path: root/src/java/com/android/ims/rcs/uce/presence/publish/DeviceCapabilityInfo.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/android/ims/rcs/uce/presence/publish/DeviceCapabilityInfo.java')
1 files changed, 648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/android/ims/rcs/uce/presence/publish/DeviceCapabilityInfo.java b/src/java/com/android/ims/rcs/uce/presence/publish/DeviceCapabilityInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16d6cea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/com/android/ims/rcs/uce/presence/publish/DeviceCapabilityInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.android.ims.rcs.uce.presence.publish;
+import static android.telephony.ims.RcsContactUceCapability.SOURCE_TYPE_CACHED;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.net.Uri;
+import android.telecom.TelecomManager;
+import android.telephony.AccessNetworkConstants;
+import android.telephony.ims.ImsRegistrationAttributes;
+import android.telephony.ims.RcsContactPresenceTuple;
+import android.telephony.ims.RcsContactPresenceTuple.ServiceCapabilities;
+import android.telephony.ims.RcsContactUceCapability;
+import android.telephony.ims.RcsContactUceCapability.CapabilityMechanism;
+import android.telephony.ims.RcsContactUceCapability.OptionsBuilder;
+import android.telephony.ims.RcsContactUceCapability.PresenceBuilder;
+import android.telephony.ims.feature.MmTelFeature;
+import android.telephony.ims.feature.MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities;
+import android.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
+import android.util.ArraySet;
+import android.util.LocalLog;
+import android.util.Log;
+import com.android.ims.rcs.uce.util.FeatureTags;
+import com.android.ims.rcs.uce.util.UceUtils;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+ * Stores the device's capabilities information.
+ */
+public class DeviceCapabilityInfo {
+ private static final String LOG_TAG = UceUtils.getLogPrefix() + "DeviceCapabilityInfo";
+ private final int mSubId;
+ private final LocalLog mLocalLog = new LocalLog(UceUtils.LOG_SIZE);
+ // FT overrides to add to the IMS registration, which will be added to the existing
+ // capabilities.
+ private final Set<String> mOverrideAddFeatureTags = new ArraySet<>();
+ // FT overrides to remove from the existing IMS registration, which will remove the related
+ // capabilities.
+ private final Set<String> mOverrideRemoveFeatureTags = new ArraySet<>();
+ // Tracks capability status based on the IMS registration.
+ private PublishServiceDescTracker mServiceCapRegTracker;
+ // The feature tags associated with the last IMS registration update.
+ private Set<String> mLastRegistrationFeatureTags = Collections.emptySet();
+ // The feature tags associated with the last IMS registration update, which also include
+ // overrides
+ private Set<String> mLastRegistrationOverrideFeatureTags = Collections.emptySet();
+ // The mmtel feature is registered or not
+ private boolean mMmtelRegistered;
+ // The network type which ims mmtel registers on.
+ private int mMmtelNetworkRegType;
+ // The list of the mmtel associated uris
+ private List<Uri> mMmtelAssociatedUris = Collections.emptyList();
+ // The rcs feature is registered or not
+ private boolean mRcsRegistered;
+ // The list of the rcs associated uris
+ private List<Uri> mRcsAssociatedUris = Collections.emptyList();
+ // Whether or not presence is reported as capable
+ private boolean mPresenceCapable;
+ // The network type which ims rcs registers on.
+ private int mRcsNetworkRegType;
+ // The MMTel capabilities of this subscription Id
+ private MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities mMmTelCapabilities;
+ // Whether the settings are changed or not
+ private int mTtyPreferredMode;
+ private boolean mAirplaneMode;
+ private boolean mMobileData;
+ private boolean mVtSetting;
+ public DeviceCapabilityInfo(int subId, String[] capToRegistrationMap) {
+ mSubId = subId;
+ mServiceCapRegTracker = PublishServiceDescTracker.fromCarrierConfig(capToRegistrationMap);
+ reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset all the status.
