AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-03-11am de802bbb: (-s ours) am a79d59fb: (-s ours) Reconcile with jb-mr1-release -...jb-mr1.1-devJean-Baptiste Queru
2013-03-11am a79d59fb: (-s ours) Reconcile with jb-mr1-release - do not mergeJean-Baptiste Queru
2013-03-11Reconcile with jb-mr1-release - do not mergejb-mr1-devJean-Baptiste Queru
2013-01-02Import translations. DO NOT MERGEandroid-cts-4.2_r2android-4.2.2_r1.2android-4.2.2_r1.1android-4.2.2_r1jb-mr1.1-releaseBaligh Uddin
2012-12-06Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-12-05Remove vibrate-on-silent-mode per UXMichael Chan
2012-12-04am 57153052: Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-12-04Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-12-04Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-11-06Reconcile with jb-mr1-factory-release jb-mr1-release - do not mergeThe Android Open Source Project
2012-10-23merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devandroid-cts-4.2_r1android-4.2_r1android-4.2.1_r1.2android-4.2.1_r1.1android-4.2.1_r1jb-mr1-releaseThe Android Automerger
2012-10-23Changed to more visible colors for day numbers in month Kung
2012-10-15merge in jb-mr1-factory-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-10-15merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-10-12Let's enhanceJason Chen
2012-10-11merge in jb-mr1-factory-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-10-11merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-10-10Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-10-07merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-10-05Merge "Workaround Email bug that does not set email body correctly, when emai...Sara Ting
2012-10-05Workaround Email bug that does not set email body correctly, when emailing gu...Sara Ting
2012-10-05merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-10-04Merge "Remove icon in widget per UX" into jb-mr1-devMichael Chan
2012-10-04Remove icon in widget per UXMichael Chan
2012-10-04Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-10-04merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-10-03am 029e147b: am 4dcabc96: Added touch slop for horizontal scrollingMichael Chan
2012-10-03am 4dcabc96: Added touch slop for horizontal scrollingMichael Chan
2012-10-02Added touch slop for horizontal scrollingMichael Chan
2012-09-30merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-09-28am 25f84790: am 6fb86969: Fixed NPE in SelectSyncedCalendarsMultiAccountMichael Chan
2012-09-28am 6fb86969: Fixed NPE in SelectSyncedCalendarsMultiAccountMichael Chan
2012-09-28Fixed NPE in SelectSyncedCalendarsMultiAccountMichael Chan
2012-09-28merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-09-27am 7e9c7e29: (-s ours) am c3b4ddce: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27am c3b4ddce: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27am 3ac4e995: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27am b9a824b7: (-s ours) am 427e521d: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Baligh Uddin
2012-09-27am 427e521d: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-ub-...Baligh Uddin
2012-09-27am 04f33630: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-ub-...Baligh Uddin
2012-09-27Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-ub-calendar-aquaBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-ub-calendar-burgundyBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1-devBaligh Uddin
2012-09-27merge in jb-mr1-release history after reset to jb-mr1-devThe Android Automerger
2012-09-26Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-26Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2012-09-26Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin