", "rust")
+# This is the signing key used by upstream Rust as of 2023-08-09.
+# If the project switches to a different key, this will have to be updated.
+# We require the key to be updated manually so that we have an opportunity
+# to verify that the key change is legitimate.
+RUST_SRC_BASE_URI = "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/"
+# Packages that need to be processed like dev-lang/rust.
+ ("dev-lang", "rust-host"),
+ ("dev-lang", "rust"),
+class SignatureVerificationError(Exception):
+ """Error that indicates verification of a downloaded file failed.
+ Attributes:
+ message: explanation of why the verification failed.
+ path: the path to the file whose integrity was being verified.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message: str, path: Path):
+ super(SignatureVerificationError, self).__init__()
+ self.message = message
+ self.path = path
+def get_command_output_unchecked(command: Command, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
+ # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check
return subprocess.run(
- check=False,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- encoding="utf-8",
- **kwargs,
+ **dict(
+ {
+ "check": False,
+ "stdout": subprocess.PIPE,
+ "encoding": "utf-8",
+ },
+ **kwargs,
+ ),
@@ -78,7 +159,7 @@ class RustVersion(NamedTuple):
return f"{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}"
- def parse_from_ebuild(ebuild_name: str) -> "RustVersion":
+ def parse_from_ebuild(ebuild_name: PathOrStr) -> "RustVersion":
input_re = re.compile(
@@ -87,7 +168,7 @@ class RustVersion(NamedTuple):
- m = input_re.match(ebuild_name)
+ m = input_re.match(Path(ebuild_name).name)
assert m, f"failed to parse {ebuild_name!r}"
return RustVersion(
int(m.group("major")), int(m.group("minor")), int(m.group("patch"))
@@ -109,17 +190,26 @@ class RustVersion(NamedTuple):
-def compute_rustc_src_name(version: RustVersion) -> str:
- return f"rustc-{version}-src.tar.gz"
+class PreparedUprev(NamedTuple):
+ """Container for the information returned by prepare_uprev."""
+ template_version: RustVersion
+def compute_ebuild_path(category: str, name: str, version: RustVersion) -> Path:
+ return EBUILD_PREFIX / category / name / f"{name}-{version}.ebuild"
-def compute_rust_bootstrap_prebuilt_name(version: RustVersion) -> str:
- return f"rust-bootstrap-{version}.tbz2"
+def compute_rustc_src_name(version: RustVersion) -> str:
+ return f"rustc-{version}-src.tar.gz"
-def find_ebuild_for_package(name: str) -> os.PathLike:
+def find_ebuild_for_package(name: str) -> str:
"""Returns the path to the ebuild for the named package."""
- return get_command_output([EQUERY, "w", name])
+ return run_in_chroot(
+ [EQUERY, "w", name],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ ).stdout.strip()
def find_ebuild_path(
@@ -235,18 +325,6 @@ def parse_commandline_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
"specified, the tool will remove the oldest version in the chroot",
- subparser_names.append("remove-bootstrap")
- remove_bootstrap_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- "remove-bootstrap",
- help="Remove an old rust-bootstrap version",
- )
- remove_bootstrap_parser.add_argument(
- "--version",
- type=RustVersion.parse,
- required=True,
- help="rust-bootstrap version to remove",
- )
roll_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
@@ -302,90 +380,73 @@ def parse_commandline_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
def prepare_uprev(
- rust_version: RustVersion, template: Optional[RustVersion]
-) -> Optional[Tuple[RustVersion, str, RustVersion]]:
- if template is None:
- ebuild_path = find_ebuild_for_package("rust")
- ebuild_name = os.path.basename(ebuild_path)
- template_version = RustVersion.parse_from_ebuild(ebuild_name)
- else:
- ebuild_path = find_ebuild_for_rust_version(template)
- template_version = template
- bootstrap_version = get_rust_bootstrap_version()
+ rust_version: RustVersion, template: RustVersion
+) -> Optional[PreparedUprev]:
+ ebuild_path = find_ebuild_for_rust_version(template)
- if rust_version <= template_version:
+ if rust_version <= template:
"Requested version %s is not newer than the template version %s.",
- template_version,
+ template,
return None
- "Template Rust version is %s (ebuild: %r)",
- template_version,
+ "Template Rust version is %s (ebuild: %s)",
+ template,
- logging.info("rust-bootstrap version is %s", bootstrap_version)
- return template_version, ebuild_path, bootstrap_version
+ return PreparedUprev(template)
-def copy_patches(
- directory: Path, template_version: RustVersion, new_version: RustVersion
+def create_ebuild(
+ category: str,
+ name: str,
+ template_version: RustVersion,
+ new_version: RustVersion,
) -> None:
- patch_path = directory / "files"
- prefix = "%s-%s-" % (directory.name, template_version)
- new_prefix = "%s-%s-" % (directory.name, new_version)
- for f in os.listdir(patch_path):
- if not f.startswith(prefix):
- continue
- logging.info("Copy patch %s to new version", f)
- new_name = f.replace(str(template_version), str(new_version))
- shutil.copyfile(
- os.path.join(patch_path, f),
- os.path.join(patch_path, new_name),
- )
+ template_ebuild = compute_ebuild_path(category, name, template_version)
+ new_ebuild = compute_ebuild_path(category, name, new_version)
+ shutil.copyfile(template_ebuild, new_ebuild)
- ["git", "add", f"{new_prefix}*.patch"], cwd=patch_path
+ ["git", "add", new_ebuild.name], cwd=new_ebuild.parent
-def create_ebuild(
- template_ebuild: str, pkgatom: str, new_version: RustVersion
-) -> str:
- filename = f"{Path(pkgatom).name}-{new_version}.ebuild"
- ebuild = EBUILD_PREFIX.joinpath(f"{pkgatom}/{filename}")
- shutil.copyfile(template_ebuild, ebuild)
- subprocess.check_call(["git", "add", filename], cwd=ebuild.parent)
- return str(ebuild)
-def update_bootstrap_ebuild(new_bootstrap_version: RustVersion) -> None:
- old_ebuild = find_ebuild_path(rust_bootstrap_path(), "rust-bootstrap")
- m = re.match(r"^rust-bootstrap-(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)", old_ebuild.name)
- assert m, old_ebuild.name
- old_version = RustVersion(m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3))
- new_ebuild = old_ebuild.parent.joinpath(
- f"rust-bootstrap-{new_bootstrap_version}.ebuild"
- )
- old_text = old_ebuild.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
- new_text, changes = re.subn(
- f"\\1\t{old_version}\n",
- old_text,
+def set_include_profdata_src(ebuild_path: os.PathLike, include: bool) -> None:
+ """Changes an ebuild file to include or omit profile data from SRC_URI.
+ If include is True, the ebuild file will be rewritten to include
+ profile data in SRC_URI.
+ If include is False, the ebuild file will be rewritten to omit profile
+ data from SRC_URI.
+ """
+ if include:
+ old = ""
+ new = "yes"
+ else:
+ old = "yes"
+ new = ""
+ contents = Path(ebuild_path).read_text(encoding="utf-8")
+ contents, subs = re.subn(
+ contents,
- assert changes == 1, "Failed to update RUSTC_RAW_FULL_BOOTSTRAP_SEQUENCE"
- new_ebuild.write_text(new_text, encoding="utf-8")
+ # We expect exactly one substitution.