+ */
+ public synchronized void reset() {
+ logd("reset");
+ mMmtelRegistered = false;
+ mMmtelNetworkRegType = AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_INVALID;
+ mRcsRegistered = false;
+ mRcsNetworkRegType = AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_INVALID;
+ mTtyPreferredMode = TelecomManager.TTY_MODE_OFF;
+ mAirplaneMode = false;
+ mMobileData = true;
+ mVtSetting = true;
+ mMmTelCapabilities = new MmTelCapabilities();
+ mMmtelAssociatedUris = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
+ mRcsAssociatedUris = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the capability registration tracker feature tag override mapping.
+ * @return if true, this has caused a change in the Feature Tags associated with the device
+ * and a new PUBLISH should be generated.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateCapabilityRegistrationTrackerMap(String[] newMap) {
+ Set<String> oldTags = mServiceCapRegTracker.copyRegistrationFeatureTags();
+ mServiceCapRegTracker = PublishServiceDescTracker.fromCarrierConfig(newMap);
+ mServiceCapRegTracker.updateImsRegistration(mLastRegistrationOverrideFeatureTags);
+ boolean changed = !oldTags.equals(mServiceCapRegTracker.copyRegistrationFeatureTags());
+ if (changed) logi("Carrier Config Change resulted in associated FT list change");
+ return changed;
+ }
+ public synchronized boolean isImsRegistered() {
+ return mMmtelRegistered;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the status that IMS MMTEL is registered.
+ */
+ public synchronized void updateImsMmtelRegistered(int type) {
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+ builder.append("IMS MMTEL registered: original state=").append(mMmtelRegistered)
+ .append(", changes type from ").append(mMmtelNetworkRegType)
+ .append(" to ").append(type);
+ logi(builder.toString());
+ if (!mMmtelRegistered) {
+ mMmtelRegistered = true;
+ }
+ if (mMmtelNetworkRegType != type) {
+ mMmtelNetworkRegType = type;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the status that IMS MMTEL is unregistered.
+ */
+ public synchronized void updateImsMmtelUnregistered() {
+ logi("IMS MMTEL unregistered: original state=" + mMmtelRegistered);
+ if (mMmtelRegistered) {
+ mMmtelRegistered = false;
+ }
+ mMmtelNetworkRegType = AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_INVALID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the MMTel associated URIs which are provided by the IMS service.
+ */
+ public synchronized void updateMmTelAssociatedUri(Uri[] uris) {
+ int originalSize = mMmtelAssociatedUris.size();
+ if (uris != null) {
+ mMmtelAssociatedUris = Arrays.stream(uris)
+ .filter(Objects::nonNull)
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ } else {
+ mMmtelAssociatedUris.clear();
+ }
+ int currentSize = mMmtelAssociatedUris.size();
+ logd("updateMmTelAssociatedUri: size from " + originalSize + " to " + currentSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the MMTEL associated URI. When there are multiple uris in the list, take the first uri.
+ * Return null if the list of the MMTEL associated uri is empty.
+ */
+ public synchronized Uri getMmtelAssociatedUri() {
+ if (!mMmtelAssociatedUris.isEmpty()) {
+ return mMmtelAssociatedUris.get(0);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the status that IMS RCS is registered.
+ * @return true if the IMS registration status changed, false if it did not.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateImsRcsRegistered(ImsRegistrationAttributes attr) {
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+ builder.append("IMS RCS registered: original state=").append(mRcsRegistered)
+ .append(", changes type from ").append(mRcsNetworkRegType)
+ .append(" to ").append(attr.getTransportType());
+ logi(builder.toString());
+ boolean changed = false;
+ if (!mRcsRegistered) {
+ mRcsRegistered = true;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (mRcsNetworkRegType != attr.getTransportType()) {
+ mRcsNetworkRegType = attr.getTransportType();
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ mLastRegistrationFeatureTags = attr.getFeatureTags();
+ changed |= updateRegistration(mLastRegistrationFeatureTags);
+ return changed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the status that IMS RCS is unregistered.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateImsRcsUnregistered() {
+ logi("IMS RCS unregistered: original state=" + mRcsRegistered);
+ boolean changed = false;
+ if (mRcsRegistered) {
+ mRcsRegistered = false;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ mRcsNetworkRegType = AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_INVALID;
+ return changed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the RCS associated URIs which is provided by the IMS service.
