AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-26Import translations. DO NOT MERGEandroid-wear-5.1.1_r1android-wear-5.1.0_r1android-m-preview-1android-m-previewmaster-soongGeoff Mendal
2015-02-12am fcd8e554: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2015-02-12Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2015-01-29am a248f0f1: am cb184442: [DS] Correct the access method for telephony system...Mick Lin
2015-01-29am cb184442: [DS] Correct the access method for telephony system propertyMick Lin
2015-01-29[DS] Correct the access method for telephony system propertyandroid-5.1.1_r5android-5.1.1_r28android-5.1.1_r22android-5.1.1_r17android-5.1.1_r12lollipop-mr1-wfc-releaselollipop-mr1-devMick Lin
2014-12-10am 349d14f6: (-s ours) am 7bcab2da: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-10am 772298e7: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-10am 7bcab2da: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-10Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-10Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-08am ba92c63c: (-s ours) am d23485c7: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-08am 8243df94: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-08am d23485c7: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-08Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-08Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-04am 30beb2b6: (-s ours) am 87f022a7: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Geoff Mendal
2014-12-04am 0f0cef79: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1...Geoff Mendal
2014-12-04am 49e4e3c5: am b948d2bc: holding wakelock for more than 30mi...Tom Taylor
2014-12-04am 87f022a7: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1...Geoff Mendal
2014-12-04Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-ub-devGeoff Mendal
2014-12-04Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-devGeoff Mendal
2014-12-03am b948d2bc: holding wakelock for more than 30mins/hr on occamTom Taylor holding wakelock for more than 30mins/hr on occamTom Taylor
2014-12-03Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-03Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-01am 0970dab1: (-s ours) am eb16a0d2: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-01am 9c9ad601: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-01am eb16a0d2: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-01Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-12-01Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-25am 72564157: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1...Geoff Mendal
2014-11-25am b1bdbd05: (-s ours) am a7c507e2: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-24Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into lmp-mr1-ub-devGeoff Mendal
2014-11-24am a7c507e2: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-24Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-24Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-19am 9fcdc6e0: am 178eb839: PduParser MSIM support (3/4)Ye Wen
2014-11-19am 178eb839: PduParser MSIM support (3/4)Ye Wen
2014-11-17PduParser MSIM support (3/4)Ye Wen
2014-11-17am 7dae0e1e: (-s ours) am e334a22b: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-17am 66d78345: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-17am e334a22b: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-17Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-17Import translations. DO NOT MERGEGeoff Mendal
2014-11-15resolved conflicts for merge of 54245fe0 to lmp-mr1-dev-plus-aospNick Kralevich
2014-11-14resolved conflicts for merge of a277f438 to lmp-mr1-ub-devTom Taylor
2014-11-13Revert "Update Messaging app with msim changes from klp-sprout"Tom Taylor
2014-11-12am 24b460c1: am 0f5099df: Update SubscriptionManager API as per API council.Wink Saville
2014-11-12am 0f5099df: Update SubscriptionManager API as per API council.Wink Saville