path: root/yapf/yapflib/logical_line.py
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1 files changed, 692 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/logical_line.py b/yapf/yapflib/logical_line.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5723440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/logical_line.py
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""LogicalLine primitive for formatting.
+A logical line is the containing data structure produced by the parser. It
+collects all nodes (stored in FormatToken objects) that could appear on a single
+line if there were no line length restrictions. It's then used by the parser to
+perform the wrapping required to comply with the style guide.
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import subtypes
+from lib2to3.fixer_util import syms as python_symbols
+class LogicalLine(object):
+ """Represents a single logical line in the output.
+ Attributes:
+ depth: indentation depth of this line. This is just a numeric value used to
+ distinguish lines that are more deeply nested than others. It is not the
+ actual amount of spaces, which is style-dependent.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, depth, tokens=None):
+ """Constructor.
+ Creates a new logical line with the given depth an initial list of tokens.
+ Constructs the doubly-linked lists for format tokens using their built-in
+ next_token and previous_token attributes.
+ Arguments:
+ depth: indentation depth of this line
+ tokens: initial list of tokens
+ """
+ self.depth = depth
+ self._tokens = tokens or []
+ self.disable = False
+ if self._tokens:
+ # Set up a doubly linked list.
+ for index, tok in enumerate(self._tokens[1:]):
+ # Note, 'index' is the index to the previous token.
+ tok.previous_token = self._tokens[index]
+ self._tokens[index].next_token = tok
+ def CalculateFormattingInformation(self):
+ """Calculate the split penalty and total length for the tokens."""
+ # Say that the first token in the line should have a space before it. This
+ # means only that if this logical line is joined with a predecessor line,
+ # then there will be a space between them.
+ self.first.spaces_required_before = 1
+ self.first.total_length = len(self.first.value)
+ prev_token = self.first
+ prev_length = self.first.total_length
+ for token in self._tokens[1:]:
+ if (token.spaces_required_before == 0 and
+ _SpaceRequiredBetween(prev_token, token, self.disable)):
+ token.spaces_required_before = 1
+ tok_len = len(token.value) if not token.is_pseudo else 0
+ spaces_required_before = token.spaces_required_before
+ if isinstance(spaces_required_before, list):
+ assert token.is_comment, token
+ # If here, we are looking at a comment token that appears on a line
+ # with other tokens (but because it is a comment, it is always the last
+ # token). Rather than specifying the actual number of spaces here,
+ # hard code a value of 0 and then set it later. This logic only works
+ # because this comment token is guaranteed to be the last token in the
+ # list.
+ spaces_required_before = 0
+ token.total_length = prev_length + tok_len + spaces_required_before
+ # The split penalty has to be computed before {must|can}_break_before,
+ # because these may use it for their decision.
+ token.split_penalty += _SplitPenalty(prev_token, token)
+ token.must_break_before = _MustBreakBefore(prev_token, token)
+ token.can_break_before = (
+ token.must_break_before or _CanBreakBefore(prev_token, token))
+ prev_length = token.total_length
+ prev_token = token
+ def Split(self):
+ """Split the line at semicolons."""
+ if not self.has_semicolon or self.disable:
+ return [self]
+ llines = []
+ lline = LogicalLine(self.depth)
+ for tok in self._tokens:
+ if tok.value == ';':
+ llines.append(lline)
+ lline = LogicalLine(self.depth)
+ else:
+ lline.AppendToken(tok)
+ if lline.tokens:
+ llines.append(lline)
+ for lline in llines:
+ lline.first.previous_token = None
+ lline.last.next_token = None
+ return llines
+ ############################################################################
+ # Token Access and Manipulation Methods #
+ ############################################################################
+ def AppendToken(self, token):
+ """Append a new FormatToken to the tokens contained in this line."""
+ if self._tokens:
+ token.previous_token = self.last
+ self.last.next_token = token
+ self._tokens.append(token)
+ def AppendNode(self, node):
+ """Convenience method to append a pytree node directly.
+ Wraps the node with a FormatToken.
+ Arguments:
+ node: the node to append
+ """
+ self.AppendToken(format_token.FormatToken(node))
+ @property
+ def first(self):
+ """Returns the first non-whitespace token."""
+ return self._tokens[0]
+ @property
+ def last(self):
+ """Returns the last non-whitespace token."""