+ assert subs == 1, "Failed to update INCLUDE_PROFDATA_IN_SRC_URI"
+ Path(ebuild_path).write_text(contents, encoding="utf-8")
def update_bootstrap_version(
- path: str, new_bootstrap_version: RustVersion
+ path: PathOrStr, new_bootstrap_version: RustVersion
) -> None:
- contents = open(path, encoding="utf-8").read()
+ path = Path(path)
+ contents = path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
contents, subs = re.subn(
'BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="%s"' % (new_bootstrap_version,),
@@ -394,7 +455,7 @@ def update_bootstrap_version(
if not subs:
raise RuntimeError(f"BOOTSTRAP_VERSION not found in {path}")
- open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8").write(contents)
+ path.write_text(contents, encoding="utf-8")
logging.info("Rust BOOTSTRAP_VERSION updated to %s", new_bootstrap_version)
@@ -405,7 +466,7 @@ def ebuild_actions(
cmd = ["ebuild", ebuild_path_inchroot] + actions
if sudo:
cmd = ["sudo"] + cmd
- subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ run_in_chroot(cmd)
def fetch_distfile_from_mirror(name: str) -> None:
@@ -413,7 +474,7 @@ def fetch_distfile_from_mirror(name: str) -> None:
This ensures that the file exists on the mirror, and
that we can read it. We overwrite any existing distfile
- to ensure the checksums that update_manifest() records
+ to ensure the checksums that `ebuild manifest` records
match the file as it exists on the mirror.
This function also attempts to verify the ACL for
@@ -425,8 +486,8 @@ def fetch_distfile_from_mirror(name: str) -> None:
the file even though we don't own it.
mirror_file = MIRROR_PATH + "/" + name
- local_file = Path(get_distdir(), name)
- cmd = [GSUTIL, "cp", mirror_file, local_file]
+ local_file = get_distdir() / name
+ cmd: Command = [GSUTIL, "cp", mirror_file, local_file]
logging.info("Running %r", cmd)
rc = subprocess.call(cmd)
if rc != 0:
@@ -474,19 +535,14 @@ it to the local mirror using gsutil cp.
raise Exception("Could not verify that allUsers has READER permission")
-def fetch_bootstrap_distfiles(
- old_version: RustVersion, new_version: RustVersion
-) -> None:
+def fetch_bootstrap_distfiles(version: RustVersion) -> None:
"""Fetches rust-bootstrap distfiles from the local mirror
Fetches the distfiles for a rust-bootstrap ebuild to ensure they
are available on the mirror and the local copies are the same as
the ones on the mirror.
- fetch_distfile_from_mirror(
- compute_rust_bootstrap_prebuilt_name(old_version)
- )
- fetch_distfile_from_mirror(compute_rustc_src_name(new_version))
+ fetch_distfile_from_mirror(compute_rustc_src_name(version))
def fetch_rust_distfiles(version: RustVersion) -> None:
@@ -499,15 +555,113 @@ def fetch_rust_distfiles(version: RustVersion) -> None:
-def get_distdir() -> os.PathLike:
- """Returns portage's distdir."""
- return get_command_output(["portageq", "distdir"])
+def fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(uri: str, local_path: Path) -> None:
+ """Fetches Rust sources from upstream.
+ This downloads the source distribution and the .asc file
+ containing the signatures. It then verifies that the sources
+ have the expected signature and have been signed by
+ the expected key.
+ """
+ subprocess.run(
+ [GPG, "--keyserver", GPG_KEYSERVER, "--recv-keys", RUST_SIGNING_KEY],
+ check=True,
+ )
+ subprocess.run(
+ [GPG, "--keyserver", GPG_KEYSERVER, "--refresh-keys", RUST_SIGNING_KEY],
+ check=True,
+ )
+ asc_uri = uri + ".asc"
+ local_asc_path = Path(local_path.parent, local_path.name + ".asc")
+ logging.info("Fetching %s", uri)
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve(uri, local_path)
+ logging.info("%s fetched", uri)
+ # Raise SignatureVerificationError if we cannot get the signature.
+ try:
+ logging.info("Fetching %s", asc_uri)
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve(asc_uri, local_asc_path)
+ logging.info("%s fetched", asc_uri)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise SignatureVerificationError(
+ f"error fetching signature file {asc_uri}",
+ local_path,
+ ) from e
+ # Raise SignatureVerificationError if verifying the signature
+ # failed.
+ try:
+ output = get_command_output(
+ [GPG, "--verify", "--status-fd", "1", local_asc_path]
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise SignatureVerificationError(
+ f"error verifying signature. GPG output:\n{e.stdout}",
+ local_path,
+ ) from e
+ # Raise SignatureVerificationError if the file was not signed
+ # with the expected key.
+ if f"GOODSIG {RUST_SIGNING_KEY}" not in output:
+ message = f"GOODSIG {RUST_SIGNING_KEY} not found in output"
+ if f"REVKEYSIG {RUST_SIGNING_KEY}" in output:
+ message = "signing key has been revoked"
+ elif f"EXPKEYSIG {RUST_SIGNING_KEY}" in output:
+ message = "signing key has expired"
+ elif f"EXPSIG {RUST_SIGNING_KEY}" in output:
+ message = "signature has expired"
+ raise SignatureVerificationError(
+ f"{message}. GPG output:\n{output}",
+ local_path,
+ )
+def get_distdir() -> Path:
+ """Returns portage's distdir outside the chroot."""
+ return SOURCE_ROOT / ".cache/distfiles"
+def mirror_has_file(name: str) -> bool:
+ """Checks if the mirror has the named file."""
+ mirror_file = MIRROR_PATH + "/" + name
+ cmd: Command = [GSUTIL, "ls", mirror_file]
+ proc = subprocess.run(
+ cmd,
+ check=False,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ )
+ if "URLs matched no objects" in proc.stdout:
+ return False
+ elif proc.returncode == 0:
+ return True
+ raise Exception(
+ "Unexpected result from gsutil ls:"
+ f" rc {proc.returncode} output:\n{proc.stdout}"
+ )
+def mirror_rust_source(version: RustVersion) -> None:
+ """Ensures source code for a Rust version is on the local mirror.
-def update_manifest(ebuild_file: os.PathLike) -> None:
- """Updates the MANIFEST for the ebuild at the given path."""
- ebuild = Path(ebuild_file)
- ebuild_actions(ebuild.parent.name, ["manifest"])
+ If the source code is not found on the mirror, it is fetched
+ from upstream, its integrity is verified, and it is uploaded
+ to the mirror.
+ """
+ filename = compute_rustc_src_name(version)
+ if mirror_has_file(filename):
+ logging.info("%s is present on the mirror", filename)
+ return
+ uri = f"{RUST_SRC_BASE_URI}{filename}"
+ local_path = get_distdir() / filename
+ mirror_path = f"{MIRROR_PATH}/{filename}"
+ fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(uri, local_path)
+ subprocess.run(
+ [GSUTIL, "cp", "-a", "public-read", local_path, mirror_path],
+ check=True,
+ )
def update_rust_packages(
@@ -556,14 +710,14 @@ def update_virtual_rust(
def unmerge_package_if_installed(pkgatom: str) -> None:
"""Unmerges a package if it is installed."""
shpkg = shlex.quote(pkgatom)
- subprocess.check_call(
+ run_in_chroot(
f"! emerge --pretend --quiet --unmerge {shpkg}"
f" || emerge --rage-clean {shpkg}",
- ]
+ ],
@@ -596,28 +750,51 @@ def perform_step(
return val
-def prepare_uprev_from_json(
- obj: Any,
-) -> Optional[Tuple[RustVersion, str, RustVersion]]:
+def prepare_uprev_from_json(obj: Any) -> Optional[PreparedUprev]:
if not obj:
return None
- version, ebuild_path, bootstrap_version = obj
- return RustVersion(*version), ebuild_path, RustVersion(*bootstrap_version)
+ version = obj[0]
+ return PreparedUprev(
+ RustVersion(*version),
+ )
+def prepare_uprev_to_json(
+ prepared_uprev: Optional[PreparedUprev],
+) -> Optional[Tuple[RustVersion]]:
+ if prepared_uprev is None:
+ return None
+ return (prepared_uprev.template_version,)
def create_rust_uprev(
rust_version: RustVersion,
- maybe_template_version: Optional[RustVersion],
+ template_version: RustVersion,
skip_compile: bool,
- run_step: Callable[[], T],
+ run_step: RunStepFn,
) -> None:
- template_version, template_ebuild, old_bootstrap_version = run_step(
+ prepared = run_step(
"prepare uprev",
- lambda: prepare_uprev(rust_version, maybe_template_version),
+ lambda: prepare_uprev(rust_version, template_version),
+ result_to_json=prepare_uprev_to_json,
- if template_ebuild is None:
+ if prepared is None:
+ template_version = prepared.template_version
+ run_step(
+ "mirror bootstrap sources",
+ lambda: mirror_rust_source(
+ template_version,
+ ),
+ )
+ run_step(
+ "mirror rust sources",
+ lambda: mirror_rust_source(
+ rust_version,
+ ),
+ )
