AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-02-21convert layouts to use theme/styleHEADmasterAndy Doan
This moves the styling of the GUI components into the styles.xml file. This allows a more central place to be able to update branding of the app from
2012-02-14fix accessibility warnings for image viewAndy Doan
Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-14fix warning about missing input type in layoutAndy Doan
The new SDK recommends giving a tip to explain what is expected for the edit text field. Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-14fix warning about fill_parent in layoutAndy Doan
According to the new SDK, this field should be wrap_content Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-14remove unused fileAndy Doan
Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-14fix warnings in strings.xmlAndy Doan
Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-14quick fix warning for pixels in layoutsAndy Doan
layouts should use DPI rather than pixels to handle devices with different densities. This does not address the complaints people made about font sizes being to small. This just gets rid of all the warning popping up in Eclipse with the new SDK installed. Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-14updates for new compiler compliance levelAndy Doan
under 1.7 java compiling rules, the @overide is not valid for methods implementing function from an interface. Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-14fix android lint warning for proguard.cfgAndy Doan
Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-02-08fix crash reported from marketAndy Doan
got a report from the market. this sometimes happens when the json feed downloaded isn't complete like "{" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String at org.linaro.connect.JSONUtils.toJSON(JSONUtils.java:66) at org.linaro.connect.JSONUtils.getObject(JSONUtils.java:46) at org.linaro.connect.CachedJSONLayoutAdapter.getItems(CachedJSONLayoutAdapter.java:20) at org.linaro.connect.CachedJSONLayoutAdapter.getItems(CachedJSONLayoutAdapter.java:1) at org.linaro.connect.CachedLayoutAdapter$DownloadContentTask.onPostExecute(CachedLayoutAdapter.java:149) at org.linaro.connect.CachedLayoutAdapter$DownloadContentTask.onPostExecute(CachedLayoutAdapter.java:1) at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(AsyncTask.java:417) at android.os.AsyncTask.access$300(AsyncTask.java:127) at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(AsyncTask.java:429) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:150) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4385) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:849) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:607) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
2012-02-06version 1.06(7)Andy Doan
fix the scrolling issue with long session descriptions
2012-02-06long meeting descriptions aren't scrollableAndy Doan
from lp bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-android-connect/+bug/927968 Signed-off-by: Andy Doan <andy.doan@linaro.org>
2012-01-30version 1.04(6)Andy Doan
Mostly some minor bug fixes. Also the ability to test app using a staging URL
2011-12-16update OpenIDLogin to not be tied to summitAndy Doan
This makes the OpenIDLogin code a bit more generic so another module can take advantage of it
2011-12-16add project.properities used in new ide updateAndy Doan
the newer version of the eclipse ide requires this file
2011-12-16android ide update of generated classesAndy Doan
2011-12-16fix null pointer issue with cacheAndy Doan
if the file has never existed we are hitting an exception that requires you to refresh your screen. This handles the null pointer so that things work as expected
2011-12-16allow optional fields in JSON objectAndy Doan
The author field for postings is optional and we were logging exceptions when it failed. This allows us to work around that.
2011-12-16add ability to use a staging url for main layoutAndy Doan
this allows us to test changes without disrupting current users
2011-10-27version 1.04 (5)Andy Doan
This version includes the ability to view your personal schedule and to add items to your calendar
2011-10-27support adding schedule items to calendarAndy Doan
this adds the ability to create a calendar entry for an item in your schedule
2011-10-27add support for showing personal scheduleAndy Doan
This creates a class that can automate the logic of logging into summit.linaro.org and getting the user's key which is used in the url to download their iCal schedule
2011-10-25version 4 (1.03)Andy Doan
2011-10-25add ability to display schedules by roomAndy Doan
2011-10-25show category in schedule item activityAndy Doan
2011-10-25move to version 3v1.02Andy Doan
this includes a new layout to better show the schedule
2011-10-25add ability to version main layoutAndy Doan
this allows us to version layouts so that different versions of the app can be upgraded to use newer enhanced layouts
2011-10-25increase buffer size for reading scheduleAndy Doan
2011-10-25schedule categories are an arrayAndy Doan
the categories can be a comma separated list. treat it as such
2011-10-25update getIntent to launch new scheduleitem activityAndy Doan
2011-10-25create an activity to display schedule itemsAndy Doan
2011-10-25provide a better time format for schedule itemsAndy Doan
2011-10-25add a new activity for displaying ical schedulesAndy Doan
2011-10-25add ability to refresh layoutAndy Doan
2011-10-25convert CachedJSONLayoutAdapter to CachedLayoutAdapterAndy Doan
2011-10-25create a more generic cached layout adapterAndy Doan
this is based on CacheJSONLayoutAdapter, but more generic so that non JSON streams can be used
2011-10-24allow multi-level main screenAndy Doan
you can now pass a link to a second activity which will allow you to drill down on a topic
2011-10-24simplify logic of creating layout adapterAndy Doan
setJsonURL now sets a cache name, so we don't need this code anymore
2011-10-24update setJsonURL function to set cache nameAndy Doan
make this function automatically set the cache file name if one is not already done
2011-10-24simplify call to constructorAndy Doan
2011-10-20bump version for android marketv1.01Andy Doan
2011-10-20fix selection issues in listsAndy Doan
The rounded background used requires us to use list selectors. The problem is that these don't play nicely with the gradient background we had (android requires a solid color and can't be tricked with transparent). This moves to a solid grey background and a selector. The postings view required a wrapper layout to put the selector on
2011-10-20move to use a color fileAndy Doan
this helps make global changes easier
2011-10-20support for author/date in posting feedsAndy Doan
this allows feeds to optionally specify an author and publication date
2011-10-17decode HTML values in JSON fieldsv1.0Andy Doan
2011-10-16add an onBusy to main activityAndy Doan
just gives a little feedback to the main activity
2011-10-16move JSONLayoutAdapter to its activityAndy Doan
this is a small class and it makes the next commit easier
2011-10-16add a refresh option to the postings activityAndy Doan
2011-10-16add onBusy function to CachedLayoutAndy Doan
this makes a more foolproof way to show the busy icon in the actual activities using this adapter
2011-10-16add a force refresh option to CachedLayoutAndy Doan
this will allow callers to force the refresh