path: root/talk/examples/call/callclient.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'talk/examples/call/callclient.cc')
1 files changed, 1616 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/talk/examples/call/callclient.cc b/talk/examples/call/callclient.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..866133e077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/examples/call/callclient.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1616 @@
+ * libjingle
+ * Copyright 2004--2005, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include "talk/examples/call/callclient.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "talk/examples/call/console.h"
+#include "talk/examples/call/friendinvitesendtask.h"
+#include "talk/examples/call/muc.h"
+#include "talk/examples/call/mucinviterecvtask.h"
+#include "talk/examples/call/mucinvitesendtask.h"
+#include "talk/examples/call/presencepushtask.h"
+#include "talk/media/base/mediacommon.h"
+#include "talk/media/base/mediaengine.h"
+#include "talk/media/base/rtpdataengine.h"
+#include "talk/media/base/screencastid.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/helpers.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/network.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/socketaddress.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/stringencode.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/stringutils.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/windowpickerfactory.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
+#include "talk/media/sctp/sctpdataengine.h"
+#include "talk/media/base/videorenderer.h"
+#include "talk/media/devices/devicemanager.h"
+#include "talk/media/devices/videorendererfactory.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/sessionmanager.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/client/basicportallocator.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/client/sessionmanagertask.h"
+#include "talk/session/media/mediamessages.h"
+#include "talk/session/media/mediasessionclient.h"
+#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/constants.h"
+#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/hangoutpubsubclient.h"
+#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/mucroomconfigtask.h"
+#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/mucroomlookuptask.h"
+#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/pingtask.h"
+#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/presenceouttask.h"
+namespace {
+// Must be period >= timeout.
+const uint32 kPingPeriodMillis = 10000;
+const uint32 kPingTimeoutMillis = 10000;
+const char* DescribeStatus(buzz::PresenceStatus::Show show,
+ const std::string& desc) {
+ switch (show) {
+ case buzz::PresenceStatus::SHOW_XA: return desc.c_str();
+ case buzz::PresenceStatus::SHOW_ONLINE: return "online";
+ case buzz::PresenceStatus::SHOW_AWAY: return "away";
+ case buzz::PresenceStatus::SHOW_DND: return "do not disturb";
+ case buzz::PresenceStatus::SHOW_CHAT: return "ready to chat";
+ default: return "offline";
+ }
+std::string GetWord(const std::vector<std::string>& words,
+ size_t index, const std::string& def) {
+ if (words.size() > index) {
+ return words[index];
+ } else {
+ return def;
+ }
+int GetInt(const std::vector<std::string>& words, size_t index, int def) {
+ int val;
+ if (words.size() > index && rtc::FromString(words[index], &val)) {
+ return val;
+ } else {
+ return def;
+ }
+} // namespace
+const char* CALL_COMMANDS =
+"Available commands:\n"
+" hangup Ends the call.\n"
+" hold Puts the current call on hold\n"
+" calls Lists the current calls and their sessions\n"
+" switch [call_id] Switch to the specified call\n"
+" addsession [jid] Add a new session to the current call.\n"
+" rmsession [sid] Remove specified session.\n"
+" mute Stops sending voice.\n"
+" unmute Re-starts sending voice.\n"
+" vmute Stops sending video.\n"
+" vunmute Re-starts sending video.\n"
+" dtmf Sends a DTMF tone.\n"
+" stats Print voice stats for the current call.\n"
+" quit Quits the application.\n"
+// TODO: Make present and record really work.
+const char* HANGOUT_COMMANDS =
+"Available MUC commands:\n"
+" present Starts presenting (just signalling; not actually presenting.)\n"
+" unpresent Stops presenting (just signalling; not actually presenting.)\n"
+" record Starts recording (just signalling; not actually recording.)\n"
+" unrecord Stops recording (just signalling; not actually recording.)\n"
+" rmute [nick] Remote mute another participant.\n"
+" block [nick] Block another participant.\n"
+" screencast [fps] Starts screencast. \n"
+" unscreencast Stops screencast. \n"
+" quit Quits the application.\n"
+const char* RECEIVE_COMMANDS =
+"Available commands:\n"
+" accept [bw] Accepts the incoming call and switches to it.\n"
+" reject Rejects the incoming call and stays with the current call.\n"
+" quit Quits the application.\n"
+const char* CONSOLE_COMMANDS =
+"Available commands:\n"
+" roster Prints the online friends from your roster.\n"
+" friend user Request to add a user to your roster.\n"
+" call [jid] [bw] Initiates a call to the user[/room] with the\n"
+" given JID and with optional bandwidth.\n"
+" vcall [jid] [bw] Initiates a video call to the user[/room] with\n"
+" the given JID and with optional bandwidth.\n"
+" calls Lists the current calls\n"
+" switch [call_id] Switch to the specified call\n"
+" join [room_jid] Joins a multi-user-chat with room JID.\n"
+" ljoin [room_name] Joins a MUC by looking up JID from room name.\n"
+" invite user [room] Invites a friend to a multi-user-chat.\n"
+" leave [room] Leaves a multi-user-chat.\n"
+" nick [nick] Sets the nick.\n"
+" priority [int] Sets the priority.\n"
+" getdevs Prints the available media devices.\n"
+" quit Quits the application.\n"
+void CallClient::ParseLine(const std::string& line) {
+ std::vector<std::string> words;
+ int start = -1;
+ int state = 0;
+ for (int index = 0; index <= static_cast<int>(line.size()); ++index) {
+ if (state == 0) {
+ if (!isspace(line[index])) {
+ start = index;
+ state = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(state == 1);
+ ASSERT(start >= 0);
+ if (isspace(line[index])) {
+ std::string word(line, start, index - start);
+ words.push_back(word);
+ start = -1;
+ state = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Global commands
+ const std::string& command = GetWord(words, 0, "");
+ if (command == "quit") {
+ Quit();
+ } else if (call_ && incoming_call_) {
+ if (command == "accept") {
+ cricket::CallOptions options;
+ options.video_bandwidth = GetInt(words, 1, cricket::kAutoBandwidth);
+ options.has_video = true;
+ options.data_channel_type = data_channel_type_;
+ Accept(options);
+ } else if (command == "reject") {
+ Reject();
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine(RECEIVE_COMMANDS);
+ }
+ } else if (call_) {
+ if (command == "hangup") {
+ call_->Terminate();
+ } else if (command == "hold") {
+ media_client_->SetFocus(NULL);
+ call_ = NULL;
+ } else if (command == "addsession") {
+ std::string to = GetWord(words, 1, "");
+ cricket::CallOptions options;
+ options.has_video = call_->has_video();
+ options.video_bandwidth = cricket::kAutoBandwidth;
+ options.data_channel_type = data_channel_type_;
+ options.AddStream(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, "", "");
+ if (!InitiateAdditionalSession(to, options)) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to initiate additional session.");
+ }
+ } else if (command == "rmsession") {
+ std::string id = GetWord(words, 1, "");
+ TerminateAndRemoveSession(call_, id);
+ } else if (command == "calls") {
+ PrintCalls();
+ } else if ((words.size() == 2) && (command == "switch")) {
+ SwitchToCall(GetInt(words, 1, -1));
+ } else if (command == "mute") {
+ call_->Mute(true);
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishAudioMuteState(true);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "unmute") {
+ call_->Mute(false);
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishAudioMuteState(false);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "vmute") {
+ call_->MuteVideo(true);
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishVideoMuteState(true);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "vunmute") {
+ call_->MuteVideo(false);
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishVideoMuteState(false);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "screencast") {
+ if (screencast_ssrc_ != 0) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Can't screencast twice. Unscreencast first.");
+ } else {
+ std::string streamid = "screencast";
+ screencast_ssrc_ = rtc::CreateRandomId();
+ int fps = GetInt(words, 1, 5); // Default to 5 fps.