+ */
+ public synchronized void updateRcsAssociatedUri(Uri[] uris) {
+ int originalSize = mRcsAssociatedUris.size();
+ if (uris != null) {
+ mRcsAssociatedUris = Arrays.stream(uris)
+ .filter(Objects::nonNull)
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ } else {
+ mRcsAssociatedUris.clear();
+ }
+ int currentSize = mRcsAssociatedUris.size();
+ logd("updateRcsAssociatedUri: size from " + originalSize + " to " + currentSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the RCS associated URI. When there are multiple uris in the list, take the first uri.
+ * Return null if the list of the RCS associated uri is empty.
+ */
+ public synchronized Uri getRcsAssociatedUri() {
+ if (!mRcsAssociatedUris.isEmpty()) {
+ return mRcsAssociatedUris.get(0);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the IMS associated URI. It will first get the uri of MMTEL if it is not empty, otherwise
+ * it will try to get the uri of RCS. The null will be returned if both MMTEL and RCS are empty.
+ */
+ public synchronized Uri getImsAssociatedUri() {
+ if (!mRcsAssociatedUris.isEmpty()) {
+ return mRcsAssociatedUris.get(0);
+ } else if (!mMmtelAssociatedUris.isEmpty()) {
+ return mMmtelAssociatedUris.get(0);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public synchronized boolean addRegistrationOverrideCapabilities(Set<String> featureTags) {
+ logd("override - add: " + featureTags);
+ mOverrideRemoveFeatureTags.removeAll(featureTags);
+ mOverrideAddFeatureTags.addAll(featureTags);
+ // Call with the last feature tags so that the new ones will be potentially picked up.
+ return updateRegistration(mLastRegistrationFeatureTags);
+ };
+ public synchronized boolean removeRegistrationOverrideCapabilities(Set<String> featureTags) {
+ logd("override - remove: " + featureTags);
+ mOverrideAddFeatureTags.removeAll(featureTags);
+ mOverrideRemoveFeatureTags.addAll(featureTags);
+ // Call with the last feature tags so that the new ones will be potentially picked up.
+ return updateRegistration(mLastRegistrationFeatureTags);
+ };
+ public synchronized boolean clearRegistrationOverrideCapabilities() {
+ logd("override - clear");
+ mOverrideAddFeatureTags.clear();
+ mOverrideRemoveFeatureTags.clear();
+ // Call with the last feature tags so that base tags will be restored
+ return updateRegistration(mLastRegistrationFeatureTags);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Update the IMS registration tracked by the PublishServiceDescTracker if needed.
+ * @return true if the registration changed, else otherwise.
+ */
+ private boolean updateRegistration(Set<String> baseTags) {
+ Set<String> updatedTags = updateImsRegistrationFeatureTags(baseTags);
+ if (!mLastRegistrationOverrideFeatureTags.equals(updatedTags)) {
+ mLastRegistrationOverrideFeatureTags = updatedTags;
+ mServiceCapRegTracker.updateImsRegistration(updatedTags);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Combine IMS registration with overrides to produce a new feature tag Set.
+ * @return true if the IMS registration changed, false otherwise.
+ */
+ private synchronized Set<String> updateImsRegistrationFeatureTags(Set<String> featureTags) {
+ Set<String> tags = new ArraySet<>(featureTags);
+ tags.addAll(mOverrideAddFeatureTags);
+ tags.removeAll(mOverrideRemoveFeatureTags);
+ return tags;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the TTY preferred mode.