+ return self._tokens[-1]
+ ############################################################################
+ # Token -> String Methods #
+ ############################################################################
+ def AsCode(self, indent_per_depth=2):
+ """Return a "code" representation of this line.
+ The code representation shows how the line would be printed out as code.
+ TODO(eliben): for now this is rudimentary for debugging - once we add
+ formatting capabilities, this method will have other uses (not all tokens
+ have spaces around them, for example).
+ Arguments:
+ indent_per_depth: how much spaces to indend per depth level.
+ Returns:
+ A string representing the line as code.
+ """
+ indent = ' ' * indent_per_depth * self.depth
+ tokens_str = ' '.join(tok.value for tok in self._tokens)
+ return indent + tokens_str
+ def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover
+ return self.AsCode()
+ def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
+ tokens_repr = ','.join(
+ '{0}({1!r})'.format(tok.name, tok.value) for tok in self._tokens)
+ return 'LogicalLine(depth={0}, tokens=[{1}])'.format(
+ self.depth, tokens_repr)
+ ############################################################################
+ # Properties #
+ ############################################################################
+ @property
+ def tokens(self):
+ """Access the tokens contained within this line.
+ The caller must not modify the tokens list returned by this method.
+ Returns:
+ List of tokens in this line.
+ """
+ return self._tokens
+ @property
+ def lineno(self):
+ """Return the line number of this logical line.
+ Returns:
+ The line number of the first token in this logical line.
+ """
+ return self.first.lineno
+ @property
+ def start(self):
+ """The start of the logical line.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of the starting line number and column.
+ """
+ return (self.first.lineno, self.first.column)
+ @property
+ def end(self):
+ """The end of the logical line.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of the ending line number and column.
+ """
+ return (self.last.lineno, self.last.column + len(self.last.value))
+ @property
+ def is_comment(self):
+ return self.first.is_comment
+ @property
+ def has_semicolon(self):
+ return any(tok.value == ';' for tok in self._tokens)
+def _IsIdNumberStringToken(tok):
+ return tok.is_keyword or tok.is_name or tok.is_number or tok.is_string
+def _IsUnaryOperator(tok):
+ return subtypes.UNARY_OPERATOR in tok.subtypes
+def _HasPrecedence(tok):
+ """Whether a binary operation has precedence within its context."""
+ node = tok.node
+ # We let ancestor be the statement surrounding the operation that tok is the
+ # operator in.
+ ancestor = node.parent.parent
+ while ancestor is not None:
+ # Search through the ancestor nodes in the parse tree for operators with
+ # lower precedence.
+ predecessor_type = pytree_utils.NodeName(ancestor)
+ if predecessor_type in ['arith_expr', 'term']:
+ # An ancestor "arith_expr" or "term" means we have found an operator
+ # with lower precedence than our tok.
+ return True
+ if predecessor_type != 'atom':
+ # We understand the context to look for precedence within as an
+ # arbitrary nesting of "arith_expr", "term", and "atom" nodes. If we
+ # leave this context we have not found a lower precedence operator.
+ return False
+ # Under normal usage we expect a complete parse tree to be available and
+ # we will return before we get an AttributeError from the root.
+ ancestor = ancestor.parent
+def _PriorityIndicatingNoSpace(tok):
+ """Whether to remove spaces around an operator due to precedence."""
+ if not tok.is_arithmetic_op or not tok.is_simple_expr:
+ # Limit space removal to highest priority arithmetic operators
+ return False
+ return _HasPrecedence(tok)
+def _IsSubscriptColonAndValuePair(token1, token2):
+ return (token1.is_number or token1.is_name) and token2.is_subscript_colon
+def _SpaceRequiredBetween(left, right, is_line_disabled):
+ """Return True if a space is required between the left and right token."""
+ lval = left.value
+ rval = right.value
+ if (left.is_pseudo and _IsIdNumberStringToken(right) and
+ left.previous_token and _IsIdNumberStringToken(left.previous_token)):
+ # Space between keyword... tokens and pseudo parens.
+ return True
+ if left.is_pseudo or right.is_pseudo:
+ # There should be a space after the ':' in a dictionary.
+ if left.OpensScope():
+ return True
+ # The closing pseudo-paren shouldn't affect spacing.
+ return False
+ if left.is_continuation or right.is_continuation:
+ # The continuation node's value has all of the spaces it needs.
+ return False
+ if right.name in pytree_utils.NONSEMANTIC_TOKENS:
+ # No space before a non-semantic token.