# The fetch steps will fail (on purpose) if the files they check for
# are not available on the mirror. To make them pass, fetch the
@@ -625,53 +802,56 @@ def create_rust_uprev(
# to the mirror.
"fetch bootstrap distfiles",
- lambda: fetch_bootstrap_distfiles(
- old_bootstrap_version, template_version
- ),
+ lambda: fetch_bootstrap_distfiles(template_version),
run_step("fetch rust distfiles", lambda: fetch_rust_distfiles(rust_version))
- "update bootstrap ebuild",
- lambda: update_bootstrap_ebuild(template_version),
+ "update bootstrap version",
+ lambda: update_bootstrap_version(CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS, template_version),
- "update bootstrap manifest",
- lambda: update_manifest(
- rust_bootstrap_path().joinpath(
- f"rust-bootstrap-{template_version}.ebuild"
- )
- ),
+ "turn off profile data sources in cros-rustc.eclass",
+ lambda: set_include_profdata_src(CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS, include=False),
+ for category, name in RUST_PACKAGES:
+ run_step(
+ f"create new {category}/{name} ebuild",
+ functools.partial(
+ create_ebuild,
+ category,
+ name,
+ template_version,
+ rust_version,
+ ),
+ )
- "update bootstrap version",
- lambda: update_bootstrap_version(
- EBUILD_PREFIX.joinpath("eclass/cros-rustc.eclass"), template_version
- ),
+ "update dev-lang/rust-host manifest to add new version",
+ lambda: ebuild_actions("dev-lang/rust-host", ["manifest"]),
- "copy patches",
- lambda: copy_patches(RUST_PATH, template_version, rust_version),
- )
- template_host_ebuild = EBUILD_PREFIX.joinpath(
- f"dev-lang/rust-host/rust-host-{template_version}.ebuild"
- )
- host_file = run_step(
- "create host ebuild",
- lambda: create_ebuild(
- template_host_ebuild, "dev-lang/rust-host", rust_version
- ),
+ "generate profile data for rustc",
+ lambda: run_in_chroot([PGO_RUST, "generate"]),
+ # Avoid returning subprocess.CompletedProcess, which cannot be
+ # serialized to JSON.
+ result_to_json=lambda _x: None,
- "update host manifest to add new version",
- lambda: update_manifest(Path(host_file)),
+ "upload profile data for rustc",
+ lambda: run_in_chroot([PGO_RUST, "upload-profdata"]),
+ # Avoid returning subprocess.CompletedProcess, which cannot be
+ # serialized to JSON.
+ result_to_json=lambda _x: None,
- target_file = run_step(
- "create target ebuild",
- lambda: create_ebuild(template_ebuild, "dev-lang/rust", rust_version),
+ run_step(
+ "turn on profile data sources in cros-rustc.eclass",
+ lambda: set_include_profdata_src(CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS, include=True),
- "update target manifest to add new version",
- lambda: update_manifest(Path(target_file)),
+ "update dev-lang/rust-host manifest to add profile data",
+ lambda: ebuild_actions("dev-lang/rust-host", ["manifest"]),
if not skip_compile:
run_step("build packages", lambda: rebuild_packages(rust_version))
@@ -691,44 +871,38 @@ def create_rust_uprev(
-def find_rust_versions_in_chroot() -> List[Tuple[RustVersion, str]]:
+def find_rust_versions() -> List[Tuple[RustVersion, Path]]:
+ """Returns (RustVersion, ebuild_path) for base versions of dev-lang/rust.
+ This excludes symlinks to ebuilds, so if rust-1.34.0.ebuild and
+ rust-1.34.0-r1.ebuild both exist and -r1 is a symlink to the other,
+ only rust-1.34.0.ebuild will be in the return value.
+ """
return [
- (RustVersion.parse_from_ebuild(x), os.path.join(RUST_PATH, x))
- for x in os.listdir(RUST_PATH)
- if x.endswith(".ebuild")
+ (RustVersion.parse_from_ebuild(ebuild), ebuild)
+ for ebuild in RUST_PATH.iterdir()
+ if ebuild.suffix == ".ebuild" and not ebuild.is_symlink()
-def find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot() -> RustVersion:
- rust_versions = find_rust_versions_in_chroot()
+def find_oldest_rust_version() -> RustVersion:
+ """Returns the RustVersion of the oldest dev-lang/rust ebuild."""
+ rust_versions = find_rust_versions()
if len(rust_versions) <= 1:
raise RuntimeError("Expect to find more than one Rust versions")
return min(rust_versions)[0]
-def find_ebuild_for_rust_version(version: RustVersion) -> str:
- rust_ebuilds = [
- ebuild for x, ebuild in find_rust_versions_in_chroot() if x == version
- ]
- if not rust_ebuilds:
- raise ValueError(f"No Rust ebuilds found matching {version}")
- if len(rust_ebuilds) > 1:
- raise ValueError(
- f"Multiple Rust ebuilds found matching {version}: "
- f"{rust_ebuilds}"
- )
- return rust_ebuilds[0]
+def find_ebuild_for_rust_version(version: RustVersion) -> Path:
+ """Returns the path of the ebuild for the given version of dev-lang/rust."""
+ return find_ebuild_path(RUST_PATH, "rust", version)
def rebuild_packages(version: RustVersion):
"""Rebuild packages modified by this script."""
# Remove all packages we modify to avoid depending on preinstalled
# versions. This ensures that the packages can really be built.
- packages = [
- "dev-lang/rust",
- "dev-lang/rust-host",
- "dev-lang/rust-bootstrap",
- ]
+ packages = [f"{category}/{name}" for category, name in RUST_PACKAGES]
for pkg in packages:
# Mention only dev-lang/rust explicitly, so that others are pulled
@@ -736,7 +910,7 @@ def rebuild_packages(version: RustVersion):
# Packages we modify are listed in --usepkg-exclude to ensure they
# are built from source.
- subprocess.check_call(
+ run_in_chroot(
@@ -744,7 +918,7 @@ def rebuild_packages(version: RustVersion):
" ".join(packages),
- ]
+ ],
@@ -755,16 +929,16 @@ def rebuild_packages(version: RustVersion):
-def remove_ebuild_version(path: os.PathLike, name: str, version: RustVersion):
+def remove_ebuild_version(path: PathOrStr, name: str, version: RustVersion):
"""Remove the specified version of an ebuild.
Removes {path}/{name}-{version}.ebuild and {path}/{name}-{version}-*.ebuild
using git rm.
- path: The directory in which the ebuild files are.
- name: The name of the package (e.g. 'rust').
- version: The version of the ebuild to remove.
+ path: The directory in which the ebuild files are.
+ name: The name of the package (e.g. 'rust').
