path: root/user_activity_benchmarks/utils.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'user_activity_benchmarks/utils.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/user_activity_benchmarks/utils.py b/user_activity_benchmarks/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 009b241a..00000000
--- a/user_activity_benchmarks/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Utility functions for parsing pprof, CWP data and Chrome OS groups files."""
-from collections import defaultdict
-import csv
-import os
-import re
-SEPARATOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'-+\+-+')
- re.compile(r'(\S+)\s+(\S+)%\s+(\S+)%\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)%')
-CHILD_FUNCTION_PERCENTAGE_REGEX = re.compile(r'([0-9.]+)%')
-FUNCTION_KEY_SEPARATOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'\|\s+')
-# Constants used to identify if a function is common in the pprof and CWP
-# files.
-# List of pairs of strings used for make substitutions in file names to make
-# CWP and pprof data consistent.
- ('amd64-generic', 'BOARD'),
- (' ../sysdeps', ',sysdeps'),
- (' ../nptl', ',nptl'),
- (' aes-x86_64.s', ',aes-x86_64.s'),
- (' (inline)', ''),
- (' (partial-inline)', ''),
- (' ../', ','),
- ('../', '')]
-# Separator used to delimit the function from the file name.
-def MakeCWPAndPprofFileNamesConsistent(file_name):
- """Makes the CWP and pprof file names consistent.
- For the same function, it may happen for some file paths to differ slightly
- in the CWP data compared to the pprof output. In a file name, for each tuple
- element of the list, we substitute the first element with the second one.
- Args:
- file_name: A string representing the name of the file.
- Returns:
- A string representing the modified name of tihe file.
- """
- file_name = file_name.replace(', ', '; ')
- for replacing_pair_string in FILE_NAME_REPLACING_PAIR_STRINGS:
- file_name = file_name.replace(replacing_pair_string[0],
- replacing_pair_string[1])
- return file_name
-def MakePprofFunctionKey(function_and_file_name):
- """Creates the function key from the function and file name.
- Parsing the the pprof --top and --tree outputs is difficult due to the fact
- that it hard to extract the function and file name (i.e the function names
- can have a lot of unexpected charachters such as spaces, operators etc).
- For the moment, we used FUNCTION_FILE_SEPARATOR as delimiter between the
- function and the file name. However, there are some cases where the file name
- does not start with / and we treat this cases separately (i.e ../sysdeps,
- ../nptl, aes-x86_64.s).
- Args:
- function_and_file_name: A string representing the function and the file name
- as it appears in the pprof output.
- Returns:
- A string representing the function key, composed from the function and file
- name, comma separated.
- """
- # TODO(evelinad): Use pprof --topproto instead of pprof --top to parse
- # protobuffers instead of text output. Investigate if there is an equivalent
- # for pprof --tree that gives protobuffer output.
- #
- # In the CWP output, we replace the , with ; as a workaround for parsing
- # csv files. We do the same for the pprof output.
- #
- # TODO(evelinad): Use dremel --csv_dialect=excel-tab in the queries for
- # replacing the , delimiter with tab.
- function_and_file_name = function_and_file_name.replace(', ', '; ')
- # If the function and file name sequence contains the FUNCTION_FILE_SEPARATOR,
- # we normalize the path name of the file and make the string subtitutions
- # to make the CWP and pprof data consistent. The returned key is composed
- # from the function name and normalized file path name, separated by a comma.
- # If the function and file name does not contain the FUNCTION_FILE_SEPARATOR,
- # we just do the strings substitution.
- if FUNCTION_FILE_SEPARATOR in function_and_file_name:
- function_name, file_name = \
- function_and_file_name.split(FUNCTION_FILE_SEPARATOR)
- file_name = \
- MakeCWPAndPprofFileNamesConsistent(os.path.normpath("/" + file_name))
- return ','.join([function_name, file_name])
- return MakeCWPAndPprofFileNamesConsistent(function_and_file_name)
-def ComputeCWPCummulativeInclusiveStatistics(cwp_inclusive_count_statistics):
- """Computes the cumulative inclusive count value of a function.
- A function might appear declared in multiple files or objects. When
- computing the fraction of the inclusive count value from a child function to
- the parent function, we take into consideration the sum of the
- inclusive_count
- count values from all the ocurences of that function.
- Args:
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics: A dict containing the inclusive count
- statistics extracted by the ParseCWPInclusiveCountFile method.
- Returns:
- A dict having as a ket the name of the function and as a value the sum of
- the inclusive count values of the occurences of the functions from all
- the files and objects.
- """
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics_cumulative = defaultdict(int)
- for function_key, function_statistics \
- in cwp_inclusive_count_statistics.iteritems():
- function_name, _ = function_key.split(',')
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics_cumulative[function_name] += \
- function_statistics[1]
- return cwp_inclusive_count_statistics_cumulative
-def ComputeCWPChildFunctionsFractions(cwp_inclusive_count_statistics_cumulative,
- cwp_pairwise_inclusive_count_statistics):
- """Computes the fractions of the inclusive count values for child functions.
