path: root/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test')
16 files changed, 115 insertions, 2773 deletions
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/BWEStandAlone.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/BWEStandAlone.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 711be4a623..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/BWEStandAlone.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-// BWEStandAlone.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/event_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/trace.h"
-#include "webrtc/test/channel_transport/udp_transport.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.h"
-//#include "vld.h"
-class myTransportCB: public UdpTransportData
- myTransportCB (RtpRtcp *rtpMod) : _rtpMod(rtpMod) {};
- // Inherited from UdpTransportData
- void IncomingRTPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtpPacket,
- const size_t rtpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort) override;
- void IncomingRTCPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtcpPacket,
- const size_t rtcpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort) override;
- RtpRtcp *_rtpMod;
-void myTransportCB::IncomingRTPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtpPacket,
- const size_t rtpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort)
- printf("Receiving RTP from IP %s, port %u\n", fromIP, fromPort);
- _rtpMod->IncomingPacket((uint8_t *) incomingRtpPacket, rtpPacketLength);
-void myTransportCB::IncomingRTCPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtcpPacket,
- const size_t rtcpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort)
- printf("Receiving RTCP from IP %s, port %u\n", fromIP, fromPort);
- _rtpMod->IncomingPacket((uint8_t *) incomingRtcpPacket, rtcpPacketLength);
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- bool isSender = false;
- bool isReceiver = false;
- uint16_t port;
- std::string ip;
- TestSenderReceiver *sendrec = new TestSenderReceiver();
- TestLoadGenerator *gen;
- if (argc == 2)
- {
- // receiver only
- isReceiver = true;
- // read port
- port = atoi(argv[1]);
- }
- else if (argc == 3)
- {
- // sender and receiver
- isSender = true;
- isReceiver = true;
- // read IP
- ip = argv[1];
- // read port
- port = atoi(argv[2]);
- }
- Trace::CreateTrace();
- Trace::SetTraceFile("BWEStandAloneTrace.txt");
- Trace::set_level_filter(webrtc::kTraceAll);
- sendrec->InitReceiver(port);
- sendrec->Start();
- if (isSender)
- {
- const uint32_t startRateKbps = 1000;
- //gen = new CBRGenerator(sendrec, 1000, 500);
- gen = new CBRFixFRGenerator(sendrec, startRateKbps, 90000, 30, 0.2);
- //gen = new PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator(sendrec, startRateKbps, 90000, 30, 0.2, 7, 300);
- //const uint16_t numFrameRates = 5;
- //const uint8_t frameRates[numFrameRates] = {30, 15, 20, 23, 25};
- //gen = new CBRVarFRGenerator(sendrec, 1000, frameRates, numFrameRates, 90000, 4.0, 0.1, 0.2);
- //gen = new CBRFrameDropGenerator(sendrec, startRateKbps, 90000, 0.2);
- sendrec->SetLoadGenerator(gen);
- sendrec->InitSender(startRateKbps, ip.c_str(), port);
- gen->Start();
- }
- while (1)
- {
- }
- if (isSender)
- {
- gen->Stop();
- delete gen;
- }
- delete sendrec;
- //uint8_t numberOfSocketThreads = 1;
- //UdpTransport* transport = UdpTransport::Create(0, numberOfSocketThreads);
- //RtpRtcp* rtp = RtpRtcp::CreateRtpRtcp(1, false);
- //if (rtp->InitSender() != 0)
- //{
- // exit(1);
- //}
- //if (rtp->RegisterSendTransport(transport) != 0)
- //{
- // exit(1);
- //}
-// transport->InitializeSendSockets("", 8000);
- //transport->InitializeSendSockets("", 10000);
- //transport->InitializeSourcePorts(8000);
- return(0);
- // myTransportCB *tp = new myTransportCB(rtp);
- // transport->InitializeReceiveSockets(tp, 10000, "");
- // transport->StartReceiving(500);
- // int8_t data[100];
- // for (int i = 0; i < 100; data[i] = i++);
- // for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
- // {
- // transport->SendRaw(data, 100, false);
- // }
- // int32_t totTime = 0;
- // while (totTime < 10000)
- // {
- // transport->Process();
- // int32_t wTime = transport->TimeUntilNextProcess();
- // totTime += wTime;
- // Sleep(wTime);
- // }
- //if (transport)
- //{
- // // Destroy the Socket Transport module
- // transport->StopReceiving();
- // transport->InitializeReceiveSockets(NULL,0);// deregister callback
- // UdpTransport::Destroy(transport);
- // transport = NULL;
- // }
- // if (tp)
- // {
- // delete tp;
- // tp = NULL;
- // }
- // if (rtp)
- // {
- // RtpRtcp::DestroyRtpRtcp(rtp);
- // rtp = NULL;
- // }
- //return 0;
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index fe54d67ee7..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <sstream>
-#ifdef MATLAB
-#include "engine.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/event_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
-using namespace webrtc;
-#ifdef MATLAB
-MatlabEngine eng;
-MatlabLine::MatlabLine(int maxLen /*= -1*/, const char *plotAttrib /*= NULL*/, const char *name /*= NULL*/)
- if (_maxLen > 0)
- {
- _xArray = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, _maxLen, mxREAL);
- _yArray = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, _maxLen, mxREAL);
- }
- if (plotAttrib)
- {
- _plotAttribute = plotAttrib;
- }
- if (name)
- {
- _name = name;
- }
- if (_xArray != NULL)
- {
- mxDestroyArray(_xArray);
- }
- if (_yArray != NULL)
- {
- mxDestroyArray(_yArray);
- }
-void MatlabLine::Append(double x, double y)
- if (_maxLen > 0 && _xData.size() > static_cast<uint32_t>(_maxLen))
- {
- _xData.resize(_maxLen);
- _yData.resize(_maxLen);
- }
- _xData.push_front(x);
- _yData.push_front(y);
-// append y-data with running integer index as x-data
-void MatlabLine::Append(double y)
- if (_xData.empty())
- {
- // first element is index 0
- Append(0, y);
- }
- else
- {
- // take last x-value and increment
- double temp = _xData.back(); // last x-value
- Append(temp + 1, y);
- }
-void MatlabLine::SetMaxLen(int maxLen)
- if (maxLen <= 0)
- {
- // means no maxLen
- _maxLen = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- _maxLen = maxLen;
- if (_xArray != NULL)
- {
- mxDestroyArray(_xArray);
- mxDestroyArray(_yArray);
- }
- _xArray = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, _maxLen, mxREAL);
- _yArray = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, _maxLen, mxREAL);
- maxLen = ((unsigned int)maxLen <= _xData.size()) ? maxLen : (int)_xData.size();
- _xData.resize(maxLen);
- _yData.resize(maxLen);
- //// reserve the right amount of memory
- //_xData.reserve(_maxLen);
- //_yData.reserve(_maxLen);
- }
-void MatlabLine::SetAttribute(char *plotAttrib)
- _plotAttribute = plotAttrib;
-void MatlabLine::SetName(char *name)
- _name = name;
-void MatlabLine::GetPlotData(mxArray** xData, mxArray** yData)
- // Make sure we have enough Matlab allocated memory.
- // Assuming both arrays (x and y) are of the same size.
