path: root/tools/refactoring
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/refactoring')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 1662 deletions
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/addfileheader.py b/tools/refactoring/addfileheader.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 01c8a8b4e1..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/addfileheader.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import stringmanipulation
-import filemanagement
-import sys
-extensions = ['.h','.cc','.c','.cpp']
-ignore_these = ['my_ignore_header.h']
-if((len(sys.argv) != 2) and (len(sys.argv) != 3)):
- print 'parameters are: directory [--commit]'
- quit()
-directory = sys.argv[1];
-if(not filemanagement.pathexist(directory)):
- print 'path ' + directory + ' does not exist'
- quit()
-if((len(sys.argv) == 3) and (sys.argv[2] != '--commit')):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory extension new extension [--commit]'
- quit()
-commit = False
-if(len(sys.argv) == 3):
- commit = True
-files_to_fix = []
-for extension in extensions:
- files_to_fix.extend(filemanagement.listallfilesinfolder(directory,\
- extension))
-# Just steal the header from the template
-def fileheaderasstring():
- template_file_name = 'license_template.txt'
- if (not filemanagement.fileexist(template_file_name)):
- print 'File ' + template_file_name + ' not found!'
- quit()
- template_file = open(template_file_name,'r')
- return_string = ''
- for line in template_file:
- return_string += line
- return return_string
-# Just steal the header from the template
-def fileheaderasarray():
- template_file_name = 'license_template.txt'
- if (not filemanagement.fileexist(template_file_name)):
- print 'File ' + template_file_name + ' not found!'
- quit()
- template_file = open(template_file_name,'r')
- return_value = []
- for line in template_file:
- return_value.append(line)
- return return_value
-def findheader(path, file_name):
- full_file_name = path + file_name
- if (not filemanagement.fileexist(full_file_name)):
- print 'File ' + file_name + ' not found!'
- print 'Unexpected error!'
- quit()
- file_handle = open(full_file_name)
- template_file_content = fileheaderasarray()
- compare_content = []
- # load the same number of lines from file as the fileheader
- for index in range(len(template_file_content)):
- line = file_handle.readline()
- if (line == ''):
- return False
- compare_content.append(line)
- while (True):
- found = True
- for index in range(len(template_file_content)):
- line1 = template_file_content[index]
- line2 = compare_content[index]
- if(line1 != line2):
- found = False
- break
- if (found):
- return True
- compare_content = compare_content[1:len(compare_content)]
- line = file_handle.readline()
- if (line == ''):
- return False
- compare_content.append(line)
- return False
-# Used to store temporary result before flushing to real file when finished
-def temporaryfilename(old_file_name):
- return old_file_name + '.deleteme'
-def updatefile(path, old_file_name):
- full_old_file_name = path + old_file_name
- if (not filemanagement.fileexist(full_old_file_name)):
- print 'File ' + full_old_file_name + ' is not found.'
- print 'Should not happen! Ever!'
- quit()
- full_temporary_file_name = path + temporaryfilename(old_file_name)
- # Make sure that the files are closed by putting them out of scope
- old_file = open(full_old_file_name,'r')
- temporary_file = open(full_temporary_file_name,'w')
- temporary_file.writelines(fileheaderasstring())
- remove_whitespaces = True
- for line in old_file:
- if (remove_whitespaces and (len(line.split()) == 0)):
- continue
- else:
- remove_whitespaces = False
- temporary_file.writelines(line)
- old_file.close()
- temporary_file.close()
- filemanagement.copyfile(full_old_file_name,full_temporary_file_name)
- filemanagement.deletefile(full_temporary_file_name)
-failed_files = []
-skipped_files = []
-for index in range(len(files_to_fix)):
- if(commit):
- print (100*index)/len(files_to_fix)
- path_dir = files_to_fix[index][0]
- filename = files_to_fix[index][1]
- is_ignore = False
- for ignore_names in ignore_these:
- if(filename == ignore_names):
- is_ignore = True
- break
- if(is_ignore):
- continue
-# Let the word copyright be our sanity, i.e. make sure there is only one
-# copy right occurance or report that there will be no change
- if(filemanagement.findstringinfile(path_dir,filename,'Copyright') or
- filemanagement.findstringinfile(path_dir,filename,'copyright') or
- filemanagement.findstringinfile(path_dir,filename,'COPYRIGHT')):
- if(findheader(path_dir,filename)):
- skipped_files.append(path_dir + filename)
- else:
- failed_files.append(path_dir + filename)
- continue
- if (not commit):
- print 'File ' + path_dir + filename + ' will be updated'
- continue
- updatefile(path_dir,filename)
-tense = 'will be'
-if (commit):
- tense = 'has been'
-if (len(skipped_files) > 0):
- print str(len(skipped_files)) + ' file(s) ' + tense + ' skipped since they already have the correct header'
-if (len(failed_files) > 0):
- print 'Following files seem to have an invalid file header:'
-for line in failed_files:
- print line
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/filemanagement.py b/tools/refactoring/filemanagement.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ff64ceb22..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/filemanagement.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-import fnmatch
-import os
-import stringmanipulation
-def fileexist( file_name ):
- return os.path.isfile(file_name)
-def pathexist( path ):
- return os.path.exists(path)
-def fixpath( path ):
- return_value = path
- if( return_value[len(return_value) - 1] != '/'):
- return_value = return_value + '/'
- return return_value
-def listallfilesinfolder( path, extension ):
- matches = []
- signature = '*' + extension
- for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, signature):
- matches.append([fixpath(root), filename])
- return matches
-def copyfile(to_file, from_file):
- if(not fileexist(from_file)):
- return
- command = 'cp -f ' + from_file + ' ' + to_file
- os.system(command)
- #print command
-def deletefile(file_to_delete):
- if(not fileexist(file_to_delete)):
- return
- os.system('rm ' + file_to_delete)
-# very ugly but works, so keep for now
-def findstringinfile(path,file_name,search_string):
- command = 'grep \'' + search_string + '\' ' + path + file_name + ' > deleteme.txt'
- return_value = os.system(command)
-# print command
- return (return_value == 0)
-def replacestringinfolder( path, old_string, new_string, extension ):
- if(not stringmanipulation.isextension(extension)):
- print 'failed to search and replace'
- return
- if(len(old_string) == 0):
- print 'failed to search and replace'
- return
- find_command = 'ls '+ path + '/*' + extension
- sed_command = 'sed -i \'s/' + old_string + '/' + new_string +\