+ cricket::ScreencastId screencastid;
+ cricket::Session* session = GetFirstSession();
+ if (session && SelectFirstDesktopScreencastId(&screencastid)) {
+ call_->StartScreencast(
+ session, streamid, screencast_ssrc_, screencastid, fps);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (command == "unscreencast") {
+ // TODO: Use a random ssrc
+ std::string streamid = "screencast";
+ cricket::Session* session = GetFirstSession();
+ if (session) {
+ call_->StopScreencast(session, streamid, screencast_ssrc_);
+ screencast_ssrc_ = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (command == "present") {
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishPresenterState(true);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "unpresent") {
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishPresenterState(false);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "record") {
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishRecordingState(true);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "unrecord") {
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->PublishRecordingState(false);
+ }
+ } else if ((command == "rmute") && (words.size() == 2)) {
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ const std::string& nick = words[1];
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->RemoteMute(nick);
+ }
+ } else if ((command == "block") && (words.size() == 2)) {
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ const std::string& nick = words[1];
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->BlockMedia(nick);
+ }
+ } else if (command == "senddata") {
+ // "" is the default streamid.
+ SendData("", words[1]);
+ } else if ((command == "dtmf") && (words.size() == 2)) {
+ int ev = std::string("0123456789*#").find(words[1][0]);
+ call_->PressDTMF(ev);
+ } else if (command == "stats") {
+ PrintStats();
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine(CALL_COMMANDS);
+ if (InMuc()) {
+ console_->PrintLine(HANGOUT_COMMANDS);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (command == "roster") {
+ PrintRoster();
+ } else if (command == "send") {
+ buzz::Jid jid(words[1]);
+ if (jid.IsValid()) {
+ last_sent_to_ = words[1];
+ SendChat(words[1], words[2]);
+ } else if (!last_sent_to_.empty()) {
+ SendChat(last_sent_to_, words[1]);
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine(
+ "Invalid JID. JIDs should be in the form user@domain");
+ }
+ } else if ((words.size() == 2) && (command == "friend")) {
+ InviteFriend(words[1]);
+ } else if (command == "call") {
+ std::string to = GetWord(words, 1, "");
+ cricket::CallOptions options;
+ options.data_channel_type = data_channel_type_;
+ if (!PlaceCall(to, options)) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to initiate call.");
+ }
+ } else if (command == "vcall") {
+ std::string to = GetWord(words, 1, "");
+ int bandwidth = GetInt(words, 2, cricket::kAutoBandwidth);
+ cricket::CallOptions options;
+ options.has_video = true;
+ options.video_bandwidth = bandwidth;
+ options.data_channel_type = data_channel_type_;
+ if (!PlaceCall(to, options)) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to initiate call.");
+ }
+ } else if (command == "calls") {
+ PrintCalls();
+ } else if ((words.size() == 2) && (command == "switch")) {
+ SwitchToCall(GetInt(words, 1, -1));
+ } else if (command == "join") {
+ JoinMuc(GetWord(words, 1, ""));
+ } else if (command == "ljoin") {
+ LookupAndJoinMuc(GetWord(words, 1, ""));
+ } else if ((words.size() >= 2) && (command == "invite")) {
+ InviteToMuc(words[1], GetWord(words, 2, ""));
+ } else if (command == "leave") {
+ LeaveMuc(GetWord(words, 1, ""));
+ } else if (command == "nick") {
+ SetNick(GetWord(words, 1, ""));
+ } else if (command == "priority") {
+ int priority = GetInt(words, 1, 0);
+ SetPriority(priority);
+ SendStatus();
+ } else if (command == "getdevs") {
+ GetDevices();
+ } else if ((words.size() == 2) && (command == "setvol")) {
+ SetVolume(words[1]);
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine(CONSOLE_COMMANDS);
+ }
+ }
+CallClient::CallClient(buzz::XmppClient* xmpp_client,
+ const std::string& caps_node, const std::string& version)
+ : xmpp_client_(xmpp_client),
+ worker_thread_(NULL),
+ media_engine_(NULL),
+ data_engine_(NULL),
+ media_client_(NULL),
+ call_(NULL),
+ hangout_pubsub_client_(NULL),
+ incoming_call_(false),
+ auto_accept_(false),
+ pmuc_domain_("groupchat.google.com"),
+ render_(true),
+ data_channel_type_(cricket::DCT_NONE),
+ multisession_enabled_(false),
+ local_renderer_(NULL),
+ static_views_accumulated_count_(0),
+ screencast_ssrc_(0),
+ roster_(new RosterMap),
+ portallocator_flags_(0),
+ allow_local_ips_(false),
+ signaling_protocol_(cricket::PROTOCOL_HYBRID),
+ transport_protocol_(cricket::ICEPROTO_HYBRID),
+ sdes_policy_(cricket::SEC_DISABLED),
+ dtls_policy_(cricket::SEC_DISABLED),
+ ssl_identity_(),
+ show_roster_messages_(false) {
+ xmpp_client_->SignalStateChange.connect(this, &CallClient::OnStateChange);
+ my_status_.set_caps_node(caps_node);
+ my_status_.set_version(version);
+CallClient::~CallClient() {
+ delete media_client_;
+ delete roster_;
+ delete worker_thread_;
+const std::string CallClient::strerror(buzz::XmppEngine::Error err) {
+ switch (err) {
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_NONE:
+ return "";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_XML:
+ return "Malformed XML or encoding error";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_STREAM:
+ return "XMPP stream error";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_VERSION:
+ return "XMPP version error";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED:
+ return "User is not authorized (Check your username and password)";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_TLS:
+ return "TLS could not be negotiated";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_AUTH:
+ return "Authentication could not be negotiated";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_BIND:
+ return "Resource or session binding could not be negotiated";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED:
+ return "Connection closed by output handler.";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_DOCUMENT_CLOSED:
+ return "Closed by </stream:stream>";
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::ERROR_SOCKET:
+ return "Socket error";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown error";
+ }
+void CallClient::OnCallDestroy(cricket::Call* call) {
+ RemoveCallsStaticRenderedViews(call);
+ if (call == call_) {
+ if (local_renderer_) {
+ delete local_renderer_;
+ local_renderer_ = NULL;
+ }
+ console_->PrintLine("call destroyed");
+ call_ = NULL;
+ delete hangout_pubsub_client_;
+ hangout_pubsub_client_ = NULL;
+ }
+void CallClient::OnStateChange(buzz::XmppEngine::State state) {
+ switch (state) {
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_START:
+ console_->PrintLine("connecting...");
+ break;
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_OPENING:
+ console_->PrintLine("logging in...");
+ break;
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_OPEN:
+ console_->PrintLine("logged in...");
+ InitMedia();
+ InitPresence();
+ break;
+ case buzz::XmppEngine::STATE_CLOSED:
+ {
+ buzz::XmppEngine::Error error = xmpp_client_->GetError(NULL);
+ console_->PrintLine("logged out... %s", strerror(error).c_str());
+ Quit();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void CallClient::InitMedia() {
+ worker_thread_ = new rtc::Thread();
+ // The worker thread must be started here since initialization of
+ // the ChannelManager will generate messages that need to be
+ // dispatched by it.
