path: root/webrtc/modules/media_file/media_file_utility.h
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1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/media_file/media_file_utility.h b/webrtc/modules/media_file/media_file_utility.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc2fa5a2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/modules/media_file/media_file_utility.h
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+// Note: the class cannot be used for reading and writing at the same time.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/media_file/media_file_defines.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+class InStream;
+class OutStream;
+class ModuleFileUtility
+ ModuleFileUtility(const int32_t id);
+ ~ModuleFileUtility();
+ // Prepare for playing audio from stream.
+ // startPointMs and stopPointMs, unless zero, specify what part of the file
+ // should be read. From startPointMs ms to stopPointMs ms.
+ int32_t InitWavReading(InStream& stream,
+ const uint32_t startPointMs = 0,
+ const uint32_t stopPointMs = 0);
+ // Put 10-60ms of audio data from stream into the audioBuffer depending on
+ // codec frame size. dataLengthInBytes indicates the size of audioBuffer.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to audioBuffer.
+ // Note: This API only play mono audio but can be used on file containing
+ // audio with more channels (in which case the audio will be converted to
+ // mono).
+ int32_t ReadWavDataAsMono(InStream& stream, int8_t* audioBuffer,
+ const size_t dataLengthInBytes);
+ // Put 10-60ms, depending on codec frame size, of audio data from file into
+ // audioBufferLeft and audioBufferRight. The buffers contain the left and
+ // right channel of played out stereo audio.
+ // dataLengthInBytes indicates the size of both audioBufferLeft and
+ // audioBufferRight.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes read for each buffer.
+ // Note: This API can only be successfully called for WAV files with stereo
+ // audio.
+ int32_t ReadWavDataAsStereo(InStream& wav,
+ int8_t* audioBufferLeft,
+ int8_t* audioBufferRight,
+ const size_t bufferLength);
+ // Prepare for recording audio to stream.
+ // codecInst specifies the encoding of the audio data.
+ // Note: codecInst.channels should be set to 2 for stereo (and 1 for
+ // mono). Stereo is only supported for WAV files.
+ int32_t InitWavWriting(OutStream& stream, const CodecInst& codecInst);
+ // Write one audio frame, i.e. the bufferLength first bytes of audioBuffer,
+ // to file. The audio frame size is determined by the codecInst.pacsize
+ // parameter of the last sucessfull StartRecordingAudioFile(..) call.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to audioBuffer.
+ int32_t WriteWavData(OutStream& stream,
+ const int8_t* audioBuffer,
+ const size_t bufferLength);
+ // Finalizes the WAV header so that it is correct if nothing more will be
+ // written to stream.
+ // Note: this API must be called before closing stream to ensure that the
+ // WAVE header is updated with the file size. Don't call this API
+ // if more samples are to be written to stream.
+ int32_t UpdateWavHeader(OutStream& stream);
+ // Prepare for playing audio from stream.
+ // startPointMs and stopPointMs, unless zero, specify what part of the file
+ // should be read. From startPointMs ms to stopPointMs ms.
+ // freqInHz is the PCM sampling frequency.
+ // NOTE, allowed frequencies are 8000, 16000 and 32000 (Hz)
+ int32_t InitPCMReading(InStream& stream,
+ const uint32_t startPointMs = 0,
+ const uint32_t stopPointMs = 0,
+ const uint32_t freqInHz = 16000);
+ // Put 10-60ms of audio data from stream into the audioBuffer depending on
+ // codec frame size. dataLengthInBytes indicates the size of audioBuffer.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to audioBuffer.
+ int32_t ReadPCMData(InStream& stream, int8_t* audioBuffer,
+ const size_t dataLengthInBytes);
+ // Prepare for recording audio to stream.
+ // freqInHz is the PCM sampling frequency.
+ // NOTE, allowed frequencies are 8000, 16000 and 32000 (Hz)
+ int32_t InitPCMWriting(OutStream& stream, const uint32_t freqInHz = 16000);
+ // Write one 10ms audio frame, i.e. the bufferLength first bytes of
+ // audioBuffer, to file. The audio frame size is determined by the freqInHz
+ // parameter of the last sucessfull InitPCMWriting(..) call.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to audioBuffer.
+ int32_t WritePCMData(OutStream& stream,
+ const int8_t* audioBuffer,
+ size_t bufferLength);
+ // Prepare for playing audio from stream.
+ // startPointMs and stopPointMs, unless zero, specify what part of the file
+ // should be read. From startPointMs ms to stopPointMs ms.
+ int32_t InitCompressedReading(InStream& stream,
+ const uint32_t startPointMs = 0,
+ const uint32_t stopPointMs = 0);
+ // Put 10-60ms of audio data from stream into the audioBuffer depending on
+ // codec frame size. dataLengthInBytes indicates the size of audioBuffer.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to audioBuffer.
+ int32_t ReadCompressedData(InStream& stream,
+ int8_t* audioBuffer,
+ const size_t dataLengthInBytes);
+ // Prepare for recording audio to stream.
+ // codecInst specifies the encoding of the audio data.
+ int32_t InitCompressedWriting(OutStream& stream,
+ const CodecInst& codecInst);
+ // Write one audio frame, i.e. the bufferLength first bytes of audioBuffer,
+ // to file. The audio frame size is determined by the codecInst.pacsize
+ // parameter of the last sucessfull InitCompressedWriting(..) call.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to stream.
+ // Note: bufferLength must be exactly one frame.
+ int32_t WriteCompressedData(OutStream& stream,
+ const int8_t* audioBuffer,
+ const size_t bufferLength);
+ // Prepare for playing audio from stream.
+ // codecInst specifies the encoding of the audio data.
+ int32_t InitPreEncodedReading(InStream& stream,
+ const CodecInst& codecInst);
+ // Put 10-60ms of audio data from stream into the audioBuffer depending on
+ // codec frame size. dataLengthInBytes indicates the size of audioBuffer.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to audioBuffer.
+ int32_t ReadPreEncodedData(InStream& stream,
+ int8_t* audioBuffer,
+ const size_t dataLengthInBytes);
+ // Prepare for recording audio to stream.
+ // codecInst specifies the encoding of the audio data.
+ int32_t InitPreEncodedWriting(OutStream& stream,
+ const CodecInst& codecInst);
+ // Write one audio frame, i.e. the bufferLength first bytes of audioBuffer,
+ // to stream. The audio frame size is determined by the codecInst.pacsize
+ // parameter of the last sucessfull InitPreEncodedWriting(..) call.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to stream.
+ // Note: bufferLength must be exactly one frame.
+ int32_t WritePreEncodedData(OutStream& stream,
+ const int8_t* inData,
+ const size_t dataLengthInBytes);
+ // Set durationMs to the size of the file (in ms) specified by fileName.
+ // freqInHz specifies the sampling frequency of the file.
+ int32_t FileDurationMs(const char* fileName,
+ const FileFormats fileFormat,
+ const uint32_t freqInHz = 16000);
+ // Return the number of ms that have been played so far.
+ uint32_t PlayoutPositionMs();
+ // Update codecInst according to the current audio codec being used for
+ // reading or writing.
+ int32_t codec_info(CodecInst& codecInst);
+ // Biggest WAV frame supported is 10 ms at 48kHz of 2 channel, 16 bit audio.
+ static const size_t WAV_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 480 * 2 * 2;
+ int32_t InitWavCodec(uint32_t samplesPerSec,
+ size_t channels,
+ uint32_t bitsPerSample,
+ uint32_t formatTag);
+ // Parse the WAV header in stream.
+ int32_t ReadWavHeader(InStream& stream);
+ // Update the WAV header. freqInHz, bytesPerSample, channels, format,
+ // lengthInBytes specify characterists of the audio data.
+ // freqInHz is the sampling frequency. bytesPerSample is the sample size in
+ // bytes. channels is the number of channels, e.g. 1 is mono and 2 is
+ // stereo. format is the encode format (e.g. PCMU, PCMA, PCM etc).
+ // lengthInBytes is the number of bytes the audio samples are using up.
+ int32_t WriteWavHeader(OutStream& stream,
+ uint32_t freqInHz,
+ size_t bytesPerSample,
+ size_t channels,
+ uint32_t format,
+ size_t lengthInBytes);
+ // Put dataLengthInBytes of audio data from stream into the audioBuffer.
+ // The return value is the number of bytes written to audioBuffer.
+ int32_t ReadWavData(InStream& stream, uint8_t* audioBuffer,
+ size_t dataLengthInBytes);
+ // Update the current audio codec being used for reading or writing
+ // according to codecInst.
+ int32_t set_codec_info(const CodecInst& codecInst);
+ struct WAVE_FMTINFO_header
+ {
+ int16_t formatTag;
+ int16_t nChannels;
+ int32_t nSamplesPerSec;
+ int32_t nAvgBytesPerSec;
+ int16_t nBlockAlign;
+ int16_t nBitsPerSample;
+ };
+ // Identifiers for preencoded files.
+ enum MediaFileUtility_CodecType
+ {
+ kCodecNoCodec = 0,
+ kCodecIsac,
+ kCodecIsacSwb,
+ kCodecIsacLc,
+ kCodecL16_8Khz,
+ kCodecL16_16kHz,
+ kCodecL16_32Khz,
+ kCodecPcmu,
+ kCodecPcma,
+ kCodecIlbc20Ms,
+ kCodecIlbc30Ms,
+ kCodecG722,
+ kCodecG722_1_32Kbps,
+ kCodecG722_1_24Kbps,
+ kCodecG722_1_16Kbps,
+ kCodecG722_1c_48,
+ kCodecG722_1c_32,
+ kCodecG722_1c_24,
+ kCodecAmr,
+ kCodecAmrWb,
+ kCodecG729,
+ kCodecG729_1,
+ kCodecG726_40,
+ kCodecG726_32,
+ kCodecG726_24,
+ kCodecG726_16,
+ kCodecSpeex8Khz,
+ kCodecSpeex16Khz
+ };
+ // TODO (hellner): why store multiple formats. Just store either codec_info_
+ // or _wavFormatObj and supply conversion functions.
+ WAVE_FMTINFO_header _wavFormatObj;
+ size_t _dataSize; // Chunk size if reading a WAV file
+ // Number of bytes to read. I.e. frame size in bytes. May be multiple
+ // chunks if reading WAV.
+ size_t _readSizeBytes;
+ int32_t _id;
+ uint32_t _stopPointInMs;
+ uint32_t _startPointInMs;
+ uint32_t _playoutPositionMs;
+ size_t _bytesWritten;
+ CodecInst codec_info_;
+ MediaFileUtility_CodecType _codecId;
+ // The amount of bytes, on average, used for one audio sample.
+ size_t _bytesPerSample;
+ size_t _readPos;
+ // Only reading or writing can be enabled, not both.
+ bool _reading;
+ bool _writing;
+ // Scratch buffer used for turning stereo audio to mono.
+ uint8_t _tempData[WAV_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
+} // namespace webrtc