path: root/slang_rs_export_foreach.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-31Update language to comply with Android's inclusive language guidanceJeff Sharkey
2017-07-24Improve Java reflection for 32-bit versus 64-bit differences.David Gross
2017-07-13Record SourceLocation in exportables.David Gross
2015-11-06Launch options & multi inputs for single-source RSYang Ni
2015-08-11am 9764eb3b: Change the name for the new rs_context parameter.Jean-Luc Brouillet
2015-08-11Change the name for the new rs_context parameter.Jean-Luc Brouillet
2015-06-19Extract special function handling functions into their own namespace.Matt Wala
2015-06-15Move kernel/static incompatibility check into AST validator.Matt Wala
2015-03-11Frontend support for new special kernel params ctxt and z.David Gross
2014-08-20Replace the NULL macro with nullptr literal.Chris Wailes
2014-07-07Adds support for multi-input kernels to Slang.Chris Wailes
2014-05-27Remove useless "return;" statements.Jean-Luc Brouillet
2014-03-25Fix clang compile errors.Narayan Kamath
2014-01-17Require 'x' and 'y' as the parameter names of the iterators.Jean-Luc Brouillet
2014-01-16Add ReportErrror/Warning to RSContext.Jean-Luc Brouillet
2014-01-14Code refactoring, no behavior change.Jean-Luc Brouillet
2012-12-10Forbid non-const static variables in kernels.Stephen Hines
2012-09-19Support for pass-by-value kernels.Stephen Hines
2012-02-22Support dummy root() and re-ordering in presence of non-root kernels.Stephen Hines
2012-02-22Export ForEach on non-root functions.Stephen Hines
2012-02-10Clean up graphics/compute root() distinction.Stephen Hines
2011-10-27resolved conflicts for merge of f736d5a1 to ics-mr1Stephen Hines
2011-10-26Add back pre-ICS support for "int root(int);".android-sdk-adt_r16.0.1android-cts-4.0_r1android-4.0.2_r1android-4.0.1_r1.2android-4.0.1_r1.1android-4.0.1_r1ics-mr0-releaseics-mr0ics-factoryrom-2-releaseStephen Hines
2011-10-22Apply changes to migrate to LLVM upstream Oct 20th 2011.Logan Chien
2011-08-31Generate .rs.dtor() to clean up globals.Stephen Hines
2011-08-17Fix up parsing of root() function arguments.Stephen Hines
2011-05-31Clean up forEach reflection code.Stephen Hines
2011-05-16Simple support for reflecting rsForEach().Stephen Hines