- '/g\' *' + extension
- command_string = find_command + ' | xargs ' + sed_command + ' 2> deleteme.txt'
- os.system(command_string)
- #print command_string
-#find ./ -name "*.h" -type f | xargs -P 0 sed -i 's/process_thread_wrapper.h/process_thread.h/g' *.h deleteme.txt
-def replacestringinallsubfolders( old_string, new_string, extension):
- if(not stringmanipulation.isextension(extension)):
- print 'failed to search and replace'
- return
- if(len(old_string) == 0):
- print 'failed to search and replace'
- return
- find_command = 'find ./ -name \"*' + extension + '\" -type f'
- sed_command = 'sed -i \'s/' + old_string + '/' + new_string +\
- '/g\' *' + extension
- command_string = find_command + ' | xargs -P 0 ' + sed_command + ' 2> deleteme.txt'
- os.system(command_string)
- #print command_string
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/fixincludeguards.py b/tools/refactoring/fixincludeguards.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b563556ba..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/fixincludeguards.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import stringmanipulation
-import filemanagement
-import sys
-extensions = ['.h']
-ignore_these = ['my_ignore_header.h']
-if((len(sys.argv) != 2) and (len(sys.argv) != 3)):
- print 'parameters are: directory [--commit]'
- quit()
-directory = sys.argv[1];
-if(not filemanagement.pathexist(directory)):
- print 'path ' + directory + ' does not exist'
- quit()
-if((len(sys.argv) == 3) and (sys.argv[2] != '--commit')):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory extension new extension [--commit]'
- quit()
-commit = False
-if(len(sys.argv) == 3):
- commit = True
-for extension in extensions:
- files_to_fix = filemanagement.listallfilesinfolder(directory,\
- extension)
-def buildincludeguardname(path,filename):
- full_file_name = 'WEBRTC_' + path + filename
- full_file_name = full_file_name.upper()
- full_file_name = stringmanipulation.replaceoccurances(full_file_name, '/', '_')
- full_file_name = stringmanipulation.replaceoccurances(full_file_name, '\\', '_')
- full_file_name = stringmanipulation.replaceoccurances(full_file_name, '.', '_')
- full_file_name += '_'
- return full_file_name
-def buildnewincludeguardset(path,filename):
- include_guard_name = buildincludeguardname(path,filename)
- if(include_guard_name == ''):
- return []
- return_value = []
- return_value.append('#ifndef ' + include_guard_name)
- return_value.append('#define ' + include_guard_name)
- return_value.append(include_guard_name)
- return return_value
-def printincludeguardset(include_guard_set):
- print 'First line: ' + include_guard_set[0]
- print 'Second line: ' + include_guard_set[1]
- print 'Last line: ' + include_guard_set[2]
- return
-include_guard_begin_identifier = ['#ifndef', '#if !defined']
-include_guard_second_identifier = ['#define']
-def findincludeguardidentifier(line):
- for begin_identifier in include_guard_begin_identifier:
- line = stringmanipulation.removealloccurances(line,begin_identifier)
- for second_identifier in include_guard_begin_identifier:
- line = stringmanipulation.removealloccurances(line,second_identifier)
- removed_prefix = [True,'']
- line = stringmanipulation.whitespacestoonespace(line)
- while(removed_prefix[0]):
- removed_prefix = stringmanipulation.removeprefix(line,' ')
- line = removed_prefix[1]
- line = stringmanipulation.removealloccurances(line,'(')
- if(line == ''):
- return ''
- word_pos = stringmanipulation.getword(line,0)
- return_value = line[0:word_pos[1]]
- return_value = return_value.rstrip('\r\n')
- return return_value
-def findoldincludeguardset(path,filename):
- return_value = []
- full_file_name = path + filename
- file_pointer = open(full_file_name,'r')
- include_guard_name = ''
- for line in file_pointer:
- if (include_guard_name == ''):
- for compare_string in include_guard_begin_identifier:
- if (stringmanipulation.issubstring(compare_string, line) != -1):
- include_guard_name = findincludeguardidentifier(line)
- if (include_guard_name == ''):
- break
- line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
- return_value.append(line)
- break
- else:
- for compare_string in include_guard_second_identifier:
- if (stringmanipulation.issubstring(compare_string, line) != -1):
- if (stringmanipulation.issubstring(include_guard_name, line) != -1):
- line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
- return_value.append(line)
- return_value.append(include_guard_name)
- return return_value
- include_guard_name = ''
- return_value = []
- return []
-failed_files = []
-for index in range(len(files_to_fix)):
- if(commit):
- print (100*index)/len(files_to_fix)
- path_dir = files_to_fix[index][0]
- filename = files_to_fix[index][1]
- is_ignore = False
- for ignore_names in ignore_these:
- if(filename == ignore_names):
- is_ignore = True
- break
- if(is_ignore):
- continue
- old_include_guard_set = findoldincludeguardset(path_dir,filename)
- if (len(old_include_guard_set) != 3) :
- failed_files.append('unable to figure out the include guards for ' + filename)
- continue
- new_include_guard_set = buildnewincludeguardset(path_dir,filename)
- if (len(new_include_guard_set) != 3) :
- failed_files.append('unable to figure out new the include guards for ' + filename)
- continue
- if(not commit):
- print 'old guard: ' + old_include_guard_set[2]
- print 'new guard: ' + new_include_guard_set[2]
- continue
- for index in range(2):
- # enough to only replace for file. However, no function for that
- for extension in extensions:
- filemanagement.replacestringinfolder(path_dir,old_include_guard_set[index],new_include_guard_set[index],extension)
- # special case for last to avoid complications
- for extension in extensions:
- filemanagement.replacestringinfolder(path_dir,' ' + old_include_guard_set[2],' ' + new_include_guard_set[2],extension)
- filemanagement.replacestringinfolder(path_dir,'\\/\\/' + old_include_guard_set[2],'\\/\\/ ' + new_include_guard_set[2],extension)
-if(len(failed_files) > 0):
- print 'Following failures should be investigated manually:'
-for line in failed_files:
- print line
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/fixnames.py b/tools/refactoring/fixnames.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 15381e38d4..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/fixnames.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import stringmanipulation
-import filemanagement
-import p4commands
-import sys
-name_space_to_ignore = 'GIPS::'
-#only allow one prefix to be removed since allowing multiple will complicate
-# things
-prefix_to_filter = 'gips'
-#words_to_filter = ['Module']
-# it might be dangerous to remove GIPS but keep it default
-words_to_filter = ['Module','GIPS']
-# This script finds all the words that should be replaced in an h-file. Once
-# all words that should be replaced are found it does a global search and
-# replace.