+ * @return {@code true} if tty preferred mode is changed, {@code false} otherwise.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateTtyPreferredMode(int ttyMode) {
+ if (mTtyPreferredMode != ttyMode) {
+ logd("TTY preferred mode changes from " + mTtyPreferredMode + " to " + ttyMode);
+ mTtyPreferredMode = ttyMode;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update airplane mode state.
+ * @return {@code true} if the airplane mode is changed, {@code false} otherwise.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateAirplaneMode(boolean state) {
+ if (mAirplaneMode != state) {
+ logd("Airplane mode changes from " + mAirplaneMode + " to " + state);
+ mAirplaneMode = state;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update mobile data setting.
+ * @return {@code true} if the mobile data setting is changed, {@code false} otherwise.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateMobileData(boolean mobileData) {
+ if (mMobileData != mobileData) {
+ logd("Mobile data changes from " + mMobileData + " to " + mobileData);
+ mMobileData = mobileData;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update VT setting.
+ * @return {@code true} if vt setting is changed, {@code false}.otherwise.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateVtSetting(boolean vtSetting) {
+ if (mVtSetting != vtSetting) {
+ logd("VT setting changes from " + mVtSetting + " to " + vtSetting);
+ mVtSetting = vtSetting;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the MMTEL capabilities if the capabilities is changed.
+ * @return {@code true} if the mmtel capabilities are changed, {@code false} otherwise.
+ */
+ public synchronized boolean updateMmtelCapabilitiesChanged(MmTelCapabilities capabilities) {
+ if (capabilities == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ boolean oldVolteAvailable = isVolteAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, mMmTelCapabilities);
+ boolean oldVoWifiAvailable = isVoWifiAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, mMmTelCapabilities);
+ boolean oldVtAvailable = isVtAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, mMmTelCapabilities);
+ boolean oldViWifiAvailable = isViWifiAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, mMmTelCapabilities);
+ boolean oldCallComposerAvailable = isCallComposerAvailable(mMmTelCapabilities);
+ boolean volteAvailable = isVolteAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, capabilities);
+ boolean voWifiAvailable = isVoWifiAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, capabilities);
+ boolean vtAvailable = isVtAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, capabilities);
+ boolean viWifiAvailable = isViWifiAvailable(mMmtelNetworkRegType, capabilities);
+ boolean callComposerAvailable = isCallComposerAvailable(capabilities);
+ logd("updateMmtelCapabilitiesChanged: from " + mMmTelCapabilities + " to " + capabilities);
+ // Update to the new mmtel capabilities
+ mMmTelCapabilities = deepCopyCapabilities(capabilities);
+ if (oldVolteAvailable != volteAvailable
+ || oldVoWifiAvailable != voWifiAvailable
+ || oldVtAvailable != vtAvailable
+ || oldViWifiAvailable != viWifiAvailable
+ || oldCallComposerAvailable != callComposerAvailable) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public synchronized void updatePresenceCapable(boolean isCapable) {
+ mPresenceCapable = isCapable;
+ }
+ public synchronized boolean isPresenceCapable() {
+ return mPresenceCapable;
+ }
+ private boolean isVolteAvailable(int networkRegType, MmTelCapabilities capabilities) {
+ return (networkRegType == AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_WWAN)
+ && capabilities.isCapable(MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE);
+ }
+ private boolean isVoWifiAvailable(int networkRegType, MmTelCapabilities capabilities) {
+ return (networkRegType == AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_WLAN)
+ && capabilities.isCapable(MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE);
+ }
+ private boolean isVtAvailable(int networkRegType, MmTelCapabilities capabilities) {
+ return (networkRegType == AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_WWAN)
+ && capabilities.isCapable(MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VIDEO);
+ }
+ private boolean isViWifiAvailable(int networkRegType, MmTelCapabilities capabilities) {
+ return (networkRegType == AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_WLAN)
+ && capabilities.isCapable(MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VIDEO);
+ }
+ private boolean isCallComposerAvailable(MmTelCapabilities capabilities) {
+ return capabilities.isCapable(
+ MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_CALL_COMPOSER);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the device's capabilities.
