path: root/src/com/android/tv/tuner/tvinput/EventDetector.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/android/tv/tuner/tvinput/EventDetector.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/android/tv/tuner/tvinput/EventDetector.java b/src/com/android/tv/tuner/tvinput/EventDetector.java
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index dc99118a..00000000
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- * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.tv.tuner.tvinput;
-import android.util.Log;
-import android.util.SparseArray;
-import android.util.SparseBooleanArray;
-import com.android.tv.tuner.TunerHal;
-import com.android.tv.tuner.ts.TsParser;
-import com.android.tv.tuner.data.PsiData;
-import com.android.tv.tuner.data.PsipData;
-import com.android.tv.tuner.data.TunerChannel;
-import com.android.tv.tuner.data.nano.Track.AtscAudioTrack;
-import com.android.tv.tuner.data.nano.Track.AtscCaptionTrack;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
- * Detects channels and programs that are emerged or changed while parsing ATSC PSIP information.
- */
-public class EventDetector {
- private static final String TAG = "EventDetector";
- private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
- public static final int ALL_PROGRAM_NUMBERS = -1;
- private final TunerHal mTunerHal;
- private TsParser mTsParser;
- private final Set<Integer> mPidSet = new HashSet<>();
- // To prevent channel duplication
- private final Set<Integer> mVctProgramNumberSet = new HashSet<>();
- private final Set<Integer> mSdtProgramNumberSet = new HashSet<>();
- private final SparseArray<TunerChannel> mChannelMap = new SparseArray<>();
- private final SparseBooleanArray mVctCaptionTracksFound = new SparseBooleanArray();
- private final SparseBooleanArray mEitCaptionTracksFound = new SparseBooleanArray();
- private final List<EventListener> mEventListeners = new ArrayList<>();
- private int mFrequency;
- private String mModulation;
- private int mProgramNumber = ALL_PROGRAM_NUMBERS;
- private final TsParser.TsOutputListener mTsOutputListener = new TsParser.TsOutputListener() {
- @Override
- public void onPatDetected(List<PsiData.PatItem> items) {
- for (PsiData.PatItem i : items) {
- if (mProgramNumber == ALL_PROGRAM_NUMBERS || mProgramNumber == i.getProgramNo()) {
- mTunerHal.addPidFilter(i.getPmtPid(), TunerHal.FILTER_TYPE_OTHER);
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onEitPidDetected(int pid) {
- startListening(pid);
- }
- @Override
- public void onEitItemParsed(PsipData.VctItem channel, List<PsipData.EitItem> items) {
- TunerChannel tunerChannel = mChannelMap.get(channel.getProgramNumber());
- if (DEBUG) {
- Log.d(TAG, "onEitItemParsed tunerChannel:" + tunerChannel + " "
- + channel.getProgramNumber());
- }
- int channelSourceId = channel.getSourceId();
- // Source id 0 is useful for cases where a cable operator wishes to define a channel for
- // which no EPG data is currently available.
- // We don't handle such a case.
- if (channelSourceId == 0) {
- return;
- }
- // If at least a one caption track have been found in EIT items for the given channel,
- // we starts to interpret the zero tracks as a clearance of the caption tracks.
- boolean captionTracksFound = mEitCaptionTracksFound.get(channelSourceId);
- for (PsipData.EitItem item : items) {
- if (captionTracksFound) {
- break;
- }
- List<AtscCaptionTrack> captionTracks = item.getCaptionTracks();
- if (captionTracks != null && !captionTracks.isEmpty()) {
- captionTracksFound = true;
- }
- }
- mEitCaptionTracksFound.put(channelSourceId, captionTracksFound);
- if (captionTracksFound) {
- for (PsipData.EitItem item : items) {
- item.setHasCaptionTrack();
- }
- }
- if (tunerChannel != null && !mEventListeners.isEmpty()) {
- for (EventListener eventListener : mEventListeners) {
- eventListener.onEventDetected(tunerChannel, items);
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onEttPidDetected(int pid) {
- startListening(pid);
- }
- @Override
- public void onAllVctItemsParsed() {
- if (!mEventListeners.isEmpty()) {
- for (EventListener eventListener : mEventListeners) {
- eventListener.onChannelScanDone();
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onVctItemParsed(PsipData.VctItem channel, List<PsiData.PmtItem> pmtItems) {
- if (DEBUG) {
- Log.d(TAG, "onVctItemParsed VCT " + channel);
- Log.d(TAG, " PMT " + pmtItems);
- }
- // Merges the audio and caption tracks located in PMT items into the tracks of the given
- // tuner channel.
- TunerChannel tunerChannel = new TunerChannel(channel, pmtItems);
- List<AtscAudioTrack> audioTracks = new ArrayList<>();
- List<AtscCaptionTrack> captionTracks = new ArrayList<>();
- for (PsiData.PmtItem pmtItem : pmtItems) {
- if (pmtItem.getAudioTracks() != null) {
- audioTracks.addAll(pmtItem.getAudioTracks());
- }
- if (pmtItem.getCaptionTracks() != null) {
- captionTracks.addAll(pmtItem.getCaptionTracks());
- }
- }
- int channelProgramNumber = channel.getProgramNumber();
- // If at least a one caption track have been found in VCT items for the given channel,
- // we starts to interpret the zero tracks as a clearance of the caption tracks.