-extensions_to_edit = ['.cpp','.cc','.h']
-#line = ' ~hiGIPSCriticalSectionScoped()'
-#print line
-#position = stringmanipulation.getword(line,11)
-#old_word = line[position[0]:position[0]+position[1]]
-#result = stringmanipulation.removealloccurances(old_word,'gips')
-#new_word = result
-#print old_word
-#print position[0]
-#print position[0]+position[1]
-#print new_word
-# Ignore whole line if any item in this table is a substring of the line
-do_not_replace_line_table = []
-do_not_replace_line_table.append('namespace GIPS')
-# [old_string,new_string]
-# List of things to remove that are static:
-manual_replace_table = []
-#manual_replace_table.append(['using namespace GIPS;',''])
-replace_table = manual_replace_table
-# List of things to not remove that are static, i.e. exceptions:
-# don't replace any of the GIPS_Words since that will affect all files
-# do that in a separate script!
-do_not_replace_table = []
-if((len(sys.argv) != 2) and (len(sys.argv) != 3)):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory [--commit]'
- quit()
-if((len(sys.argv) == 3) and (sys.argv[2] != '--commit')):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory [--commit]'
- quit()
-commit = (len(sys.argv) == 3)
-directory = sys.argv[1];
-if(not filemanagement.pathexist(directory)):
- print 'path ' + directory + ' does not exist'
- quit()
-# APIs are all in h-files
-extension = '.h'
-# All h-files
-files_to_modify = filemanagement.listallfilesinfolder(directory,\
- extension)
-def isinmanualremovetable( compare_word ):
- for old_word, new_word in manual_replace_table:
- if(old_word == compare_word):
- return True
- return False
-# Begin
-# This function looks at each line and decides which words should be replaced
-# that is this is the only part of the script that you will ever want to change!
-def findstringstoreplace(line):
- original_line = line
-# Dont replace compiler directives
- if(line[0] == '#'):
- return []
-# Dont allow global removal of namespace gips since it is very intrusive
- for sub_string_compare in do_not_replace_line_table:
- index = stringmanipulation.issubstring(line,sub_string_compare)
- if(index != -1):
- return []
- return_value = []
- line = stringmanipulation.removeccomment(line)
- line = stringmanipulation.whitespacestoonespace(line)
- if(len(line) == 0):
- return []
- if(line[0] == '*'):
- return []
- index = stringmanipulation.issubstring(line,prefix_to_filter)
- while index >= 0:
- dont_store_hit = False
- word_position = stringmanipulation.getword(line, index)
- start_of_word = word_position[0]
- size_of_word = word_position[1]
- end_of_word = start_of_word + size_of_word
- old_word = line[start_of_word:end_of_word]
- if(isinmanualremovetable(old_word)):
- dont_store_hit = True
- if((end_of_word + 2 < len(line)) and\
- name_space_to_ignore == line[start_of_word:end_of_word+2]):
- dont_store_hit = True
- result = stringmanipulation.removeprefix(old_word,prefix_to_filter)
- new_word = result[1]
- for word_to_filter in words_to_filter:
- new_word = stringmanipulation.removealloccurances(new_word,word_to_filter)
- result = stringmanipulation.removeprefix(new_word,'_')
- new_word = result[1]
- new_word = stringmanipulation.fixabbreviations(new_word)
- new_word = stringmanipulation.removealloccurances(new_word,'_')
- if(not dont_store_hit):
- return_value.append([old_word,new_word])
-# remove the word we found from the string so we dont find it again
- line = line[0:start_of_word] + line[end_of_word:len(line)]
- index = stringmanipulation.issubstring(line,'GIPS')
- return return_value
-# End
-# loop through all files
-for path, file_name in files_to_modify:
-# if(file_name != 'GIPSTickUtil.h'):
-# continue
- full_file_name = path + file_name
- file_pointer = open(full_file_name,'r')
-# print file_name
-#loop through all lines
- for line in file_pointer:
-# print line
- local_replace_string = findstringstoreplace(line)
- #print local_replace_string
- if(len(local_replace_string) != 0):
- replace_table.extend(local_replace_string)
-# we have built our replace table now
-replace_table = stringmanipulation.removeduplicates( replace_table )
-replace_table = stringmanipulation.ordertablesizefirst( replace_table )
-replace_table = stringmanipulation.complement(replace_table,\
- do_not_replace_table)
-def replaceoriginal( path,my_table ):
- size_of_table = len(my_table)
- for index in range(len(my_table)):
- old_name = my_table[index][0]
- new_name = my_table[index][1]
- filemanagement.replacestringinfolder(path, old_name, new_name,\
- ".h")
- print (100*index) / (size_of_table*2)
-def replaceall( my_table, extension_list ):
- size_of_table = len(my_table)
- for index in range(len(my_table)):
- old_name = my_table[index][0]
- new_name = my_table[index][1]
- new_name = new_name
- for extension in extensions_to_edit:
- filemanagement.replacestringinallsubfolders(old_name, new_name,
- extension)
- print 100*(size_of_table + index) / (size_of_table*2)
- print 'commiting'