- if (_xData.empty())
- {
- return; // No data
- }
- unsigned int size = 0;
- if (_xArray != NULL)
- {
- size = (unsigned int)mxGetNumberOfElements(_xArray);
- }
- if (size < _xData.size())
- {
- if (_xArray != NULL)
- {
- mxDestroyArray(_xArray);
- mxDestroyArray(_yArray);
- }
- _xArray = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, _xData.size(), mxREAL);
- _yArray = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, _yData.size(), mxREAL);
- }
- if (!_xData.empty())
- {
- double* x = mxGetPr(_xArray);
- std::list<double>::iterator it = _xData.begin();
- for (int i = 0; it != _xData.end(); it++, i++)
- {
- x[i] = *it;
- }
- }
- if (!_yData.empty())
- {
- double* y = mxGetPr(_yArray);
- std::list<double>::iterator it = _yData.begin();
- for (int i = 0; it != _yData.end(); it++, i++)
- {
- y[i] = *it;
- }
- }
- *xData = _xArray;
- *yData = _yArray;
-std::string MatlabLine::GetXName()
- std::ostringstream xString;
- xString << "x_" << _name;
- return xString.str();
-std::string MatlabLine::GetYName()
- std::ostringstream yString;
- yString << "y_" << _name;
- return yString.str();
-std::string MatlabLine::GetPlotString()
- std::ostringstream s;
- if (_xData.size() == 0)
- {
- s << "[0 1], [0 1]"; // To get an empty plot
- }
- else
- {
- s << GetXName() << "(1:" << _xData.size() << "),";
- s << GetYName() << "(1:" << _yData.size() << ")";
- }
- s << ", '";
- s << _plotAttribute;
- s << "'";
- return s.str();
-std::string MatlabLine::GetRefreshString()
- std::ostringstream s;
- if (_xData.size() > 0)
- {
- s << "set(h,'xdata',"<< GetXName() <<"(1:" << _xData.size() << "),'ydata',"<< GetYName() << "(1:" << _yData.size() << "));";
- }
- else
- {
- s << "set(h,'xdata',[NaN],'ydata',[NaN]);";
- }
- return s.str();
-std::string MatlabLine::GetLegendString()
- return ("'" + _name + "'");
-bool MatlabLine::hasLegend()
- return (!_name.empty());
-// remove data points, but keep attributes
-void MatlabLine::Reset()
- _xData.clear();
- _yData.clear();
-void MatlabLine::UpdateTrendLine(MatlabLine * sourceData, double slope, double offset)
- Reset(); // reset data, not attributes and name
- double thexMin = sourceData->xMin();
- double thexMax = sourceData->xMax();
- Append(thexMin, thexMin * slope + offset);
- Append(thexMax, thexMax * slope + offset);
-double MatlabLine::xMin()
- if (!_xData.empty())
- {
- std::list<double>::iterator theStart = _xData.begin();
- std::list<double>::iterator theEnd = _xData.end();
- return(*min_element(theStart, theEnd));
- }
- return (0.0);
-double MatlabLine::xMax()
- if (!_xData.empty())
- {
- std::list<double>::iterator theStart = _xData.begin();
- std::list<double>::iterator theEnd = _xData.end();
- return(*max_element(theStart, theEnd));
- }
- return (0.0);
-double MatlabLine::yMin()
- if (!_yData.empty())
- {
- std::list<double>::iterator theStart = _yData.begin();
- std::list<double>::iterator theEnd = _yData.end();
- return(*min_element(theStart, theEnd));
- }
- return (0.0);
-double MatlabLine::yMax()
- if (!_yData.empty())
- {
- std::list<double>::iterator theStart = _yData.begin();
- std::list<double>::iterator theEnd = _yData.end();
- return(*max_element(theStart, theEnd));
- }
- return (0.0);
-MatlabTimeLine::MatlabTimeLine(int horizonSeconds /*= -1*/, const char *plotAttrib /*= NULL*/,
- const char *name /*= NULL*/,
- int64_t refTimeMs /* = -1*/)
- :
-MatlabLine(-1, plotAttrib, name) // infinite number of elements
- if (refTimeMs < 0)
- _refTimeMs = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
- else
- _refTimeMs = refTimeMs;
-void MatlabTimeLine::Append(double y)
- MatlabLine::Append(static_cast<double>(TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp() - _refTimeMs) / 1000.0, y);
- PurgeOldData();
-void MatlabTimeLine::PurgeOldData()
- if (_timeHorizon > 0)
- {
- // remove old data
- double historyLimit = static_cast<double>(TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp() - _refTimeMs) / 1000.0
- - _timeHorizon; // remove data points older than this
- std::list<double>::reverse_iterator ritx = _xData.rbegin();
- uint32_t removeCount = 0;
- while (ritx != _xData.rend())
- {
- if (*ritx >= historyLimit)
- {
- break;
- }
- ritx++;
- removeCount++;
- }
- if (removeCount == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- // remove the range [begin, it).
- //if (removeCount > 10)
- //{
- // printf("Removing %lu elements\n", removeCount);
- //}
- _xData.resize(_xData.size() - removeCount);
- _yData.resize(_yData.size() - removeCount);
- }
-int64_t MatlabTimeLine::GetRefTime()
- return(_refTimeMs);
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _xlim[0] = 0;
- _xlim[1] = 0;
- _ylim[0] = 0;
- _ylim[1] = 0;
- _plotStartTime = -1;
- _plotDelay = 0;
- _critSect->Enter();
- // delete all line objects
- while (!_line.empty())
- {
- delete *(_line.end() - 1);
- _line.pop_back();
- }
- delete _critSect;
- delete _donePlottingEvent;
-int MatlabPlot::AddLine(int maxLen /*= -1*/, const char *plotAttrib /*= NULL*/, const char *name /*= NULL*/)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- MatlabLine *newLine = new MatlabLine(maxLen, plotAttrib, name);
- _line.push_back(newLine);
- return (static_cast<int>(_line.size() - 1)); // index of newly inserted line
-int MatlabPlot::AddTimeLine(int maxLen /*= -1*/, const char *plotAttrib /*= NULL*/, const char *name /*= NULL*/,
- int64_t refTimeMs /*= -1*/)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- MatlabTimeLine *newLine = new MatlabTimeLine(maxLen, plotAttrib, name, refTimeMs);
- _line.push_back(newLine);
- return (static_cast<int>(_line.size() - 1)); // index of newly inserted line
-int MatlabPlot::GetLineIx(const char *name)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- // search the list for a matching line name
- std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin();
- bool matchFound = false;
- int lineIx = 0;
- for (; it != _line.end(); it++, lineIx++)
- {
- if ((*it)->_name == name)
- {
- matchFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (matchFound)
- {
- return (lineIx);
- }
- else
- {
- return (-1);
- }
-void MatlabPlot::Append(int lineIndex, double x, double y)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return;
- }
- // sanity for index
- if (lineIndex < 0 || lineIndex >= static_cast<int>(_line.size()))
- {
- throw "Line index out of range";
- exit(1);
- }
- return (_line[lineIndex]->Append(x, y));
-void MatlabPlot::Append(int lineIndex, double y)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return;
- }
- // sanity for index
- if (lineIndex < 0 || lineIndex >= static_cast<int>(_line.size()))
- {
- throw "Line index out of range";
- exit(1);
- }
- return (_line[lineIndex]->Append(y));
-int MatlabPlot::Append(const char *name, double x, double y)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- // search the list for a matching line name
- int lineIx = GetLineIx(name);
- if (lineIx < 0) //(!matchFound)
- {
- // no match; append new line
- lineIx = AddLine(-1, NULL, name);
- }
- // append data to line
- Append(lineIx, x, y);
- return (lineIx);
-int MatlabPlot::Append(const char *name, double y)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- // search the list for a matching line name
- int lineIx = GetLineIx(name);
- if (lineIx < 0) //(!matchFound)
- {
- // no match; append new line
- lineIx = AddLine(-1, NULL, name);
- }
- // append data to line
- Append(lineIx, y);
- return (lineIx);
-int MatlabPlot::Length(char *name)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- int ix = GetLineIx(name);
- if (ix >= 0)
- {
- return (static_cast<int>(_line[ix]->_xData.size()));
- }
- else
- {
- return (-1);
- }
-void MatlabPlot::SetPlotAttribute(char *name, char *plotAttrib)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return;
- }
- int lineIx = GetLineIx(name);
- if (lineIx >= 0)
- {
- _line[lineIx]->SetAttribute(plotAttrib);
- }
-// Must be called under critical section _critSect
-void MatlabPlot::UpdateData(Engine* ep)
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return;
- }
- for (std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin(); it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- mxArray* xData = NULL;
- mxArray* yData = NULL;
- (*it)->GetPlotData(&xData, &yData);
- if (xData != NULL)
- {
- std::string xName = (*it)->GetXName();
- std::string yName = (*it)->GetYName();
- _critSect->Leave();
-#ifdef MATLAB6
- mxSetName(xData, xName.c_str());
- mxSetName(yData, yName.c_str());
- engPutArray(ep, xData);
- engPutArray(ep, yData);
- int ret = engPutVariable(ep, xName.c_str(), xData);
- assert(ret == 0);
- ret = engPutVariable(ep, yName.c_str(), yData);
- assert(ret == 0);
- _critSect->Enter();
- }
- }
-bool MatlabPlot::GetPlotCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd, Engine* ep)
- _critSect->Enter();
- if (!DataAvailable())
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (_firstPlot)
- {
- GetPlotCmd(cmd);
- _firstPlot = false;
- }
- else
- {
- GetRefreshCmd(cmd);
- }
- UpdateData(ep);
- _critSect->Leave();
- return true;
-// Call inside critsect
-void MatlabPlot::GetPlotCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd)
- // we have something to plot
- // empty the stream
- cmd.str(""); // (this seems to be the only way)
- cmd << "figure; h" << _figHandle << "= plot(";
- // first line
- std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin();
- cmd << (*it)->GetPlotString();
- it++;
- // remaining lines
- for (; it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- cmd << ", ";
- cmd << (*it)->GetPlotString();
- }
- cmd << "); ";
- if (_legendEnabled)
- {
- GetLegendCmd(cmd);
- }
- if (_smartAxis)
- {
- double xMin = _xlim[0];
- double xMax = _xlim[1];
- double yMax = _ylim[1];
- for (std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin(); it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- xMax = std::max(xMax, (*it)->xMax());
- xMin = std::min(xMin, (*it)->xMin());
- yMax = std::max(yMax, (*it)->yMax());
- yMax = std::max(yMax, fabs((*it)->yMin()));
- }
- _xlim[0] = xMin;
- _xlim[1] = xMax;
- _ylim[0] = -yMax;
- _ylim[1] = yMax;
- cmd << "axis([" << _xlim[0] << ", " << _xlim[1] << ", " << _ylim[0] << ", " << _ylim[1] << "]);";
- }
- int i=1;
- for (it = _line.begin(); it != _line.end(); i++, it++)
- {
- cmd << "set(h" << _figHandle << "(" << i << "), 'Tag', " << (*it)->GetLegendString() << ");";
- }
-// Call inside critsect
-void MatlabPlot::GetRefreshCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd)
