path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-04-27Build libdrmdecrypt by linking against new wv static library.Andreas Huber
2012-04-03add omapfb.h header fileErik Gilling
2012-03-22SMC: Initial release of libtf_crypto_sst.soTrusted Logic
2011-10-20SMC: Include SMC userpace components in PRODUCT_PACKAGESBryan Buckley
2011-10-07Enable Secure-component call into Misc driverSarthak Aggarwal
2011-09-09omap4xxx: hasta la vista, libtimemmgrIliyan Malchev
2011-08-29MPEG4Enc: New omx proxy component for MPEG4 encoder is addedSrinivas Kowtal
2011-08-09Rename YV12 to I420.Chih-Chung Chang
2011-08-08initial commitIliyan Malchev