- replace_table = stringmanipulation.removenochange(replace_table)
- p4commands.checkoutallfiles()
- replaceoriginal(directory,replace_table)
- replaceall(replace_table,extensions_to_edit)
- p4commands.revertunchangedfiles()
- for old_name, new_name in replace_table:
- print 'Going to replace [' + old_name + '] with [' + new_name + ']'
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/integratefiles.py b/tools/refactoring/integratefiles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c5cc892095..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/integratefiles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import stringmanipulation
-import filemanagement
-import p4commands
-import sys
-extensions = ['.h', '.cpp', '.cc', '.gyp']
-ignore_these = ['list_no_stl.h','map_no_stl.h','constructor_magic.h']
-exceptions = [
-if((len(sys.argv) != 4) and (len(sys.argv) != 5)):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory extension new extension [--commit]'
- quit()
-directory = sys.argv[1];
-if(not filemanagement.pathexist(directory)):
- print 'path ' + directory + ' does not exist'
- quit()
-old_extension = sys.argv[2]
-if(not stringmanipulation.isextension(old_extension)):
- print old_extension + ' is not a valid extension'
- quit()
-new_extension = sys.argv[3]
-if(not stringmanipulation.isextension(new_extension)):
- print new_extension + ' is not a valid extension'
- quit()
-if((len(sys.argv) == 5) and (sys.argv[4] != '--commit')):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory extension new extension [--commit]'
- quit()
-commit = False
-if(len(sys.argv) == 5):
- commit = True
-files_to_integrate = filemanagement.listallfilesinfolder(directory,\
- old_extension)
- p4commands.checkoutallfiles()
-for index in range(len(files_to_integrate)):
- if(commit):
- print (100*index)/len(files_to_integrate)
- path_dir = files_to_integrate[index][0]
- filename = files_to_integrate[index][1]
- is_ignore = False
- for ignore_names in ignore_these:
- if(filename == ignore_names):
- is_ignore = True
- break
- if(is_ignore):
- continue
- new_file_name = ''
- is_exception = False
- for exception_name,exception_name_new in exceptions:
- if(filename == exception_name):
- is_exception = True
- new_file_name = exception_name_new
- break
- if(not is_exception):
- new_file_name = filename
- new_file_name = stringmanipulation.removeallprefix(new_file_name,\
- 'gips')
- new_file_name = stringmanipulation.removealloccurances(new_file_name,\
- 'module')
- new_file_name = stringmanipulation.changeextension(new_file_name,\
- old_extension,\
- new_extension)
- new_file_name = stringmanipulation.fixabbreviations( new_file_name )
- new_file_name = stringmanipulation.lowercasewithunderscore(new_file_name)
- if(not commit):
- print 'File ' + filename + ' will be replaced with ' + new_file_name
- continue
- full_new_file_name = path_dir + new_file_name
- full_old_file_name = path_dir + filename
- if(full_new_file_name != full_old_file_name):
- p4commands.integratefile(full_old_file_name,full_new_file_name)
- else:
- print 'skipping ' + new_file_name + ' due to no change'
- for extension in extensions:
- print 'replacing ' + filename
- if (extension == ".gyp"):
- filemanagement.replacestringinallsubfolders(
- filename,new_file_name,extension)
- else:
- filemanagement.replacestringinallsubfolders(
- '\"' + filename + '\"', '\"' + new_file_name + '\"', extension)
- p4commands.revertunchangedfiles()
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/p4commands.py b/tools/refactoring/p4commands.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 71ac31b0d0..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/p4commands.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import filemanagement
-# checks out entire p4 repository
-def checkoutallfiles():
- os.system('p4 edit //depotGoogle/...')
- return
-# reverts all unchanged files, this is completely innoculus
-def revertunchangedfiles():
- os.system('p4 revert -a //depotGoogle/...')
- return
-def integratefile( old_name, new_name):
- if(old_name == new_name):
- return
- if(not filemanagement.fileexist(old_name)):
- return
- integrate_command = 'p4 integrate -o -f ' +\
- old_name +\
- ' ' +\
- new_name +\
- ' > p4summary.txt 2> error.txt'
- os.system(integrate_command)
- #print integrate_command
- delete_command = 'p4 delete -c default ' +\
- old_name +\
- ' > p4summary.txt 2> error.txt'
- os.system(delete_command)
- #print delete_command
- return
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/removetrace.py b/tools/refactoring/removetrace.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 43c622dc40..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/removetrace.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
-# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-# NOTE: This is a hack which disobeys a number of conventions and best
-# practices. It's here just to be easily shared. If it's to remain in the
-# repository it should be refactored.
