path: root/accel/video_decode_accelerator.h
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authorDavid Staessens <dstaessens@google.com>2021-03-15 15:42:56 +0900
committerChih-Yu Huang <akahuang@google.com>2021-05-12 11:36:45 +0900
commit77b435d8be68eb973252aa8c44a8895c1660e58f (patch)
tree50c22da9123eccd6126e94525471aa29bd0b4b23 /accel/video_decode_accelerator.h
parentfdbe4007aaf88a23f8b790efebbb345308f30738 (diff)
v4l2_codec2: Reduce Chrome code dependencies.
While developing the V4L2 encode and decode components the design was based on the V4L2 encoder and decoder in Chrome. To speed up and simplify the development process parts of the Chrome helper code was copied to Android. As the components evolved a lot over time, most of the Chrome code can now be removed. This CL removes a lot of code from the accel/ folder: - Some files are no longer used and can just be removed. - Other files are only partly used but pull in a lot of dependencies. This CL removes the unused parts of these files and the associated dependencies. - Other files have been replaced by helpers in the common/ folder and can now be removed, e.g. the H.264 NAL SPS parser in ag/13911308. Bug: 155138142 Test: arc.VideoDecodeAccel.* on hatch Change-Id: I324088846e00426c4b8e5fbd1ff5b5e7ac200e12
Diffstat (limited to 'accel/video_decode_accelerator.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/accel/video_decode_accelerator.h b/accel/video_decode_accelerator.h
index 10601be..6a6020f 100644
--- a/accel/video_decode_accelerator.h
+++ b/accel/video_decode_accelerator.h
@@ -11,16 +11,8 @@
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "bitstream_buffer.h"
-#include "native_pixmap_handle.h"
-#include "picture.h"
#include "size.h"
#include "video_codecs.h"
-#include "video_pixel_format.h"
-namespace base {
-class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace media {
@@ -40,309 +32,8 @@ class VideoDecodeAccelerator {
bool encrypted_only;
using SupportedProfiles = std::vector<SupportedProfile>;
- struct Capabilities {
- Capabilities();
- Capabilities(const Capabilities& other);
- ~Capabilities();
- std::string AsHumanReadableString() const;
- // Flags that can be associated with a VDA.
- enum Flags {
- NO_FLAGS = 0,
- // Normally, the VDA is required to be able to provide all PictureBuffers
- // to the client via PictureReady(), even if the client does not return
- // any of them via ReusePictureBuffer(). The client is only required to
- // return PictureBuffers when it holds all of them, if it wants to get
- // more decoded output. See VideoDecoder::CanReadWithoutStalling for
- // more context.
- // If this flag is set, then the VDA does not make this guarantee. The
- // client must return PictureBuffers to be sure that new frames will be
- // provided via PictureReady.
- // Whether the VDA supports being configured with an output surface for
- // it to render frames to. For example, SurfaceViews on Android.
- // If set, the VDA will use deferred initialization if the config
- // indicates that the client supports it as well. Refer to
- // NotifyInitializationComplete for more details.
- // If set, video frames will have COPY_REQUIRED flag which will cause
- // an extra texture copy during composition.
- // Whether the VDA supports encrypted streams or not.
- // If set the decoder does not require a restart in order to switch to
- // using an external output surface.
- };
- SupportedProfiles supported_profiles;
- uint32_t flags;
- };
- // Enumeration of potential errors generated by the API.
- // Note: Keep these in sync with PP_VideoDecodeError_Dev. Also do not
- // rearrange, reuse or remove values as they are used for gathering UMA
- // statistics.
- enum Error {
- // An operation was attempted during an incompatible decoder state.
- // Invalid argument was passed to an API method.
- // Encoded input is unreadable.
- // A failure occurred at the browser layer or one of its dependencies.
- // Examples of such failures include GPU hardware failures, GPU driver
- // failures, GPU library failures, browser programming errors, and so on.
- // Largest used enum. This should be adjusted when new errors are added.
- };
- // Config structure contains parameters required for the VDA initialization.
- struct Config {
- // Specifies the allocation and handling mode for output PictureBuffers.
- // When set to ALLOCATE, the VDA is expected to allocate backing memory
- // for PictureBuffers at the time of AssignPictureBuffers() call.
- // When set to IMPORT, the VDA will not allocate, but after receiving
- // AssignPictureBuffers() call, it will expect a call to
- // ImportBufferForPicture() for each PictureBuffer before use.
- enum class OutputMode {
- };
- Config();
- Config(const Config& config);
- explicit Config(VideoCodecProfile profile);
- ~Config();
- std::string AsHumanReadableString() const;
- // The video codec and profile.
- VideoCodecProfile profile = VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILE_UNKNOWN;
- // Whether the client supports deferred initialization.
- bool is_deferred_initialization_allowed = false;
- // Coded size of the video frame hint, subject to change.
- Size initial_expected_coded_size = Size(320, 240);
- OutputMode output_mode = OutputMode::ALLOCATE;
- // The list of picture buffer formats that the client knows how to use. An
- // empty list means any format is supported.
- std::vector<VideoPixelFormat> supported_output_formats;
- // The H264 SPS and PPS configuration data. Not all clients populate these
- // fields, so they should be parsed from the bitstream instead, if required.
- // Each SPS and PPS is prefixed with the Annex B framing bytes: 0, 0, 0, 1.
- std::vector<uint8_t> sps;
- std::vector<uint8_t> pps;
- };
- // Interface for collaborating with picture interface to provide memory for
- // output picture and blitting them. These callbacks will not be made unless
- // Initialize() has returned successfully.
- // This interface is extended by the various layers that relay messages back
- // to the plugin, through the PPP_VideoDecoder_Dev interface the plugin
- // implements.
- class Client {
- public:
- // Notify the client that deferred initialization has completed successfully
- // or not. This is required if and only if deferred initialization is
- // supported by the VDA (see Capabilities), and it is supported by the
- // client (see Config::is_deferred_initialization_allowed), and the initial
- // call to VDA::Initialize returns true.
- // The default implementation is a NOTREACHED, since deferred initialization
- // is not supported by default.
- virtual void NotifyInitializationComplete(bool success);
- // Callback to tell client how many and what size of buffers to provide.
- // Note that the actual count provided through AssignPictureBuffers() can be
- // larger than the value requested.
- // |format| indicates what format the decoded frames will be produced in
- // by the VDA, or PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN if the underlying platform handles
- // this transparently.
- virtual void ProvidePictureBuffers(uint32_t requested_num_of_buffers,
- VideoPixelFormat format,
- const Size& dimensions) = 0;
- // Callback to dismiss picture buffer that was assigned earlier.
- virtual void DismissPictureBuffer(int32_t picture_buffer_id) = 0;
- // Callback to deliver decoded pictures ready to be displayed.
- virtual void PictureReady(const Picture& picture) = 0;
- // Callback to notify that decoded has decoded the end of the current
- // bitstream buffer.
- virtual void NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer(int32_t bitstream_buffer_id) = 0;
- // Flush completion callback.
- virtual void NotifyFlushDone() = 0;
- // Reset completion callback.
- virtual void NotifyResetDone() = 0;
- // Callback to notify about decoding errors. Note that errors in
- // Initialize() will not be reported here, but will instead be indicated by
- // a false return value there.
- virtual void NotifyError(Error error) = 0;
- protected:
- virtual ~Client() {}
- };
- // Video decoder functions.
- // Initializes the video decoder with specific configuration. Called once per
- // decoder construction. This call is synchronous and returns true iff
- // initialization is successful, unless deferred initialization is used.
- //
- // By default, deferred initialization is not used. However, if Config::
- // is_deferred_initialization_allowed is set by the client, and if
- // Capabilities::Flags::SUPPORTS_DEFERRED_INITIALIZATION is set by the VDA,
- // and if VDA::Initialize returns true, then the client can expect a call to
- // NotifyInitializationComplete with the actual success / failure of
- // initialization. Note that a return value of false from VDA::Initialize
- // indicates that initialization definitely failed, and no callback is needed.
- //
- // For encrypted video, only deferred initialization is supported and |config|
- // must contain a valid |cdm_id|.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // |config| contains the initialization parameters.
- // |client| is the client of this video decoder. Does not take ownership of
- // |client| which must be valid until Destroy() is called.
- virtual bool Initialize(const Config& config, Client* client) = 0;
- // Decodes given bitstream buffer that contains at most one frame. Once
- // decoder is done with processing |bitstream_buffer| it will call
- // NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer() with the bitstream buffer id.
- // Parameters:
- // |bitstream_buffer| is the input bitstream that is sent for decoding.
- virtual void Decode(const BitstreamBuffer& bitstream_buffer) = 0;
- // Assigns a set of texture-backed picture buffers to the video decoder.