+ */
+ public synchronized RcsContactUceCapability getDeviceCapabilities(
+ @CapabilityMechanism int mechanism, Context context) {
+ switch (mechanism) {
+ return getPresenceCapabilities(context);
+ case RcsContactUceCapability.CAPABILITY_MECHANISM_OPTIONS:
+ return getOptionsCapabilities(context);
+ default:
+ logw("getDeviceCapabilities: invalid mechanism " + mechanism);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the device's capabilities with the PRESENCE mechanism.
+ private RcsContactUceCapability getPresenceCapabilities(Context context) {
+ Uri uri = PublishUtils.getDeviceContactUri(context, mSubId, this);
+ if (uri == null) {
+ logw("getPresenceCapabilities: uri is empty");
+ return null;
+ }
+ Set<ServiceDescription> capableFromReg =
+ mServiceCapRegTracker.copyRegistrationCapabilities();
+ PresenceBuilder presenceBuilder = new PresenceBuilder(uri,
+ RcsContactUceCapability.SOURCE_TYPE_CACHED,
+ RcsContactUceCapability.REQUEST_RESULT_FOUND);
+ // RCS presence tag (added to all presence documents)
+ ServiceDescription presDescription = getCustomizedDescription(
+ ServiceDescription.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION_PRESENCE, capableFromReg);
+ addCapability(presenceBuilder, presDescription.getTupleBuilder(), uri);
+ capableFromReg.remove(presDescription);
+ // mmtel
+ ServiceDescription voiceDescription = getCustomizedDescription(
+ ServiceDescription.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION_MMTEL_VOICE, capableFromReg);
+ ServiceDescription vtDescription = getCustomizedDescription(
+ ServiceDescription.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION_MMTEL_VOICE_VIDEO, capableFromReg);
+ ServiceDescription descToUse = (hasVolteCapability() && hasVtCapability()) ?
+ vtDescription : voiceDescription;
+ ServiceCapabilities servCaps = new ServiceCapabilities.Builder(
+ hasVolteCapability(), hasVtCapability())
+ .addSupportedDuplexMode(ServiceCapabilities.DUPLEX_MODE_FULL).build();
+ addCapability(presenceBuilder, descToUse.getTupleBuilder()
+ .setServiceCapabilities(servCaps), uri);
+ capableFromReg.remove(voiceDescription);
+ capableFromReg.remove(vtDescription);
+ // call composer via mmtel
+ ServiceDescription composerDescription = getCustomizedDescription(
+ ServiceDescription.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION_CALL_COMPOSER_MMTEL, capableFromReg);
+ if (hasCallComposerCapability()) {
+ addCapability(presenceBuilder, composerDescription.getTupleBuilder(), uri);
+ }
+ capableFromReg.remove(composerDescription);
+ // External features can only be found using registration states from other components.
+ // Count these features as capable and include in PIDF XML if they are registered.
+ for (ServiceDescription capability : capableFromReg) {
+ addCapability(presenceBuilder, capability.getTupleBuilder(), uri);
+ }
+ return presenceBuilder.build();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Search the refSet for the ServiceDescription that matches the service-id && version and
+ * return that or return the reference if there is no match.
+ */
+ private ServiceDescription getCustomizedDescription(ServiceDescription reference,
+ Set<ServiceDescription> refSet) {
+ return refSet.stream().filter(s -> s.serviceId.equals(reference.serviceId)
+ && s.version.equals(reference.version)).findFirst().orElse(reference);
+ }
+ // Get the device's capabilities with the OPTIONS mechanism.