+ worker_thread_->Start();
+ // TODO: It looks like we are leaking many objects. E.g.
+ // |network_manager_| is never deleted.
+ network_manager_ = new rtc::BasicNetworkManager();
+ // TODO: Decide if the relay address should be specified here.
+ rtc::SocketAddress stun_addr("stun.l.google.com", 19302);
+ cricket::ServerAddresses stun_servers;
+ stun_servers.insert(stun_addr);
+ port_allocator_ = new cricket::BasicPortAllocator(
+ network_manager_, stun_servers, rtc::SocketAddress(),
+ rtc::SocketAddress(), rtc::SocketAddress());
+ if (portallocator_flags_ != 0) {
+ port_allocator_->set_flags(portallocator_flags_);
+ }
+ session_manager_ = new cricket::SessionManager(
+ port_allocator_, worker_thread_);
+ session_manager_->set_secure(dtls_policy_);
+ session_manager_->set_identity(ssl_identity_.get());
+ session_manager_->set_transport_protocol(transport_protocol_);
+ session_manager_->SignalRequestSignaling.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnRequestSignaling);
+ session_manager_->SignalSessionCreate.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnSessionCreate);
+ session_manager_->OnSignalingReady();
+ session_manager_task_ =
+ new cricket::SessionManagerTask(xmpp_client_, session_manager_);
+ session_manager_task_->EnableOutgoingMessages();
+ session_manager_task_->Start();
+ if (!media_engine_) {
+ media_engine_ = cricket::MediaEngineFactory::Create();
+ }
+ if (!data_engine_) {
+ if (data_channel_type_ == cricket::DCT_SCTP) {
+#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
+ data_engine_ = new cricket::SctpDataEngine();
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "SCTP Data Engine not supported.";
+ data_channel_type_ = cricket::DCT_NONE;
+ data_engine_ = new cricket::RtpDataEngine();
+ } else {
+ // Even if we have DCT_NONE, we still have a data engine, just
+ // to make sure it isn't NULL.
+ data_engine_ = new cricket::RtpDataEngine();
+ }
+ }
+ media_client_ = new cricket::MediaSessionClient(
+ xmpp_client_->jid(),
+ session_manager_,
+ media_engine_,
+ data_engine_,
+ cricket::DeviceManagerFactory::Create());
+ media_client_->SignalCallCreate.connect(this, &CallClient::OnCallCreate);
+ media_client_->SignalCallDestroy.connect(this, &CallClient::OnCallDestroy);
+ media_client_->SignalDevicesChange.connect(this,
+ &CallClient::OnDevicesChange);
+ media_client_->set_secure(sdes_policy_);
+ media_client_->set_multisession_enabled(multisession_enabled_);
+void CallClient::OnRequestSignaling() {
+ session_manager_->OnSignalingReady();
+void CallClient::OnSessionCreate(cricket::Session* session, bool initiate) {
+ session->set_current_protocol(signaling_protocol_);
+void CallClient::OnCallCreate(cricket::Call* call) {
+ call->SignalSessionState.connect(this, &CallClient::OnSessionState);
+ call->SignalMediaStreamsUpdate.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnMediaStreamsUpdate);
+void CallClient::OnSessionState(cricket::Call* call,
+ cricket::Session* session,
+ cricket::Session::State state) {
+ if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDINITIATE) {
+ buzz::Jid jid(session->remote_name());
+ if (call_ == call && multisession_enabled_) {
+ // We've received an initiate for an existing call. This is actually a
+ // new session for that call.
