path: root/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cordz_info_statistics_test.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cordz_info_statistics_test.cc')
1 files changed, 625 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cordz_info_statistics_test.cc b/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cordz_info_statistics_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7430d281ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/cordz_info_statistics_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Abseil Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <random>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "absl/base/config.h"
+#include "absl/strings/cord.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_internal.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_btree.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_flat.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_info.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_sample_token.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_statistics.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_update_scope.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_update_tracker.h"
+#include "absl/synchronization/internal/thread_pool.h"
+#include "absl/synchronization/notification.h"
+namespace absl {
+namespace cord_internal {
+// Do not print statistics contents, the matcher prints them as needed.
+inline void PrintTo(const CordzStatistics& stats, std::ostream* s) {
+ if (s) *s << "CordzStatistics{...}";
+namespace {
+using ::testing::Ge;
+// Creates a flat of the specified allocated size
+CordRepFlat* Flat(size_t size) {
+ // Round up to a tag size, as we are going to poke an exact tag size back into
+ // the allocated flat. 'size returning allocators' could grant us more than we
+ // wanted, but we are ok to poke the 'requested' size in the tag, even in the
+ // presence of sized deletes, so we need to make sure the size rounds
+ // perfectly to a tag value.
+ assert(size >= kMinFlatSize);
+ size = RoundUpForTag(size);
+ CordRepFlat* flat = CordRepFlat::New(size - kFlatOverhead);
+ flat->tag = AllocatedSizeToTag(size);
+ flat->length = size - kFlatOverhead;
+ return flat;
+// Creates an external of the specified length
+CordRepExternal* External(int length = 512) {
+ return static_cast<CordRepExternal*>(
+ NewExternalRep(absl::string_view("", length), [](absl::string_view) {}));
+// Creates a substring on the provided rep of length - 1
+CordRepSubstring* Substring(CordRep* rep) {
+ auto* substring = new CordRepSubstring;
+ substring->length = rep->length - 1;
+ substring->tag = SUBSTRING;
+ substring->child = rep;
+ return substring;
+// Creates a concat on the provided reps
+CordRepConcat* Concat(CordRep* left, CordRep* right) {
+ auto* concat = new CordRepConcat;
+ concat->length = left->length + right->length;
+ concat->tag = CONCAT;
+ concat->left = left;
+ concat->right = right;
+ return concat;
+// Reference count helper
+struct RefHelper {
+ std::vector<CordRep*> refs;
+ ~RefHelper() {
+ for (CordRep* rep : refs) {
+ CordRep::Unref(rep);
+ }
+ }
+ // Invokes CordRep::Unref() on `rep` when this instance is destroyed.
+ template <typename T>
+ T* NeedsUnref(T* rep) {
+ refs.push_back(rep);
+ return rep;
+ }
+ // Adds `n` reference counts to `rep` which will be unreffed when this
+ // instance is destroyed.
+ template <typename T>
+ T* Ref(T* rep, size_t n = 1) {
+ while (n--) {
+ NeedsUnref(CordRep::Ref(rep));
+ }
+ return rep;
+ }
+// Sizeof helper. Returns the allocated size of `p`, excluding any child
+// elements for substring, concat and ring cord reps.
+template <typename T>
+size_t SizeOf(const T* rep) {
+ return sizeof(T);
+template <>
+size_t SizeOf(const CordRepFlat* rep) {
+ return rep->AllocatedSize();
+template <>
+size_t SizeOf(const CordRepExternal* rep) {
+ // See cord.cc
+ return sizeof(CordRepExternalImpl<intptr_t>) + rep->length;
+template <>
+size_t SizeOf(const CordRepRing* rep) {
+ return CordRepRing::AllocSize(rep->capacity());
+// Computes fair share memory used in a naive 'we dare to recurse' way.