- cmd.str(""); // (this seems to be the only way)
- std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin();
- for (it = _line.begin(); it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- cmd << "h = findobj(0, 'Tag', " << (*it)->GetLegendString() << ");";
- cmd << (*it)->GetRefreshString();
- }
- //if (_legendEnabled)
- //{
- // GetLegendCmd(cmd);
- //}
-void MatlabPlot::GetLegendCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd)
- std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin();
- bool anyLegend = false;
- for (; it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- anyLegend = anyLegend || (*it)->hasLegend();
- }
- if (anyLegend)
- {
- // create the legend
- cmd << "legend(h" << _figHandle << ",{";
- // iterate lines
- int i = 0;
- for (std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin(); it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- if (i > 0)
- {
- cmd << ", ";
- }
- cmd << (*it)->GetLegendString();
- i++;
- }
- cmd << "}, 2); "; // place legend in upper-left corner
- }
-// Call inside critsect
-bool MatlabPlot::DataAvailable()
- if (!_enabled)
- {
- return false;
- }
- for (std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin(); it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- (*it)->PurgeOldData();
- }
- return true;
-void MatlabPlot::Plot()
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _timeToPlot = true;
- _plotStartTime = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
-void MatlabPlot::Reset()
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _enabled = true;
- for (std::vector<MatlabLine*>::iterator it = _line.begin(); it != _line.end(); it++)
- {
- (*it)->Reset();
- }
-void MatlabPlot::SetFigHandle(int handle)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (handle > 0)
- _figHandle = handle;
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- return _enabled && _timeToPlot;
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _plotting = true;
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _timeToPlot = false;
- _plotting = false;
- _donePlottingEvent->Set();
- _critSect->Enter();
- while (_plotting)
- {
- _critSect->Leave();
- _donePlottingEvent->Wait(WEBRTC_EVENT_INFINITE);
- _critSect->Enter();
- }
- _enabled = false;
-int MatlabPlot::MakeTrend(const char *sourceName, const char *trendName, double slope, double offset, const char *plotAttrib)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- int sourceIx;
- int trendIx;
- sourceIx = GetLineIx(sourceName);
- if (sourceIx < 0)
- {
- // could not find source
- return (-1);
- }
- trendIx = GetLineIx(trendName);
- if (trendIx < 0)
- {
- // no trend found; add new line
- trendIx = AddLine(2 /*maxLen*/, plotAttrib, trendName);
- }
- _line[trendIx]->UpdateTrendLine(_line[sourceIx], slope, offset);
- return (trendIx);
- _eventPtr = EventWrapper::Create();
- _plotThread = ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(MatlabEngine::PlotThread, this,
- kLowPriority, "MatlabPlot");
- _running = true;
- _plotThread->Start();
- _critSect->Enter();
- if (_plotThread)
- {
- _running = false;
- _eventPtr->Set();
- _plotThread->Stop();
- }
- _plots.clear();
- delete _eventPtr;
- _eventPtr = NULL;
- _critSect->Leave();
- delete _critSect;
-MatlabPlot * MatlabEngine::NewPlot(MatlabPlot *newPlot)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- //MatlabPlot *newPlot = new MatlabPlot();
- if (newPlot)
- {
- newPlot->SetFigHandle(++_numPlots); // first plot is number 1
- _plots.push_back(newPlot);
- }
- return (newPlot);
-void MatlabEngine::DeletePlot(MatlabPlot *plot)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (plot == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- std::vector<MatlabPlot *>::iterator it;
- for (it = _plots.begin(); it < _plots.end(); it++)
- {
- if (plot == *it)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- assert (plot == *it);
- (*it)->DisablePlot();
- _plots.erase(it);
- --_numPlots;
- delete plot;
-bool MatlabEngine::PlotThread(void *obj)
- if (!obj)
- {
- return (false);
- }
- MatlabEngine *eng = (MatlabEngine *) obj;
- Engine *ep = engOpen(NULL);
- if (!ep)
- {
- throw "Cannot open Matlab engine";
- return (false);
- }
- engSetVisible(ep, true);
- engEvalString(ep, "close all;");
- while (eng->_running)
- {
- eng->_critSect->Enter();
- // iterate through all plots
- for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < eng->_plots.size(); ix++)
- {
- MatlabPlot *plot = eng->_plots[ix];
- if (plot->TimeToPlot())
- {
- plot->Plotting();
- eng->_critSect->Leave();
- std::ostringstream cmd;
- if (engEvalString(ep, cmd.str().c_str()))
- {
- // engine dead
- return (false);
- }
- // empty the stream
- cmd.str(""); // (this seems to be the only way)
- if (plot->GetPlotCmd(cmd, ep))
- {
- // things to plot, we have already accessed what we need in the plot
- plot->DonePlotting();
- int64_t start = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
- // plot it
- int ret = engEvalString(ep, cmd.str().c_str());
- printf("time=%I64i\n", TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp() - start);
- if (ret)
- {
- // engine dead
- return (false);
- }
- if(plot->_plotStartTime >= 0)
- {
- plot->_plotDelay = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp() - plot->_plotStartTime;
- plot->_plotStartTime = -1;
- }
- }
- eng->_critSect->Enter();
- }
- }
- eng->_critSect->Leave();
- // wait a while
- eng->_eventPtr->Wait(66); // 33 ms
- }
- if (ep)
- {
- engClose(ep);
- ep = NULL;
- }
- return (true);
-#endif // MATLAB
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.h b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed89f8f91..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/thread_wrapper.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-class CriticalSectionWrapper;
-class EventWrapper;
-//#define PLOT_TESTING
-#ifdef MATLAB
-typedef struct engine Engine;
-typedef struct mxArray_tag mxArray;
-class MatlabLine
- friend class MatlabPlot;
- MatlabLine(int maxLen = -1, const char *plotAttrib = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
- ~MatlabLine();
- virtual void Append(double x, double y);
- virtual void Append(double y);
- void SetMaxLen(int maxLen);
- void SetAttribute(char *plotAttrib);
- void SetName(char *name);
- void Reset();
- virtual void PurgeOldData() {};
- void UpdateTrendLine(MatlabLine * sourceData, double slope, double offset);
- double xMin();
- double xMax();
- double yMin();
- double yMax();
- void GetPlotData(mxArray** xData, mxArray** yData);
- std::string GetXName();
- std::string GetYName();
- std::string GetPlotString();
- std::string GetRefreshString();
- std::string GetLegendString();
- bool hasLegend();
- std::list<double> _xData;
- std::list<double> _yData;
- mxArray* _xArray;
- mxArray* _yArray;
- int _maxLen;
- std::string _plotAttribute;
- std::string _name;
-class MatlabTimeLine : public MatlabLine
- MatlabTimeLine(int horizonSeconds = -1, const char *plotAttrib = NULL, const char *name = NULL,
- int64_t refTimeMs = -1);
- ~MatlabTimeLine() {};
- void Append(double y);
- void PurgeOldData();
- int64_t GetRefTime();
- int64_t _refTimeMs;
- int _timeHorizon;
-class MatlabPlot
- friend class MatlabEngine;
- MatlabPlot();
- ~MatlabPlot();
- int AddLine(int maxLen = -1, const char *plotAttrib = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
- int AddTimeLine(int maxLen = -1, const char *plotAttrib = NULL, const char *name = NULL,
- int64_t refTimeMs = -1);
- int GetLineIx(const char *name);
- void Append(int lineIndex, double x, double y);
- void Append(int lineIndex, double y);
- int Append(const char *name, double x, double y);
- int Append(const char *name, double y);
- int Length(char *name);
- void SetPlotAttribute(char *name, char *plotAttrib);
- void Plot();
- void Reset();
- void SmartAxis(bool status = true) { _smartAxis = status; };
- void SetFigHandle(int handle);
- void EnableLegend(bool enable) { _legendEnabled = enable; };
- bool TimeToPlot();
- void Plotting();
- void DonePlotting();
- void DisablePlot();
- int MakeTrend(const char *sourceName, const char *trendName, double slope, double offset, const char *plotAttrib = NULL);
- int64_t _plotStartTime;
- int64_t _plotDelay;
- void UpdateData(Engine* ep);
- bool GetPlotCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd, Engine* ep);
- void GetPlotCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd); // call inside crit sect
- void GetRefreshCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd); // call inside crit sect
- void GetLegendCmd(std::ostringstream & cmd);
- bool DataAvailable();
- std::vector<MatlabLine *> _line;
- int _figHandle;
- bool _smartAxis;
- double _xlim[2];
- double _ylim[2];
- webrtc::CriticalSectionWrapper *_critSect;
- bool _timeToPlot;
- bool _plotting;
- bool _enabled;
- bool _firstPlot;
- bool _legendEnabled;
- webrtc::EventWrapper* _donePlottingEvent;
-class MatlabEngine
- MatlabEngine();
- ~MatlabEngine();
- MatlabPlot * NewPlot(MatlabPlot *newPlot);
- void DeletePlot(MatlabPlot *plot);
- static bool PlotThread(void *obj);
- std::vector<MatlabPlot *> _plots;
- webrtc::CriticalSectionWrapper *_critSect;
- webrtc::EventWrapper *_eventPtr;
- rtc::scoped_ptr<webrtc::ThreadWrapper> _plotThread;
- bool _running;
- int _numPlots;
-#endif //MATLAB
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e3e87976c..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/event_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
-bool SenderThreadFunction(void *obj)
- if (obj == NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- TestLoadGenerator *_genObj = static_cast<TestLoadGenerator *>(obj);
- return _genObj->GeneratorLoop();
-TestLoadGenerator::TestLoadGenerator(TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t rtpSampleRate)
-TestLoadGenerator::~TestLoadGenerator ()
- if (_running)
- {
- Stop();
- }
- delete _critSect;
-int32_t TestLoadGenerator::SetBitrate (int32_t newBitrateKbps)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- if (newBitrateKbps < 0)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- _bitrateKbps = newBitrateKbps;
- printf("New bitrate = %i kbps\n", _bitrateKbps);
- return _bitrateKbps;
-int32_t TestLoadGenerator::Start (const char *threadName)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _eventPtr = EventWrapper::Create();
- _genThread = ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(SenderThreadFunction, this,
- threadName);
- _running = true;
- _genThread->Start();
- _genThread->SetPriority(kRealtimePriority);
- return 0;
-int32_t TestLoadGenerator::Stop ()
- _critSect.Enter();
- if (_genThread)
- {
- _running = false;
- _eventPtr->Set();
- _genThread->Stop();
- _genThread.reset();
- delete _eventPtr;
- _eventPtr = NULL;
- }
- _critSect.Leave();
- return (0);
-int TestLoadGenerator::generatePayload ()
- return(generatePayload( static_cast<uint32_t>( TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp() * _rtpSampleRate / 1000 )));
-int TestLoadGenerator::sendPayload (const uint32_t timeStamp,
- const uint8_t* payloadData,
- const size_t payloadSize,
- const webrtc::FrameType frameType /*= webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta*/)
- return (_sender->SendOutgoingData(timeStamp, payloadData, payloadSize, frameType));
-CBRGenerator::CBRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender,
- size_t payloadSizeBytes,
- int32_t bitrateKbps,
- int32_t rtpSampleRate)
-_payload(new uint8_t[payloadSizeBytes]),
-TestLoadGenerator(sender, rtpSampleRate)
- SetBitrate (bitrateKbps);
-CBRGenerator::~CBRGenerator ()
- if (_running)
- {
- Stop();
- }
- if (_payload)
- {
- delete [] _payload;
- }
-bool CBRGenerator::GeneratorLoop ()
- double periodMs;
- int64_t nextSendTime = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
- // no critSect
- while (_running)
- {
- // send data (critSect inside)
- generatePayload( static_cast<uint32_t>(nextSendTime * _rtpSampleRate / 1000) );
- // calculate wait time
- periodMs = 8.0 * _payloadSizeBytes / ( _bitrateKbps );
- nextSendTime = static_cast<int64_t>(nextSendTime + periodMs);
- int32_t waitTime = static_cast<int32_t>(nextSendTime - TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp());
- if (waitTime < 0)
- {
- waitTime = 0;
- }
- // wait
- _eventPtr->Wait(static_cast<int32_t>(waitTime));
- }
- return true;
-int CBRGenerator::generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp )
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- //uint8_t *payload = new uint8_t[_payloadSizeBytes];
- int ret = sendPayload(timestamp, _payload, _payloadSizeBytes);
- //delete [] payload;
- return ret;
-CBRFixFRGenerator::CBRFixFRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps,
- int32_t rtpSampleRate, int32_t frameRateFps /*= 30*/,
- double spread /*= 0.0*/)
-TestLoadGenerator(sender, rtpSampleRate)
- SetBitrate (bitrateKbps);
-CBRFixFRGenerator::~CBRFixFRGenerator ()
- if (_running)
- {
- Stop();
- }
- if (_payload)
- {
- delete [] _payload;
- _payloadAllocLen = 0;
- }
-bool CBRFixFRGenerator::GeneratorLoop ()
- double periodMs;
- int64_t nextSendTime = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
- _critSect.Enter();
- if (_frameRateFps <= 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- _critSect.Leave();
- // no critSect
- while (_running)
- {
- _critSect.Enter();
- // calculate payload size
- _payloadSizeBytes = nextPayloadSize();
- if (_payloadSizeBytes > 0)
- {
- if (_payloadAllocLen < _payloadSizeBytes * (1 + _spreadFactor))
- {
- // re-allocate _payload
- if (_payload)
- {
- delete [] _payload;
- _payload = NULL;
- }
- _payloadAllocLen = static_cast<int32_t>((_payloadSizeBytes * (1 + _spreadFactor) * 3) / 2 + .5); // 50% extra to avoid frequent re-alloc
- _payload = new uint8_t[_payloadAllocLen];
- }
- // send data (critSect inside)
- generatePayload( static_cast<uint32_t>(nextSendTime * _rtpSampleRate / 1000) );
- }
- _critSect.Leave();
- // calculate wait time
- periodMs = 1000.0 / _frameRateFps;
- nextSendTime = static_cast<int64_t>(nextSendTime + periodMs + 0.5);
- int32_t waitTime = static_cast<int32_t>(nextSendTime - TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp());
- if (waitTime < 0)
- {
- waitTime = 0;
- }
- // wait
- _eventPtr->Wait(waitTime);
- }
- return true;
-size_t CBRFixFRGenerator::nextPayloadSize()
- const double periodMs = 1000.0 / _frameRateFps;
- return static_cast<size_t>(_bitrateKbps * periodMs / 8 + 0.5);
-int CBRFixFRGenerator::generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp )
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- double factor = ((double) rand() - RAND_MAX/2) / RAND_MAX; // [-0.5; 0.5]
- factor = 1 + 2 * _spreadFactor * factor; // [1 - _spreadFactor ; 1 + _spreadFactor]
- size_t thisPayloadBytes = static_cast<size_t>(_payloadSizeBytes * factor);
- // sanity
- if (thisPayloadBytes > _payloadAllocLen)
- {
- thisPayloadBytes = _payloadAllocLen;
- }
- int ret = sendPayload(timestamp, _payload, thisPayloadBytes);
- return ret;
-PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator::PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps,
- int32_t rtpSampleRate, int32_t frameRateFps /*= 30*/,
- double spread /*= 0.0*/, double keyFactor /*= 4.0*/, uint32_t keyPeriod /*= 300*/)
-CBRFixFRGenerator(sender, bitrateKbps, rtpSampleRate, frameRateFps, spread)
-size_t PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator::nextPayloadSize()
- // calculate payload size for a delta frame
- size_t payloadSizeBytes = static_cast<size_t>(1000 * _bitrateKbps /
- (8.0 * _frameRateFps * (1.0 + (_keyFactor - 1.0) / _keyPeriod)) + 0.5);
- if (_frameCount % _keyPeriod == 0)
- {
- // this is a key frame, scale the payload size
- payloadSizeBytes =
- static_cast<size_t>(_keyFactor * _payloadSizeBytes + 0.5);
- }
- _frameCount++;
- return payloadSizeBytes;
-CBRVarFRGenerator::CBRVarFRGenerator(TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps, const uint8_t* frameRates,
- uint16_t numFrameRates, int32_t rtpSampleRate, double avgFrPeriodMs,
- double frSpreadFactor, double spreadFactor)
-_frChangeTimeMs(TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp() + _avgFrPeriodMs),
-CBRFixFRGenerator(sender, bitrateKbps, rtpSampleRate, frameRates[0], spreadFactor)
- _frameRates = new uint8_t[_numFrameRates];
- memcpy(_frameRates, frameRates, _numFrameRates);
- delete [] _frameRates;
-void CBRVarFRGenerator::ChangeFrameRate()
- const int64_t nowMs = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
- if (nowMs < _frChangeTimeMs)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Time to change frame rate
- uint16_t frIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX
- * (_numFrameRates - 1) + 0.5) ;
- assert(frIndex < _numFrameRates);
- _frameRateFps = _frameRates[frIndex];
- // Update the next frame rate change time
- double factor = ((double) rand() - RAND_MAX/2) / RAND_MAX; // [-0.5; 0.5]
- factor = 1 + 2 * _frSpreadFactor * factor; // [1 - _frSpreadFactor ; 1 + _frSpreadFactor]
- _frChangeTimeMs = nowMs + static_cast<int64_t>(1000.0 * factor *
- _avgFrPeriodMs + 0.5);
- printf("New frame rate: %d\n", _frameRateFps);
-size_t CBRVarFRGenerator::nextPayloadSize()
- ChangeFrameRate();
- return CBRFixFRGenerator::nextPayloadSize();
-CBRFrameDropGenerator::CBRFrameDropGenerator(TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps,
- int32_t rtpSampleRate, double spreadFactor)
-CBRFixFRGenerator(sender, bitrateKbps, rtpSampleRate, 30, spreadFactor)
-size_t CBRFrameDropGenerator::nextPayloadSize()
- _accBits -= 1000 * _bitrateKbps / _frameRateFps;
- if (_accBits < 0)
- {
- _accBits = 0;
- }
- if (_accBits > 0.3 * _bitrateKbps * 1000)
- {
- //printf("drop\n");
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- //printf("keep\n");
- const double periodMs = 1000.0 / _frameRateFps;
- size_t frameSize =
- static_cast<size_t>(_bitrateKbps * periodMs / 8 + 0.5);
- frameSize =
- std::max(frameSize, static_cast<size_t>(300 * periodMs / 8 + 0.5));
- _accBits += frameSize * 8;
- return frameSize;
- }
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.h b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bd83962fa3..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/thread_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
-class TestSenderReceiver;
-namespace webrtc {
-class CriticalSectionWrapper;
-class EventWrapper;
-class TestLoadGenerator
- TestLoadGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000);
- virtual ~TestLoadGenerator ();
- int32_t SetBitrate (int32_t newBitrateKbps);
- virtual int32_t Start (const char *threadName = NULL);
- virtual int32_t Stop ();
- virtual bool GeneratorLoop () = 0;
- virtual int generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp ) = 0;
- int generatePayload ();
- int sendPayload (const uint32_t timeStamp,
- const uint8_t* payloadData,
- const size_t payloadSize,
- const webrtc::FrameType frameType = webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta);
- webrtc::CriticalSectionWrapper* _critSect;
- webrtc::EventWrapper *_eventPtr;
- rtc::scoped_ptr<webrtc::ThreadWrapper> _genThread;
- int32_t _bitrateKbps;
- TestSenderReceiver *_sender;
- bool _running;
- int32_t _rtpSampleRate;
-class CBRGenerator : public TestLoadGenerator
- CBRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender,
- size_t payloadSizeBytes,
- int32_t bitrateKbps,
- int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000);
- virtual ~CBRGenerator ();
- virtual int32_t Start () {return (TestLoadGenerator::Start("CBRGenerator"));};
- virtual bool GeneratorLoop ();
- virtual int generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp );
- size_t _payloadSizeBytes;
- uint8_t *_payload;
-class CBRFixFRGenerator : public TestLoadGenerator // constant bitrate and fixed frame rate
- CBRFixFRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000,
- int32_t frameRateFps = 30, double spread = 0.0);
- virtual ~CBRFixFRGenerator ();
- virtual int32_t Start () {return (TestLoadGenerator::Start("CBRFixFRGenerator"));};
- virtual bool GeneratorLoop ();
- virtual size_t nextPayloadSize ();
- virtual int generatePayload ( uint32_t timestamp );
- size_t _payloadSizeBytes;
- uint8_t *_payload;
- size_t _payloadAllocLen;
- int32_t _frameRateFps;
- double _spreadFactor;
-class PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator : public CBRFixFRGenerator // constant bitrate and fixed frame rate with periodically large frames
- PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator (TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000,
- int32_t frameRateFps = 30, double spread = 0.0, double keyFactor = 4.0, uint32_t keyPeriod = 300);
- virtual ~PeriodicKeyFixFRGenerator () {}
- virtual size_t nextPayloadSize ();
- double _keyFactor;
- uint32_t _keyPeriod;
- uint32_t _frameCount;
-// Probably better to inherit CBRFixFRGenerator from CBRVarFRGenerator, but since
-// the fix FR version already existed this was easier.
