path: root/webrtc/modules/pacing/pacing.gypi
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-11-16Remove include dirs from modules/{media_file,pacing}Henrik Kjellander
2015-09-21Make sure rtp_rtcp module doesn't directly reference anything in the pacer mo...sprang
2015-08-03Add support for transport wide sequence numberssprang
2015-03-26Moving the pacer and the pacer thread to ChannelGroup.Stefan Holmer
2015-01-14Move system_wrappers.gyp files to the proper directory.andresp@webrtc.org
2014-10-23Adds support for sending first set of packets at increasingly higher bitrates...stefan@webrtc.org
2013-09-26Remove include_dirs from pacing.pbos@webrtc.org
2013-06-11Reorganize test targets in WebRTCkjellander@webrtc.org
2013-04-16Remove vim/emacs modelines from .gypi filespbos@webrtc.org
2013-01-18Remove '<(library)' in gyp files.wjia@webrtc.org
2012-11-09Adding pacing module, will replace the transmission_bucket in the RTP module.pwestin@webrtc.org