+double FairShareImpl(CordRep* rep, size_t ref) {
+ double self = 0.0, children = 0.0;
+ ref *= rep->refcount.Get();
+ if (rep->tag >= FLAT) {
+ self = SizeOf(rep->flat());
+ } else if (rep->tag == EXTERNAL) {
+ self = SizeOf(rep->external());
+ } else if (rep->tag == SUBSTRING) {
+ self = SizeOf(rep->substring());
+ children = FairShareImpl(rep->substring()->child, ref);
+ } else if (rep->tag == BTREE) {
+ self = SizeOf(rep->btree());
+ for (CordRep*edge : rep->btree()->Edges()) {
+ children += FairShareImpl(edge, ref);
+ }
+ } else if (rep->tag == RING) {
+ self = SizeOf(rep->ring());
+ rep->ring()->ForEach([&](CordRepRing::index_type i) {
+ self += FairShareImpl(rep->ring()->entry_child(i), 1);
+ });
+ } else if (rep->tag == CONCAT) {
+ self = SizeOf(rep->concat());
+ children = FairShareImpl(rep->concat()->left, ref) +
+ FairShareImpl(rep->concat()->right, ref);
+ } else {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ return self / ref + children;
+// Returns the fair share memory size from `ShareFhareImpl()` as a size_t.
+size_t FairShare(CordRep* rep, size_t ref = 1) {
+ return static_cast<size_t>(FairShareImpl(rep, ref));
+// Samples the cord and returns CordzInfo::GetStatistics()
+CordzStatistics SampleCord(CordRep* rep) {
+ InlineData cord(rep);
+ CordzInfo::TrackCord(cord, CordzUpdateTracker::kUnknown);
+ CordzStatistics stats = cord.cordz_info()->GetCordzStatistics();
+ cord.cordz_info()->Untrack();
+ return stats;
+MATCHER_P(EqStatistics, stats, "Statistics equal expected values") {
+ bool ok = true;
+#define STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(member) \
+ if (stats.member != arg.member) { \
+ *result_listener << "\n stats." << #member \
+ << ": actual = " << arg.member << ", expected " \
+ << stats.member; \
+ ok = false; \
+ }
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.flat);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.flat_64);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.flat_128);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.flat_256);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.flat_512);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.flat_1k);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.external);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.concat);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.substring);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.ring);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(node_counts.btree);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(estimated_memory_usage);
+ STATS_MATCHER_EXPECT_EQ(estimated_fair_share_memory_usage);
+ return ok;
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, Flat) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat = ref.NeedsUnref(Flat(512));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = flat->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(flat);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = expected.estimated_memory_usage;
+ expected.node_count = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_512 = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(flat), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, SharedFlat) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat = ref.Ref(ref.NeedsUnref(Flat(64)));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = flat->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(flat);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = SizeOf(flat) / 2;
+ expected.node_count = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_64 = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(flat), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, External) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* external = ref.NeedsUnref(External());
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = external->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(external);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = SizeOf(external);
+ expected.node_count = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.external = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(external), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, SharedExternal) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* external = ref.Ref(ref.NeedsUnref(External()));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = external->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(external);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = SizeOf(external) / 2;
+ expected.node_count = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.external = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(external), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, Substring) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat = Flat(1024);
+ auto* substring = ref.NeedsUnref(Substring(flat));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = substring->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(substring) + SizeOf(flat);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = expected.estimated_memory_usage;
+ expected.node_count = 2;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_1k = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.substring = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(substring), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, SharedSubstring) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat = ref.Ref(Flat(511), 2);
+ auto* substring = ref.Ref(ref.NeedsUnref(Substring(flat)));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = substring->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(flat) + SizeOf(substring);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage =
+ SizeOf(substring) / 2 + SizeOf(flat) / 6;
+ expected.node_count = 2;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_512 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.substring = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(substring), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, Concat) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat1 = Flat(300);
+ auto* flat2 = Flat(2000);
+ auto* concat = ref.NeedsUnref(Concat(flat1, flat2));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = concat->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage =
+ SizeOf(concat) + SizeOf(flat1) + SizeOf(flat2);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = expected.estimated_memory_usage;
+ expected.node_count = 3;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 2;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_512 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.concat = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(concat), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, DeepConcat) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat1 = Flat(300);
+ auto* flat2 = Flat(2000);
+ auto* flat3 = Flat(400);
+ auto* external = External(3000);
+ auto* substring = Substring(external);
+ auto* concat1 = Concat(flat1, flat2);
+ auto* concat2 = Concat(flat3, substring);
