path: root/webrtc/video/rampup_tests.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'webrtc/video/rampup_tests.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/webrtc/video/rampup_tests.cc b/webrtc/video/rampup_tests.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 70efe3b9ed..0000000000
--- a/webrtc/video/rampup_tests.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/common.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/event.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/pacing/include/packet_router.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/remote_bitrate_estimator_abs_send_time.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/remote_bitrate_estimator_single_stream.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/remote_estimator_proxy.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/receive_statistics.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_header_parser.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_payload_registry.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_utility.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/thread_wrapper.h"
-#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/perf_test.h"
-#include "webrtc/video/rampup_tests.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-namespace {
-static const int64_t kPollIntervalMs = 20;
-std::vector<uint32_t> GenerateSsrcs(size_t num_streams,
- uint32_t ssrc_offset) {
- std::vector<uint32_t> ssrcs;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != num_streams; ++i)
- ssrcs.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(ssrc_offset + i));
- return ssrcs;
-} // namespace
-RampUpTester::RampUpTester(size_t num_streams,
- unsigned int start_bitrate_bps,
- const std::string& extension_type,
- bool rtx,
- bool red)
- : EndToEndTest(test::CallTest::kLongTimeoutMs),
- event_(false, false),
- clock_(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()),
- num_streams_(num_streams),
- rtx_(rtx),
- red_(red),
- send_stream_(nullptr),
- start_bitrate_bps_(start_bitrate_bps),
- start_bitrate_verified_(false),
- expected_bitrate_bps_(0),
- test_start_ms_(-1),
- ramp_up_finished_ms_(-1),
- extension_type_(extension_type),
- ssrcs_(GenerateSsrcs(num_streams, 100)),
- rtx_ssrcs_(GenerateSsrcs(num_streams, 200)),
- poller_thread_(ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(&BitrateStatsPollingThread,
- this,
- "BitrateStatsPollingThread")),
- sender_call_(nullptr) {
- if (rtx_) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ssrcs_.size(); ++i)
- rtx_ssrc_map_[rtx_ssrcs_[i]] = ssrcs_[i];
- }
-RampUpTester::~RampUpTester() {
- event_.Set();
-Call::Config RampUpTester::GetSenderCallConfig() {
- Call::Config call_config;
- if (start_bitrate_bps_ != 0) {
- call_config.bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps = start_bitrate_bps_;
- }
- call_config.bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps = 10000;
- return call_config;
-void RampUpTester::OnStreamsCreated(
- VideoSendStream* send_stream,
- const std::vector<VideoReceiveStream*>& receive_streams) {
- send_stream_ = send_stream;
-void RampUpTester::OnTransportsCreated(
- test::PacketTransport* send_transport,
- test::PacketTransport* receive_transport) {
- send_transport_ = send_transport;
- send_transport_->SetConfig(forward_transport_config_);
-size_t RampUpTester::GetNumStreams() const {
- return num_streams_;
-void RampUpTester::ModifyConfigs(
- VideoSendStream::Config* send_config,
- std::vector<VideoReceiveStream::Config>* receive_configs,
- VideoEncoderConfig* encoder_config) {
- send_config->suspend_below_min_bitrate = true;
- if (num_streams_ == 1) {
- encoder_config->streams[0].target_bitrate_bps =
- encoder_config->streams[0].max_bitrate_bps = 2000000;
- // For single stream rampup until 1mbps
- expected_bitrate_bps_ = kSingleStreamTargetBps;
- } else {
- // For multi stream rampup until all streams are being sent. That means
- // enough birate to send all the target streams plus the min bitrate of
- // the last one.