+ version: The version of the ebuild to remove.
path = Path(path)
pattern = f"{name}-{version}-*.ebuild"
@@ -780,33 +954,18 @@ def remove_ebuild_version(path: os.PathLike, name: str, version: RustVersion):
remove_files(m.name, path)
-def remove_files(filename: str, path: str) -> None:
+def remove_files(filename: PathOrStr, path: PathOrStr) -> None:
subprocess.check_call(["git", "rm", filename], cwd=path)
-def remove_rust_bootstrap_version(
- version: RustVersion, run_step: Callable[[], T]
-) -> None:
- run_step(
- "remove old bootstrap ebuild",
- lambda: remove_ebuild_version(
- rust_bootstrap_path(), "rust-bootstrap", version
- ),
- )
- ebuild_file = find_ebuild_for_package("rust-bootstrap")
- run_step(
- "update bootstrap manifest to delete old version",
- lambda: update_manifest(ebuild_file),
- )
def remove_rust_uprev(
- rust_version: Optional[RustVersion], run_step: Callable[[], T]
+ rust_version: Optional[RustVersion],
+ run_step: RunStepFn,
) -> None:
def find_desired_rust_version() -> RustVersion:
if rust_version:
return rust_version
- return find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot()
+ return find_oldest_rust_version()
def find_desired_rust_version_from_json(obj: Any) -> RustVersion:
return RustVersion(*obj)
@@ -816,26 +975,21 @@ def remove_rust_uprev(
+ for category, name in RUST_PACKAGES:
+ run_step(
+ f"remove old {name} ebuild",
+ functools.partial(
+ remove_ebuild_version,
+ EBUILD_PREFIX / category / name,
+ name,
+ delete_version,
+ ),
+ )
- "remove patches",
- lambda: remove_files(f"files/rust-{delete_version}-*.patch", RUST_PATH),
- )
- run_step(
- "remove target ebuild",
- lambda: remove_ebuild_version(RUST_PATH, "rust", delete_version),
- )
- run_step(
- "remove host ebuild",
- lambda: remove_ebuild_version(
- EBUILD_PREFIX.joinpath("dev-lang/rust-host"),
- "rust-host",
- delete_version,
- ),
- )
- target_file = find_ebuild_for_package("rust")
- run_step(
- "update target manifest to delete old version",
- lambda: update_manifest(target_file),
+ "update dev-lang/rust-host manifest to delete old version",
+ lambda: ebuild_actions("dev-lang/rust-host", ["manifest"]),
"remove target version from rust packages",
@@ -843,11 +997,6 @@ def remove_rust_uprev(
"dev-lang/rust", delete_version, add=False
- host_file = find_ebuild_for_package("rust-host")
- run_step(
- "update host manifest to delete old version",
- lambda: update_manifest(host_file),
- )
"remove host version from rust packages",
lambda: update_rust_packages(
@@ -879,11 +1028,10 @@ def create_new_repo(rust_version: RustVersion) -> None:
git.CreateBranch(EBUILD_PREFIX, f"rust-to-{rust_version}")
-def build_cross_compiler() -> None:
+def build_cross_compiler(template_version: RustVersion) -> None:
# Get target triples in ebuild
- rust_ebuild = find_ebuild_for_package("rust")
- with open(rust_ebuild, encoding="utf-8") as f:
- contents = f.read()
+ rust_ebuild = find_ebuild_path(RUST_PATH, "rust", template_version)
+ contents = rust_ebuild.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
target_triples_re = re.compile(r"RUSTC_TARGET_TRIPLES=\(([^)]+)\)")
m = target_triples_re.search(contents)
@@ -903,9 +1051,9 @@ def build_cross_compiler() -> None:
logging.info("Emerging cross compilers %s", compiler_targets_to_install)
- subprocess.check_call(
+ run_in_chroot(
["sudo", "emerge", "-j", "-G"]
- + [f"cross-{target}/gcc" for target in compiler_targets_to_install]
+ + [f"cross-{target}/gcc" for target in compiler_targets_to_install],
@@ -918,17 +1066,95 @@ def create_new_commit(rust_version: RustVersion) -> None:
"TEST=Use CQ to test the new Rust version",
- git.UploadChanges(EBUILD_PREFIX, f"rust-to-{rust_version}", messages)
+ branch = f"rust-to-{rust_version}"
+ git.CommitChanges(EBUILD_PREFIX, messages)
+ git.UploadChanges(EBUILD_PREFIX, branch)
-def main() -> None:
- if not chroot.InChroot():
- raise RuntimeError("This script must be executed inside chroot")
+def run_in_chroot(cmd: Command, *args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
+ """Runs a command in the ChromiumOS chroot.
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ This takes the same arguments as subprocess.run(). By default,
+ it uses check=True, encoding="utf-8". If needed, these can be
+ overridden by keyword arguments passed to run_in_chroot().
+ """
+ full_kwargs = dict(
+ {
+ "check": True,
+ "encoding": "utf-8",
+ },
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ full_cmd = ["cros_sdk", "--"] + list(cmd)
+ logging.info("Running %s", shlex.join(str(x) for x in full_cmd))
+ # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check
+ # (check is actually set above; it defaults to True)
+ return subprocess.run(full_cmd, *args, **full_kwargs)
+def sudo_keepalive() -> None:
+ """Ensures we have sudo credentials, and keeps them up-to-date.
+ Some operations (notably run_in_chroot) run sudo, which may require
+ user interaction. To avoid blocking progress while we sit waiting
+ for that interaction, sudo_keepalive checks that we have cached
+ sudo credentials, gets them if necessary, then keeps them up-to-date
+ so that the rest of the script can run without needing to get
+ sudo credentials again.
+ """
+ logging.info(
+ "Caching sudo credentials for running commands inside the chroot"
+ )
+ # Exits successfully if cached credentials exist. Otherwise, tries
+ # created cached credentials, prompting for authentication if necessary.
+ subprocess.run(["sudo", "true"], check=True)
+ def sudo_keepalive_loop() -> None:
+ # Between credential refreshes, we sleep so that we don't
+ # unnecessarily burn CPU cycles. The sleep time must be shorter
+ # than sudo's configured cached credential expiration time, which
+ # is 15 minutes by default.
+ sleep_seconds = 10 * 60
+ # So as to not keep credentials cached forever, we limit the number
+ # of times we will refresh them.
+ max_seconds = 16 * 3600
+ max_refreshes = max_seconds // sleep_seconds
+ for _x in range(max_refreshes):
+ # Refreshes cached credentials if they exist, but never prompts
+ # for anything. If cached credentials do not exist, this
+ # command exits with an error. We ignore that error to keep the
+ # loop going, so that cached credentials will be kept fresh
+ # again once we have them (e.g. after the next cros_sdk command
+ # successfully authenticates the user).
+ #
+ # The standard file descriptors are all redirected to/from
+ # /dev/null to prevent this command from consuming any input
+ # or mixing its output with that of the other commands rust_uprev
+ # runs (which could be confusing, for example making it look like
+ # errors occurred during a build when they are actually in a
+ # separate task).
+ #
+ # Note: The command specifically uses "true" and not "-v", because
+ # it turns out that "-v" actually will prompt for a password when
+ # sudo is configured with NOPASSWD=all, even though in that case
+ # no password is required to run actual commands.
+ subprocess.run(
+ ["sudo", "-n", "true"],
+ check=False,
+ stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ )
+ time.sleep(sleep_seconds)
+ # daemon=True causes the thread to be killed when the script exits.
+ threading.Thread(target=sudo_keepalive_loop, daemon=True).start()
- args = parse_commandline_args()
+def main() -> None:
+ chroot.VerifyOutsideChroot()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ args = parse_commandline_args()
state_file = pathlib.Path(args.state_file)
tmp_state_file = state_file.with_suffix(".tmp")
@@ -955,27 +1181,36 @@ def main() -> None:
if args.subparser_name == "create":
+ sudo_keepalive()
args.rust_version, args.template, args.skip_compile, run_step
elif args.subparser_name == "remove":
remove_rust_uprev(args.rust_version, run_step)
- elif args.subparser_name == "remove-bootstrap":
- remove_rust_bootstrap_version(args.version, run_step)
- # If you have added more subparser_name, please also add the handlers above
+ # If you have added more subparser_name, please also add the handlers
+ # above
assert args.subparser_name == "roll"
+ sudo_keepalive()
+ # Determine the template version, if not given.