+ private RcsContactUceCapability getOptionsCapabilities(Context context) {
+ Uri uri = PublishUtils.getDeviceContactUri(context, mSubId, this);
+ if (uri == null) {
+ logw("getOptionsCapabilities: uri is empty");
+ return null;
+ }
+ Set<String> capableFromReg = mServiceCapRegTracker.copyRegistrationFeatureTags();
+ OptionsBuilder optionsBuilder = new OptionsBuilder(uri, SOURCE_TYPE_CACHED);
+ optionsBuilder.setRequestResult(RcsContactUceCapability.REQUEST_RESULT_FOUND);
+ FeatureTags.addFeatureTags(optionsBuilder, hasVolteCapability(), hasVtCapability(),
+ isPresenceCapable(), hasCallComposerCapability(), capableFromReg);
+ return optionsBuilder.build();
+ }
+ private void addCapability(RcsContactUceCapability.PresenceBuilder presenceBuilder,
+ RcsContactPresenceTuple.Builder tupleBuilder, Uri contactUri) {
+ presenceBuilder.addCapabilityTuple(tupleBuilder.setContactUri(contactUri).build());
+ }
+ // Check if the device has the VoLTE capability
+ private synchronized boolean hasVolteCapability() {
+ return overrideCapability(FeatureTags.FEATURE_TAG_MMTEL, mMmTelCapabilities != null
+ && mMmTelCapabilities.isCapable(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE));
+ }
+ // Check if the device has the VT capability
+ private synchronized boolean hasVtCapability() {
+ return overrideCapability(FeatureTags.FEATURE_TAG_VIDEO, mMmTelCapabilities != null
+ && mMmTelCapabilities.isCapable(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VIDEO));
+ }
+ // Check if the device has the Call Composer capability
+ private synchronized boolean hasCallComposerCapability() {
+ return overrideCapability(FeatureTags.FEATURE_TAG_CALL_COMPOSER_VIA_TELEPHONY,
+ mMmTelCapabilities != null && mMmTelCapabilities.isCapable(
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the overridden value for the provided feature tag or the original capability if there
+ * is no override.
+ */
+ private synchronized boolean overrideCapability(String featureTag, boolean originalCap) {
+ if (mOverrideRemoveFeatureTags.contains(featureTag)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (mOverrideAddFeatureTags.contains(featureTag)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return originalCap;
+ }
+ private synchronized MmTelCapabilities deepCopyCapabilities(MmTelCapabilities capabilities) {
+ MmTelCapabilities mmTelCapabilities = new MmTelCapabilities();
+ if (capabilities.isCapable(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE)) {
+ mmTelCapabilities.addCapabilities(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE);
+ }
+ if (capabilities.isCapable(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VIDEO)) {
+ mmTelCapabilities.addCapabilities(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VIDEO);
+ }
+ if (capabilities.isCapable(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_UT)) {
+ mmTelCapabilities.addCapabilities(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_UT);
+ }
+ if (capabilities.isCapable(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_SMS)) {
+ mmTelCapabilities.addCapabilities(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_SMS);
+ }
+ if (capabilities.isCapable(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_CALL_COMPOSER)) {
+ mmTelCapabilities.addCapabilities(MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_CALL_COMPOSER);
+ }
+ return mmTelCapabilities;
+ }
+ private void logd(String log) {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, getLogPrefix().append(log).toString());
+ mLocalLog.log("[D] " + log);
+ }
+ private void logi(String log) {
+ Log.i(LOG_TAG, getLogPrefix().append(log).toString());
+ mLocalLog.log("[I] " + log);
+ }
+ private void logw(String log) {
+ Log.w(LOG_TAG, getLogPrefix().append(log).toString());
+ mLocalLog.log("[W] " + log);
+ }
+ private StringBuilder getLogPrefix() {
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("[");
+ builder.append(mSubId);
+ builder.append("] ");
+ return builder;
+ }
+ public void dump(PrintWriter printWriter) {
+ IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(printWriter, " ");
+ pw.println("DeviceCapabilityInfo :");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ mServiceCapRegTracker.dump(pw);
+ pw.println("Log:");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ mLocalLog.dump(pw);
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ }