AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-06-30Sync with master branch.eclairSean McNeil
2010-02-08Fix bugs in AudioStreamInALSA::close() and AudioStreamOutALSA::close()Chih-Wei Huang
2009-12-09Revert to named devices of AndroidPlayback/AndroidCapture for backwards compa...Sean McNeil
2009-12-03Write correct number of bytes per attempt.Sean McNeil
2009-12-02Eclair ALSA version including new ALSA module mechanism.Sean McNeil
2009-08-15Remove undef for FM routing now that it is a build option.Sean McNeil
2009-08-15bufferSize must be a power of 2.Sean McNeil
2009-08-12Add new argument to openInputStream introduced in Donut.Sean McNeil
2009-08-11Fix underrun issues. Change scope of locks.Sean McNeil
2009-08-11Add headerSean McNeil
2009-07-09Updates to add acoustics plugin and move lock to parent class.Sean McNeil
2009-04-16Add new generic ALSA control interfaceSean McNeil
2009-04-08Call with appropriate parameters to setDeviceSean McNeil
2009-02-26Run through bcpp program to eliminate tabs and cleanup format.Sean McNeil
2008-11-20Initial ContributionXiaopeng Yang
2008-11-19Template files from frameworks/base/libs/audioflingerXiaopeng Yang