path: root/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/views/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/views/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/views/ b/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/views/
deleted file mode 100644
index c980d1eac2..0000000000
--- a/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/views/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.util.AttributeSet;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.view.ViewGroup;
-import android.widget.FrameLayout;
-import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
- * Create an instance via
- * {@link #getFloatingTaskView(StatefulActivity, View, Bitmap, Drawable, RectF)} to
- * which will have the thumbnail from the provided existing TaskView overlaying the taskview itself.
- *
- * Can then animate the taskview using
- * {@link #addAnimation(PendingAnimation, RectF, Rect, boolean, boolean)}
- * giving a starting and ending bounds. Currently this is set to use the split placeholder view,
- * but it could be generified.
- *
- * TODO: Figure out how to copy thumbnail data from existing TaskView to this view.
- */
-public class FloatingTaskView extends FrameLayout {
- private FloatingTaskThumbnailView mThumbnailView;
- private SplitPlaceholderView mSplitPlaceholderView;
- private RectF mStartingPosition;
- private final StatefulActivity mActivity;
- private final boolean mIsRtl;
- private final FullscreenDrawParams mFullscreenParams;
- private PagedOrientationHandler mOrientationHandler;
- @SplitConfigurationOptions.StagePosition
- private int mStagePosition;
- public FloatingTaskView(Context context) {
- this(context, null);
- }
- public FloatingTaskView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
- this(context, attrs, 0);
- }
- public FloatingTaskView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
- super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
- mActivity = BaseActivity.fromContext(context);
- mIsRtl = Utilities.isRtl(getResources());
- mFullscreenParams = new FullscreenDrawParams(context);
- }
- @Override
- protected void onFinishInflate() {
- super.onFinishInflate();
- mThumbnailView = findViewById(;
- mSplitPlaceholderView = findViewById(;
- mSplitPlaceholderView.setAlpha(0);
- }
- private void init(StatefulActivity launcher, View originalView, @Nullable Bitmap thumbnail,
- Drawable icon, RectF positionOut) {
- mStartingPosition = positionOut;
- updateInitialPositionForView(originalView);
- final InsettableFrameLayout.LayoutParams lp =
- (InsettableFrameLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
- mSplitPlaceholderView.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(lp.width, lp.height));
- setPivotX(0);
- setPivotY(0);
- // Copy bounds of exiting thumbnail into ImageView
- mThumbnailView.setThumbnail(thumbnail);
- mThumbnailView.setVisibility(VISIBLE);
- RecentsView recentsView = launcher.getOverviewPanel();
- mOrientationHandler = recentsView.getPagedOrientationHandler();
- mStagePosition = recentsView.getSplitPlaceholder().getActiveSplitStagePosition();
- mSplitPlaceholderView.setIcon(icon,
- mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.split_placeholder_icon_size));
- mSplitPlaceholderView.getIconView().setRotation(mOrientationHandler.getDegreesRotated());
- }
- /**
- * Configures and returns a an instance of {@link FloatingTaskView} initially matching the
- * appearance of {@code originalView}.