-class CBRVarFRGenerator : public CBRFixFRGenerator // constant bitrate and variable frame rate
- CBRVarFRGenerator(TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps, const uint8_t* frameRates,
- uint16_t numFrameRates, int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000, double avgFrPeriodMs = 5.0,
- double frSpreadFactor = 0.05, double spreadFactor = 0.0);
- ~CBRVarFRGenerator();
- virtual void ChangeFrameRate();
- virtual size_t nextPayloadSize ();
- double _avgFrPeriodMs;
- double _frSpreadFactor;
- uint8_t* _frameRates;
- uint16_t _numFrameRates;
- int64_t _frChangeTimeMs;
-class CBRFrameDropGenerator : public CBRFixFRGenerator // constant bitrate and variable frame rate
- CBRFrameDropGenerator(TestSenderReceiver *sender, int32_t bitrateKbps,
- int32_t rtpSampleRate = 90000, double spreadFactor = 0.0);
- ~CBRFrameDropGenerator();
- virtual size_t nextPayloadSize();
- double _accBits;
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f2880638..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/event_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
-#include "webrtc/test/channel_transport/udp_transport.h"
-bool ProcThreadFunction(void *obj)
- if (obj == NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- TestSenderReceiver *theObj = static_cast<TestSenderReceiver *>(obj);
- return theObj->ProcLoop();
-TestSenderReceiver::TestSenderReceiver (void)
- // RTP/RTCP module
- _rtp = RtpRtcp::CreateRtpRtcp(0, false);
- if (!_rtp)
- {
- throw "Could not create RTP/RTCP module";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->InitReceiver() != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->InitReceiver()";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->InitSender() != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->InitSender()";
- exit(1);
- }
- // SocketTransport module
- uint8_t numberOfThreads = 1;
- _transport = UdpTransport::Create(0, numberOfThreads);
- if (!_transport)
- {
- throw "Could not create transport module";
- exit(1);
- }
-TestSenderReceiver::~TestSenderReceiver (void)
- Stop(); // N.B. without critSect
- _critSect->Enter();
- if (_rtp)
- {
- RtpRtcp::DestroyRtpRtcp(_rtp);
- _rtp = NULL;
- }
- if (_transport)
- {
- UdpTransport::Destroy(_transport);
- _transport = NULL;
- }
- delete _critSect;
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::InitReceiver (const uint16_t rtpPort,
- const uint16_t rtcpPort,
- const int8_t payloadType /*= 127*/)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- // init transport
- if (_transport->InitializeReceiveSockets(this, rtpPort/*, 0, NULL, 0, true*/) != 0)
- {
- throw "_transport->InitializeReceiveSockets";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->RegisterIncomingRTPCallback(this) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->RegisterIncomingRTPCallback";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->RegisterIncomingDataCallback(this) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->RegisterIncomingRTPCallback";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->SetRTCPStatus(RtcpMode::kReducedSize) != 0) {
- throw "_rtp->SetRTCPStatus";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->SetTMMBRStatus(true) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->SetTMMBRStatus";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->RegisterReceivePayload("I420", payloadType, 90000) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->RegisterReceivePayload";
- exit(1);
- }
- _isReceiver = true;
- return (0);
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::Start()
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _eventPtr = EventWrapper::Create();
- if (_rtp->SetSendingStatus(true) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->SetSendingStatus";
- exit(1);
- }
- _procThread = ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(ProcThreadFunction, this,
- "TestSenderReceiver");
- _running = true;
- if (_isReceiver)
- {
- if (_transport->StartReceiving(NR_OF_SOCKET_BUFFERS) != 0)
- {
- throw "_transport->StartReceiving";
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- _procThread->Start();
- _procThread->SetPriority(kRealtimePriority);
- return 0;
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::Stop ()
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _transport->StopReceiving();
- if (_procThread)
- {
- _running = false;
- _eventPtr->Set();
- _procThread->Stop();
- _procThread.reset();
- delete _eventPtr;
- }
- return (0);
-bool TestSenderReceiver::ProcLoop(void)
- // process RTP/RTCP module
- _rtp->Process();
- // process SocketTransport module
- _transport->Process();
- // no critSect
- while (_running)
- {
- // ask RTP/RTCP module for wait time
- int32_t rtpWait = _rtp->TimeUntilNextProcess();
- // ask SocketTransport module for wait time
- int32_t tpWait = _transport->TimeUntilNextProcess();
- int32_t minWait = (rtpWait < tpWait) ? rtpWait: tpWait;
- minWait = (minWait > 0) ? minWait : 0;
- // wait
- _eventPtr->Wait(minWait);
- // process RTP/RTCP module
- _rtp->Process();
- // process SocketTransport module
- _transport->Process();
- }
- return true;
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::ReceiveBitrateKbps ()
- size_t bytesSent;
- uint32_t packetsSent;
- size_t bytesReceived;
- uint32_t packetsReceived;
- if (_rtp->DataCountersRTP(&bytesSent, &packetsSent, &bytesReceived, &packetsReceived) == 0)
- {
- int64_t now = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
- int32_t kbps = 0;
- if (now > _lastTime)
- {
- if (_lastTime > 0)
- {
- // 8 * bytes / ms = kbps
- kbps = static_cast<int32_t>(
- (8 * (bytesReceived - _lastBytesReceived)) / (now - _lastTime));
- }
- _lastTime = now;
- _lastBytesReceived = bytesReceived;
- }
- return (kbps);
- }
- return (-1);
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::SetPacketTimeout(const uint32_t timeoutMS)
- return (_rtp->SetPacketTimeout(timeoutMS, 0 /* RTCP timeout */));
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::OnReceivedPayloadData(const uint8_t* payloadData,
- const size_t payloadSize,
- const webrtc::WebRtcRTPHeader* rtpHeader)
- //printf("OnReceivedPayloadData\n");
- return (0);
-void TestSenderReceiver::IncomingRTPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtpPacket,
- const size_t rtpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort)
- _rtp->IncomingPacket((uint8_t *) incomingRtpPacket, rtpPacketLength);
-void TestSenderReceiver::IncomingRTCPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtcpPacket,
- const size_t rtcpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort)
- _rtp->IncomingPacket((uint8_t *) incomingRtcpPacket, rtcpPacketLength);
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::InitSender (const uint32_t startBitrateKbps,
- const int8_t* ipAddr,
- const uint16_t rtpPort,
- const uint16_t rtcpPort /*= 0*/,
- const int8_t payloadType /*= 127*/)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _payloadType = payloadType;
- // check load generator valid
- if (_loadGenerator)
- {
- _loadGenerator->SetBitrate(startBitrateKbps);
- }
- if (_rtp->RegisterSendTransport(_transport) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->RegisterSendTransport";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->RegisterSendPayload("I420", _payloadType, 90000) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->RegisterSendPayload";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->RegisterIncomingVideoCallback(this) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->RegisterIncomingVideoCallback";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->SetRTCPStatus(RtcpMode::kReducedSize) != 0) {
- throw "_rtp->SetRTCPStatus";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (_rtp->SetSendBitrate(startBitrateKbps*1000, 0, MAX_BITRATE_KBPS) != 0)
- {
- throw "_rtp->SetSendBitrate";
- exit(1);
- }
- // SocketTransport
- if (_transport->InitializeSendSockets(ipAddr, rtpPort, rtcpPort))
- {
- throw "_transport->InitializeSendSockets";
- exit(1);
- }
- _isSender = true;
- return (0);
-TestSenderReceiver::SendOutgoingData(const uint32_t timeStamp,
- const uint8_t* payloadData,
- const size_t payloadSize,
- const webrtc::FrameType frameType /*= webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta*/)
- return (_rtp->SendOutgoingData(frameType, _payloadType, timeStamp, payloadData, payloadSize));
-int32_t TestSenderReceiver::SetLoadGenerator(TestLoadGenerator *generator)
- CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
- _loadGenerator = generator;
- return(0);
-void TestSenderReceiver::OnNetworkChanged(const int32_t id,
- const uint32_t minBitrateBps,
- const uint32_t maxBitrateBps,
- const uint8_t fractionLost,