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import stringmanipulation
-import filemanagement
-import sys
-trace_remove_key_word = 'kTraceModuleCall'
-if((len(sys.argv) != 2) and (len(sys.argv) != 3)):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory [--commit]'
- quit()
-if((len(sys.argv) == 3) and (sys.argv[2] != '--commit')):
- print 'parameters are: parent directory [--commit]'
- quit()
-commit = (len(sys.argv) == 3)
-directory = sys.argv[1];
-occurances = []
-trace_identifier = 'WEBRTC_TRACE('
-extensions = ['.h','.cc','.c','.cpp']
-files_to_fix = []
-for extension in extensions:
- files_to_fix.extend(filemanagement.listallfilesinfolder(directory,\
- extension))
-# This function identifies the begining of a trace statement
-def istracebegining(line):
- return stringmanipulation.issubstring(line, trace_identifier) != -1
-def endofstatement(line):
- return stringmanipulation.issubstring(line, ';') != -1
-def removekeywordfound(line):
- return stringmanipulation.issubstring(line, trace_remove_key_word) != -1
-# Used to store temporary result before flushing to real file when finished
-def temporaryfilename():
- return 'deleteme.txt'
-def find_occurances(path, file_name):
- full_filename = path + file_name
- file_handle = open(full_filename,'r')
- line_is_trace = False
- last_trace_line = -1
- for line_nr, line in enumerate(file_handle):
- if(istracebegining(line)):
- line_is_trace = True;
- last_trace_line = line_nr
- if(line_is_trace):
- if(removekeywordfound(line)):
- occurances.append(last_trace_line)
- if(endofstatement(line)):
- line_is_trace = False;
-def remove_occurances(path, file_name):
- full_file_name = path + file_name
- if (not filemanagement.fileexist(full_file_name)):
- print 'File ' + full_file_name + ' is not found.'
- print 'Should not happen! Ever!'
- quit()
- full_temporary_file_name = path + temporaryfilename()
- temporary_file = open(full_temporary_file_name,'w')
- original_file = open(full_file_name,'r')
- next_occurance_id = 0;
- removing_statement = False
- if(len(occurances) == next_occurance_id):
- return
- next_occurance = occurances[next_occurance_id]
- next_occurance_id += 1
- for line_nr, line in enumerate(original_file):
- if(line_nr == next_occurance):
- removing_statement = True
- if(len(occurances) == next_occurance_id):
- next_occurance_id = -1
- else:
- next_occurance = occurances[next_occurance_id]
- next_occurance_id += 1
- if (not removing_statement):
- temporary_file.writelines(line)
- if(endofstatement(line)):
- removing_statement = False;
- temporary_file.close()
- original_file.close()
- filemanagement.copyfile(full_file_name,full_temporary_file_name)
- filemanagement.deletefile(full_temporary_file_name)
-def nextoccurance():
- if (len(occurances) == 0):
- return -1
- return_value = occurances[0]
- occurances = occurances[1:len(occurances)]
- return return_value
-def would_be_removed_occurances(path, file_name):
- full_file_name = path + file_name
- if (not filemanagement.fileexist(full_file_name)):
- print 'File ' + full_file_name + ' is not found.'
- print 'Should not happen! Ever!'
- quit()
- original_file = open(full_file_name,'r')
- removing_statement = False
- next_occurance_id = 0;
- if(len(occurances) == next_occurance_id):
- return
- next_occurance = occurances[next_occurance_id]
- next_occurance_id += 1
- for line_nr, line in enumerate(original_file):
- if(line_nr == next_occurance):
- removing_statement = True
- if(len(occurances) == next_occurance_id):
- return
- next_occurance = occurances[next_occurance_id]
- next_occurance_id += 1
- if (removing_statement):
- print line_nr
- if(endofstatement(line)):
- removing_statement = False;
- if(next_occurance == -1):
- break
- original_file.close()
-for index in range(len(files_to_fix)):
- if(commit):
- print (100*index)/len(files_to_fix)
- path_dir = files_to_fix[index][0]
- filename = files_to_fix[index][1]
- #print path_dir + filename
- occurances = []
- find_occurances(path_dir, filename)
- if(not commit):
- would_be_removed_occurances(path_dir, filename)
- continue
- remove_occurances(path_dir, filename)
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/stringmanipulation.py b/tools/refactoring/stringmanipulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d9e0ff3a5..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/stringmanipulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-import string
-# returns tuple, [success,updated_string] where the updated string has
-# has one less (the first) occurance of match string
-def removefirstoccurance( remove_string, match_string ):
- lowercase_string = remove_string.lower()
- lowercase_match_string = match_string.lower()
- lowest_index = lowercase_string.find(lowercase_match_string)
- if(lowest_index == -1):
- return [False,remove_string]
- past_match_index = lowest_index + len(lowercase_match_string)
- highest_index = len(remove_string)
- remove_string = remove_string[0:lowest_index] + remove_string[past_match_index: highest_index]
- return [True,remove_string]
-# returns a string with all occurances of match_string removed
-def removealloccurances( remove_string, match_string ):
- return_value = [True, remove_string]
- while(return_value[0]):
- return_value = removefirstoccurance(return_value[1],match_string)
- return return_value[1]
-# removes an occurance of match_string only if it's first in the string
-# returns tuple [succes, new_string]
-def removeprefix( remove_string, match_string ):
- lowercase_string = remove_string.lower()
- lowercase_match_string = match_string.lower()
- lowest_index = lowercase_string.find(lowercase_match_string)
- if(lowest_index == -1):
- return [False,remove_string]
- if(lowest_index != 0):
- return [False,remove_string]
- past_match_index = lowest_index + len(lowercase_match_string)
- highest_index = len(remove_string)
- remove_string = remove_string[0:lowest_index] + remove_string[past_match_index: highest_index]
-# print lowest_index
-# print past_match_index
- return [True,remove_string]
-# removes multiple occurances of match string as long as they are first in
-# the string