+ template_version = args.template
+ if template_version is None:
+ rust_ebuild = find_ebuild_for_package("dev-lang/rust")
+ template_version = RustVersion.parse_from_ebuild(rust_ebuild)
run_step("create new repo", lambda: create_new_repo(args.uprev))
if not args.skip_cross_compiler:
- run_step("build cross compiler", build_cross_compiler)
+ run_step(
+ "build cross compiler",
+ lambda: build_cross_compiler(template_version),
+ )
- args.uprev, args.template, args.skip_compile, run_step
+ args.uprev, template_version, args.skip_compile, run_step
remove_rust_uprev(args.remove, run_step)
- bootstrap_version = prepare_uprev_from_json(
- completed_steps["prepare uprev"]
- )[2]
- remove_rust_bootstrap_version(bootstrap_version, run_step)
+ prepared = prepare_uprev_from_json(completed_steps["prepare uprev"])
+ assert prepared is not None, "no prepared uprev decoded from JSON"
if not args.no_upload:
"create rust uprev CL", lambda: create_new_commit(args.uprev)
@@ -983,4 +1218,4 @@ def main() -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main())
+ main()
diff --git a/rust_tools/rust_uprev_test.py b/rust_tools/rust_uprev_test.py
index 0c4c91ed..a90f3d10 100755
--- a/rust_tools/rust_uprev_test.py
+++ b/rust_tools/rust_uprev_test.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -15,8 +14,13 @@ import unittest
from unittest import mock
from llvm_tools import git
-import rust_uprev
-from rust_uprev import RustVersion
+# rust_uprev sets SOURCE_ROOT to the output of `repo --show-toplevel`.
+# The mock below makes us not actually run repo but use a fake value
+# instead.
+with mock.patch("subprocess.check_output", return_value="/fake/chromiumos"):
+ import rust_uprev
def _fail_command(cmd, *_args, **_kwargs):
@@ -25,11 +29,28 @@ def _fail_command(cmd, *_args, **_kwargs):
raise err
+def start_mock(obj, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Creates a patcher, starts it, and registers a cleanup to stop it.
+ Args:
+ obj:
+ the object to attach the cleanup to
+ *args:
+ passed to mock.patch()
+ **kwargs:
+ passsed to mock.patch()
+ """
+ patcher = mock.patch(*args, **kwargs)
+ val = patcher.start()
+ obj.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+ return val
class FetchDistfileTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests rust_uprev.fetch_distfile_from_mirror()"""
- rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value="/fake/distfiles"
+ rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value=Path("/fake/distfiles")
@mock.patch.object(subprocess, "call", side_effect=_fail_command)
def test_fetch_difstfile_fail(self, *_args) -> None:
@@ -42,7 +63,7 @@ class FetchDistfileTest(unittest.TestCase):
return_value="AccessDeniedException: Access denied.",
- rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value="/fake/distfiles"
+ rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value=Path("/fake/distfiles")
@mock.patch.object(subprocess, "call", return_value=0)
def test_fetch_distfile_acl_access_denied(self, *_args) -> None:
@@ -54,7 +75,7 @@ class FetchDistfileTest(unittest.TestCase):
return_value='[ { "entity": "allUsers", "role": "READER" } ]',
- rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value="/fake/distfiles"
+ rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value=Path("/fake/distfiles")
@mock.patch.object(subprocess, "call", return_value=0)
def test_fetch_distfile_acl_ok(self, *_args) -> None:
@@ -66,7 +87,7 @@ class FetchDistfileTest(unittest.TestCase):
return_value='[ { "entity": "___fake@google.com", "role": "OWNER" } ]',
- rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value="/fake/distfiles"
+ rust_uprev, "get_distdir", return_value=Path("/fake/distfiles")
@mock.patch.object(subprocess, "call", return_value=0)
def test_fetch_distfile_acl_wrong(self, *_args) -> None:
@@ -79,6 +100,151 @@ class FetchDistfileTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class FetchRustSrcFromUpstreamTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream."""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self._mock_get_distdir = start_mock(
+ self,
+ "rust_uprev.get_distdir",
+ return_value=Path("/fake/distfiles"),
+ )
+ self._mock_gpg = start_mock(
+ self,
+ "subprocess.run",
+ side_effect=self.fake_gpg,
+ )
+ self._mock_urlretrieve = start_mock(
+ self,
+ "urllib.request.urlretrieve",
+ side_effect=self.fake_urlretrieve,
+ )
+ self._mock_rust_signing_key = start_mock(
+ self,
+ "rust_uprev.RUST_SIGNING_KEY",
+ "1234567",
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def fake_urlretrieve(src: str, dest: Path) -> None:
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def fake_gpg(cmd, **_kwargs):
+ val = mock.Mock()
+ val.returncode = 0
+ val.stdout = ""
+ if "--verify" in cmd:
+ val.stdout = "GOODSIG 1234567"
+ return val
+ def test_success(self):
+ with mock.patch("rust_uprev.GPG", "gnupg"):
+ rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz"),
+ )
+ self._mock_urlretrieve.has_calls(
+ [
+ (
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz"),
+ ),
+ (
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz.asc",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz.asc"),
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ self._mock_gpg.has_calls(
+ [
+ (["gnupg", "--refresh-keys", "1234567"], {"check": True}),
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_no_signature_file(self):
+ def _urlretrieve(src, dest):
+ if src.endswith(".asc"):
+ raise Exception("404 not found")
+ return self.fake_urlretrieve(src, dest)
+ self._mock_urlretrieve.side_effect = _urlretrieve
+ with self.assertRaises(rust_uprev.SignatureVerificationError) as ctx:
+ rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz"),
+ )
+ self.assertIn("error fetching signature file", ctx.exception.message)
+ def test_key_expired(self):
+ def _gpg_verify(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ val = self.fake_gpg(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
+ if "--verify" in cmd:
+ val.stdout = "EXPKEYSIG 1234567"
+ return val
+ self._mock_gpg.side_effect = _gpg_verify
+ with self.assertRaises(rust_uprev.SignatureVerificationError) as ctx:
+ rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz"),
+ )
+ self.assertIn("key has expired", ctx.exception.message)
+ def test_key_revoked(self):
+ def _gpg_verify(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ val = self.fake_gpg(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
+ if "--verify" in cmd:
+ val.stdout = "REVKEYSIG 1234567"
+ return val
+ self._mock_gpg.side_effect = _gpg_verify
+ with self.assertRaises(rust_uprev.SignatureVerificationError) as ctx:
+ rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz"),
+ )
+ self.assertIn("key has been revoked", ctx.exception.message)
+ def test_signature_expired(self):
+ def _gpg_verify(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ val = self.fake_gpg(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
+ if "--verify" in cmd:
+ val.stdout = "EXPSIG 1234567"
+ return val
+ self._mock_gpg.side_effect = _gpg_verify
+ with self.assertRaises(rust_uprev.SignatureVerificationError) as ctx:
+ rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz"),
+ )
+ self.assertIn("signature has expired", ctx.exception.message)
+ def test_wrong_key(self):
+ def _gpg_verify(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ val = self.fake_gpg(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
+ if "--verify" in cmd:
+ val.stdout = "GOODSIG 0000000"
+ return val
+ self._mock_gpg.side_effect = _gpg_verify
+ with self.assertRaises(rust_uprev.SignatureVerificationError) as ctx:
+ rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream(
+ "fakehttps://rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz",
+ Path("/fake/distfiles/rustc-1.60.3-src.tar.gz"),
+ )
+ self.assertIn("1234567 not found", ctx.exception.message)
class FindEbuildPathTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for rust_uprev.find_ebuild_path()"""
@@ -143,6 +309,100 @@ class FindEbuildPathTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(result, ebuild)
+class FindRustVersionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for rust_uprev.find_rust_versions."""
+ def test_with_symlinks(self):
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as t:
+ tmpdir = Path(t)
+ rust_1_49_1_ebuild = tmpdir / "rust-1.49.1.ebuild"
+ rust_1_50_0_ebuild = tmpdir / "rust-1.50.0.ebuild"
+ rust_1_50_0_r1_ebuild = tmpdir / "rust-1.50.0-r1.ebuild"
+ rust_1_49_1_ebuild.touch()
+ rust_1_50_0_ebuild.touch()
+ rust_1_50_0_r1_ebuild.symlink_to(rust_1_50_0_ebuild)
+ with mock.patch("rust_uprev.RUST_PATH", tmpdir):
+ actual = rust_uprev.find_rust_versions()
+ expected = [
+ (rust_uprev.RustVersion(1, 49, 1), rust_1_49_1_ebuild),
+ (rust_uprev.RustVersion(1, 50, 0), rust_1_50_0_ebuild),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+class MirrorHasFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for rust_uprev.mirror_has_file."""