- const uint16_t roundTripTimeMs,
- const uint16_t bwEstimateKbitMin,
- const uint16_t bwEstimateKbitMax)
- if (_loadGenerator)
- {
- _loadGenerator->SetBitrate(maxBitrateBps/1000);
- }
- if (_sendRecCB)
- {
- _sendRecCB->OnOnNetworkChanged(maxBitrateBps,
- fractionLost,
- roundTripTimeMs,
- bwEstimateKbitMin,
- bwEstimateKbitMax);
- }
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.h b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f394412a73..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/thread_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/test/channel_transport/udp_transport.h"
-#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
-class TestLoadGenerator;
-namespace webrtc {
-class CriticalSectionWrapper;
-class EventWrapper;
-using namespace webrtc;
-#define MAX_BITRATE_KBPS 50000
-class SendRecCB
- virtual void OnOnNetworkChanged(const uint32_t bitrateTarget,
- const uint8_t fractionLost,
- const uint16_t roundTripTimeMs,
- const uint16_t bwEstimateKbitMin,
- const uint16_t bwEstimateKbitMax) = 0;
- virtual ~SendRecCB() {};
-class TestSenderReceiver : public RtpFeedback, public RtpData, public UdpTransportData, public RtpVideoFeedback
- TestSenderReceiver (void);
- ~TestSenderReceiver (void);
- void SetCallback (SendRecCB *cb) { _sendRecCB = cb; };
- int32_t Start();
- int32_t Stop();
- bool ProcLoop();
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Receiver methods
- int32_t InitReceiver (const uint16_t rtpPort,
- const uint16_t rtcpPort = 0,
- const int8_t payloadType = 127);
- int32_t ReceiveBitrateKbps ();
- int32_t SetPacketTimeout(const uint32_t timeoutMS);
- // Inherited from RtpFeedback
- int32_t OnInitializeDecoder(const int32_t id,
- const int8_t payloadType,
- const int8_t payloadName[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
- const uint32_t frequency,
- const uint8_t channels,
- const uint32_t rate) override {
- return 0;
- }
- void OnIncomingSSRCChanged(const int32_t id, const uint32_t SSRC) override {
- }
- void OnIncomingCSRCChanged(const int32_t id,
- const uint32_t CSRC,
- const bool added) override {}
- // Inherited from RtpData
- int32_t OnReceivedPayloadData(
- const uint8_t* payloadData,
- const size_t payloadSize,
- const webrtc::WebRtcRTPHeader* rtpHeader) override;
- // Inherited from UdpTransportData
- void IncomingRTPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtpPacket,
- const size_t rtpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort) override;
- void IncomingRTCPPacket(const int8_t* incomingRtcpPacket,
- const size_t rtcpPacketLength,
- const int8_t* fromIP,
- const uint16_t fromPort) override;
- /////////////////////////////////
- // Sender methods
- int32_t InitSender (const uint32_t startBitrateKbps,
- const int8_t* ipAddr,
- const uint16_t rtpPort,
- const uint16_t rtcpPort = 0,
- const int8_t payloadType = 127);
- int32_t SendOutgoingData(const uint32_t timeStamp,
- const uint8_t* payloadData,
- const size_t payloadSize,
- const webrtc::FrameType frameType = webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta);
- int32_t SetLoadGenerator(TestLoadGenerator *generator);
- uint32_t BitrateSent() { return (_rtp->BitrateSent()); };
- // Inherited from RtpVideoFeedback
- virtual void OnReceivedIntraFrameRequest(const int32_t id,
- const uint8_t message = 0) {};
- virtual void OnNetworkChanged(const int32_t id,
- const uint32_t minBitrateBps,
- const uint32_t maxBitrateBps,
- const uint8_t fractionLost,
- const uint16_t roundTripTimeMs,
- const uint16_t bwEstimateKbitMin,
- const uint16_t bwEstimateKbitMax);
- RtpRtcp* _rtp;
- UdpTransport* _transport;
- webrtc::CriticalSectionWrapper* _critSect;
- webrtc::EventWrapper *_eventPtr;
- rtc::scoped_ptr<webrtc::ThreadWrapper> _procThread;
- bool _running;
- int8_t _payloadType;
- TestLoadGenerator* _loadGenerator;
- bool _isSender;
- bool _isReceiver;
- SendRecCB * _sendRecCB;
- size_t _lastBytesReceived;
- int64_t _lastTime;
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/bwe_standalone.gypi b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/bwe_standalone.gypi
deleted file mode 100644
index e45daec77d..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/bwe_standalone.gypi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
-# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- 'targets': [
- {
- 'target_name': 'bwe_standalone',
- 'type': 'executable',
- 'dependencies': [
- 'matlab_plotting',
- 'rtp_rtcp',
- 'udp_transport',
- '<(webrtc_root)/system_wrappers/system_wrappers.gyp:system_wrappers',
- ],
- 'sources': [
- 'BWEStandAlone/BWEStandAlone.cc',
- 'BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.cc',
- 'BWEStandAlone/TestLoadGenerator.h',
- 'BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.cc',
- 'BWEStandAlone/TestSenderReceiver.h',
- ], # source
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="linux"', {
- 'cflags': [
- '-fexceptions', # enable exceptions
- ],
- },
- ],
- ],
- },
- {
- 'target_name': 'matlab_plotting',
- 'type': 'static_library',
- 'dependencies': [
- 'matlab_plotting_include',
- '<(webrtc_root)/system_wrappers/system_wrappers.gyp:system_wrappers',
- ],
- 'include_dirs': [
- '/opt/matlab2010a/extern/include',
- ],
- 'export_dependent_settings': [
- 'matlab_plotting_include',
- ],
- 'sources': [
- 'BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.cc',
- 'BWEStandAlone/MatlabPlot.h',
- ],
- 'link_settings': {
- 'ldflags' : [
- '-L/opt/matlab2010a/bin/glnxa64',
- '-leng',
- '-lmx',
- '-Wl,-rpath,/opt/matlab2010a/bin/glnxa64',
- ],
- },
- 'defines': [
- ],
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="linux"', {
- 'cflags': [
- '-fexceptions', # enable exceptions
- ],
- },
- ],
- ],
- },
- {
- 'target_name': 'matlab_plotting_include',
- 'type': 'none',
- 'direct_dependent_settings': {
- 'include_dirs': [
- 'BWEStandAlone',
- ],
- },
- },
- ],
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.cc
index 0270e55802..1d4d6d04a5 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.cc
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.cc
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h"
-#include "webrtc/test/null_transport.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
-using namespace webrtc;
+#include "webrtc/test/null_transport.h"
namespace webrtc {
void LoopBackTransport::SetSendModule(RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp_module,
RTPPayloadRegistry* payload_registry,
RtpReceiver* receiver,
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ int32_t TestRtpReceiver::OnReceivedPayloadData(
payload_size_ = payload_size;
return 0;
-} // namespace webrtc
class RtpRtcpAPITest : public ::testing::Test {
@@ -187,3 +186,5 @@ TEST_F(RtpRtcpAPITest, RtxReceiver) {
rtx_header.payloadType = 0;
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h
index 73334a8b26..d8040f7902 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h
@@ -7,16 +7,18 @@
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/receive_statistics.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_header_parser.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_payload_registry.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_receiver.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/receive_statistics.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_header_parser.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_payload_registry.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_receiver.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/transport.h"
namespace webrtc {
@@ -68,3 +70,4 @@ class TestRtpReceiver : public NullRtpData {
} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_audio.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_audio.cc
index 745386d485..634969b311 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_audio.cc
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_audio.cc
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h"
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_receiver_audio.h"
-using namespace webrtc;
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
#define test_rate 64000u
class VerifyingAudioReceiver : public NullRtpData {
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class RTPCallback : public NullRtpFeedback {
int32_t OnInitializeDecoder(const int8_t payloadType,
const char payloadName[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
const int frequency,
- const uint8_t channels,
+ const size_t channels,
const uint32_t rate) override {
if (payloadType == 96) {
EXPECT_EQ(test_rate, rate) <<
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ TEST_F(RtpRtcpAudioTest, Basic) {
// Test detection at the end of a DTMF tone.