+ auto* concat = ref.NeedsUnref(Concat(concat1, concat2));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = concat->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(concat) * 3 + SizeOf(flat1) +
+ SizeOf(flat2) + SizeOf(flat3) +
+ SizeOf(external) + SizeOf(substring);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = expected.estimated_memory_usage;
+ expected.node_count = 8;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 3;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_512 = 2;
+ expected.node_counts.external = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.concat = 3;
+ expected.node_counts.substring = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(concat), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, DeepSharedConcat) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat1 = Flat(40);
+ auto* flat2 = ref.Ref(Flat(2000), 4);
+ auto* flat3 = Flat(70);
+ auto* external = ref.Ref(External(3000));
+ auto* substring = ref.Ref(Substring(external), 3);
+ auto* concat1 = Concat(flat1, flat2);
+ auto* concat2 = Concat(flat3, substring);
+ auto* concat = ref.Ref(ref.NeedsUnref(Concat(concat1, concat2)));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = concat->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(concat) * 3 + SizeOf(flat1) +
+ SizeOf(flat2) + SizeOf(flat3) +
+ SizeOf(external) + SizeOf(substring);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = FairShare(concat);
+ expected.node_count = 8;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 3;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_64 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_128 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.external = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.concat = 3;
+ expected.node_counts.substring = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(concat), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, Ring) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat1 = Flat(240);
+ auto* flat2 = Flat(2000);
+ auto* flat3 = Flat(70);
+ auto* external = External(3000);
+ CordRepRing* ring = CordRepRing::Create(flat1);
+ ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, flat2);
+ ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, flat3);
+ ring = ref.NeedsUnref(CordRepRing::Append(ring, external));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = ring->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(ring) + SizeOf(flat1) +
+ SizeOf(flat2) + SizeOf(flat3) +
+ SizeOf(external);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = expected.estimated_memory_usage;
+ expected.node_count = 5;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 3;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_128 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_256 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.external = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.ring = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(ring), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, SharedSubstringRing) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat1 = ref.Ref(Flat(240));
+ auto* flat2 = Flat(200);
+ auto* flat3 = Flat(70);
+ auto* external = ref.Ref(External(3000), 5);
+ CordRepRing* ring = CordRepRing::Create(flat1);
+ ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, flat2);
+ ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, flat3);
+ ring = ref.Ref(CordRepRing::Append(ring, external), 4);
+ auto* substring = ref.Ref(ref.NeedsUnref(Substring(ring)));
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = substring->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(ring) + SizeOf(flat1) +
+ SizeOf(flat2) + SizeOf(flat3) +
+ SizeOf(external) + SizeOf(substring);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = FairShare(substring);
+ expected.node_count = 6;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 3;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_128 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_256 = 2;
+ expected.node_counts.external = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.ring = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.substring = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(substring), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, BtreeLeaf) {
+ ASSERT_THAT(CordRepBtree::kMaxCapacity, Ge(3));
+ RefHelper ref;
+ auto* flat1 = Flat(2000);
+ auto* flat2 = Flat(200);
+ auto* substr = Substring(flat2);
+ auto* external = External(3000);
+ CordRepBtree* tree = CordRepBtree::Create(flat1);
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Append(tree, substr);
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Append(tree, external);
+ size_t flat3_count = CordRepBtree::kMaxCapacity - 3;
+ size_t flat3_size = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < flat3_count; ++i) {
+ auto* flat3 = Flat(70);
+ flat3_size += SizeOf(flat3);
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Append(tree, flat3);
+ }
+ ref.NeedsUnref(tree);
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = tree->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(tree) + SizeOf(flat1) +
+ SizeOf(flat2) + SizeOf(substr) +
+ flat3_size + SizeOf(external);
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = expected.estimated_memory_usage;
+ expected.node_count = 1 + 3 + 1 + flat3_count;
+ expected.node_counts.flat = 2 + flat3_count;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_128 = flat3_count;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_256 = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.external = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.substring = 1;
+ expected.node_counts.btree = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(tree), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, BtreeNodeShared) {
+ RefHelper ref;
+ static constexpr int leaf_count = 3;
+ const size_t flat3_count = CordRepBtree::kMaxCapacity - 3;
+ ASSERT_THAT(flat3_count, Ge(0));
+ CordRepBtree* tree = nullptr;
+ size_t mem_size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < leaf_count; ++i) {
+ auto* flat1 = ref.Ref(Flat(2000), 9);
+ mem_size += SizeOf(flat1);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Create(flat1);
+ } else {
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Append(tree, flat1);
+ }
+ auto* flat2 = Flat(200);
+ auto* substr = Substring(flat2);
+ mem_size += SizeOf(flat2) + SizeOf(substr);
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Append(tree, substr);
+ auto* external = External(30);
+ mem_size += SizeOf(external);
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Append(tree, external);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < flat3_count; ++i) {
+ auto* flat3 = Flat(70);
+ mem_size += SizeOf(flat3);
+ tree = CordRepBtree::Append(tree, flat3);
+ }
+ if (i == 0) {
+ mem_size += SizeOf(tree);
+ } else {
+ mem_size += SizeOf(tree->Edges().back()->btree());
+ }
+ }
+ ref.NeedsUnref(tree);
+ // Ref count: 2 for top (add 1), 5 for leaf 0 (add 4).
