AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-09-04DO NOT MERGE - Merge Android 10 into masterndk-sysroot-r21Xin Li
2019-08-14DO NOT MERGE - Merge qt-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor (5713463) into stage-aos...temp_140451723Xin Li
2019-07-03Update grid column number am: 20571e0548Yabin Huang
2019-07-03Update grid column numberandroid10-devYabin Huang
2019-07-02[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Merge qt-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor (56...Xin Li
2019-07-02Update grid column numberYabin Huang
2019-07-01DO NOT MERGE - Merge qt-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor (5699924) into stage-aos...Xin Li
2019-07-01[automerger skipped] Import translations. DO NOT MERGE am: 0b70156ad2 -s oursBill Yi
2019-07-01[automerger skipped] Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2019-06-30Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2019-06-28Merge "Replace single tab with text header" into pi-car-dev am: 7d0df8c141Simon Dai
2019-06-28Merge "Replace single tab with text header" into pi-car-devSimon Dai
2019-06-29Merge "Replace single tab with text header" into pi-car-devTreeHugger Robot
2019-06-27Exit the playback screen with a slide down transition + allow swipe am: d0a0e...Arnaud Berry
2019-06-27Exit the playback screen with a slide down transition + allow swipeArnaud Berry
2019-06-27Replace single tab with text headerSimon Dai
2019-06-27Exit the playback screen with a slide down transition + allow swipeArnaud Berry
2019-06-25Refactor Media Activity mode to allow mode specific transitions later. am: d8...Arnaud Berry
2019-06-25Refactor Media Activity mode to allow mode specific transitions later.Arnaud Berry
2019-06-25[automerger skipped] Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into qt-devBill Yi
2019-06-26Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into qt-devTreeHugger Robot
2019-06-25Refactor Media Activity mode to allow mode specific transitions later.Arnaud Berry
2019-06-25Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2019-06-25Don't reuse Toast am: 571aea0090Yabin Huang
2019-06-25Don't reuse ToastYabin Huang
2019-06-24Don't reuse ToastYabin Huang
2019-06-24Move the playback background... to the playback fragment am: 29a854d684Arnaud Berry
2019-06-24Move the playback background... to the playback fragmentArnaud Berry
2019-06-24Move the playback background... to the playback fragmentArnaud Berry
2019-06-21Cancel ongoing toast when media source changed am: d00f363c4aYabin Huang
2019-06-21Cancel ongoing toast when media source changedYabin Huang
2019-06-21Cancel ongoing toast when media source changedYabin Huang
2019-06-20Merge "Update search bar widget" into pi-car-dev am: 0f5f0bbf03Simon Dai
2019-06-20Merge "Update search bar widget" into pi-car-devSimon Dai
2019-06-20Merge "Update search bar widget" into pi-car-devTreeHugger Robot
2019-06-19Hide progress bar when opening the custom actions am: 1ef19ed054Arnaud Berry
2019-06-19Hide progress bar when opening the custom actionsArnaud Berry
2019-06-19Update search bar widgetSimon Dai
2019-06-19Hide progress bar when opening the custom actionsArnaud Berry
2019-06-19Merge "Adjust the position of playback queue list items" into pi-car-dev am: ...Yabin Huang
2019-06-19Merge "Adjust the position of playback queue list items" into pi-car-devYabin Huang
2019-06-19Merge "Adjust the position of playback queue list items" into pi-car-devYabin Huang
2019-06-18Merge "Allow to show thumbnail for playback queue list item" into pi-car-dev ...Yabin Huang
2019-06-18Merge "Allow to show thumbnail for playback queue list item" into pi-car-devYabin Huang
2019-06-19Merge "Allow to show thumbnail for playback queue list item" into pi-car-devYabin Huang
2019-06-18Adjust the position of playback queue list itemsYabin Huang
2019-06-18Merge "Update thumbnail of browse list items" into pi-car-dev am: bcbf8fd1bdYabin Huang
2019-06-18Merge "Handle playback error properly where the error message is empty" into ...Yabin Huang
2019-06-18Merge "Update thumbnail of browse list items" into pi-car-devYabin Huang
2019-06-18Merge "Handle playback error properly where the error message is empty" into ...Yabin Huang