+ console_->PrintLine("Incoming session from '%s'", jid.Str().c_str());
+ AddSession(session);
+ cricket::CallOptions options;
+ options.has_video = call_->has_video();
+ options.data_channel_type = data_channel_type_;
+ call_->AcceptSession(session, options);
+ if (call_->has_video() && render_) {
+ RenderAllStreams(call, session, true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine("Incoming call from '%s'", jid.Str().c_str());
+ call_ = call;
+ AddSession(session);
+ incoming_call_ = true;
+ if (call->has_video() && render_) {
+ local_renderer_ =
+ cricket::VideoRendererFactory::CreateGuiVideoRenderer(160, 100);
+ }
+ if (auto_accept_) {
+ cricket::CallOptions options;
+ options.has_video = true;
+ options.data_channel_type = data_channel_type_;
+ Accept(options);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_SENTINITIATE) {
+ if (call->has_video() && render_) {
+ local_renderer_ =
+ cricket::VideoRendererFactory::CreateGuiVideoRenderer(160, 100);
+ }
+ console_->PrintLine("calling...");
+ } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDACCEPT) {
+ console_->PrintLine("call answered");
+ SetupAcceptedCall();
+ } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDREJECT) {
+ console_->PrintLine("call not answered");
+ } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_INPROGRESS) {
+ console_->PrintLine("call in progress");
+ call->SignalSpeakerMonitor.connect(this, &CallClient::OnSpeakerChanged);
+ call->StartSpeakerMonitor(session);
+ } else if (state == cricket::Session::STATE_RECEIVEDTERMINATE) {
+ console_->PrintLine("other side terminated");
+ TerminateAndRemoveSession(call, session->id());
+ }
+void CallClient::OnSpeakerChanged(cricket::Call* call,
+ cricket::Session* session,
+ const cricket::StreamParams& speaker) {
+ if (!speaker.has_ssrcs()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Session %s has no current speaker.",
+ session->id().c_str());
+ } else if (speaker.id.empty()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Session %s speaker change to unknown (%u).",
+ session->id().c_str(), speaker.first_ssrc());
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine("Session %s speaker changed to %s (%u).",
+ session->id().c_str(), speaker.id.c_str(),
+ speaker.first_ssrc());
+ }
+void SetMediaCaps(int media_caps, buzz::PresenceStatus* status) {
+ status->set_voice_capability((media_caps & cricket::AUDIO_RECV) != 0);
+ status->set_video_capability((media_caps & cricket::VIDEO_RECV) != 0);
+ status->set_camera_capability((media_caps & cricket::VIDEO_SEND) != 0);
+void SetCaps(int media_caps, buzz::PresenceStatus* status) {
+ status->set_know_capabilities(true);
+ status->set_pmuc_capability(true);
+ SetMediaCaps(media_caps, status);
+void SetAvailable(const buzz::Jid& jid, buzz::PresenceStatus* status) {
+ status->set_jid(jid);
+ status->set_available(true);
+ status->set_show(buzz::PresenceStatus::SHOW_ONLINE);
+void CallClient::InitPresence() {
+ presence_push_ = new buzz::PresencePushTask(xmpp_client_, this);
+ presence_push_->SignalStatusUpdate.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnStatusUpdate);
+ presence_push_->SignalMucJoined.connect(this, &CallClient::OnMucJoined);
+ presence_push_->SignalMucLeft.connect(this, &CallClient::OnMucLeft);
+ presence_push_->SignalMucStatusUpdate.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnMucStatusUpdate);
+ presence_push_->Start();
+ presence_out_ = new buzz::PresenceOutTask(xmpp_client_);
+ SetAvailable(xmpp_client_->jid(), &my_status_);
+ SetCaps(media_client_->GetCapabilities(), &my_status_);
+ SendStatus(my_status_);
+ presence_out_->Start();
+ muc_invite_recv_ = new buzz::MucInviteRecvTask(xmpp_client_);
+ muc_invite_recv_->SignalInviteReceived.connect(this,
+ &CallClient::OnMucInviteReceived);
+ muc_invite_recv_->Start();
+ muc_invite_send_ = new buzz::MucInviteSendTask(xmpp_client_);
+ muc_invite_send_->Start();
+ friend_invite_send_ = new buzz::FriendInviteSendTask(xmpp_client_);
+ friend_invite_send_->Start();
+ StartXmppPing();
+void CallClient::StartXmppPing() {
+ buzz::PingTask* ping = new buzz::PingTask(
+ xmpp_client_, rtc::Thread::Current(),
+ kPingPeriodMillis, kPingTimeoutMillis);
+ ping->SignalTimeout.connect(this, &CallClient::OnPingTimeout);
+ ping->Start();
+void CallClient::OnPingTimeout() {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "XMPP Ping timeout. Will keep trying...";
+ StartXmppPing();
+ // Or should we do this instead?
+ // Quit();
+void CallClient::SendStatus(const buzz::PresenceStatus& status) {
+ presence_out_->Send(status);
+void CallClient::OnStatusUpdate(const buzz::PresenceStatus& status) {
+ RosterItem item;
+ item.jid = status.jid();
+ item.show = status.show();
+ item.status = status.status();
+ std::string key = item.jid.Str();
+ if (status.available() && status.voice_capability()) {
+ if (show_roster_messages_) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Adding to roster: %s", key.c_str());
+ }
+ (*roster_)[key] = item;
+ // TODO: Make some of these constants.
+ } else {
+ if (show_roster_messages_) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Removing from roster: %s", key.c_str());
+ }
+ RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->find(key);
+ if (iter != roster_->end())
+ roster_->erase(iter);
+ }
+void CallClient::PrintRoster() {
+ console_->PrintLine("Roster contains %d callable", roster_->size());
+ RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->begin();
+ while (iter != roster_->end()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s - %s",
+ iter->second.jid.BareJid().Str().c_str(),
+ DescribeStatus(iter->second.show, iter->second.status));
+ iter++;
+ }
+void CallClient::SendChat(const std::string& to, const std::string msg) {
+ buzz::XmlElement* stanza = new buzz::XmlElement(buzz::QN_MESSAGE);
+ stanza->AddAttr(buzz::QN_TO, to);
+ stanza->AddAttr(buzz::QN_ID, rtc::CreateRandomString(16));
+ stanza->AddAttr(buzz::QN_TYPE, "chat");
+ buzz::XmlElement* body = new buzz::XmlElement(buzz::QN_BODY);
+ body->SetBodyText(msg);
+ stanza->AddElement(body);
+ xmpp_client_->SendStanza(stanza);
+ delete stanza;
+void CallClient::SendData(const std::string& streamid,
+ const std::string& text) {
+ // TODO(mylesj): Support sending data over sessions other than the first.
+ cricket::Session* session = GetFirstSession();
+ if (!call_ || !session) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Must be in a call to send data.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!call_->has_data()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("This call doesn't have a data channel.");
+ return;
+ }
+ const cricket::DataContentDescription* data =
+ cricket::GetFirstDataContentDescription(session->local_description());
+ if (!data) {
+ console_->PrintLine("This call doesn't have a data content.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cricket::StreamParams stream;
+ if (!cricket::GetStreamByIds(
+ data->streams(), "", streamid, &stream)) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not send data: no such stream: "
+ << streamid << ".";
+ return;
+ }
+ cricket::SendDataParams params;
+ params.ssrc = stream.first_ssrc();
+ rtc::Buffer payload(text.data(), text.length());
+ cricket::SendDataResult result;
+ bool sent = call_->SendData(session, params, payload, &result);
+ if (!sent) {
+ if (result == cricket::SDR_BLOCK) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not send data because it would block.";
+ } else {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not send data for unknown reason.";
+ }
+ }
+void CallClient::InviteFriend(const std::string& name) {
+ buzz::Jid jid(name);
+ if (!jid.IsValid() || jid.node() == "") {
+ console_->PrintLine("Invalid JID. JIDs should be in the form user@domain.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note: for some reason the Buzz backend does not forward our presence
+ // subscription requests to the end user when that user is another call
+ // client as opposed to a Smurf user. Thus, in that scenario, you must
+ // run the friend command as the other user too to create the linkage
+ // (and you won't be notified to do so).