- */
- public static FloatingTaskView getFloatingTaskView(StatefulActivity launcher,
- View originalView, @Nullable Bitmap thumbnail, Drawable icon, RectF positionOut) {
- final BaseDragLayer dragLayer = launcher.getDragLayer();
- ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) dragLayer.getParent();
- final FloatingTaskView floatingView = (FloatingTaskView) launcher.getLayoutInflater()
- .inflate(R.layout.floating_split_select_view, parent, false);
- floatingView.init(launcher, originalView, thumbnail, icon, positionOut);
- parent.addView(floatingView);
- return floatingView;
- }
- public void updateInitialPositionForView(View originalView) {
- Rect viewBounds = new Rect(0, 0, originalView.getWidth(), originalView.getHeight());
- Utilities.getBoundsForViewInDragLayer(mActivity.getDragLayer(), originalView, viewBounds,
- false /* ignoreTransform */, null /* recycle */,
- mStartingPosition);
- final InsettableFrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = new InsettableFrameLayout.LayoutParams(
- Math.round(mStartingPosition.width()),
- Math.round(mStartingPosition.height()));
- initPosition(mStartingPosition, lp);
- setLayoutParams(lp);
- }
- public void update(RectF bounds, float progress) {
- MarginLayoutParams lp = (MarginLayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
- float dX = bounds.left - mStartingPosition.left;
- float dY = - lp.topMargin;
- float scaleX = bounds.width() / lp.width;
- float scaleY = bounds.height() / lp.height;
- mFullscreenParams.updateParams(bounds, progress, scaleX, scaleY);
- setTranslationX(dX);
- setTranslationY(dY);
- setScaleX(scaleX);
- setScaleY(scaleY);
- mSplitPlaceholderView.invalidate();
- mThumbnailView.invalidate();
- float childScaleX = 1f / scaleX;
- float childScaleY = 1f / scaleY;
- mOrientationHandler.setPrimaryScale(mSplitPlaceholderView.getIconView(), childScaleX);
- mOrientationHandler.setSecondaryScale(mSplitPlaceholderView.getIconView(), childScaleY);
- }
- public void updateOrientationHandler(PagedOrientationHandler orientationHandler) {
- mOrientationHandler = orientationHandler;
- mSplitPlaceholderView.getIconView().setRotation(mOrientationHandler.getDegreesRotated());
- }
- protected void initPosition(RectF pos, InsettableFrameLayout.LayoutParams lp) {
- mStartingPosition.set(pos);
- lp.ignoreInsets = true;
- // Position the floating view exactly on top of the original
- lp.topMargin = Math.round(;
- if (mIsRtl) {
- lp.setMarginStart(mActivity.getDeviceProfile().widthPx - Math.round(pos.right));
- } else {
- lp.setMarginStart(Math.round(pos.left));
- }
- // Set the properties here already to make sure they are available when running the first
- // animation frame.
- int left = (int) pos.left;
- layout(left, lp.topMargin, left + lp.width, lp.topMargin + lp.height);
- }
- public void addAnimation(PendingAnimation animation, RectF startingBounds, Rect endBounds,
- boolean fadeWithThumbnail, boolean isStagedTask) {
- mFullscreenParams.setIsStagedTask(isStagedTask);
- final BaseDragLayer dragLayer = mActivity.getDragLayer();
- int[] dragLayerBounds = new int[2];
- dragLayer.getLocationOnScreen(dragLayerBounds);
- SplitOverlayProperties prop = new SplitOverlayProperties(endBounds,
- startingBounds, dragLayerBounds[0], dragLayerBounds[1]);
- ValueAnimator transitionAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);
- animation.add(transitionAnimator);
- long animDuration = animation.getDuration();
- RectF floatingTaskViewBounds = new RectF();
- if (fadeWithThumbnail) {
- animation.addFloat(mSplitPlaceholderView, SplitPlaceholderView.ALPHA_FLOAT,
- 0, 1, ACCEL);
- animation.addFloat(mThumbnailView, LauncherAnimUtils.VIEW_ALPHA,
- 1, 0, DEACCEL_3);
- } else if (isStagedTask) {
- // Fade in the placeholder view when split is initiated from homescreen / all apps
- // icons.
- if (mSplitPlaceholderView.getAlpha() == 0) {
- animation.addFloat(mSplitPlaceholderView, SplitPlaceholderView.ALPHA_FLOAT,
- 0.3f, 1, ACCEL);
- }
- }
- MultiValueUpdateListener listener = new MultiValueUpdateListener() {
- final FloatProp mDx = new FloatProp(0, prop.dX, 0, animDuration, LINEAR);
- final FloatProp mDy = new FloatProp(0, prop.dY, 0, animDuration, LINEAR);
- final FloatProp mTaskViewScaleX = new FloatProp(1f, prop.finalTaskViewScaleX, 0,
- animDuration, LINEAR);
- final FloatProp mTaskViewScaleY = new FloatProp(1f, prop.finalTaskViewScaleY, 0,
- animDuration, LINEAR);
- @Override
- public void onUpdate(float percent, boolean initOnly) {
- // Calculate the icon position.
