path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-03-09Fix typo in comment of make fileSailesh Nepal
2011-12-06Make the Calculator edit text field speak the correctly mathematical content.Mindy Pereira
2011-09-13Convert calculator to use ViewPager for multi-page layouts.Adam Powell
2010-03-01Calculator: update arity lib to v2.1.2 to fix log.Mihai Preda
2010-02-03Use newer version of arity lib to get bugfixes.Mihai Preda
2010-01-05explicit set an "optional" tagJean-Baptiste Queru
2009-10-28Build the calculator app against the SDKNeel Parekh
2009-04-16Update to arity-1.3.3 to get unicode minus in exponent fix (1793832)Mihai Preda
2009-03-09auto import from //branches/cupcake/...@137197The Android Open Source Project
2009-03-03auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843The Android Open Source Project
2009-03-03auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843The Android Open Source Project
2008-10-21Initial Contributionandroid-1.0release-1.0cdma-importThe Android Open Source Project