+ friend_invite_send_->Send(jid);
+ console_->PrintLine("Requesting to befriend %s.", name.c_str());
+bool CallClient::FindJid(const std::string& name, buzz::Jid* found_jid,
+ cricket::CallOptions* options) {
+ bool found = false;
+ options->is_muc = false;
+ buzz::Jid callto_jid(name);
+ if (name.length() == 0 && mucs_.size() > 0) {
+ // if no name, and in a MUC, establish audio with the MUC
+ *found_jid = mucs_.begin()->first;
+ found = true;
+ options->is_muc = true;
+ } else if (name[0] == '+') {
+ // if the first character is a +, assume it's a phone number
+ *found_jid = callto_jid;
+ found = true;
+ } else {
+ // otherwise, it's a friend
+ for (RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->begin();
+ iter != roster_->end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter->second.jid.BareEquals(callto_jid)) {
+ found = true;
+ *found_jid = iter->second.jid;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ if (mucs_.count(callto_jid) == 1 &&
+ mucs_[callto_jid]->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINED) {
+ found = true;
+ *found_jid = callto_jid;
+ options->is_muc = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Found %s '%s'",
+ options->is_muc ? "room" : "online friend",
+ found_jid->Str().c_str());
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine("Could not find online friend '%s'", name.c_str());
+ }
+ return found;
+void CallClient::OnDataReceived(cricket::Call*,
+ const cricket::ReceiveDataParams& params,
+ const rtc::Buffer& payload) {
+ // TODO(mylesj): Support receiving data on sessions other than the first.
+ cricket::Session* session = GetFirstSession();
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ cricket::StreamParams stream;
+ const std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>* data_streams =
+ call_->GetDataRecvStreams(session);
+ std::string text(payload.data(), payload.length());
+ if (data_streams && GetStreamBySsrc(*data_streams, params.ssrc, &stream)) {
+ console_->PrintLine(
+ "Received data from '%s' on stream '%s' (ssrc=%u): %s",
+ stream.groupid.c_str(), stream.id.c_str(),
+ params.ssrc, text.c_str());
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine(
+ "Received data (ssrc=%u): %s",
+ params.ssrc, text.c_str());
+ }
+bool CallClient::PlaceCall(const std::string& name,
+ cricket::CallOptions options) {
+ buzz::Jid jid;
+ if (!FindJid(name, &jid, &options))
+ return false;
+ if (!call_) {
+ call_ = media_client_->CreateCall();
+ AddSession(call_->InitiateSession(jid, media_client_->jid(), options));
+ }
+ media_client_->SetFocus(call_);
+ if (call_->has_video() && render_ && !options.is_muc) {
+ // TODO(pthatcher): Hookup local_render_ to the local capturer.
+ }
+ if (options.is_muc) {
+ const std::string& nick = mucs_[jid]->local_jid().resource();
+ hangout_pubsub_client_ =
+ new buzz::HangoutPubSubClient(xmpp_client_, jid, nick);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalPresenterStateChange.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnPresenterStateChange);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalAudioMuteStateChange.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnAudioMuteStateChange);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalRecordingStateChange.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnRecordingStateChange);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalRemoteMute.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnRemoteMuted);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalMediaBlock.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnMediaBlocked);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalRequestError.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnHangoutRequestError);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalPublishAudioMuteError.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnHangoutPublishAudioMuteError);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalPublishPresenterError.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnHangoutPublishPresenterError);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalPublishRecordingError.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnHangoutPublishRecordingError);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->SignalRemoteMuteError.connect(
+ this, &CallClient::OnHangoutRemoteMuteError);
+ hangout_pubsub_client_->RequestAll();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool CallClient::InitiateAdditionalSession(const std::string& name,
+ cricket::CallOptions options) {
+ // Can't add a session if there is no call yet.
+ if (!call_)
+ return false;
+ buzz::Jid jid;
+ if (!FindJid(name, &jid, &options))
+ return false;
+ std::vector<cricket::Session*>& call_sessions = sessions_[call_->id()];
+ call_sessions.push_back(
+ call_->InitiateSession(jid,
+ buzz::Jid(call_sessions[0]->remote_name()),
+ options));
+ return true;
+void CallClient::TerminateAndRemoveSession(cricket::Call* call,
+ const std::string& id) {
+ std::vector<cricket::Session*>& call_sessions = sessions_[call->id()];
+ for (std::vector<cricket::Session*>::iterator iter = call_sessions.begin();
+ iter != call_sessions.end(); ++iter) {
+ if ((*iter)->id() == id) {
+ RenderAllStreams(call, *iter, false);
+ call_->TerminateSession(*iter);
+ call_sessions.erase(iter);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CallClient::PrintCalls() {
+ const std::map<uint32, cricket::Call*>& calls = media_client_->calls();
+ for (std::map<uint32, cricket::Call*>::const_iterator i = calls.begin();
+ i != calls.end(); ++i) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Call (id:%d), is %s",
+ i->first,
+ i->second == call_ ? "active" : "on hold");
+ std::vector<cricket::Session *>& sessions = sessions_[call_->id()];
+ for (std::vector<cricket::Session *>::const_iterator j = sessions.begin();
+ j != sessions.end(); ++j) {
+ console_->PrintLine("|--Session (id:%s), to %s", (*j)->id().c_str(),
+ (*j)->remote_name().c_str());
+ std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>::const_iterator k;
+ const std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>* streams =
+ i->second->GetAudioRecvStreams(*j);
+ if (streams)
+ for (k = streams->begin(); k != streams->end(); ++k) {
+ console_->PrintLine("|----Audio Stream: %s", k->ToString().c_str());
+ }
+ streams = i->second->GetVideoRecvStreams(*j);
+ if (streams)
+ for (k = streams->begin(); k != streams->end(); ++k) {
+ console_->PrintLine("|----Video Stream: %s", k->ToString().c_str());
+ }
+ streams = i->second->GetDataRecvStreams(*j);
+ if (streams)
+ for (k = streams->begin(); k != streams->end(); ++k) {
+ console_->PrintLine("|----Data Stream: %s", k->ToString().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CallClient::SwitchToCall(uint32 call_id) {
+ const std::map<uint32, cricket::Call*>& calls = media_client_->calls();
+ std::map<uint32, cricket::Call*>::const_iterator call_iter =
