AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-05-01Merge "Fix crash in QuickSearchBox widget."android-sdk-adt_r20tools_r20ics-plus-aospJean-Baptiste Queru
2012-02-16Reconcile with ics-mr1-releaseThe Android Open Source Project
2012-02-14merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1android-4.0.4_r2.1android-4.0.4_r2android-4.0.4_r1.2android-4.0.4_r1.1android-4.0.4_r1ics-mr1-releaseThe Android Automerger
2012-02-10am a1467911: Import translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2012-02-08Import translations. DO NOT MERGEics-mr1Eric Fischer
2012-01-19Fix crash in QuickSearchBox widget.Vladimir Baryshnikov
2011-12-08Reconcile with ics-mr1-releaseThe Android Open Source Project
2011-11-30merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1android-4.0.3_r1.1android-4.0.3_r1The Android Automerger
2011-11-29Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEandroid-sdk-4.0.3_r1android-sdk-4.0.3-tools_r1android-cts-verifier-4.0_r1android-cts-verifier-4.0.3_r1android-cts-4.0.3_r2android-cts-4.0.3_r1Eric Fischer
2011-11-28merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1The Android Automerger
2011-11-22merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1The Android Automerger
2011-11-21Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-11-17am 918f11c7: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-11-16Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-11-15Remove limit for string remove_from_history.Mathew Inwood
2011-11-10Merge "Import revised translations."Eric Fischer
2011-11-10Reconcile with ics-mr1-releaseThe Android Open Source Project
2011-11-10Import revised translations.Eric Fischer
2011-11-08merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1The Android Automerger
2011-11-07Merge "Minor edits to strings to bring to UI text standards. Bug: 5163232"Claudia de Veaux
2011-11-07am fecce13b: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-11-07Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-11-07Minor edits to strings to bring to UI text standards.Claudia de Veaux
2011-11-04Reconcile with ics-mr1-releaseThe Android Open Source Project
2011-11-03am f990e798: (-s ours) am 7398f92b: (-s ours) Import revised translations. D...Eric Fischer
2011-11-03am 7398f92b: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-11-02Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEandroid-sdk-adt_r16.0.1android-cts-4.0_r1android-4.0.2_r1android-4.0.1_r1.2android-4.0.1_r1.1android-4.0.1_r1ics-mr0-releaseics-mr0ics-factoryrom-2-releaseEric Fischer
2011-11-02Merge "Import revised translations."Eric Fischer
2011-11-02am 5397bcca: Import revised translations.Eric Fischer
2011-11-02Import revised translations.Eric Fischer
2011-11-02merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1The Android Automerger
2011-11-01Import revised translations.Eric Fischer
2011-10-31Reconcile with ics-mr1-releaseThe Android Open Source Project
2011-10-28Import revised translations.Eric Fischer
2011-10-27merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1The Android Automerger
2011-10-26am 897cb378: (-s ours) am 658c29ff: (-s ours) Import revised translations. D...Eric Fischer
2011-10-26am 658c29ff: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-26am f5f771f4: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-26Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-26Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-25Import revised translations.Eric Fischer
2011-10-21am d06ec0a7: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-20Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-19merge in ics-release history after reset to masterThe Android Automerger
2011-10-18Merge "Import revised translations."Eric Fischer
2011-10-18Import revised translations.Eric Fischer
2011-10-18am 8c5bae8c: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-18Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGEEric Fischer
2011-10-11merge in ics-release history after reset to masterThe Android Automerger
2011-10-10Import revised translations.Eric Fischer