+ return False
+ if _IsIdNumberStringToken(left) and _IsIdNumberStringToken(right):
+ # Spaces between keyword, string, number, and identifier tokens.
+ return True
+ if lval == ',' and rval == ':':
+ # We do want a space between a comma and colon.
+ return True
+ if style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS'):
+ # Supersede the "no space before a colon or comma" check.
+ if lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and rval == ':':
+ return True
+ if rval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS and lval == ':':
+ return True
+ (_IsSubscriptColonAndValuePair(left, right) or
+ _IsSubscriptColonAndValuePair(right, left))):
+ # Supersede the "never want a space before a colon or comma" check.
+ return True
+ if rval in ':,':
+ # Otherwise, we never want a space before a colon or comma.
+ return False
+ if lval == ',' and rval in ']})':
+ # Add a space between ending ',' and closing bracket if requested.
+ if lval == ',':
+ # We want a space after a comma.
+ return True
+ if lval == 'from' and rval == '.':
+ # Space before the '.' in an import statement.
+ return True
+ if lval == '.' and rval == 'import':
+ # Space after the '.' in an import statement.
+ return True
+ if (lval == '=' and rval in {'.', ',,,'} and
+ subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN not in left.subtypes):
+ # Space between equal and '.' as in "X = ...".
+ return True
+ if lval == ':' and rval in {'.', '...'}:
+ # Space between : and ...
+ return True
+ if ((right.is_keyword or right.is_name) and
+ (left.is_keyword or left.is_name)):
+ # Don't merge two keywords/identifiers.
+ return True
+ if (subtypes.SUBSCRIPT_COLON in left.subtypes or
+ subtypes.SUBSCRIPT_COLON in right.subtypes):
+ # A subscript shouldn't have spaces separating its colons.
+ return False
+ if (subtypes.TYPED_NAME in left.subtypes or
+ subtypes.TYPED_NAME in right.subtypes):
+ # A typed argument should have a space after the colon.
+ return True
+ if left.is_string:
+ if (rval == '=' and
+ subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST in right.subtypes):
+ # If there is a type hint, then we don't want to add a space between the
+ # equal sign and the hint.
+ return False
+ if rval not in '[)]}.' and not right.is_binary_op:
+ # A string followed by something other than a subscript, closing bracket,
+ # dot, or a binary op should have a space after it.
+ return True
+ if rval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS:
+ # A string followed by closing brackets should have a space after it
+ # depending on SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS. A string followed by opening
+ # brackets, however, should not.
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ if subtypes.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET in right.subtypes:
+ # It's legal to do this in Python: 'hello'[a]
+ return False
+ if left.is_binary_op and lval != '**' and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+ # Space between the binary operator and the unary operator.
+ return True
+ if left.is_keyword and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+ # Handle things like "not -3 < x".
+ return True
+ if _IsUnaryOperator(left) and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+ # No space between two unary operators.
+ return False
+ if left.is_binary_op or right.is_binary_op:
+ if lval == '**' or rval == '**':
+ # Space around the "power" operator.
+ # Enforce spaces around binary operators except the blocked ones.
+ if lval in block_list or rval in block_list:
+ return False
+ if _PriorityIndicatingNoSpace(left) or _PriorityIndicatingNoSpace(right):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return True
+ if (_IsUnaryOperator(left) and lval != 'not' and
+ (right.is_name or right.is_number or rval == '(')):
+ # The previous token was a unary op. No space is desired between it and
+ # the current token.
+ return False
+ if (subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in left.subtypes and
+ subtypes.TYPED_NAME not in right.subtypes):
+ # A named argument or default parameter shouldn't have spaces around it.
+ if (subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in right.subtypes and
+ subtypes.TYPED_NAME not in left.subtypes):
+ # A named argument or default parameter shouldn't have spaces around it.
+ if (subtypes.VARARGS_LIST in left.subtypes or
+ subtypes.VARARGS_LIST in right.subtypes):
+ return False
+ if (subtypes.VARARGS_STAR in left.subtypes or
+ subtypes.KWARGS_STAR_STAR in left.subtypes):
+ # Don't add a space after a vararg's star or a keyword's star-star.
+ return False
+ if lval == '@' and subtypes.DECORATOR in left.subtypes:
+ # Decorators shouldn't be separated from the 'at' sign.
+ return False
+ if left.is_keyword and rval == '.':
+ # Add space between keywords and dots.
+ return lval not in {'None', 'print'}
+ if lval == '.' and right.is_keyword:
+ # Add space between keywords and dots.
+ return rval not in {'None', 'print'}
+ if lval == '.' or rval == '.':
+ # Don't place spaces between dots.
+ return False
+ if ((lval == '(' and rval == ')') or (lval == '[' and rval == ']') or
+ (lval == '{' and rval == '}')):
+ # Empty objects shouldn't be separated by spaces.
+ return False
+ if not is_line_disabled and (left.OpensScope() or right.ClosesScope()):
+ if (style.GetOrDefault('SPACES_AROUND_DICT_DELIMITERS', False) and (
+ (lval == '{' and _IsDictListTupleDelimiterTok(left, is_opening=True)) or
+ (rval == '}' and
+ _IsDictListTupleDelimiterTok(right, is_opening=False)))):
+ return True
+ if (style.GetOrDefault('SPACES_AROUND_LIST_DELIMITERS', False) and (
+ (lval == '[' and _IsDictListTupleDelimiterTok(left, is_opening=True)) or
+ (rval == ']' and
+ _IsDictListTupleDelimiterTok(right, is_opening=False)))):
+ return True
+ if (style.GetOrDefault('SPACES_AROUND_TUPLE_DELIMITERS', False) and (
+ (lval == '(' and _IsDictListTupleDelimiterTok(left, is_opening=True)) or
+ (rval == ')' and
+ _IsDictListTupleDelimiterTok(right, is_opening=False)))):
+ return True
+ if (lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and
+ rval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS):
+ # Nested objects' opening brackets shouldn't be separated, unless enabled
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ if (lval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS and
+ rval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS):
+ # Nested objects' closing brackets shouldn't be separated, unless enabled
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ if lval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS and rval in '([':
+ # A call, set, dictionary, or subscript that has a call or subscript after
+ # it shouldn't have a space between them.
+ return False
+ if lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and _IsIdNumberStringToken(right):
+ # Don't separate the opening bracket from the first item, unless enabled
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ if left.is_name and rval in '([':
+ # Don't separate a call or array access from the name.
+ return False
+ if rval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS:
+ # Don't separate the closing bracket from the last item, unless enabled
+ # FIXME(morbo): This might be too permissive.
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ if lval == 'print' and rval == '(':
+ # Special support for the 'print' function.
+ return False
+ if lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+ # Don't separate a unary operator from the opening bracket, unless enabled
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ if (lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and
+ (subtypes.VARARGS_STAR in right.subtypes or
+ subtypes.KWARGS_STAR_STAR in right.subtypes)):
+ # Don't separate a '*' or '**' from the opening bracket, unless enabled
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ if rval == ';':
+ # Avoid spaces before a semicolon. (Why is there a semicolon?!)
+ return False
+ if lval == '(' and rval == 'await':
+ # Special support for the 'await' keyword. Don't separate the 'await'
+ # keyword from an opening paren, unless enabled by SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS.
+ return style.Get('SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS')
+ return True
+def _MustBreakBefore(prev_token, cur_token):
+ """Return True if a line break is required before the current token."""
+ if prev_token.is_comment or (prev_token.previous_token and
+ prev_token.is_pseudo and
+ prev_token.previous_token.is_comment):
+ # Must break if the previous token was a comment.
+ return True
+ if (cur_token.is_string and prev_token.is_string and
+ IsSurroundedByBrackets(cur_token)):
+ # We want consecutive strings to be on separate lines. This is a
+ # reasonable assumption, because otherwise they should have written them
+ # all on the same line, or with a '+'.
+ return True
+ return cur_token.must_break_before
+def _CanBreakBefore(prev_token, cur_token):
+ """Return True if a line break may occur before the current token."""
+ pval = prev_token.value
+ cval = cur_token.value
+ if py3compat.PY3:
+ if pval == 'yield' and cval == 'from':
+ # Don't break before a yield argument.
+ return False
+ if pval in {'async', 'await'} and cval in {'def', 'with', 'for'}:
+ # Don't break after sync keywords.
+ return False
+ if cur_token.split_penalty >= split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE:
+ return False
+ if pval == '@':
+ # Don't break right after the beginning of a decorator.
+ return False
+ if cval == ':':
+ # Don't break before the start of a block of code.
+ return False
+ if cval == ',':
+ # Don't break before a comma.
