path: root/xfree-3.supp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2006-12-16Completely overhauled the internals of Memcheck's error handling. All thenjn
2006-12-14Remove some very old and incorrect info in the headers.njn
2006-03-27Merge in the COMPVBITS branch to the trunk. This is a big change tonjn
2003-11-14Started to rescind the name "skin", replacing it with "tool". Did this in allnethercote
2003-06-12Added support for Value16 and Addr16 error suppressions.njn
2002-10-07Added support for multi-skin suppressions, of the form:njn
2002-10-05Make suppressions work again after I messed with skin names. Sigh.sewardj
2002-10-02Qualifying suppression types with the skin name, like this:njn
2002-04-04splitted the suppression files so that default.supp can be created by pickinggobry