- The fraction represents the inclusive count value of a child function over
- the one of the parent function.
- Args:
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics_cumulative: A dict containing the
- cumulative inclusive count values of the CWP functions.
- cwp_pairwise_inclusive_count_statistics: A dict containing the inclusive
- count statistics for pairs of parent and child functions. The key is the
- parent function. The value is a dict with the key the name of the child
- function and the file name, comma separated, and the value is the
- inclusive count value of the pair of parent and child functions.
- Returns:
- A dict containing the inclusive count statistics for pairs of parent
- and child functions. The key is the parent function. The value is a
- dict with the key the name of the child function and the file name,
- comma separated, and the value is the inclusive count fraction of the
- child function out of the parent function.
- """
- pairwise_inclusive_count_fractions = {}
- for parent_function_key, child_functions_metrics in \
- cwp_pairwise_inclusive_count_statistics.iteritems():
- child_functions_fractions = {}
- parent_function_inclusive_count = \
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics_cumulative.get(parent_function_key, 0.0)
- if parent_function_key in cwp_inclusive_count_statistics_cumulative:
- for child_function_key, child_function_inclusive_count \
- in child_functions_metrics.iteritems():
- child_functions_fractions[child_function_key] = \
- child_function_inclusive_count / parent_function_inclusive_count
- else:
- for child_function_key, child_function_inclusive_count \
- in child_functions_metrics.iteritems():
- child_functions_fractions[child_function_key] = 0.0
- pairwise_inclusive_count_fractions[parent_function_key] = \
- child_functions_fractions
- return pairwise_inclusive_count_fractions
-def ParseFunctionGroups(cwp_function_groups_lines):
- """Parses the contents of the function groups file.
- Args:
- cwp_function_groups_lines: A list of the lines contained in the CWP
- function groups file. A line contains the group name and the file path
- that describes the group, separated by a space.
- Returns:
- A list of tuples containing the group name and the file path.
- """
- # The order of the groups mentioned in the cwp_function_groups file
- # matters. A function declared in a file will belong to the first
- # mentioned group that matches its path to the one of the file.
- # It is possible to have multiple paths that belong to the same group.
- return [tuple(line.split()) for line in cwp_function_groups_lines]
-def ParsePprofTopOutput(file_name):
- """Parses a file that contains the output of the pprof --top command.
- Args:
- file_name: The name of the file containing the pprof --top output.
- Returns:
- A dict having as a key the name of the function and the file containing
- the declaration of the function, separated by a comma, and as a value
- a tuple containing the flat, flat percentage, sum percentage, cummulative
- and cummulative percentage values.
- """
- pprof_top_statistics = {}
- # In the pprof top output, the statistics of the functions start from the
- # 6th line.
- with open(file_name) as input_file:
- pprof_top_content = input_file.readlines()[6:]
- for line in pprof_top_content:
- function_statistic_match = FUNCTION_STATISTIC_REGEX.search(line)
- flat, flat_p, sum_p, cum, cum_p = function_statistic_match.groups()
- flat_p = str(float(flat_p) / 100.0)
- sum_p = str(float(sum_p) / 100.0)
- cum_p = str(float(cum_p) / 100.0)
- lookup_index = function_statistic_match.end()
- function_and_file_name = line[lookup_index + 2 : -1]
- key = MakePprofFunctionKey(function_and_file_name)
- pprof_top_statistics[key] = (flat, flat_p, sum_p, cum, cum_p)
- return pprof_top_statistics
-def ParsePprofTreeOutput(file_name):
- """Parses a file that contains the output of the pprof --tree command.
- Args:
- file_name: The name of the file containing the pprof --tree output.
- Returns:
- A dict including the statistics for pairs of parent and child functions.
- The key is the name of the parent function and the file where the
- function is declared, separated by a comma. The value is a dict having as
- a key the name of the child function and the file where the function is
- delcared, comma separated and as a value the percentage of time the
- parent function spends in the child function.
- """
- # In the pprof output, the statistics of the functions start from the 9th
- # line.
- with open(file_name) as input_file:
- pprof_tree_content = input_file.readlines()[9:]
- pprof_tree_statistics = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
- track_child_functions = False
- # The statistics of a given function, its parent and child functions are
- # included between two separator marks.
- # All the parent function statistics are above the line containing the
- # statistics of the given function.
- # All the statistics of a child function are below the statistics of the
- # given function.
- # The statistics of a parent or a child function contain the calls, calls
- # percentage, the function name and the file where the function is declared.
- # The statistics of the given function contain the flat, flat percentage,
- # sum percentage, cummulative, cummulative percentage, function name and the
- # name of the file containing the declaration of the function.