+ calls.find(call_id);
+ if (call_iter != calls.end()) {
+ media_client_->SetFocus(call_iter->second);
+ call_ = call_iter->second;
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine("Unable to find call: %d", call_id);
+ }
+void CallClient::OnPresenterStateChange(
+ const std::string& nick, bool was_presenting, bool is_presenting) {
+ if (!was_presenting && is_presenting) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s now presenting.", nick.c_str());
+ } else if (was_presenting && !is_presenting) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s no longer presenting.", nick.c_str());
+ } else if (was_presenting && is_presenting) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s still presenting.", nick.c_str());
+ } else if (!was_presenting && !is_presenting) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s still not presenting.", nick.c_str());
+ }
+void CallClient::OnAudioMuteStateChange(
+ const std::string& nick, bool was_muted, bool is_muted) {
+ if (!was_muted && is_muted) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s now muted.", nick.c_str());
+ } else if (was_muted && !is_muted) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s no longer muted.", nick.c_str());
+ }
+void CallClient::OnRecordingStateChange(
+ const std::string& nick, bool was_recording, bool is_recording) {
+ if (!was_recording && is_recording) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s now recording.", nick.c_str());
+ } else if (was_recording && !is_recording) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s no longer recording.", nick.c_str());
+ }
+void CallClient::OnRemoteMuted(const std::string& mutee_nick,
+ const std::string& muter_nick,
+ bool should_mute_locally) {
+ if (should_mute_locally) {
+ call_->Mute(true);
+ console_->PrintLine("Remote muted by %s.", muter_nick.c_str());
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s remote muted by %s.",
+ mutee_nick.c_str(), muter_nick.c_str());
+ }
+void CallClient::OnMediaBlocked(const std::string& blockee_nick,
+ const std::string& blocker_nick) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%s blocked by %s.",
+ blockee_nick.c_str(), blocker_nick.c_str());
+void CallClient::OnHangoutRequestError(const std::string& node,
+ const buzz::XmlElement* stanza) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed request pub sub items for node %s.",
+ node.c_str());
+void CallClient::OnHangoutPublishAudioMuteError(
+ const std::string& task_id, const buzz::XmlElement* stanza) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to publish audio mute state.");
+void CallClient::OnHangoutPublishPresenterError(
+ const std::string& task_id, const buzz::XmlElement* stanza) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to publish presenting state.");
+void CallClient::OnHangoutPublishRecordingError(
+ const std::string& task_id, const buzz::XmlElement* stanza) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to publish recording state.");
+void CallClient::OnHangoutRemoteMuteError(const std::string& task_id,
+ const std::string& mutee_nick,
+ const buzz::XmlElement* stanza) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to remote mute.");
+void CallClient::Accept(const cricket::CallOptions& options) {
+ ASSERT(call_ && incoming_call_);
+ ASSERT(sessions_[call_->id()].size() == 1);
+ cricket::Session* session = GetFirstSession();
+ call_->AcceptSession(session, options);
+ media_client_->SetFocus(call_);
+ if (call_->has_video() && render_) {
+ // TODO(pthatcher): Hookup local_render_ to the local capturer.
+ RenderAllStreams(call_, session, true);
+ }
+ SetupAcceptedCall();
+ incoming_call_ = false;
+void CallClient::SetupAcceptedCall() {
+ if (call_->has_data()) {
+ call_->SignalDataReceived.connect(this, &CallClient::OnDataReceived);
+ }
+void CallClient::Reject() {
+ ASSERT(call_ && incoming_call_);
+ call_->RejectSession(call_->sessions()[0]);
+ incoming_call_ = false;
+void CallClient::Quit() {
+ rtc::Thread::Current()->Quit();
+void CallClient::SetNick(const std::string& muc_nick) {
+ my_status_.set_nick(muc_nick);
+ // TODO: We might want to re-send presence, but right
+ // now, it appears to be ignored by the MUC.
+ //
+ // presence_out_->Send(my_status_); for (MucMap::const_iterator itr
+ // = mucs_.begin(); itr != mucs_.end(); ++itr) {
+ // presence_out_->SendDirected(itr->second->local_jid(),
+ // my_status_); }
+ console_->PrintLine("Nick set to '%s'.", muc_nick.c_str());
+void CallClient::LookupAndJoinMuc(const std::string& room_name) {
+ // The room_name can't be empty for lookup task.
+ if (room_name.empty()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Please provide a room name or room jid.");
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string room = room_name;
+ std::string domain = xmpp_client_->jid().domain();
+ if (room_name.find("@") != std::string::npos) {
+ // Assume the room_name is a fully qualified room name.
+ // We'll find the room name string and domain name string from it.
+ room = room_name.substr(0, room_name.find("@"));
+ domain = room_name.substr(room_name.find("@") + 1);
+ }
+ buzz::MucRoomLookupTask* lookup_query_task =
+ buzz::MucRoomLookupTask::CreateLookupTaskForRoomName(
+ xmpp_client_, buzz::Jid(buzz::STR_GOOGLE_MUC_LOOKUP_JID), room,
+ domain);
+ lookup_query_task->SignalResult.connect(this,
+ &CallClient::OnRoomLookupResponse);
+ lookup_query_task->SignalError.connect(this,
+ &CallClient::OnRoomLookupError);
+ lookup_query_task->Start();
+void CallClient::JoinMuc(const std::string& room_jid_str) {
+ if (room_jid_str.empty()) {
+ buzz::Jid room_jid = GenerateRandomMucJid();
+ console_->PrintLine("Generated a random room jid: %s",
+ room_jid.Str().c_str());
+ JoinMuc(room_jid);
+ } else {
+ JoinMuc(buzz::Jid(room_jid_str));
+ }
+void CallClient::JoinMuc(const buzz::Jid& room_jid) {
+ if (!room_jid.IsValid()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Unable to make valid muc endpoint for %s",
+ room_jid.Str().c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string room_nick = room_jid.resource();
+ if (room_nick.empty()) {
+ room_nick = (xmpp_client_->jid().node()
+ + "_" + xmpp_client_->jid().resource());
+ }
+ MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(room_jid);
+ if (elem != mucs_.end()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("This MUC already exists.");
+ return;
+ }
+ buzz::Muc* muc = new buzz::Muc(room_jid.BareJid(), room_nick);
+ mucs_[muc->jid()] = muc;
+ presence_out_->SendDirected(muc->local_jid(), my_status_);
+void CallClient::OnRoomLookupResponse(buzz::MucRoomLookupTask* task,
+ const buzz::MucRoomInfo& room) {
+ // The server requires the room be "configured" before being used.
+ // We only need to configure it if we create it, but rooms are
+ // auto-created at lookup, so there's currently no way to know if we
+ // created it. So, we configure it every time, just in case.