-def removeallprefix( remove_string, match_string ):
- return_value = [True, remove_string]
- while(return_value[0]):
- return_value = removeprefix(return_value[1],match_string)
- return return_value[1]
-# returns true if extensionstring is a correct extension
-def isextension( extensionstring ):
- if(len(extensionstring) < 2):
- return False
- if(extensionstring[0] != '.'):
- return False
- if(extensionstring[1:len(extensionstring)-1].find('.') != -1):
- return False
- return True
-# returns the index of start of the last occurance of match_string
-def findlastoccurance( original_string, match_string ):
- search_index = original_string.find(match_string)
- found_index = search_index
- last_index = len(original_string) - 1
- while((search_index != -1) and (search_index < last_index)):
- search_index = original_string[search_index+1:last_index].find(match_string)
- if(search_index != -1):
- found_index = search_index
- return found_index
-# changes extension from original_extension to new_extension
-def changeextension( original_string, original_extension, new_extension):
- if(not isextension(original_extension)):
- return original_string
- if(not isextension(new_extension)):
- return original_string
- index = findlastoccurance(original_string, original_extension)
- if(index == -1):
- return original_string
- return_value = original_string[0:index] + new_extension
- return return_value
-# wanted to do this with str.find however didnt seem to work so do it manually
-# returns the index of the first capital letter
-def findfirstcapitalletter( original_string ):
- for index in range(len(original_string)):
- if(original_string[index].lower() != original_string[index]):
- return index
- return -1
-# replaces capital letters with underscore and lower case letter (except very
-# first
-def lowercasewithunderscore( original_string ):
-# ignore the first letter since there should be no underscore in front of it
- if(len(original_string) < 2):
- return original_string
- return_value = original_string[1:len(original_string)]
- index = findfirstcapitalletter(return_value)
- while(index != -1):
- return_value = return_value[0:index] + \
- '_' + \
- return_value[index].lower() + \
- return_value[index+1:len(return_value)]
- index = findfirstcapitalletter(return_value)
- return_value = original_string[0].lower() + return_value
- return return_value
-# my table is a duplicate of strings
-def removeduplicates( my_table ):
- new_table = []
- for old_string1, new_string1 in my_table:
- found = 0
- for old_string2, new_string2 in new_table:
- if(old_string1 == old_string2):
- found += 1
- if(new_string1 == new_string2):
- if(new_string1 == ''):
- found += found
- else:
- found += 1
- if(found == 1):
- print 'missmatching set, terminating program'
- print old_string1
- print new_string1
- print old_string2
- print new_string2
- quit()
- if(found == 2):
- break
- if(found == 0):
- new_table.append([old_string1,new_string1])
- return new_table
-def removenochange( my_table ):
- new_table = []
- for old_string, new_string in my_table:
- if(old_string != new_string):
- new_table.append([old_string,new_string])
- return new_table
-# order table after size of the string (can be used to replace bigger strings
-# first which is useful since smaller strings can be inside the bigger string)
-# E.g. GIPS is a sub string of GIPSVE if we remove GIPS first GIPSVE will never
-# be removed. N is small so no need for fancy sort algorithm. Use selection sort
-def ordertablesizefirst( my_table ):
- for current_index in range(len(my_table)):
- biggest_string = 0
- biggest_string_index = -1
- for search_index in range(len(my_table)):
- if(search_index < current_index):
- continue
- length_of_string = len(my_table[search_index][0])
- if(length_of_string > biggest_string):
- biggest_string = length_of_string
- biggest_string_index = search_index
- if(biggest_string_index == -1):
- print 'sorting algorithm failed, program exit'
- quit()
- old_value = my_table[current_index]
- my_table[current_index] = my_table[biggest_string_index]
- my_table[biggest_string_index] = old_value
- return my_table
-# returns true if string 1 or 2 is a substring of the other, assuming neither
-# has whitespaces
-def issubstring( string1, string2 ):
- if(len(string1) == 0):
- return -1
- if(len(string2) == 0):
- return -1
- large_string = string1
- small_string = string2
- if(len(string1) < len(string2)):
- large_string = string2
- small_string = string1
- for index in range(len(large_string)):
- large_sub_string = large_string[index:index+len(small_string)].lower()
- if(large_sub_string ==\
- small_string.lower()):
- return index
- return -1
-#not_part_of_word_table = [' ','(',')','{','}',':','\t','*','&','/','[',']','.',',','\n']
-#def ispartofword( char ):
-# for item in not_part_of_word_table:
-# if(char == item):
-# return False
-# return True
-# must be numerical,_ or charachter
-def ispartofword( char ):
- if(char.isalpha()):
- return True
- if(char.isalnum()):
- return True
- if(char == '_'):
- return True
- return False
-# returns the index of the first letter in the word that the current_index
-# is pointing to and the size of the word
-def getword( line, current_index):
- if(current_index < 0):
- return []
- line = line.rstrip()
- if(len(line) <= current_index):
- return []
- if(line[current_index] == ' '):
- return []
- start_pos = current_index
- while start_pos >= 0:
- if(not ispartofword(line[start_pos])):
- start_pos += 1
- break
- start_pos -= 1
- if(start_pos == -1):
- start_pos = 0
- end_pos = current_index
- while end_pos < len(line):
- if(not ispartofword(line[end_pos])):
- break
- end_pos += 1
- return [start_pos,end_pos - start_pos]
-# my table is a tuple [string1,string2] complement_to_table is just a list
-# of strings to compare to string1
-def complement( my_table, complement_to_table ):
- new_table = []
- for index in range(len(my_table)):
- found = False;
- for compare_string in complement_to_table:
- if(my_table[index][0].lower() == compare_string.lower()):
- found = True
- if(not found):
- new_table.append(my_table[index])
- return new_table
