diff options
authorPhilip Tricca <philip.b.tricca@intel.com>2017-11-08 15:16:06 -0800
committerPhilip Tricca <philip.b.tricca@intel.com>2017-11-13 09:00:10 -0800
commit5191be69cbadf5d0fa5a9c831287b376a3e10ca2 (patch)
parenta64c33eb58ff289e9cfb83448ec9e9cbb53dfe3e (diff)
RELEASE.md: Document release process.
This set of requirements / instructions is taken nearly verbatim from the tpm2-abrmd repo. Signed-off-by: Philip Tricca <philip.b.tricca@intel.com>
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/RELEASE.md b/RELEASE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03e352dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RELEASE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Release Process:
+This document describes the general process that maintainers must follow when making a release of the `tpm2-tss` libraries.
+# Version Numbers
+Our releases will follow the semantic versioning scheme.
+You can find a thorough description of this scheme here: [http://semver.org/](http://semver.org/)
+In short, this scheme has 3 parts to the version number: A.B.C
+* A is the 'major' version, incremented when an API incompatible change is made
+* B is the 'minor' version, incremented when an API compatible change is made
+* C is the 'micro' version, incremented for bug fix releases
+Please refer to the [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) website for the authoritative description.
+## Version String
+The version string is set for the rest of the autotools bits by autoconf.
+Autoconf gets this string from the `AC_INIT` macro in the configure.ac file.
+Once you decide on the next version number (using the scheme above) you must set it manually in configure.ac.
+The version string must be in the form `A.B.C` where `A`, `B` and `C` are integers representing the major, minor and micro components of the version number.
+## Release Candidates
+In the run up to a release the maintainers may create tags to identify progress toward the release.
+In these cases we will append a string to the release number to indicate progress using the abbreviation `rc` for 'release candidate'.
+This string will take the form of `_rcX`.
+We append an incremental digit `X` in case more than one release candidate is necessary to communicate progress as development moves forward.
+# Static Analysis
+Before a release is made the `coverity_scan` branch must be updated to the point in git history where the release will be made from.
+This branch must be pushed to github which will cause the travis-ci infrastructure to run an automated coverity scan.
+The results of this scan must be dispositioned by the maintainers before the release is made.
+# Git Tags
+When a release is made a tag is created in the git repo identifying the release by the [version string](#Version String).
+The tag should be pushed to upstream git repo as the last step in the release process.
+**NOTE** tags for release candidates will be deleted from the git repository after a release with the corresponding version number has been made.
+**NOTE** release (not release candidate) tags should be considered immutable.
+## Signed tags
+Git supports GPG signed tags and for releases after the `1.1.0` release will have tags signed by a maintainer.
+For details on how to sign and verify git tags see: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Signing-Your-Work.
+# Release tarballs
+We use the git tag as a way to mark the point of the release in the projects history.
+We do not however encourage users to build from git unless they intend to modify the source code and contribute to the project.
+For the end user we provide release "tarballs" following the GNU conventions as closely as possible.
+To make a release tarball use the `distcheck` make target.
+This target incldues a number of sanity checks that are extremely helpful.
+For more information on `automake` and release tarballs see: https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Dist.html#Dist
+## Hosting Releases on Github
+Github automagically generates a page in their UI that maps git tags to 'releases' (even if the tag isn't for a release).
+Additionally they support hosting release tarballs through this same interface.
+The release tarball created in the previous step must be posted to github using the release interface.
+Additionally this tarball must be accompanied by a detached GPG signature.
+The Debian wiki has an excellent description of how to post a signed release to Github here: https://wiki.debian.org/Creating%20signed%20GitHub%20releases
+**NOTE** release candidates must be taken down after a release with the corresponding version number is available.
+## Signing Release Tarballs
+Signatures must be generated using the `--detach-sign` and `--armor` options to the `gpg` command.
+## Verifying Signatures
+Verifying the signature on a release tarball requires the project maintainers public keys be installed in the GPG keyring of the verifier.
+With both the release tarball and signature file in the same directory the following command will verify the signature:
+$ gpg --verify tpm2-tss-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc
+## Signing Keys
+The GPG keys used to sign a release tag and the associated tarball must be the same.
+Additionally they must:
+* belong to a project maintainer
+* be discoverable using a public GPG key server
+* be associated with the maintainers github account (https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-new-gpg-key-to-your-github-account/)
+# Announcements
+Release candidates and proper releases should be announced on the 01.org TPM2 mailing list: https://lists.01.org/mailman/listinfo/tpm2.
+This announcement should be accompanied by a link to the release page on Github as well as a link to the CHANGELOG.md accompanying the release.