path: root/webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/vp9/vp9.gyp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-11-17Unconditionally build VP9 support.Peter Boström
2015-11-10Reland of Work on flexible mode and screen sharing. (patchset #1 id:1 of http...philipel
2015-11-10Revert of Work on flexible mode and screen sharing. (patchset #28 id:520001 o...terelius
2015-11-10Work on flexible mode and screen sharing.philipel
2015-09-29Roll chromium_revision 310ea93..8cf53d6 (349094:351112)kjellander
2015-05-06Added VP9FrameBufferPool, a memory pool that is shared between libvpx and web...Henrik Boström
2015-02-09Restructure GYP for vp9, opus and direct tracekjellander@webrtc.org
2015-01-14Move system_wrappers.gyp files to the proper directory.andresp@webrtc.org
2014-11-01Add VP9 codec to VCM and vie_auto_test.marpan@webrtc.org
2014-10-17Revert cls (original cl + fixes) 7422-7424 "Add VP9 codec to VCM..."henrike@webrtc.org
2014-10-10Add VP9 codec to VCM and vie_auto_test.marpan@webrtc.org