+ return False
+ if prev_token.is_name and cval == '(':
+ # Don't break in the middle of a function definition or call.
+ return False
+ if prev_token.is_name and cval == '[':
+ # Don't break in the middle of an array dereference.
+ return False
+ if cur_token.is_comment and prev_token.lineno == cur_token.lineno:
+ # Don't break a comment at the end of the line.
+ return False
+ if subtypes.UNARY_OPERATOR in prev_token.subtypes:
+ # Don't break after a unary token.
+ return False
+ if (subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in cur_token.subtypes or
+ subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in prev_token.subtypes):
+ return False
+ return True
+def IsSurroundedByBrackets(tok):
+ """Return True if the token is surrounded by brackets."""
+ paren_count = 0
+ brace_count = 0
+ sq_bracket_count = 0
+ previous_token = tok.previous_token
+ while previous_token:
+ if previous_token.value == ')':
+ paren_count -= 1
+ elif previous_token.value == '}':
+ brace_count -= 1
+ elif previous_token.value == ']':
+ sq_bracket_count -= 1
+ if previous_token.value == '(':
+ if paren_count == 0:
+ return previous_token
+ paren_count += 1
+ elif previous_token.value == '{':
+ if brace_count == 0:
+ return previous_token
+ brace_count += 1
+ elif previous_token.value == '[':
+ if sq_bracket_count == 0:
+ return previous_token
+ sq_bracket_count += 1
+ previous_token = previous_token.previous_token
+ return None
+def _IsDictListTupleDelimiterTok(tok, is_opening):
+ assert tok
+ if tok.matching_bracket is None:
+ return False
+ if is_opening:
+ open_tok = tok
+ close_tok = tok.matching_bracket
+ else:
+ open_tok = tok.matching_bracket
+ close_tok = tok
+ # There must be something in between the tokens
+ if open_tok.next_token == close_tok:
+ return False
+ assert open_tok.next_token.node
+ assert open_tok.next_token.node.parent
+ return open_tok.next_token.node.parent.type in [
+ python_symbols.dictsetmaker,
+ python_symbols.listmaker,
+ python_symbols.testlist_gexp,
+ ]
+_LOGICAL_OPERATORS = frozenset({'and', 'or'})
+_BITWISE_OPERATORS = frozenset({'&', '|', '^'})
+_ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS = frozenset({'+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '//', '@'})
+def _SplitPenalty(prev_token, cur_token):
+ """Return the penalty for breaking the line before the current token."""
+ pval = prev_token.value
+ cval = cur_token.value
+ if pval == 'not':
+ return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+ if cur_token.node_split_penalty > 0:
+ return cur_token.node_split_penalty
+ # Prefer to split before 'and' and 'or'.
+ if pval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+ if cval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ # Prefer to split after 'and' and 'or'.
+ if pval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+ return 0
+ if cval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+ # Prefer to split before '&', '|', and '^'.
+ if pval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+ if cval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ # Prefer to split after '&', '|', and '^'.
+ if pval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+ return 0
+ if cval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+ if (subtypes.COMP_FOR in cur_token.subtypes or
+ subtypes.COMP_IF in cur_token.subtypes):
+ # We don't mind breaking before the 'for' or 'if' of a list comprehension.
+ return 0
+ if subtypes.UNARY_OPERATOR in prev_token.subtypes:
+ # Try not to break after a unary operator.
+ if pval == ',':
+ # Breaking after a comma is fine, if need be.
+ return 0
+ if pval == '**' or cval == '**':
+ return split_penalty.STRONGLY_CONNECTED
+ if (subtypes.VARARGS_STAR in prev_token.subtypes or
+ subtypes.KWARGS_STAR_STAR in prev_token.subtypes):
+ # Don't split after a varargs * or kwargs **.
+ return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+ if prev_token.OpensScope() and cval != '(':
+ # Slightly prefer
+ if cval == ':':
+ # Don't split before a colon.
+ return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+ if cval == '=':
+ # Don't split before an assignment.
+ return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+ if (subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in prev_token.subtypes or
+ subtypes.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in cur_token.subtypes):
+ # Don't break before or after an default or named assignment.
+ return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+ if cval == '==':
+ # We would rather not split before an equality operator.
+ return split_penalty.STRONGLY_CONNECTED
+ if cur_token.ClosesScope():
+ # Give a slight penalty for splitting before the closing scope.
+ return 100
+ return 0