-def removestringfromhead( line, remove_string):
- for index in range(len(line)):
- if(line[index:index+len(remove_string)] != remove_string):
- return line[index:index+len(line)]
- return ''
-def removeccomment( line ):
- comment_string = '//'
- for index in range(len(line)):
- if(line[index:index+len(comment_string)] == comment_string):
- return line[0:index]
- return line
-def whitespacestoonespace( line ):
- return ' '.join(line.split())
-def fixabbreviations( original_string ):
- previouswascapital = (original_string[0].upper() == original_string[0])
- new_string = ''
- for index in range(len(original_string)):
- if(index == 0):
- new_string += original_string[index]
- continue
- if(original_string[index] == '_'):
- new_string += original_string[index]
- previouswascapital = False
- continue
- if(original_string[index].isdigit()):
- new_string += original_string[index]
- previouswascapital = False
- continue
- currentiscapital = (original_string[index].upper() == original_string[index])
- letter_to_add = original_string[index]
- if(previouswascapital and currentiscapital):
- letter_to_add = letter_to_add.lower()
- if(previouswascapital and (not currentiscapital)):
- old_letter = new_string[len(new_string)-1]
- new_string = new_string[0:len(new_string)-1]
- new_string += old_letter.upper()
- previouswascapital = currentiscapital
- new_string += letter_to_add
- return new_string
-def replaceoccurances(old_string, replace_string, replace_with_string):
- if (len(replace_string) == 0):
- return old_string
- if (len(old_string) < len(replace_string)):
- return old_string
- # Simple implementation, could proably be done smarter
- new_string = ''
- for index in range(len(old_string)):
- #print new_string
- if(len(replace_string) > (len(old_string) - index)):
- new_string += old_string[index:index + len(old_string)]
- break
- match = (len(replace_string) > 0)
- for replace_index in range(len(replace_string)):
- if (replace_string[replace_index] != old_string[index + replace_index]):
- match = False
- break
- if (match):
- new_string += replace_with_string
- index =+ len(replace_string)
- else:
- new_string += old_string[index]
- return new_string
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/trim.py b/tools/refactoring/trim.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5539f5fef7..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/trim.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import fileinput
-# Defaults
-usage = """
-Replaces all TAB characters with %(TABSIZE)d space characters.
-In addition, all trailing space characters are removed.
-usage: trim file ...
-file ... : files are changed in place without taking any backup.
-""" % vars()
-def main():
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- sys.stderr.write(usage)
- sys.exit(2)
- # Iterate over the lines of all files listed in sys.argv[1:]
- for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:], inplace=True):
- line = line.replace('\t',' '*TABSIZE); # replace TABs
- line = line.rstrip(None) # remove trailing whitespaces
- print line # modify the file
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/trimall.py b/tools/refactoring/trimall.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a1c458af3..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/trimall.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import fileinput
-import filemanagement
-import p4commands
-# Defaults
-extensions = ['.h','.cc','.c','.cpp']
-ignore_these = ['my_ignore_header.h']
-usage = """
-Replaces all TAB characters with %(TABSIZE)d space characters.
-In addition, all trailing space characters are removed.
-usage: trim directory
-""" % vars()
-if((len(sys.argv) != 2) and (len(sys.argv) != 3)):
- sys.stderr.write(usage)
- sys.exit(2)
-directory = sys.argv[1];
-if(not filemanagement.pathexist(directory)):
- sys.stderr.write(usage)
- sys.exit(2)
-if((len(sys.argv) == 3) and (sys.argv[2] != '--commit')):
- sys.stderr.write(usage)
- sys.exit(2)
-commit = False
-if(len(sys.argv) == 3):
- commit = True
-files_to_fix = []
-for extension in extensions:
- files_to_fix.extend(filemanagement.listallfilesinfolder(directory,\
- extension))
-def main():
- if (commit):
- p4commands.checkoutallfiles()
- for path,file_name in files_to_fix:
- full_file_name = path + file_name
- if (not commit):
- print full_file_name + ' will be edited'
- continue
- for line in fileinput.input(full_file_name, inplace=True):
- line = line.replace('\t',' '*TABSIZE); # replace TABs
- line = line.rstrip(None) # remove trailing whitespaces
- print line # modify the file
- if (commit):
- p4commands.revertunchangedfiles()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/tools/refactoring/webrtc_reformat.py b/tools/refactoring/webrtc_reformat.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 269d1c3f6c..0000000000
--- a/tools/refactoring/webrtc_reformat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
-# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-"""WebRTC reformat script.
-This script is used to reformat WebRTC code from the old code style to Google
-C++ code style. This script does not indent code; use clang-reformat-chrome.py
-as described in go/webrtc/engineering/reformatting-gips---google.
-__author__ = 'mflodman@webrtc.org (Magnus Flodman)'
-import fnmatch
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-def LowerWord(obj):
- """Helper for DeCamelCase."""
- optional_last_letters = obj.group(3) or ''
- return obj.group(1) + '_' + obj.group(2).lower() + optional_last_letters
-def DeCamelCase(text):
- """De-camelize variable names.
- This function will look at any stringLikeThis and format it in steps. The
- sequence will be stringLikeThis -> string_likeThis -> string_like_this.
- """
- possible_tokens_before_vars = '[ _*\(\&\!\[]'
- pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=' + possible_tokens_before_vars + ')' +
- # Match some lower-case characters
- '([a-z]+)' +
- # Don't match kFoo, !kFoo, [kFoo], etc
- '(?<!' + possible_tokens_before_vars + 'k)' +
- # Match some upper-case characters
- '([A-Z]+)([a-z])?')