- floatingTaskViewBounds.set(startingBounds);
- floatingTaskViewBounds.offset(mDx.value, mDy.value);
- Utilities.scaleRectFAboutCenter(floatingTaskViewBounds, mTaskViewScaleX.value,
- mTaskViewScaleY.value);
- update(floatingTaskViewBounds, percent);
- }
- };
- transitionAnimator.addUpdateListener(listener);
- }
- void drawRoundedRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {
- if (mFullscreenParams == null) {
- return;
- }
- canvas.drawRoundRect(0, 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight(),
- mFullscreenParams.mCurrentDrawnCornerRadius / mFullscreenParams.mScaleX,
- mFullscreenParams.mCurrentDrawnCornerRadius / mFullscreenParams.mScaleY,
- paint);
- }
- /**
- * When a split is staged, center the icon in the staging area. Accounts for device insets.
- * @param iconView The icon that should be centered.
- * @param onScreenRectCenterX The x-center of the on-screen staging area (most of the Rect is
- * offscreen).
- * @param onScreenRectCenterY The y-center of the on-screen staging area (most of the Rect is
- * offscreen).
- */
- void centerIconView(IconView iconView, float onScreenRectCenterX, float onScreenRectCenterY) {
- mOrientationHandler.updateStagedSplitIconParams(iconView, onScreenRectCenterX,
- onScreenRectCenterY, mFullscreenParams.mScaleX, mFullscreenParams.mScaleY,
- iconView.getDrawableWidth(), iconView.getDrawableHeight(),
- mActivity.getDeviceProfile(), mStagePosition);
- }
- private static class SplitOverlayProperties {
- private final float finalTaskViewScaleX;
- private final float finalTaskViewScaleY;
- private final float dX;
- private final float dY;
- SplitOverlayProperties(Rect endBounds, RectF startTaskViewBounds,
- int dragLayerLeft, int dragLayerTop) {
- float maxScaleX = endBounds.width() / startTaskViewBounds.width();
- float maxScaleY = endBounds.height() / startTaskViewBounds.height();
- finalTaskViewScaleX = maxScaleX;
- finalTaskViewScaleY = maxScaleY;
- // Animate to the center of the window bounds in screen coordinates.
- float centerX = endBounds.centerX() - dragLayerLeft;
- float centerY = endBounds.centerY() - dragLayerTop;
- dX = centerX - startTaskViewBounds.centerX();
- dY = centerY - startTaskViewBounds.centerY();
- }
- }
- public static class FullscreenDrawParams {
- private final float mCornerRadius;
- private final float mWindowCornerRadius;
- public boolean mIsStagedTask;
- public final RectF mBounds = new RectF();
- public float mCurrentDrawnCornerRadius;
- public float mScaleX = 1;
- public float mScaleY = 1;
- public FullscreenDrawParams(Context context) {
- mCornerRadius = TaskCornerRadius.get(context);
- mWindowCornerRadius = QuickStepContract.getWindowCornerRadius(context);
- mCurrentDrawnCornerRadius = mCornerRadius;
- }
- public void updateParams(RectF bounds, float progress, float scaleX, float scaleY) {
- mBounds.set(bounds);
- mScaleX = scaleX;
- mScaleY = scaleY;
- mCurrentDrawnCornerRadius = mIsStagedTask ? mWindowCornerRadius :
- Utilities.mapRange(progress, mCornerRadius, mWindowCornerRadius);
- }
- public void setIsStagedTask(boolean isStagedTask) {
- mIsStagedTask = isStagedTask;
- }
- }