- //
- // Ownership of each picture buffer remains with the client, but the client
- // is not allowed to deallocate the buffer before the DismissPictureBuffer
- // callback has been initiated for a given buffer.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // |buffers| contains the allocated picture buffers for the output. Note
- // that the count of buffers may be larger than the count requested through
- // the call to Client::ProvidePictureBuffers().
- virtual void AssignPictureBuffers(
- const std::vector<PictureBuffer>& buffers) = 0;
- // Imports |gpu_memory_buffer_handle|, pointing to a buffer in |pixel_format|,
- // as backing memory for picture buffer associated with |picture_buffer_id|.
- // This can only be be used if the VDA has been Initialize()d with
- // config.output_mode = IMPORT, and should be preceded by a call to
- // AssignPictureBuffers() to set up the number of PictureBuffers and their
- // details.
- // The |pixel_format| used here may be different from the |pixel_format|
- // required in ProvidePictureBuffers(). If the buffer cannot be imported an
- // error should be notified via NotifyError().
- // After this call, the VDA becomes the owner of those file descriptors,
- // and is responsible for closing it after use, also on import failure.
- virtual void ImportBufferForPicture(
- int32_t picture_buffer_id,
- VideoPixelFormat pixel_format,
- const NativePixmapHandle& native_pixmap_handle);
- // Sends picture buffers to be reused by the decoder. This needs to be called
- // for each buffer that has been processed so that decoder may know onto which
- // picture buffers it can write the output to.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // |picture_buffer_id| id of the picture buffer that is to be reused.
- virtual void ReusePictureBuffer(int32_t picture_buffer_id) = 0;
- // Flushes the decoder: all pending inputs will be decoded and pictures handed
- // back to the client, followed by NotifyFlushDone() being called on the
- // client. Can be used to implement "end of stream" notification.
- virtual void Flush() = 0;
- // Resets the decoder: all pending inputs are dropped immediately and the
- // decoder returned to a state ready for further Decode()s, followed by
- // NotifyResetDone() being called on the client. Can be used to implement
- // "seek". After Flush is called, it is OK to call Reset before receiving
- // NotifyFlushDone() and VDA should cancel the flush. Note NotifyFlushDone()
- // may be on the way to the client. If client gets NotifyFlushDone(), it
- // should be before NotifyResetDone().
- virtual void Reset() = 0;
- // Destroys the decoder: all pending inputs are dropped immediately and the
- // component is freed. This call may asynchornously free system resources,
- // but its client-visible effects are synchronous. After this method returns
- // no more callbacks will be made on the client. Deletes |this|
- // unconditionally, so make sure to drop all pointers to it!
- virtual void Destroy() = 0;
- //
- // A decode "task" is a sequence that includes a Decode() call from Client,
- // as well as corresponding callbacks to return the input BitstreamBuffer
- // after use, and the resulting output Picture(s).
- //
- // If the Client can support running these three calls on a separate thread,
- // it may call this method to try to set up the VDA implementation to do so.
- // If the VDA can support this as well, return true, otherwise return false.
- // If true is returned, the client may submit each Decode() call (but no other
- // calls) on |decode_task_runner|, and should then expect that
- // NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer() and PictureReady() callbacks may come on
- // |decode_task_runner| as well, called on |decode_client|, instead of client
- // provided to Initialize().
- //
- // This method may be called at any time.
- //
- // NOTE 1: some callbacks may still have to come on the main thread and the
- // Client should handle both callbacks coming on main and |decode_task_runner|
- // thread.
- //
- // NOTE 2: VDA implementations of Decode() must return as soon as possible and
- // never block, as |decode_task_runner| may be a latency critical thread
- // (such as the GPU IO thread).
- //
- // One application of this is offloading the GPU Child thread. In general,
- // calls to VDA in GPU process have to be done on the GPU Child thread, as
- // they may require GL context to be current. However, some VDAs may be able
- // to run decode operations without GL context, which helps reduce latency and
- // offloads the GPU Child thread.
- virtual bool TryToSetupDecodeOnSeparateThread(
- const base::WeakPtr<Client>& decode_client,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& decode_task_runner);
- protected:
- // Do not delete directly; use Destroy() or own it with a scoped_ptr, which
- // will Destroy() it properly by default.
- virtual ~VideoDecodeAccelerator();
} // namespace media
-namespace std {
-// Specialize std::default_delete so that
-// std::unique_ptr<VideoDecodeAccelerator> uses "Destroy()" instead of trying to
-// use the destructor.
-template <>
-struct default_delete<media::VideoDecodeAccelerator> {
- void operator()(media::VideoDecodeAccelerator* vda) const;
-} // namespace std