- expected_bitrate_bps_ = encoder_config->streams.back().min_bitrate_bps;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < encoder_config->streams.size() - 1; ++i) {
- expected_bitrate_bps_ += encoder_config->streams[i].target_bitrate_bps;
- }
- }
- send_config->rtp.extensions.clear();
- bool remb;
- if (extension_type_ == RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime) {
- remb = true;
- send_config->rtp.extensions.push_back(
- RtpExtension(extension_type_.c_str(), kAbsSendTimeExtensionId));
- } else if (extension_type_ == RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumber) {
- remb = false;
- send_config->rtp.extensions.push_back(RtpExtension(
- extension_type_.c_str(), kTransportSequenceNumberExtensionId));
- } else {
- remb = true;
- send_config->rtp.extensions.push_back(RtpExtension(
- extension_type_.c_str(), kTransmissionTimeOffsetExtensionId));
- }
- send_config->rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = test::CallTest::kNackRtpHistoryMs;
- send_config->rtp.ssrcs = ssrcs_;
- if (rtx_) {
- send_config->rtp.rtx.payload_type = test::CallTest::kSendRtxPayloadType;
- send_config->rtp.rtx.ssrcs = rtx_ssrcs_;
- }
- if (red_) {
- send_config->rtp.fec.ulpfec_payload_type =
- test::CallTest::kUlpfecPayloadType;
- send_config->rtp.fec.red_payload_type = test::CallTest::kRedPayloadType;
- }
- size_t i = 0;
- for (VideoReceiveStream::Config& recv_config : *receive_configs) {
- recv_config.rtp.remb = remb;
- recv_config.rtp.extensions = send_config->rtp.extensions;
- recv_config.rtp.remote_ssrc = ssrcs_[i];
- recv_config.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = send_config->rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms;
- if (red_) {
- recv_config.rtp.fec.red_payload_type =
- send_config->rtp.fec.red_payload_type;
- recv_config.rtp.fec.ulpfec_payload_type =
- send_config->rtp.fec.ulpfec_payload_type;
- }
- if (rtx_) {
- recv_config.rtp.rtx[send_config->encoder_settings.payload_type].ssrc =
- rtx_ssrcs_[i];
- recv_config.rtp.rtx[send_config->encoder_settings.payload_type]
- .payload_type = send_config->rtp.rtx.payload_type;
- }
- ++i;
- }
-void RampUpTester::OnCallsCreated(Call* sender_call, Call* receiver_call) {
- sender_call_ = sender_call;
-bool RampUpTester::BitrateStatsPollingThread(void* obj) {
- return static_cast<RampUpTester*>(obj)->PollStats();
-bool RampUpTester::PollStats() {
- if (sender_call_) {
- Call::Stats stats = sender_call_->GetStats();
- RTC_DCHECK_GT(expected_bitrate_bps_, 0);
- if (!start_bitrate_verified_ && start_bitrate_bps_ != 0) {
- // For tests with an explicitly set start bitrate, verify the first
- // bitrate estimate is close to the start bitrate and lower than the
- // test target bitrate. This is to verify a call respects the configured
- // start bitrate, but due to the BWE implementation we can't guarantee the
- // first estimate really is as high as the start bitrate.
- EXPECT_GT(stats.send_bandwidth_bps, 0.9 * start_bitrate_bps_);
- start_bitrate_verified_ = true;
- }
- if (stats.send_bandwidth_bps >= expected_bitrate_bps_) {
- ramp_up_finished_ms_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
- observation_complete_->Set();
- }
- }
- return !event_.Wait(kPollIntervalMs);
-void RampUpTester::ReportResult(const std::string& measurement,
- size_t value,
- const std::string& units) const {
- webrtc::test::PrintResult(
- measurement, "",
- ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(),
- value, units, false);
-void RampUpTester::AccumulateStats(const VideoSendStream::StreamStats& stream,
- size_t* total_packets_sent,
- size_t* total_sent,
- size_t* padding_sent,
- size_t* media_sent) const {
- *total_packets_sent += stream.rtp_stats.transmitted.packets +
- stream.rtp_stats.retransmitted.packets +
- stream.rtp_stats.fec.packets;