- while re.search(pattern, text):
- text = re.sub(pattern, LowerWord, text)
- return text
-def MoveUnderScore(text):
- """Moves the underscore from beginning of variable name to the end."""
- # TODO(mflodman) Replace \1 with ?-expression.
- # We don't want to change macros and #defines though, so don't do anything
- # if the first character is uppercase (normal variables shouldn't have that).
- pattern = r'([ \*\!\&\(\[\]])_(?!_)(?![A-Z])(\w+)'
- return re.sub(pattern, r'\1\2_', text)
-def PostfixToPrefixInForLoops(text):
- """Converts x++ to ++x in the increment part of a for loop."""
- pattern = r'(for \(.*;.*;) (\w+)\+\+\)'
- return re.sub(pattern, r'\1++\2)', text)
-def SortIncludeHeaders(text, filename):
- """Sorts all include headers in alphabetic order.
- The file's own header goes first, followed by system headers and then
- project headers. This function will exit if we detect any fancy #ifdef logic
- among the includes - that's a lot harder to sort.
- Args:
- text: The file text.
- filename: The file we are reformatting.
- Returns:
- The text with includes sorted.
- """
- # Get all includes in file.
- include_pattern = re.compile('#include.+\n')
- includes = re.findall(include_pattern, text)
- # Sort system headers and project headers separately.
- sys_includes = []
- project_includes = []
- self_include = ''
- sys_pattern = re.compile('#include <')
- h_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
- for item in includes:
- if re.search(h_filename + '\.', item):
- self_include = item
- elif re.search(sys_pattern, item):
- sys_includes.append(item)
- else:
- project_includes.append(item)
- sys_includes = sorted(sys_includes)
- project_includes = sorted(project_includes)
- headers = (self_include + '\n' + ''.join(sys_includes) + '\n' +
- ''.join(project_includes))
- # Replace existing headers with the sorted string.
- text_no_hdrs = re.sub(include_pattern, r'???', text)
- # Insert sorted headers unless we detect #ifdefs right next to the headers.
- if re.search(r'(#ifdef|#ifndef|#if).*\s*\?{3,}\s*#endif', text_no_hdrs):
- print 'WARNING: Include headers not sorted in ' + filename
- return text
- return_text = re.sub(r'\?{3,}', headers, text_no_hdrs, 1)
- if re.search(r'\?{3,}', text_no_hdrs):
- # Remove possible remaining ???.
- return_text = re.sub(r'\?{3,}', r'', return_text)
- return return_text
-def AddPath(match):
- """Helper for adding file path for WebRTC header files, ignoring other."""
- file_to_examine = match.group(1) + '.h'
- # TODO(mflodman) Use current directory and find webrtc/.
- for path, _, files in os.walk('./webrtc'):
- for filename in files:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, file_to_examine):
- path_name = os.path.join(path, filename).replace('./', '')
- return '#include "%s"\n' % path_name
- # No path found, return original string.
- return '#include "'+ file_to_examine + '"\n'
-def AddHeaderPath(text):
- """Add path to all included header files that have no path yet."""
- headers = re.compile('#include "(.+).h"\n')
- return re.sub(headers, AddPath, text)
-def AddWebrtcToOldSrcRelativePath(match):
- file_to_examine = match.group(1) + '.h'
- path, filename = os.path.split(file_to_examine)
- dirs_in_webrtc = [name for name in os.listdir('./webrtc')
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join('./webrtc', name))]
- for dir_in_webrtc in dirs_in_webrtc:
- if path.startswith(dir_in_webrtc):
- return '#include "%s"\n' % os.path.join('webrtc', path, filename)
- return '#include "%s"\n' % file_to_examine
-def AddWebrtcPrefixToOldSrcRelativePaths(text):
- """For all paths starting with for instance video_engine, add webrtc/."""
- headers = re.compile('#include "(.+).h"\n')
- return re.sub(headers, AddWebrtcToOldSrcRelativePath, text)
-def FixIncludeGuards(text, file_name):
- """Change include guard according to the stantard."""
- # Remove a possible webrtc/ from the path.
- file_name = re.sub(r'(webrtc\/)(.+)', r'\2', file_name)
- new_guard = 'WEBRTC_' + file_name
- new_guard = new_guard.upper()
- new_guard = re.sub(r'([/\.])', r'_', new_guard)
- new_guard += '_'
- text = re.sub(r'#ifndef WEBRTC_.+\n', r'#ifndef ' + new_guard + '\n', text, 1)
- text = re.sub(r'#define WEBRTC_.+\n', r'#define ' + new_guard + '\n', text, 1)
- text = re.sub(r'#endif *\/\/ *WEBRTC_.+\n', r'#endif // ' + new_guard + '\n',
- text, 1)
- return text
-def SaveFile(filename, text):
- os.remove(filename)
- f = open(filename, 'w')
- f.write(text)
- f.close()
-def main():
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- if not args:
- print 'Usage: %s <filename>' % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(1)
- for filename in args:
- f = open(filename)
- text = f.read()
- f.close()
- text = DeCamelCase(text)
- text = MoveUnderScore(text)
- text = PostfixToPrefixInForLoops(text)
- text = AddHeaderPath(text)
- text = AddWebrtcPrefixToOldSrcRelativePaths(text)
- text = SortIncludeHeaders(text, filename)
- # Remove the original file and re-create it with the reformatted content.
- SaveFile(filename, text)
- if filename.endswith('.h'):
- f = open(filename)
- text = f.read()
- f.close()
- text = FixIncludeGuards(text, filename)
- SaveFile(filename, text)
- print filename + ' done.'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()