+ @mock.patch.object(subprocess, "run")
+ def test_no(self, mock_run):
+ mock_run.return_value = mock.Mock(
+ returncode=1,
+ stdout="CommandException: One or more URLs matched no objects.",
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(rust_uprev.mirror_has_file("rustc-1.69.0-src.tar.gz"))
+ @mock.patch.object(subprocess, "run")
+ def test_yes(self, mock_run):
+ mock_run.return_value = mock.Mock(
+ returncode=0,
+ # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+ stdout="gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/rustc-1.69.0-src.tar.gz",
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(rust_uprev.mirror_has_file("rustc-1.69.0-src.tar.gz"))
+class MirrorRustSourceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for rust_uprev.mirror_rust_source."""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ start_mock(self, "rust_uprev.GSUTIL", "gsutil")
+ start_mock(self, "rust_uprev.MIRROR_PATH", "fakegs://fakemirror/")
+ start_mock(
+ self, "rust_uprev.get_distdir", return_value=Path("/fake/distfiles")
+ )
+ self.mock_mirror_has_file = start_mock(
+ self,
+ "rust_uprev.mirror_has_file",
+ )
+ self.mock_fetch_rust_src_from_upstream = start_mock(
+ self,
+ "rust_uprev.fetch_rust_src_from_upstream",
+ )
+ self.mock_subprocess_run = start_mock(
+ self,
+ "subprocess.run",
+ )
+ def test_already_present(self):
+ self.mock_mirror_has_file.return_value = True
+ rust_uprev.mirror_rust_source(
+ rust_uprev.RustVersion.parse("1.67.3"),
+ )
+ self.mock_fetch_rust_src_from_upstream.assert_not_called()
+ self.mock_subprocess_run.assert_not_called()
+ def test_fetch_and_upload(self):
+ self.mock_mirror_has_file.return_value = False
+ rust_uprev.mirror_rust_source(
+ rust_uprev.RustVersion.parse("1.67.3"),
+ )
+ self.mock_fetch_rust_src_from_upstream.called_once()
+ self.mock_subprocess_run.has_calls(
+ [
+ (
+ [
+ "gsutil",
+ "cp",
+ "-a",
+ "public-read",
+ "/fake/distdir/rustc-1.67.3-src.tar.gz",
+ "fakegs://fakemirror/rustc-1.67.3-src.tar.gz",
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
class RemoveEbuildVersionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for rust_uprev.remove_ebuild_version()"""
@@ -221,26 +481,17 @@ class PrepareUprevTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for prepare_uprev step in rust_uprev"""
def setUp(self):
- self.bootstrap_version = rust_uprev.RustVersion(1, 1, 0)
self.version_old = rust_uprev.RustVersion(1, 2, 3)
self.version_new = rust_uprev.RustVersion(1, 3, 5)
- return_value="/path/to/ebuild",
+ return_value=Path("/path/to/ebuild"),
- @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "find_ebuild_path")
@mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "get_command_output")
- def test_success_with_template(
- self, mock_command, mock_find_ebuild, _ebuild_for_version
- ):
- bootstrap_ebuild_path = Path(
- "/path/to/rust-bootstrap/",
- f"rust-bootstrap-{self.bootstrap_version}.ebuild",
- )
- mock_find_ebuild.return_value = bootstrap_ebuild_path
- expected = (self.version_old, "/path/to/ebuild", self.bootstrap_version)
+ def test_success_with_template(self, mock_command, _ebuild_for_version):
+ expected = rust_uprev.PreparedUprev(self.version_old)
actual = rust_uprev.prepare_uprev(
rust_version=self.version_new, template=self.version_old
@@ -252,11 +503,6 @@ class PrepareUprevTest(unittest.TestCase):
- @mock.patch.object(
- rust_uprev,
- "get_rust_bootstrap_version",
- return_value=RustVersion(0, 41, 12),
- )
@mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "get_command_output")
def test_return_none_with_template_larger_than_input(
self, mock_command, *_args
@@ -267,58 +513,70 @@ class PrepareUprevTest(unittest.TestCase):
- @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "find_ebuild_path")
- @mock.patch.object(os.path, "exists")
- @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "get_command_output")
- def test_success_without_template(
- self, mock_command, mock_exists, mock_find_ebuild
- ):
- rust_ebuild_path = f"/path/to/rust/rust-{self.version_old}-r3.ebuild"
- mock_command.return_value = rust_ebuild_path
- bootstrap_ebuild_path = Path(
- "/path/to/rust-bootstrap",
- f"rust-bootstrap-{self.bootstrap_version}.ebuild",
- )
- mock_find_ebuild.return_value = bootstrap_ebuild_path
- expected = (self.version_old, rust_ebuild_path, self.bootstrap_version)
- actual = rust_uprev.prepare_uprev(
- rust_version=self.version_new, template=None
- )
- self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- mock_command.assert_called_once_with(["equery", "w", "rust"])
- mock_exists.assert_not_called()
- @mock.patch.object(
- rust_uprev,
- "get_rust_bootstrap_version",
- return_value=RustVersion(0, 41, 12),
- )
- @mock.patch.object(os.path, "exists")
- @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "get_command_output")
- def test_return_none_with_ebuild_larger_than_input(
- self, mock_command, mock_exists, *_args
- ):
- mock_command.return_value = (
- f"/path/to/rust/rust-{self.version_new}.ebuild"
- )
- ret = rust_uprev.prepare_uprev(
- rust_version=self.version_old, template=None
- )
- self.assertIsNone(ret)
- mock_exists.assert_not_called()
def test_prepare_uprev_from_json(self):
- ebuild_path = "/path/to/the/ebuild"
- json_result = (
- list(self.version_new),
- ebuild_path,
- list(self.bootstrap_version),
+ json_result = (list(self.version_new),)
+ expected = rust_uprev.PreparedUprev(
+ self.version_new,
- expected = (self.version_new, ebuild_path, self.bootstrap_version)
actual = rust_uprev.prepare_uprev_from_json(json_result)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+class ToggleProfileData(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests functionality to include or exclude profile data from SRC_URI."""
+ ebuild_with_profdata = """
+# Some text here.
+some code here
+ ebuild_without_profdata = """
+# Some text here.
+some code here
+ ebuild_unexpected_content = """
+# Does not contain OMIT_PROFDATA_FROM_SRC_URI assignment
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mock_read_text = start_mock(self, "pathlib.Path.read_text")
+ def test_turn_off_profdata(self):
+ # Test that a file with profdata on is rewritten to a file with
+ # profdata off.
+ self.mock_read_text.return_value = self.ebuild_with_profdata
+ ebuild_file = "/path/to/eclass/cros-rustc.eclass"
+ with mock.patch("pathlib.Path.write_text") as mock_write_text:
+ rust_uprev.set_include_profdata_src(ebuild_file, include=False)
+ mock_write_text.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ebuild_without_profdata, encoding="utf-8"
+ )
+ def test_turn_on_profdata(self):
+ # Test that a file with profdata off is rewritten to a file with
+ # profdata on.
+ self.mock_read_text.return_value = self.ebuild_without_profdata
+ ebuild_file = "/path/to/eclass/cros-rustc.eclass"
+ with mock.patch("pathlib.Path.write_text") as mock_write_text:
+ rust_uprev.set_include_profdata_src(ebuild_file, include=True)
+ mock_write_text.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ebuild_with_profdata, encoding="utf-8"
+ )
+ def test_turn_on_profdata_fails_if_no_assignment(self):
+ # Test that if the string the code expects to find is not found,
+ # this causes an exception and the file is not overwritten.
+ self.mock_read_text.return_value = self.ebuild_unexpected_content
+ ebuild_file = "/path/to/eclass/cros-rustc.eclass"
+ with mock.patch("pathlib.Path.write_text") as mock_write_text:
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ rust_uprev.set_include_profdata_src(ebuild_file, include=False)
+ mock_write_text.assert_not_called()
class UpdateBootstrapVersionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for update_bootstrap_version step in rust_uprev"""
@@ -329,86 +587,34 @@ BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="1.2.0"
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mock_read_text = start_mock(self, "pathlib.Path.read_text")
def test_success(self):
- mock_open = mock.mock_open(read_data=self.ebuild_file_before)
+ self.mock_read_text.return_value = self.ebuild_file_before
# ebuild_file and new bootstrap version are deliberately different
ebuild_file = "/path/to/rust/cros-rustc.eclass"
- with mock.patch("builtins.open", mock_open):
+ with mock.patch("pathlib.Path.write_text") as mock_write_text:
ebuild_file, rust_uprev.RustVersion.parse("1.3.6")
- mock_open.return_value.__enter__().write.assert_called_once_with(
- self.ebuild_file_after
- )
+ mock_write_text.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ebuild_file_after, encoding="utf-8"
+ )
def test_fail_when_ebuild_misses_a_variable(self):
- mock_open = mock.mock_open(read_data="")
+ self.mock_read_text.return_value = ""
ebuild_file = "/path/to/rust/rust-1.3.5.ebuild"
- with mock.patch("builtins.open", mock_open):
- with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as context:
- rust_uprev.update_bootstrap_version(
- ebuild_file, rust_uprev.RustVersion.parse("1.2.0")
- )
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as context:
+ rust_uprev.update_bootstrap_version(
+ ebuild_file, rust_uprev.RustVersion.parse("1.2.0")
+ )
"BOOTSTRAP_VERSION not found in /path/to/rust/rust-1.3.5.ebuild",
-class UpdateManifestTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for update_manifest step in rust_uprev"""
- @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "ebuild_actions")
- def test_update_manifest(self, mock_run):
- ebuild_file = Path("/path/to/rust/rust-1.1.1.ebuild")
- rust_uprev.update_manifest(ebuild_file)
- mock_run.assert_called_once_with("rust", ["manifest"])
-class UpdateBootstrapEbuildTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for rust_uprev.update_bootstrap_ebuild()"""
- def test_update_bootstrap_ebuild(self):
- # The update should do two things:
- # 1. Create a copy of rust-bootstrap's ebuild with the new version number.
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir_str, mock.patch.object(
- rust_uprev, "find_ebuild_path"
- ) as mock_find_ebuild:
- tmpdir = Path(tmpdir_str)
- bootstrapdir = Path.joinpath(tmpdir, "rust-bootstrap")
- bootstrapdir.mkdir()
- old_ebuild = bootstrapdir.joinpath("rust-bootstrap-1.45.2.ebuild")
- old_ebuild.write_text(
- encoding="utf-8",
- data="""
-some text
-some more text
- )
- mock_find_ebuild.return_value = old_ebuild
- rust_uprev.update_bootstrap_ebuild(rust_uprev.RustVersion(1, 46, 0))
- new_ebuild = bootstrapdir.joinpath("rust-bootstrap-1.46.0.ebuild")
- self.assertTrue(new_ebuild.exists())
- text = new_ebuild.read_text()
- self.assertEqual(
- text,
- """
-some text
-some more text
- )
class UpdateRustPackagesTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for update_rust_packages step."""
@@ -471,114 +677,49 @@ class RustUprevOtherStagesTests(unittest.TestCase):
@mock.patch.object(shutil, "copyfile")
- @mock.patch.object(os, "listdir")
@mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call")
- def test_copy_patches(self, mock_call, mock_ls, mock_copy):
- mock_ls.return_value = [
- f"rust-{self.old_version}-patch-1.patch",
- f"rust-{self.old_version}-patch-2-old.patch",
- f"rust-{self.current_version}-patch-1.patch",
- f"rust-{self.current_version}-patch-2-new.patch",
- ]
- rust_uprev.copy_patches(
- rust_uprev.RUST_PATH, self.current_version, self.new_version
- )
- mock_copy.assert_has_calls(
- [
- mock.call(
- os.path.join(
- rust_uprev.RUST_PATH,
- "files",
- f"rust-{self.current_version}-patch-1.patch",
- ),
- os.path.join(
- rust_uprev.RUST_PATH,
- "files",
- f"rust-{self.new_version}-patch-1.patch",
- ),
- ),
- mock.call(
- os.path.join(
- rust_uprev.RUST_PATH,
- "files",
- f"rust-{self.current_version}-patch-2-new.patch",
- ),
- os.path.join(
- rust_uprev.RUST_PATH,
- "files",
- f"rust-{self.new_version}-patch-2-new.patch",
- ),
- ),
- ]
+ def test_create_rust_ebuild(self, mock_call, mock_copy):
+ template_ebuild = (
+ rust_uprev.EBUILD_PREFIX
+ / f"dev-lang/rust/rust-{self.current_version}.ebuild"
- mock_call.assert_called_once_with(
- ["git", "add", f"rust-{self.new_version}-*.patch"],
- cwd=rust_uprev.RUST_PATH.joinpath("files"),
+ new_ebuild = (
+ rust_uprev.EBUILD_PREFIX
+ / f"dev-lang/rust/rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild"
- @mock.patch.object(shutil, "copyfile")
- @mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call")
- def test_create_rust_ebuild(self, mock_call, mock_copy):
- template_ebuild = f"/path/to/rust-{self.current_version}-r2.ebuild"
- template_ebuild, "dev-lang/rust", self.new_version
+ "dev-lang", "rust", self.current_version, self.new_version
- rust_uprev.RUST_PATH.joinpath(f"rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild"),
+ new_ebuild,
["git", "add", f"rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild"],
- cwd=rust_uprev.RUST_PATH,
+ cwd=new_ebuild.parent,
@mock.patch.object(shutil, "copyfile")
@mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call")
def test_create_rust_host_ebuild(self, mock_call, mock_copy):
- template_ebuild = f"/path/to/rust-host-{self.current_version}-r2.ebuild"
+ template_ebuild = (
+ rust_uprev.EBUILD_PREFIX
+ / f"dev-lang/rust-host/rust-host-{self.current_version}.ebuild"
+ )
+ new_ebuild = (
+ rust_uprev.EBUILD_PREFIX
+ / f"dev-lang/rust-host/rust-host-{self.new_version}.ebuild"
+ )
- template_ebuild, "dev-lang/rust-host", self.new_version
+ "dev-lang", "rust-host", self.current_version, self.new_version
- rust_uprev.EBUILD_PREFIX.joinpath(
- f"dev-lang/rust-host/rust-host-{self.new_version}.ebuild"
- ),
+ new_ebuild,
["git", "add", f"rust-host-{self.new_version}.ebuild"],
- cwd=rust_uprev.EBUILD_PREFIX.joinpath("dev-lang/rust-host"),
- )
- @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "find_ebuild_for_package")
- @mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call")
- def test_remove_rust_bootstrap_version(self, mock_call, *_args):
- bootstrap_path = os.path.join(
- rust_uprev.RUST_PATH, "..", "rust-bootstrap"
- )
- rust_uprev.remove_rust_bootstrap_version(
- self.old_version, lambda *x: ()
- )
- mock_call.has_calls(
- [
- [
- "git",
- "rm",
- os.path.join(
- bootstrap_path,
- "files",
- f"rust-bootstrap-{self.old_version}-*.patch",
- ),
- ],
- [
- "git",
- "rm",
- os.path.join(
- bootstrap_path,
- f"rust-bootstrap-{self.old_version}.ebuild",
- ),
- ],
- ]
+ cwd=new_ebuild.parent,
@mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call")
@@ -641,25 +782,27 @@ class RustUprevOtherStagesTests(unittest.TestCase):
- @mock.patch.object(os, "listdir")
- def test_find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot_pass(self, mock_ls):
+ @mock.patch("rust_uprev.find_rust_versions")
+ def test_find_oldest_rust_version_pass(self, rust_versions):
oldest_version_name = f"rust-{self.old_version}.ebuild"
- mock_ls.return_value = [
- oldest_version_name,
- f"rust-{self.current_version}.ebuild",
- f"rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild",
+ rust_versions.return_value = [
+ (self.old_version, oldest_version_name),
+ (self.current_version, f"rust-{self.current_version}.ebuild"),
+ (self.new_version, f"rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild"),
- actual = rust_uprev.find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot()
+ actual = rust_uprev.find_oldest_rust_version()
expected = self.old_version
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- @mock.patch.object(os, "listdir")
- def test_find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot_fail_with_only_one_ebuild(
- self, mock_ls
+ @mock.patch("rust_uprev.find_rust_versions")
+ def test_find_oldest_rust_version_fail_with_only_one_ebuild(
+ self, rust_versions
- mock_ls.return_value = [f"rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild"]
+ rust_versions.return_value = [
+ (self.new_version, f"rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild"),
+ ]
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as context:
- rust_uprev.find_oldest_rust_version_in_chroot()
+ rust_uprev.find_oldest_rust_version()
"Expect to find more than one Rust versions", str(context.exception)
@@ -673,10 +816,8 @@ class RustUprevOtherStagesTests(unittest.TestCase):
rust_uprev.EBUILD_PREFIX, f"rust-to-{self.new_version}"
- @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "get_command_output")
- @mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call")
- def test_build_cross_compiler(self, mock_call, mock_output):
- mock_output.return_value = f"rust-{self.new_version}.ebuild"
+ @mock.patch.object(rust_uprev, "run_in_chroot")
+ def test_build_cross_compiler(self, mock_run_in_chroot):
cros_targets = [
@@ -684,11 +825,13 @@ class RustUprevOtherStagesTests(unittest.TestCase):
all_triples = ["x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"] + cros_targets
rust_ebuild = "RUSTC_TARGET_TRIPLES=(" + "\n\t".join(all_triples) + ")"
- mock_open = mock.mock_open(read_data=rust_ebuild)
- with mock.patch("builtins.open", mock_open):
- rust_uprev.build_cross_compiler()
+ with mock.patch("rust_uprev.find_ebuild_path") as mock_find_ebuild_path:
+ mock_path = mock.Mock()
+ mock_path.read_text.return_value = rust_ebuild
+ mock_find_ebuild_path.return_value = mock_path
+ rust_uprev.build_cross_compiler(rust_uprev.RustVersion(7, 3, 31))
- mock_call.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock_run_in_chroot.assert_called_once_with(
["sudo", "emerge", "-j", "-G"]
+ [f"cross-{x}/gcc" for x in cros_targets + ["arm-none-eabi"]]
diff --git a/rust_tools/rust_watch.py b/rust_tools/rust_watch.py
index dff239f3..ba760e78 100755
--- a/rust_tools/rust_watch.py
+++ b/rust_tools/rust_watch.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ class State(NamedTuple):
def parse_release_tags(lines: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[RustReleaseVersion]:
- """Parses `git ls-remote --tags` output into Rust stable release versions."""
+ """Parses `git ls-remote --tags` output into Rust stable versions."""
refs_tags = "refs/tags/"
for line in lines:
_sha, tag = line.split(None, 1)
@@ -236,14 +235,24 @@ def atomically_write_state(state_file: pathlib.Path, state: State) -> None:
def file_bug(title: str, body: str) -> None:
- """Files a bug against gbiv@ with the given title/body."""
- bugs.CreateNewBug(
- bugs.WellKnownComponents.CrOSToolchainPublic,
- title,
- body,
- # To either take or reassign depending on the rotation.
- assignee="gbiv@google.com",
+ """Files update bugs with the given title/body."""
+ # (component, optional_assignee)
+ targets = (
+ (bugs.WellKnownComponents.CrOSToolchainPublic, "gbiv@google.com"),
+ # b/269170429: Some Android folks said they wanted this before, and
+ # figuring out the correct way to apply permissions has been a pain. No
+ # one seems to be missing these notifications & the Android Rust folks
+ # are keeping on top of their toolchain, so ignore this for now.
+ # (bugs.WellKnownComponents.AndroidRustToolchain, None),
+ for component, assignee in targets:
+ bugs.CreateNewBug(
+ component,
+ title,
+ body,
+ assignee,
+ )
def maybe_compose_bug(
@@ -256,8 +265,20 @@ def maybe_compose_bug(
title = f"[Rust] Update to {newest_release}"
body = (
- "A new release has been detected; we should probably roll to it. "
- "Please see go/crostc-rust-rotation for who's turn it is."
+ "A new Rust stable release has been detected; we should probably roll "
+ "to it.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "The regression-from-stable-to-stable tag might be interesting to "
+ "keep an eye on: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/labels/"
+ "regression-from-stable-to-stable\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If you notice any bugs or issues you'd like to share, please "
+ "also note them on go/shared-rust-update-notes.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "See go/crostc-rust-rotation for the current rotation schedule.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For questions about this bot, please contact chromeos-toolchain@ and "
+ "CC gbiv@."
return title, body
@@ -270,7 +291,7 @@ def maybe_compose_email(
return None
subject_pieces = []
- body_pieces = []
+ body_pieces: List[tiny_render.Piece] = []
# Separate the sections a bit for prettier output.
if body_pieces:
@@ -344,8 +365,8 @@ def main(argv: List[str]) -> None:
- # Running through this _should_ be a nop, but do it anyway. Should make any
- # bugs more obvious on the first run of the script.
+ # Running through this _should_ be a nop, but do it anyway. Should make
+ # any bugs more obvious on the first run of the script.
prior_state = read_state(state_file)
logging.info("Last state was %r", prior_state)
@@ -366,30 +387,30 @@ def main(argv: List[str]) -> None:
if maybe_bug is None:
logging.info("No bug to file")
- title, body = maybe_bug
+ bug_title, bug_body = maybe_bug
if opts.skip_side_effects:
"Skipping sending bug with title %r and contents\n%s",
- title,
- body,
+ bug_title,
+ bug_body,
logging.info("Writing new bug")
- file_bug(title, body)
+ file_bug(bug_title, bug_body)
if maybe_email is None:
logging.info("No email to send")
- title, body = maybe_email
+ email_title, email_body = maybe_email
if opts.skip_side_effects:
"Skipping sending email with title %r and contents\n%s",
- title,
- tiny_render.render_html_pieces(body),
+ email_title,
+ tiny_render.render_html_pieces(email_body),
logging.info("Sending email")
- send_email(title, body)
+ send_email(email_title, email_body)
if opts.skip_state_update:
logging.info("Skipping state update, as requested")
@@ -408,4 +429,4 @@ def main(argv: List[str]) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/rust_tools/rust_watch_test.py b/rust_tools/rust_watch_test.py
index 1e6aec51..79006f35 100755
--- a/rust_tools/rust_watch_test.py
+++ b/rust_tools/rust_watch_test.py
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_compose_bug_creates_bugs_on_new_versions(self):
+ bug_body_start = "A new Rust stable release has been detected;"
title, body = rust_watch.maybe_compose_bug(
last_seen_release=rust_watch.RustReleaseVersion(1, 0, 0),
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
newest_release=rust_watch.RustReleaseVersion(1, 0, 1),
self.assertEqual(title, "[Rust] Update to 1.0.1")
- self.assertTrue(body.startswith("A new release has been detected;"))
+ self.assertTrue(body.startswith(bug_body_start))
title, body = rust_watch.maybe_compose_bug(
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
newest_release=rust_watch.RustReleaseVersion(1, 1, 0),
self.assertEqual(title, "[Rust] Update to 1.1.0")
- self.assertTrue(body.startswith("A new release has been detected;"))
+ self.assertTrue(body.startswith(bug_body_start))
title, body = rust_watch.maybe_compose_bug(
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
newest_release=rust_watch.RustReleaseVersion(2, 0, 0),
self.assertEqual(title, "[Rust] Update to 2.0.0")
- self.assertTrue(body.startswith("A new release has been detected;"))
+ self.assertTrue(body.startswith(bug_body_start))
def test_compose_bug_does_nothing_when_no_new_updates_exist(self):