- *total_sent += stream.rtp_stats.transmitted.TotalBytes() +
- stream.rtp_stats.retransmitted.TotalBytes() +
- stream.rtp_stats.fec.TotalBytes();
- *padding_sent += stream.rtp_stats.transmitted.padding_bytes +
- stream.rtp_stats.retransmitted.padding_bytes +
- stream.rtp_stats.fec.padding_bytes;
- *media_sent += stream.rtp_stats.MediaPayloadBytes();
-void RampUpTester::TriggerTestDone() {
- RTC_DCHECK_GE(test_start_ms_, 0);
- VideoSendStream::Stats send_stats = send_stream_->GetStats();
- size_t total_packets_sent = 0;
- size_t total_sent = 0;
- size_t padding_sent = 0;
- size_t media_sent = 0;
- for (uint32_t ssrc : ssrcs_) {
- AccumulateStats(send_stats.substreams[ssrc], &total_packets_sent,
- &total_sent, &padding_sent, &media_sent);
- }
- size_t rtx_total_packets_sent = 0;
- size_t rtx_total_sent = 0;
- size_t rtx_padding_sent = 0;
- size_t rtx_media_sent = 0;
- for (uint32_t rtx_ssrc : rtx_ssrcs_) {
- AccumulateStats(send_stats.substreams[rtx_ssrc], &rtx_total_packets_sent,
- &rtx_total_sent, &rtx_padding_sent, &rtx_media_sent);
- }
- ReportResult("ramp-up-total-packets-sent", total_packets_sent, "packets");
- ReportResult("ramp-up-total-sent", total_sent, "bytes");
- ReportResult("ramp-up-media-sent", media_sent, "bytes");
- ReportResult("ramp-up-padding-sent", padding_sent, "bytes");
- ReportResult("ramp-up-rtx-total-packets-sent", rtx_total_packets_sent,
- "packets");
- ReportResult("ramp-up-rtx-total-sent", rtx_total_sent, "bytes");
- ReportResult("ramp-up-rtx-media-sent", rtx_media_sent, "bytes");
- ReportResult("ramp-up-rtx-padding-sent", rtx_padding_sent, "bytes");
- if (ramp_up_finished_ms_ >= 0) {
- ReportResult("ramp-up-time", ramp_up_finished_ms_ - test_start_ms_,
- "milliseconds");
- }
-void RampUpTester::PerformTest() {
- test_start_ms_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
- poller_thread_->Start();
- if (Wait() != kEventSignaled) {
- printf("Timed out while waiting for ramp-up to complete.");
- return;
- }
- TriggerTestDone();
- poller_thread_->Stop();
-RampUpDownUpTester::RampUpDownUpTester(size_t num_streams,
- unsigned int start_bitrate_bps,
- const std::string& extension_type,
- bool rtx,
- bool red)
- : RampUpTester(num_streams, start_bitrate_bps, extension_type, rtx, red),
- test_state_(kFirstRampup),
- state_start_ms_(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()),
- interval_start_ms_(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()),
- sent_bytes_(0) {
- forward_transport_config_.link_capacity_kbps =
- kHighBandwidthLimitBps / 1000;
-RampUpDownUpTester::~RampUpDownUpTester() {}
-bool RampUpDownUpTester::PollStats() {
- if (send_stream_) {
- webrtc::VideoSendStream::Stats stats = send_stream_->GetStats();
- int transmit_bitrate_bps = 0;
- for (auto it : stats.substreams) {
- transmit_bitrate_bps += it.second.total_bitrate_bps;
- }
- EvolveTestState(transmit_bitrate_bps, stats.suspended);
- }
- return !event_.Wait(kPollIntervalMs);
-Call::Config RampUpDownUpTester::GetReceiverCallConfig() {
- Call::Config config;
- config.bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps = 10000;
- return config;
-std::string RampUpDownUpTester::GetModifierString() const {
- std::string str("_");
- char temp_str[5];
- sprintf(temp_str, "%i", static_cast<int>(num_streams_));
- str += std::string(temp_str);
- str += "stream";
- str += (num_streams_ > 1 ? "s" : "");
- str += "_";
- str += (rtx_ ? "" : "no");
- str += "rtx";
- return str;
-void RampUpDownUpTester::EvolveTestState(int bitrate_bps, bool suspended) {
- int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
- switch (test_state_) {
- case kFirstRampup: {
- EXPECT_FALSE(suspended);
- if (bitrate_bps > kExpectedHighBitrateBps) {
- // The first ramp-up has reached the target bitrate. Change the
- // channel limit, and move to the next test state.