- //EXPECT_EQ(0, module2->SetTelephoneEventForwardToDecoder(true));
+ // EXPECT_EQ(0, module2->SetTelephoneEventForwardToDecoder(true));
EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SetSendingStatus(true));
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ TEST_F(RtpRtcpAudioTest, RED) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SetSendREDPayloadType(voice_codec.pltype));
int8_t red = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SendREDPayloadType(red));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SendREDPayloadType(&red));
EXPECT_EQ(voice_codec.pltype, red);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_receiver1_->RegisterReceivePayload(
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ TEST_F(RtpRtcpAudioTest, RED) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SetSendREDPayloadType(-1));
- EXPECT_EQ(-1, module1->SendREDPayloadType(red));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, module1->SendREDPayloadType(&red));
TEST_F(RtpRtcpAudioTest, DTMF) {
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ TEST_F(RtpRtcpAudioTest, DTMF) {
// Send RTP packets for 16 tones a 160 ms 100ms
// pause between = 2560ms + 1600ms = 4160ms
- for (;timeStamp <= 250 * 160; timeStamp += 160) {
+ for (; timeStamp <= 250 * 160; timeStamp += 160) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SendOutgoingData(webrtc::kAudioFrameSpeech, 96,
timeStamp, -1, test, 4));
@@ -342,10 +342,13 @@ TEST_F(RtpRtcpAudioTest, DTMF) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SendTelephoneEventOutband(32, 9000, 10));
- for (;timeStamp <= 740 * 160; timeStamp += 160) {
+ for (; timeStamp <= 740 * 160; timeStamp += 160) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, module1->SendOutgoingData(webrtc::kAudioFrameSpeech, 96,
timeStamp, -1, test, 4));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_rtcp.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_rtcp.cc
index e9d81122b1..6c60bf1f6d 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_rtcp.cc
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_rtcp.cc
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/receive_statistics.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/receive_statistics.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_receiver_audio.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h"
-using namespace webrtc;
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
const uint64_t kTestPictureId = 12345678;
const uint8_t kSliPictureId = 156;
@@ -29,30 +30,29 @@ class RtcpCallback : public RtcpIntraFrameObserver {
void SetModule(RtpRtcp* module) {
_rtpRtcpModule = module;
- };
+ }
virtual void OnRTCPPacketTimeout(const int32_t id) {
virtual void OnLipSyncUpdate(const int32_t id,
- const int32_t audioVideoOffset) {
- };
- virtual void OnReceivedIntraFrameRequest(uint32_t ssrc) {
- };
+ const int32_t audioVideoOffset) {}
+ virtual void OnReceivedIntraFrameRequest(uint32_t ssrc) {}
virtual void OnReceivedSLI(uint32_t ssrc,
uint8_t pictureId) {
EXPECT_EQ(kSliPictureId & 0x3f, pictureId);
- };
+ }
virtual void OnReceivedRPSI(uint32_t ssrc,
uint64_t pictureId) {
EXPECT_EQ(kTestPictureId, pictureId);
- };
- virtual void OnLocalSsrcChanged(uint32_t old_ssrc, uint32_t new_ssrc) {};
+ }
+ virtual void OnLocalSsrcChanged(uint32_t old_ssrc, uint32_t new_ssrc) {}
RtpRtcp* _rtpRtcpModule;
class TestRtpFeedback : public NullRtpFeedback {
- TestRtpFeedback(RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp) : rtp_rtcp_(rtp_rtcp) {}
+ explicit TestRtpFeedback(RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp) : rtp_rtcp_(rtp_rtcp) {}
virtual ~TestRtpFeedback() {}
void OnIncomingSSRCChanged(const uint32_t ssrc) override {
@@ -266,3 +266,6 @@ TEST_F(RtpRtcpRtcpTest, RemoteRTCPStatRemote) {
EXPECT_EQ(test_sequence_number, report_blocks[0].extendedHighSeqNum);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, report_blocks[0].fractionLost);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_video.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_video.cc
index 30a6a1c303..16ea540bd5 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_video.cc
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api_video.cc
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_payload_registry.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_payload_registry.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_receiver_video.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testAPI/test_api.h"
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/average_residual_loss_xor_codes.h b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/average_residual_loss_xor_codes.h
index 2e8d676e47..6c233bba17 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/average_residual_loss_xor_codes.h
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/average_residual_loss_xor_codes.h
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-namespace {
+namespace webrtc {
// Maximum number of media packets allowed in this test. The burst mask types
// are currently defined up to (kMaxMediaPacketsTest, kMaxMediaPacketsTest).
@@ -185,4 +187,5 @@ const float kMaxResidualLossBurstyMask[kNumberCodes] = {
-} // namespace
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_fec.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_fec.cc
index a8eafdd27e..b164b7e04c 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_fec.cc
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_fec.cc
@@ -22,43 +22,49 @@
#include <list>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/fec_private_tables_bursty.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/random.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/forward_error_correction.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/forward_error_correction_internal.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
+// #define VERBOSE_OUTPUT
namespace webrtc {
+namespace fec_private_tables {
+extern const uint8_t** kPacketMaskBurstyTbl[12];
namespace test {
+using fec_private_tables::kPacketMaskBurstyTbl;
void ReceivePackets(
ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacketList* toDecodeList,
ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacketList* receivedPacketList,
- uint32_t numPacketsToDecode, float reorderRate, float duplicateRate) {
+ size_t numPacketsToDecode,
+ float reorderRate,
+ float duplicateRate,
+ Random* random) {
assert(numPacketsToDecode <= receivedPacketList->size());
ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacketList::iterator it;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numPacketsToDecode; i++) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPacketsToDecode; i++) {
it = receivedPacketList->begin();
// Reorder packets.
- float randomVariable = static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+ float randomVariable = random->Rand<float>();
while (randomVariable < reorderRate) {
if (it == receivedPacketList->end()) {
- randomVariable = static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+ randomVariable = random->Rand<float>();
ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket* receivedPacket = *it;
// Duplicate packets.
- randomVariable = static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+ randomVariable = random->Rand<float>();
while (randomVariable < duplicateRate) {
ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket* duplicatePacket =
new ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket;
@@ -69,7 +75,7 @@ void ReceivePackets(
duplicatePacket->pkt->length = receivedPacket->pkt->length;
- randomVariable = static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+ randomVariable = random->Rand<float>();
@@ -77,12 +83,8 @@ void ReceivePackets(
TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
// TODO(marpan): Split this function into subroutines/helper functions.
- enum {
- kMaxNumberMediaPackets = 48
- };
- enum {
- kMaxNumberFecPackets = 48
- };
+ enum { kMaxNumberMediaPackets = 48 };
+ enum { kMaxNumberFecPackets = 48 };
const uint32_t kNumMaskBytesL0 = 2;
const uint32_t kNumMaskBytesL1 = 6;
@@ -91,15 +93,12 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
const bool kUseUnequalProtection = true;
// FEC mask types.
- const FecMaskType kMaskTypes[] = { kFecMaskRandom, kFecMaskBursty };
+ const FecMaskType kMaskTypes[] = {kFecMaskRandom, kFecMaskBursty};
const int kNumFecMaskTypes = sizeof(kMaskTypes) / sizeof(*kMaskTypes);
- // TODO(pbos): Fix this. Hack to prevent a warning
- // ('-Wunneeded-internal-declaration') from clang.
- (void) kPacketMaskBurstyTbl;
// Maximum number of media packets allowed for the mask type.
- const uint16_t kMaxMediaPackets[] = {kMaxNumberMediaPackets,
+ const uint16_t kMaxMediaPackets[] = {
+ kMaxNumberMediaPackets,
sizeof(kPacketMaskBurstyTbl) / sizeof(*kPacketMaskBurstyTbl)};
ASSERT_EQ(12, kMaxMediaPackets[1]) << "Max media packets for bursty mode not "
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet* mediaPacket = NULL;
// Running over only one loss rate to limit execution time.
- const float lossRate[] = { 0.5f };
+ const float lossRate[] = {0.5f};
const uint32_t lossRateSize = sizeof(lossRate) / sizeof(*lossRate);
const float reorderRate = 0.1f;
const float duplicateRate = 0.1f;
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
// Seed the random number generator, storing the seed to file in order to
// reproduce past results.
const unsigned int randomSeed = static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL));
- srand(randomSeed);
+ Random random(randomSeed);
std::string filename = webrtc::test::OutputPath() + "randomSeedLog.txt";
FILE* randomSeedFile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "a");
fprintf(randomSeedFile, "%u\n", randomSeed);
@@ -135,15 +134,13 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
randomSeedFile = NULL;
uint16_t seqNum = 0;
- uint32_t timeStamp = static_cast<uint32_t>(rand());
- const uint32_t ssrc = static_cast<uint32_t>(rand());
+ uint32_t timeStamp = random.Rand<uint32_t>();
+ const uint32_t ssrc = random.Rand(1u, 0xfffffffe);
// Loop over the mask types: random and bursty.
for (int mask_type_idx = 0; mask_type_idx < kNumFecMaskTypes;
++mask_type_idx) {
for (uint32_t lossRateIdx = 0; lossRateIdx < lossRateSize; ++lossRateIdx) {
printf("Loss rate: %.2f, Mask type %d \n", lossRate[lossRateIdx],
@@ -159,14 +156,12 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
for (uint32_t numFecPackets = 1;
numFecPackets <= numMediaPackets && numFecPackets <= packetMaskMax;
numFecPackets++) {
// Loop over numImpPackets: usually <= (0.3*numMediaPackets).