- for line in pprof_tree_content:
- separator_match = SEPARATOR_REGEX.search(line)
- if separator_match:
- track_child_functions = False
- continue
- parent_function_statistic_match = FUNCTION_STATISTIC_REGEX.search(line)
- if parent_function_statistic_match:
- track_child_functions = True
- lookup_index = parent_function_statistic_match.end()
- parent_function_key_match = \
- FUNCTION_KEY_SEPARATOR_REGEX.search(line, pos=lookup_index)
- lookup_index = parent_function_key_match.end()
- parent_function_key = MakePprofFunctionKey(line[lookup_index:-1])
- continue
- if not track_child_functions:
- continue
- child_function_statistic_match = \
- child_function_percentage = \
- float(child_function_statistic_match.group(1))
- lookup_index = child_function_statistic_match.end()
- child_function_key_match = \
- FUNCTION_KEY_SEPARATOR_REGEX.search(line, pos=lookup_index)
- lookup_index = child_function_key_match.end()
- child_function_key = MakePprofFunctionKey(line[lookup_index:-1])
- pprof_tree_statistics[parent_function_key][child_function_key] += \
- child_function_percentage / 100.0
- return pprof_tree_statistics
-def ParseCWPInclusiveCountFile(file_name):
- """Parses the CWP inclusive count files.
- A line should contain the name of the function, the file name with the
- declaration, the inclusive count and inclusive count fraction out of the
- total extracted inclusive count values.
- Args:
- file_name: The file containing the inclusive count values of the CWP
- functions.
- Returns:
- A dict containing the inclusive count statistics. The key is the name of
- the function and the file name, comma separated. The value represents a
- tuple with the object name containing the function declaration, the
- inclusive count and inclusive count fraction values, and a marker to
- identify if the function is present in one of the benchmark profiles.
- """
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics = defaultdict(lambda: ('', 0, 0.0, 0))
- with open(file_name) as input_file:
- statistics_reader = csv.DictReader(input_file, delimiter=',')
- for statistic in statistics_reader:
- function_name = statistic['function']
- file_name = MakeCWPAndPprofFileNamesConsistent(
- os.path.normpath(statistic['file']))
- dso_name = statistic['dso']
- inclusive_count = statistic['inclusive_count']
- inclusive_count_fraction = statistic['inclusive_count_fraction']
- # We ignore the lines that have empty fields(i.e they specify only the
- # addresses of the functions and the inclusive counts values).
- if all([
- function_name, file_name, dso_name, inclusive_count,
- inclusive_count_fraction
- ]):
- key = '%s,%s' % (function_name, file_name)
- # There might be situations where a function appears in multiple files
- # or objects. Such situations can occur when in the Dremel queries there
- # are not specified the Chrome OS version and the name of the board (i.e
- # the files can belong to different kernel or library versions).
- inclusive_count_sum = \
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics[key][1] + int(inclusive_count)
- inclusive_count_fraction_sum = \
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics[key][2] + \
- float(inclusive_count_fraction)
- # All the functions are initially marked as EXTRA_FUNCTION.
- value = \
- (dso_name, inclusive_count_sum, inclusive_count_fraction_sum,
- cwp_inclusive_count_statistics[key] = value
- return cwp_inclusive_count_statistics
-def ParseCWPPairwiseInclusiveCountFile(file_name):
- """Parses the CWP pairwise inclusive count files.
- A line of the file should contain a pair of a parent and a child function,
- concatenated by the PARENT_CHILD_FUNCTIONS_SEPARATOR, the name of the file
- where the child function is declared and the inclusive count fractions of
- the pair of functions out of the total amount of inclusive count values.
- Args:
- file_name: The file containing the pairwise inclusive_count statistics of
- the
- CWP functions.
- Returns:
- A dict containing the statistics of the parent functions and each of
- their child functions. The key of the dict is the name of the parent
- function. The value is a dict having as a key the name of the child
- function with its file name separated by a ',' and as a value the
- inclusive count value of the parent-child function pair.
- """
- pairwise_inclusive_count_statistics = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
- with open(file_name) as input_file:
- statistics_reader = csv.DictReader(input_file, delimiter=',')
- for statistic in statistics_reader:
- parent_function_name, child_function_name = \
- statistic['parent_child_functions'].split(
- child_function_file_name = MakeCWPAndPprofFileNamesConsistent(
- os.path.normpath(statistic['child_function_file']))
- inclusive_count = statistic['inclusive_count']
- # There might be situations where a child function appears in
- # multiple files or objects. Such situations can occur when in the
- # Dremel queries are not specified the Chrome OS version and the
- # name of the board (i.e the files can belong to different kernel or
- # library versions), when the child function is a template function
- # that is declared in a header file or there are name collisions
- # between multiple executable objects.
- # If a pair of child and parent functions appears multiple times, we
- # add their inclusive count values.
- child_function_key = ','.join(
- [child_function_name, child_function_file_name])
- pairwise_inclusive_count_statistics[parent_function_name] \
- [child_function_key] += float(inclusive_count)
- return pairwise_inclusive_count_statistics