path: root/.appveyor.yml
diff options
authorKarl Schultz <karl@lunarg.com>2018-01-03 12:50:46 -0700
committerKarl Schultz <karl@lunarg.com>2018-01-05 13:59:47 -0700
commit0e417133af2a31ce303cd83f58d25cc091ab036d (patch)
treefc8439c2dd056e806221cd80d51d12d74a1600d8 /.appveyor.yml
parent215949552c50ea6c19f1742d80e386133b8fbdf3 (diff)
build: Improve update ext srcs script for better CI
Add options (--debug --release --32 --64) to the update_external_sources.bat script so that it can be used to build external libraries for only the desired platform/configuration combinations. This helps the AppVeyor CI builds by building only the platform/configuration combination needed for the current job.
Diffstat (limited to '.appveyor.yml')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml
index 65b00cb07..087c5c696 100644
--- a/.appveyor.yml
+++ b/.appveyor.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# build version format
version: "{build}"
-# Probably not useful for free accounts, but ask anyway.
+# Free accounts have a max of 1, but ask anyway.
max_jobs: 4
@@ -28,69 +28,27 @@ branches:
- master
-# These steps are a replacement for
-# - update_external_sources.bat --all
-# Instead of using the above script to build glslang/spirv-tools
-# for all platform configs, build only the job's selected platform config.
-# Since the script doesn't support building a single platform config,
-# use parts of the script to build only the selected platform config.
-# Also always build the x64 Release platform config in order to
-# get the shader compiler binary which is used to build the repo.
-# For a 4 platform config setup:
-# All this results in 7 builds of glslang per commit, which isn't
-# as good as building 4 when building all 4 platform configs in
-# a single job, but is necessary when splitting the build into 4 jobs.
-# It is still better than 16 glslang builds.
- "SET PATH=C:\\Python35;C:\\Python35\\Scripts;%PATH%"
- - setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
- # Set up some useful vars.
- - set EXT_DIR=%TOP_DIR%external
- - set REVISION_DIR=%TOP_DIR%external_revisions
- - set GLSLANG_DIR=%EXT_DIR%\glslang
- - set /p GLSLANG_GITURL= < %REVISION_DIR%\glslang_giturl
- - set /p GLSLANG_REVISION= < %REVISION_DIR%\glslang_revision
- # Clone and checkout glslang.
- - echo.
- - echo Creating local glslang repository %GLSLANG_DIR%
- - if not exist %GLSLANG_DIR% (mkdir %GLSLANG_DIR%)
- - cd %GLSLANG_DIR%
- # If this dir is not empty, then a build cache was restored. Update it by fetching any updates.
- # If the dir is empty, clone the repo.
- - dir /b /a | findstr . > nul && (git fetch --all) || (git clone %GLSLANG_GITURL% . )
- - git checkout %GLSLANG_REVISION%
- - python.exe .\update_glslang_sources.py
- # Build glslang.
- - echo.
- - echo Building %GLSLANG_DIR%
- # We always need the x64 Release version of the shader compiler for building the repo.
- - cd %GLSLANG_DIR%
- - if not exist build (mkdir build)
- - cd build
- - cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install ..
- - msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:quiet
- # Build the x64 debug version if selected.
- - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Debug (msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Debug /verbosity:quiet))
- # Build 32-bit platform configs if selected.
- - cd %GLSLANG_DIR%
- - if not exist build32 (mkdir build32)
- - cd build32
- - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install ..)
- - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Platform=x86 /p:Configuration=%CONFIGURATION% /verbosity:quiet)
- # Generate build files using CMake for the build step.
- echo.
- echo Starting build for %APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME%
- - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (set GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12 2013")
- - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (set GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64")
+ - echo Update external sources
+ - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Debug (update_external_sources.bat --32 --debug))
+ - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Release (update_external_sources.bat --32 --release))
+ - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Debug (update_external_sources.bat --64 --debug))
+ - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Release (update_external_sources.bat --64 --release))
+ # Determine the appropriate CMake generator for the current version of Visual Studio
+ - echo Determining VS version
+ - python .\scripts\determine_vs_version.py > vsversion.tmp
+ - set /p VS_VERSION=< vsversion.tmp
+ - echo Detected Visual Studio Version as %VS_VERSION%
+ - del /Q /F vsversion.tmp
+ - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (set GENERATOR="Visual Studio %VS_VERSION%")
+ - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (set GENERATOR="Visual Studio %VS_VERSION% Win64")
+ # Generate build files using CMake for the build step.
+ - echo Generating CMake files for %GENERATOR%
- cd %TOP_DIR%
- mkdir build
- cd build
- - echo Generating CMake files for %GENERATOR%
- cmake -G %GENERATOR% ..
- echo Building platform=%PLATFORM% configuration=%CONFIGURATION%