+ // Luckily, it appears to be safe to configure a room that's already
+ // configured. Our current flow is:
+ // 1. Lookup/auto-create
+ // 2. Configure
+ // 3. Join
+ // TODO: In the future, once the server supports it, we
+ // should:
+ // 1. Lookup
+ // 2. Create and Configure if necessary
+ // 3. Join
+ std::vector<std::string> room_features;
+ room_features.push_back(buzz::STR_MUC_ROOM_FEATURE_ENTERPRISE);
+ buzz::MucRoomConfigTask* room_config_task = new buzz::MucRoomConfigTask(
+ xmpp_client_, room.jid, room.full_name(), room_features);
+ room_config_task->SignalResult.connect(this,
+ &CallClient::OnRoomConfigResult);
+ room_config_task->SignalError.connect(this,
+ &CallClient::OnRoomConfigError);
+ room_config_task->Start();
+void CallClient::OnRoomLookupError(buzz::IqTask* task,
+ const buzz::XmlElement* stanza) {
+ if (stanza == NULL) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Room lookup failed.");
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine("Room lookup error: ", stanza->Str().c_str());
+ }
+void CallClient::OnRoomConfigResult(buzz::MucRoomConfigTask* task) {
+ JoinMuc(task->room_jid());
+void CallClient::OnRoomConfigError(buzz::IqTask* task,
+ const buzz::XmlElement* stanza) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Room config failed.");
+ // We join the muc anyway, because if the room is already
+ // configured, the configure will fail, but we still want to join.
+ // Idealy, we'd know why the room config failed and only do this on
+ // "already configured" errors. But right now all we get back is
+ // "not-allowed".
+ buzz::MucRoomConfigTask* config_task =
+ static_cast<buzz::MucRoomConfigTask*>(task);
+ JoinMuc(config_task->room_jid());
+void CallClient::OnMucInviteReceived(const buzz::Jid& inviter,
+ const buzz::Jid& room,
+ const std::vector<buzz::AvailableMediaEntry>& avail) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Invited to join %s by %s.", room.Str().c_str(),
+ inviter.Str().c_str());
+ console_->PrintLine("Available media:");
+ if (avail.size() > 0) {
+ for (std::vector<buzz::AvailableMediaEntry>::const_iterator i =
+ avail.begin();
+ i != avail.end();
+ ++i) {
+ console_->PrintLine(" %s, %s",
+ buzz::AvailableMediaEntry::TypeAsString(i->type),
+ buzz::AvailableMediaEntry::StatusAsString(i->status));
+ }
+ } else {
+ console_->PrintLine(" None");
+ }
+ // We automatically join the room.
+ JoinMuc(room);
+void CallClient::OnMucJoined(const buzz::Jid& endpoint) {
+ MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(endpoint);
+ ASSERT(elem != mucs_.end() &&
+ elem->second->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINING);
+ buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second;
+ muc->set_state(buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINED);
+ console_->PrintLine("Joined \"%s\"", muc->jid().Str().c_str());
+void CallClient::OnMucStatusUpdate(const buzz::Jid& jid,
+ const buzz::MucPresenceStatus& status) {
+ // Look up this muc.
+ MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(jid);
+ ASSERT(elem != mucs_.end());
+ buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second;
+ if (status.jid().IsBare() || status.jid() == muc->local_jid()) {
+ // We are only interested in status about other users.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (status.available()) {
+ muc->members()[status.jid().resource()] = status;
+ } else {
+ muc->members().erase(status.jid().resource());
+ }
+bool CallClient::InMuc() {
+ const buzz::Jid* muc_jid = FirstMucJid();
+ if (!muc_jid) return false;
+ return muc_jid->IsValid();
+const buzz::Jid* CallClient::FirstMucJid() {
+ if (mucs_.empty()) return NULL;
+ return &(mucs_.begin()->first);
+void CallClient::LeaveMuc(const std::string& room) {
+ buzz::Jid room_jid;
+ const buzz::Jid* muc_jid = FirstMucJid();
+ if (room.length() > 0) {
+ room_jid = buzz::Jid(room);
+ } else if (mucs_.size() > 0) {
+ // leave the first MUC if no JID specified
+ if (muc_jid) {
+ room_jid = *(muc_jid);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!room_jid.IsValid()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Invalid MUC JID.");
+ return;
+ }
+ MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(room_jid);
+ if (elem == mucs_.end()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("No such MUC.");
+ return;
+ }
+ buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second;
+ muc->set_state(buzz::Muc::MUC_LEAVING);
+ buzz::PresenceStatus status;
+ status.set_jid(my_status_.jid());
+ status.set_available(false);
+ status.set_priority(0);
+ presence_out_->SendDirected(muc->local_jid(), status);
+void CallClient::OnMucLeft(const buzz::Jid& endpoint, int error) {
+ // We could be kicked from a room from any state. We would hope this
+ // happens While in the MUC_LEAVING state
+ MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(endpoint);
+ if (elem == mucs_.end())
+ return;
+ buzz::Muc* muc = elem->second;
+ if (muc->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINING) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Failed to join \"%s\", code=%d",
+ muc->jid().Str().c_str(), error);
+ } else if (muc->state() == buzz::Muc::MUC_JOINED) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Kicked from \"%s\"",
+ muc->jid().Str().c_str());
+ }
+ delete muc;
+ mucs_.erase(elem);
+void CallClient::InviteToMuc(const std::string& given_user,
+ const std::string& room) {
+ std::string user = given_user;
+ // First find the room.
+ const buzz::Muc* found_muc;
+ if (room.length() == 0) {
+ if (mucs_.size() == 0) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Not in a room yet; can't invite.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Invite to the first muc
+ found_muc = mucs_.begin()->second;
+ } else {
+ MucMap::iterator elem = mucs_.find(buzz::Jid(room));
+ if (elem == mucs_.end()) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Not in room %s.", room.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ found_muc = elem->second;
+ }
+ buzz::Jid invite_to = found_muc->jid();
+ // Now find the user. We invite all of their resources.