+ ref.Ref(tree, 1);
+ ref.Ref(tree->Edges().front(), 4);
+ CordzStatistics expected;
+ expected.size = tree->length;
+ expected.estimated_memory_usage = SizeOf(tree) + mem_size;
+ expected.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage = FairShare(tree);
+ expected.node_count = 1 + leaf_count * (1 + 3 + 1 + flat3_count);
+ expected.node_counts.flat = leaf_count * (2 + flat3_count);
+ expected.node_counts.flat_128 = leaf_count * flat3_count;
+ expected.node_counts.flat_256 = leaf_count;
+ expected.node_counts.external = leaf_count;
+ expected.node_counts.substring = leaf_count;
+ expected.node_counts.btree = 1 + leaf_count;
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleCord(tree), EqStatistics(expected));
+TEST(CordzInfoStatisticsTest, ThreadSafety) {
+ Notification stop;
+ static constexpr int kNumThreads = 8;
+ int64_t sampled_node_count = 0;
+ {
+ absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool pool(kNumThreads);
+ // Run analyzer thread emulating a CordzHandler collection.
+ pool.Schedule([&]() {
+ while (!stop.HasBeenNotified()) {
+ // Run every 10us (about 100K total collections).
+ absl::SleepFor(absl::Microseconds(10));
+ CordzSampleToken token;
+ for (const CordzInfo& cord_info : token) {
+ CordzStatistics stats = cord_info.GetCordzStatistics();
+ sampled_node_count += stats.node_count;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Run 'application threads'
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i) {
+ pool.Schedule([&]() {
+ // Track 0 - 2 cordz infos at a time, providing permutations of 0, 1
+ // and 2 CordzHandle and CordzInfo queues being active, with plenty of
+ // 'empty to non empty' transitions.
+ InlineData cords[2];
+ std::minstd_rand gen;
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int> coin_toss(0, 1);
+ while (!stop.HasBeenNotified()) {
+ for (InlineData& cord : cords) {
+ // 50/50 flip the state of the cord
+ if (coin_toss(gen) != 0) {
+ if (cord.is_tree()) {
+ // 50/50 simulate delete (untrack) or 'edit to empty'
+ if (coin_toss(gen) != 0) {
+ CordzInfo::MaybeUntrackCord(cord.cordz_info());
+ } else {
+ CordzUpdateScope scope(cord.cordz_info(),
+ CordzUpdateTracker::kUnknown);
+ scope.SetCordRep(nullptr);
+ }
+ CordRep::Unref(cord.as_tree());
+ cord.set_inline_size(0);
+ } else {
+ // Coin toss to 25% ring, 25% btree, and 50% flat.
+ CordRep* rep = Flat(256);
+ if (coin_toss(gen) != 0) {
+ if (coin_toss(gen) != 0) {
+ rep = CordRepRing::Create(rep);
+ } else {
+ rep = CordRepBtree::Create(rep);
+ }
+ }
+ cord.make_tree(rep);
+ // 50/50 sample
+ if (coin_toss(gen) != 0) {
+ CordzInfo::TrackCord(cord, CordzUpdateTracker::kUnknown);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (InlineData& cord : cords) {
+ if (cord.is_tree()) {
+ CordzInfo::MaybeUntrackCord(cord.cordz_info());
+ CordRep::Unref(cord.as_tree());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Run for 1 second to give memory and thread safety analyzers plenty of
+ // time to detect any mishaps or undefined behaviors.
+ absl::SleepFor(absl::Seconds(1));
+ stop.Notify();
+ }
+ std::cout << "Sampled " << sampled_node_count << " nodes\n";
+} // namespace
+} // namespace cord_internal
+} // namespace absl