- forward_transport_config_.link_capacity_kbps =
- kLowBandwidthLimitBps / 1000;
- send_transport_->SetConfig(forward_transport_config_);
- test_state_ = kLowRate;
- webrtc::test::PrintResult("ramp_up_down_up",
- GetModifierString(),
- "first_rampup",
- now - state_start_ms_,
- "ms",
- false);
- state_start_ms_ = now;
- interval_start_ms_ = now;
- sent_bytes_ = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- case kLowRate: {
- if (bitrate_bps < kExpectedLowBitrateBps && suspended) {
- // The ramp-down was successful. Change the channel limit back to a
- // high value, and move to the next test state.
- forward_transport_config_.link_capacity_kbps =
- kHighBandwidthLimitBps / 1000;
- send_transport_->SetConfig(forward_transport_config_);
- test_state_ = kSecondRampup;
- webrtc::test::PrintResult("ramp_up_down_up",
- GetModifierString(),
- "rampdown",
- now - state_start_ms_,
- "ms",
- false);
- state_start_ms_ = now;
- interval_start_ms_ = now;
- sent_bytes_ = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- case kSecondRampup: {
- if (bitrate_bps > kExpectedHighBitrateBps && !suspended) {
- webrtc::test::PrintResult("ramp_up_down_up",
- GetModifierString(),
- "second_rampup",
- now - state_start_ms_,
- "ms",
- false);
- observation_complete_->Set();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-class RampUpTest : public test::CallTest {
- public:
- RampUpTest() {}
- virtual ~RampUpTest() {
- EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, send_stream_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(receive_streams_.empty());
- }
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, SingleStream) {
- RampUpTester test(1, 0, RtpExtension::kTOffset, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, Simulcast) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kTOffset, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, SimulcastWithRtx) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kTOffset, true, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, SimulcastByRedWithRtx) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kTOffset, true, true);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, SingleStreamWithHighStartBitrate) {
- RampUpTester test(1, 0.9 * kSingleStreamTargetBps, RtpExtension::kTOffset,
- false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, UpDownUpOneStream) {
- RampUpDownUpTester test(1, 60000, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, UpDownUpThreeStreams) {
- RampUpDownUpTester test(3, 60000, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, UpDownUpOneStreamRtx) {
- RampUpDownUpTester test(1, 60000, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, true, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, UpDownUpThreeStreamsRtx) {
- RampUpDownUpTester test(3, 60000, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, true, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, UpDownUpOneStreamByRedRtx) {
- RampUpDownUpTester test(1, 60000, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, true, true);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, UpDownUpThreeStreamsByRedRtx) {
- RampUpDownUpTester test(3, 60000, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, true, true);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, AbsSendTimeSingleStream) {
- RampUpTester test(1, 0, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, AbsSendTimeSimulcast) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, AbsSendTimeSimulcastWithRtx) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, true, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, AbsSendTimeSimulcastByRedWithRtx) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime, true, true);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, AbsSendTimeSingleStreamWithHighStartBitrate) {
- RampUpTester test(1, 0.9 * kSingleStreamTargetBps, RtpExtension::kAbsSendTime,
- false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, TransportSequenceNumberSingleStream) {
- RampUpTester test(1, 0, RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumber, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, TransportSequenceNumberSimulcast) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumber, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, TransportSequenceNumberSimulcastWithRtx) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumber, true, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, TransportSequenceNumberSimulcastByRedWithRtx) {
- RampUpTester test(3, 0, RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumber, true, true);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-TEST_F(RampUpTest, TransportSequenceNumberSingleStreamWithHighStartBitrate) {
- RampUpTester test(1, 0.9 * kSingleStreamTargetBps,
- RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumber, false, false);
- RunBaseTest(&test, FakeNetworkPipe::Config());
-} // namespace webrtc