+ bool found_user = false;
+ buzz::Jid user_jid(user);
+ for (RosterMap::iterator iter = roster_->begin();
+ iter != roster_->end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter->second.jid.BareEquals(user_jid)) {
+ buzz::Jid invitee = iter->second.jid;
+ muc_invite_send_->Send(invite_to, invitee);
+ found_user = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_user) {
+ buzz::Jid invitee = user_jid;
+ muc_invite_send_->Send(invite_to, invitee);
+ }
+void CallClient::GetDevices() {
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ media_client_->GetAudioInputDevices(&names);
+ console_->PrintLine("Audio input devices:");
+ PrintDevices(names);
+ media_client_->GetAudioOutputDevices(&names);
+ console_->PrintLine("Audio output devices:");
+ PrintDevices(names);
+ media_client_->GetVideoCaptureDevices(&names);
+ console_->PrintLine("Video capture devices:");
+ PrintDevices(names);
+void CallClient::PrintDevices(const std::vector<std::string>& names) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
+ console_->PrintLine("%d: %s", static_cast<int>(i), names[i].c_str());
+ }
+void CallClient::OnDevicesChange() {
+ console_->PrintLine("Devices changed.");
+ SetMediaCaps(media_client_->GetCapabilities(), &my_status_);
+ SendStatus(my_status_);
+void CallClient::SetVolume(const std::string& level) {
+ media_client_->SetOutputVolume(strtol(level.c_str(), NULL, 10));
+void CallClient::OnMediaStreamsUpdate(cricket::Call* call,
+ cricket::Session* session,
+ const cricket::MediaStreams& added,
+ const cricket::MediaStreams& removed) {
+ if (call && call->has_video()) {
+ for (std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>::const_iterator
+ it = removed.video().begin(); it != removed.video().end(); ++it) {
+ RemoveStaticRenderedView(it->first_ssrc());
+ }
+ if (render_) {
+ RenderStreams(call, session, added.video(), true);
+ }
+ SendViewRequest(call, session);
+ }
+void CallClient::RenderAllStreams(cricket::Call* call,
+ cricket::Session* session,
+ bool enable) {
+ const std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>* video_streams =
+ call->GetVideoRecvStreams(session);
+ if (video_streams) {
+ RenderStreams(call, session, *video_streams, enable);
+ }
+void CallClient::RenderStreams(
+ cricket::Call* call,
+ cricket::Session* session,
+ const std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>& video_streams,
+ bool enable) {
+ std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>::const_iterator stream;
+ for (stream = video_streams.begin(); stream != video_streams.end();
+ ++stream) {
+ RenderStream(call, session, *stream, enable);
+ }
+void CallClient::RenderStream(cricket::Call* call,
+ cricket::Session* session,
+ const cricket::StreamParams& stream,
+ bool enable) {
+ if (!stream.has_ssrcs()) {
+ // Nothing to see here; move along.
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 ssrc = stream.first_ssrc();
+ StaticRenderedViews::iterator iter =
+ static_rendered_views_.find(std::make_pair(session, ssrc));
+ if (enable) {
+ if (iter == static_rendered_views_.end()) {
+ // TODO(pthatcher): Make dimensions and positions more configurable.
+ int offset = (50 * static_views_accumulated_count_) % 300;
+ AddStaticRenderedView(session, ssrc, 640, 400, 30,
+ offset, offset);
+ // Should have it now.
+ iter = static_rendered_views_.find(std::make_pair(session, ssrc));
+ }
+ call->SetVideoRenderer(session, ssrc, iter->second.renderer);
+ } else {
+ if (iter != static_rendered_views_.end()) {
+ call->SetVideoRenderer(session, ssrc, NULL);
+ RemoveStaticRenderedView(ssrc);
+ }
+ }
+// TODO: Would these methods to add and remove views make
+// more sense in call.cc? Would other clients use them?
+void CallClient::AddStaticRenderedView(
+ cricket::Session* session,
+ uint32 ssrc, int width, int height, int framerate,
+ int x_offset, int y_offset) {
+ StaticRenderedView rendered_view(
+ cricket::StaticVideoView(
+ cricket::StreamSelector(ssrc), width, height, framerate),
+ cricket::VideoRendererFactory::CreateGuiVideoRenderer(
+ x_offset, y_offset));
+ rendered_view.renderer->SetSize(width, height, 0);
+ static_rendered_views_.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(session, ssrc),
+ rendered_view));
+ ++static_views_accumulated_count_;
+ console_->PrintLine("Added renderer for ssrc %d", ssrc);
+bool CallClient::RemoveStaticRenderedView(uint32 ssrc) {
+ for (StaticRenderedViews::iterator it = static_rendered_views_.begin();
+ it != static_rendered_views_.end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->second.view.selector.ssrc == ssrc) {
+ delete it->second.renderer;
+ static_rendered_views_.erase(it);
+ console_->PrintLine("Removed renderer for ssrc %d", ssrc);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void CallClient::RemoveCallsStaticRenderedViews(cricket::Call* call) {
+ std::vector<cricket::Session*>& sessions = sessions_[call->id()];
+ std::set<cricket::Session*> call_sessions(sessions.begin(), sessions.end());
+ for (StaticRenderedViews::iterator it = static_rendered_views_.begin();
+ it != static_rendered_views_.end(); ) {
+ if (call_sessions.find(it->first.first) != call_sessions.end()) {
+ delete it->second.renderer;
+ static_rendered_views_.erase(it++);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+void CallClient::SendViewRequest(cricket::Call* call,
+ cricket::Session* session) {
+ cricket::ViewRequest request;
+ for (StaticRenderedViews::iterator it = static_rendered_views_.begin();
+ it != static_rendered_views_.end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->first.first == session) {
+ request.static_video_views.push_back(it->second.view);
+ }
+ }
+ call->SendViewRequest(session, request);
+buzz::Jid CallClient::GenerateRandomMucJid() {
+ // for an eventual JID of private-chat-<GUID>@groupchat.google.com.
+ char guid[37], guid_room[256];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(guid) - 1;) {
+ if (i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23) {
+ guid[i++] = '-';
+ } else {
+ sprintf(guid + i, "%04x", rand());
+ i += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ rtc::sprintfn(guid_room,
+ ARRAY_SIZE(guid_room),
+ "private-chat-%s@%s",
+ guid,
+ pmuc_domain_.c_str());
+ return buzz::Jid(guid_room);
+bool CallClient::SelectFirstDesktopScreencastId(
+ cricket::ScreencastId* screencastid) {
+ if (!rtc::WindowPickerFactory::IsSupported()) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Window picker not suported on this OS.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ rtc::WindowPicker* picker =
+ rtc::WindowPickerFactory::CreateWindowPicker();
+ if (!picker) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not create a window picker.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ rtc::DesktopDescriptionList desktops;
+ if (!picker->GetDesktopList(&desktops) || desktops.empty()) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not get a list of desktops.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ *screencastid = cricket::ScreencastId(desktops[0].id());
+ return true;
+void CallClient::PrintStats() const {
+ const cricket::VoiceMediaInfo& vmi = call_->last_voice_media_info();
+ for (std::vector<cricket::VoiceSenderInfo>::const_iterator it =
+ vmi.senders.begin(); it != vmi.senders.end(); ++it) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Sender: ssrc=%u codec='%s' bytes=%d packets=%d "
+ "rtt=%d jitter=%d",
+ it->ssrc(), it->codec_name.c_str(), it->bytes_sent,
+ it->packets_sent, it->rtt_ms, it->jitter_ms);
+ }
+ for (std::vector<cricket::VoiceReceiverInfo>::const_iterator it =
+ vmi.receivers.begin(); it != vmi.receivers.end(); ++it) {
+ console_->PrintLine("Receiver: ssrc=%u bytes=%d packets=%d "
+ "jitter=%d loss=%.2f",
+ it->ssrc(), it->bytes_rcvd, it->packets_rcvd,
+ it->jitter_ms, it->fraction_lost);
+ }