// For this test we check up to ~ (numMediaPackets / 4).
uint32_t maxNumImpPackets = numMediaPackets / 4 + 1;
for (uint32_t numImpPackets = 0; numImpPackets <= maxNumImpPackets &&
- numImpPackets <= packetMaskMax;
+ numImpPackets <= packetMaskMax;
numImpPackets++) {
uint8_t protectionFactor =
static_cast<uint8_t>(numFecPackets * 255 / numMediaPackets);
@@ -181,10 +176,11 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
mask_table, packetMask);
- printf("%u media packets, %u FEC packets, %u numImpPackets, "
- "loss rate = %.2f \n",
- numMediaPackets, numFecPackets, numImpPackets,
- lossRate[lossRateIdx]);
+ printf(
+ "%u media packets, %u FEC packets, %u numImpPackets, "
+ "loss rate = %.2f \n",
+ numMediaPackets, numFecPackets, numImpPackets,
+ lossRate[lossRateIdx]);
printf("Packet mask matrix \n");
@@ -232,16 +228,15 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numMediaPackets; ++i) {
mediaPacket = new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet;
- mediaPacket->length = static_cast<size_t>(
- (static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX) *
- (IP_PACKET_SIZE - 12 - 28 -
- ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketOverhead()));
- if (mediaPacket->length < 12) {
- mediaPacket->length = 12;
- }
+ const uint32_t kMinPacketSize = 12;
+ const uint32_t kMaxPacketSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(
+ IP_PACKET_SIZE - 12 - 28 -
+ ForwardErrorCorrection::PacketOverhead());
+ mediaPacket->length = random.Rand(kMinPacketSize, kMaxPacketSize);
// Generate random values for the first 2 bytes.
- mediaPacket->data[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(rand() % 256);
- mediaPacket->data[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(rand() % 256);
+ mediaPacket->data[0] = random.Rand<uint8_t>();
+ mediaPacket->data[1] = random.Rand<uint8_t>();
// The first two bits are assumed to be 10 by the
// FEC encoder. In fact the FEC decoder will set the
@@ -266,7 +261,7 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
ByteWriter<uint32_t>::WriteBigEndian(&mediaPacket->data[8], ssrc);
// Generate random values for payload
for (size_t j = 12; j < mediaPacket->length; ++j) {
- mediaPacket->data[j] = static_cast<uint8_t>(rand() % 256);
+ mediaPacket->data[j] = random.Rand<uint8_t>();
@@ -289,8 +284,7 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
while (mediaPacketListItem != mediaPacketList.end()) {
mediaPacket = *mediaPacketListItem;
// We want a value between 0 and 1.
- const float lossRandomVariable =
- (static_cast<float>(rand()) / (RAND_MAX));
+ const float lossRandomVariable = random.Rand<float>();
if (lossRandomVariable >= lossRate[lossRateIdx]) {
mediaLossMask[mediaPacketIdx] = 1;
@@ -315,8 +309,7 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
uint32_t fecPacketIdx = 0;
while (fecPacketListItem != fecPacketList.end()) {
fecPacket = *fecPacketListItem;
- const float lossRandomVariable =
- (static_cast<float>(rand()) / (RAND_MAX));
+ const float lossRandomVariable = random.Rand<float>();
if (lossRandomVariable >= lossRate[lossRateIdx]) {
fecLossMask[fecPacketIdx] = 1;
receivedPacket = new ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket;
@@ -387,18 +380,15 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
// For error-checking frame completion.
bool fecPacketReceived = false;
while (!receivedPacketList.empty()) {
- uint32_t numPacketsToDecode = static_cast<uint32_t>(
- (static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX) *
- receivedPacketList.size() + 0.5);
- if (numPacketsToDecode < 1) {
- numPacketsToDecode = 1;
- }
+ size_t numPacketsToDecode = random.Rand(
+ 1u, static_cast<uint32_t>(receivedPacketList.size()));
ReceivePackets(&toDecodeList, &receivedPacketList,
- numPacketsToDecode, reorderRate, duplicateRate);
+ numPacketsToDecode, reorderRate, duplicateRate,
+ &random);
if (fecPacketReceived == false) {
- toDecodeIt = toDecodeList.begin();
+ toDecodeIt = toDecodeList.begin();
while (toDecodeIt != toDecodeList.end()) {
receivedPacket = *toDecodeIt;
if (receivedPacket->is_fec) {
@@ -418,11 +408,11 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
if (mediaLossMask[mediaPacketIdx] == 1) {
// Should have recovered this packet.
- recoveredPacketListItem = recoveredPacketList.begin();
+ recoveredPacketListItem = recoveredPacketList.begin();
- recoveredPacketListItem == recoveredPacketList.end())
- << "Insufficient number of recovered packets.";
+ ASSERT_FALSE(recoveredPacketListItem ==
+ recoveredPacketList.end())
+ << "Insufficient number of recovered packets.";
mediaPacket = *mediaPacketListItem;
ForwardErrorCorrection::RecoveredPacket* recoveredPacket =
@@ -462,7 +452,7 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
// Delete received packets we didn't pass to DecodeFEC(), due to
// early frame completion.
- receivedPacketIt = receivedPacketList.begin();
+ receivedPacketIt = receivedPacketList.begin();
while (receivedPacketIt != receivedPacketList.end()) {
receivedPacket = *receivedPacketIt;
delete receivedPacket;
@@ -476,11 +466,11 @@ TEST(FecTest, FecTest) {
timeStamp += 90000 / 30;
} // loop over numImpPackets
- } // loop over FecPackets
- } // loop over numMediaPackets
+ } // loop over FecPackets
+ } // loop over numMediaPackets
delete[] packetMask;
} // loop over loss rates
- } // loop over mask types
+ } // loop over mask types
// Have DecodeFEC free allocated memory.
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_packet_masks_metrics.cc b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_packet_masks_metrics.cc
index 843a7f77f5..466214c740 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_packet_masks_metrics.cc
+++ b/webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/test/testFec/test_packet_masks_metrics.cc
@@ -59,13 +59,6 @@ enum { kMaxNumberMediaPackets = 48 };
// Maximum number of media packets allowed for each mask type.
const uint16_t kMaxMediaPackets[] = {kMaxNumberMediaPackets, 12};
-// Maximum number of media packets allowed in this test. The burst mask types
-// are currently defined up to (k=12,m=12).
-const int kMaxMediaPacketsTest = 12;
-// Maximum number of FEC codes considered in this test.
-const int kNumberCodes = kMaxMediaPacketsTest * (kMaxMediaPacketsTest + 1) / 2;
// Maximum gap size for characterizing the consecutiveness of the loss.
const int kMaxGapSize = 2 * kMaxMediaPacketsTest;
@@ -407,7 +400,7 @@ class FecPacketMaskMetricsTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Loop over all loss configurations for the symbol sequence of length
// |tot_num_packets|. In this version we process up to (k=12, m=12) codes,
// and get exact expressions for the residual loss.
- // TODO (marpan): For larger codes, loop over some random sample of loss
+ // TODO(marpan): For larger codes, loop over some random sample of loss
// configurations, sampling driven by the underlying statistical loss model
// (importance sampling).
@@ -427,7 +420,7 @@ class FecPacketMaskMetricsTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Map configuration number to a loss state.
for (int j = 0; j < tot_num_packets; j++) {
- state[j]=0; // Received state.
+ state[j] = 0; // Received state.
int bit_value = i >> (tot_num_packets - j - 1) & 1;
if (bit_value == 1) {
state[j] = 1; // Lost state.
@@ -860,9 +853,9 @@ TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecXorVsRS) {
- // TODO (marpan): There are some cases (for high loss rates and/or
- // burst loss models) where XOR is better than RS. Is there some pattern
- // we can identify and enforce as a constraint?
+ // TODO(marpan): There are some cases (for high loss rates and/or
+ // burst loss models) where XOR is better than RS. Is there some pattern
+ // we can identify and enforce as a constraint?
@@ -874,7 +867,7 @@ TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecXorVsRS) {
TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecTrendXorVsRsLossRate) {
- // TODO (marpan): Examine this further to see if the condition can be strictly
+ // TODO(marpan): Examine this further to see if the condition can be strictly
// satisfied (i.e., scale = 1.0) for all codes with different/better masks.
double scale = 0.90;
int num_loss_rates = sizeof(kAverageLossRate) /
@@ -898,7 +891,7 @@ TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecTrendXorVsRsLossRate) {
EXPECT_GE(diff_rs_xor_random_loss1, scale * diff_rs_xor_random_loss2);
- // TODO (marpan): Investigate the cases for the bursty mask where
+ // TODO(marpan): Investigate the cases for the bursty mask where
// this trend is not strictly satisfied.
@@ -937,7 +930,7 @@ TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecBehaviorViaProtectionLevelAndLength) {
- // TODO (marpan): There are some corner cases where this is not
+ // TODO(marpan): There are some corner cases where this is not
// satisfied with the current packet masks. Look into updating
// these cases to see if this behavior should/can be satisfied,
// with overall lower residual loss for those XOR codes.
@@ -963,7 +956,7 @@ TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecVarianceBehaviorXorVsRs) {
// The condition is not strictly satisfied with the current masks,
// i.e., for some codes, the variance of XOR may be slightly higher than RS.
- // TODO (marpan): Examine this further to see if the condition can be strictly
+ // TODO(marpan): Examine this further to see if the condition can be strictly
// satisfied (i.e., scale = 1.0) for all codes with different/better masks.
double scale = 0.95;
for (int code_index = 0; code_index < max_num_codes_; code_index++) {
@@ -998,7 +991,7 @@ TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecXorBurstyPerfectRecoveryConsecutiveLoss) {
// bursty mask type, for random loss models at low loss rates.
// The XOR codes with bursty mask types are generally better than the one with
// random mask type, for bursty loss models and/or high loss rates.
-// TODO (marpan): Enable this test when some of the packet masks are updated.
+// TODO(marpan): Enable this test when some of the packet masks are updated.
// Some isolated cases of the codes don't pass this currently.
TEST_F(FecPacketMaskMetricsTest, FecXorRandomVsBursty) {