- boolean captionTracksFound = mVctCaptionTracksFound.get(channelProgramNumber)
- || !captionTracks.isEmpty();
- mVctCaptionTracksFound.put(channelProgramNumber, captionTracksFound);
- if (captionTracksFound) {
- tunerChannel.setHasCaptionTrack();
- }
- tunerChannel.setAudioTracks(audioTracks);
- tunerChannel.setCaptionTracks(captionTracks);
- tunerChannel.setFrequency(mFrequency);
- tunerChannel.setModulation(mModulation);
- mChannelMap.put(tunerChannel.getProgramNumber(), tunerChannel);
- boolean found = mVctProgramNumberSet.contains(channelProgramNumber);
- if (!found) {
- mVctProgramNumberSet.add(channelProgramNumber);
- }
- if (!mEventListeners.isEmpty()) {
- for (EventListener eventListener : mEventListeners) {
- eventListener.onChannelDetected(tunerChannel, !found);
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onSdtItemParsed(PsipData.SdtItem channel, List<PsiData.PmtItem> pmtItems) {
- if (DEBUG) {
- Log.d(TAG, "onSdtItemParsed SDT " + channel);
- Log.d(TAG, " PMT " + pmtItems);
- }
- // Merges the audio and caption tracks located in PMT items into the tracks of the given
- // tuner channel.
- TunerChannel tunerChannel = new TunerChannel(channel, pmtItems);
- List<AtscAudioTrack> audioTracks = new ArrayList<>();
- List<AtscCaptionTrack> captionTracks = new ArrayList<>();
- for (PsiData.PmtItem pmtItem : pmtItems) {
- if (pmtItem.getAudioTracks() != null) {
- audioTracks.addAll(pmtItem.getAudioTracks());
- }
- if (pmtItem.getCaptionTracks() != null) {
- captionTracks.addAll(pmtItem.getCaptionTracks());
- }
- }
- int channelProgramNumber = channel.getServiceId();
- tunerChannel.setAudioTracks(audioTracks);
- tunerChannel.setCaptionTracks(captionTracks);
- tunerChannel.setFrequency(mFrequency);
- tunerChannel.setModulation(mModulation);
- mChannelMap.put(tunerChannel.getProgramNumber(), tunerChannel);
- boolean found = mSdtProgramNumberSet.contains(channelProgramNumber);
- if (!found) {
- mSdtProgramNumberSet.add(channelProgramNumber);
- }
- if (!mEventListeners.isEmpty()) {
- for (EventListener eventListener : mEventListeners) {
- eventListener.onChannelDetected(tunerChannel, !found);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Listener for detecting ATSC TV channels and receiving EPG data.
- */
- public interface EventListener {
- /**
- * Fired when new information of an ATSC TV channel arrived.
- *
- * @param channel an ATSC TV channel
- * @param channelArrivedAtFirstTime tells whether this channel arrived at first time
- */
- void onChannelDetected(TunerChannel channel, boolean channelArrivedAtFirstTime);
- /**
- * Fired when new program events of an ATSC TV channel arrived.
- *
- * @param channel an ATSC TV channel
- * @param items a list of EIT items that were received
- */
- void onEventDetected(TunerChannel channel, List<PsipData.EitItem> items);
- /**
- * Fired when information of all detectable ATSC TV channels in current frequency arrived.
- */
- void onChannelScanDone();
- }
- /**
- * Creates a detector for ATSC TV channles and program information.
- *
- * @param usbTunerInteface {@link TunerHal}
- */
- public EventDetector(TunerHal usbTunerInteface) {
- mTunerHal = usbTunerInteface;
- }
- private void reset() {
- // TODO: Use TsParser.reset()
- int deliverySystemType = mTunerHal.getDeliverySystemType();
- mTsParser =
- new TsParser(
- mTsOutputListener,
- TunerHal.isDvbDeliverySystem(mTunerHal.getDeliverySystemType()));
- mPidSet.clear();
- mVctProgramNumberSet.clear();
- mSdtProgramNumberSet.clear();
- mVctCaptionTracksFound.clear();
- mEitCaptionTracksFound.clear();
- mChannelMap.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Starts detecting channel and program information.
- *
- * @param frequency The frequency to listen to.
- * @param modulation The modulation type.
- * @param programNumber The program number if this is for handling tune request. For scanning
- * purpose, supply {@link #ALL_PROGRAM_NUMBERS}.
- */
- public void startDetecting(int frequency, String modulation, int programNumber) {
- reset();
- mFrequency = frequency;
- mModulation = modulation;
- mProgramNumber = programNumber;
- }
- private void startListening(int pid) {
- if (mPidSet.contains(pid)) {
- return;
- }
- mPidSet.add(pid);
- mTunerHal.addPidFilter(pid, TunerHal.FILTER_TYPE_OTHER);
- }
- /**
- * Feeds ATSC TS stream to detect channel and program information.
- * @param data buffer for ATSC TS stream
- * @param startOffset the offset where buffer starts
- * @param length The length of available data
- */
- public void feedTSStream(byte[] data, int startOffset, int length) {
- if (mPidSet.isEmpty()) {
- startListening(TsParser.ATSC_SI_BASE_PID);
- }
- if (mTsParser != null) {
- mTsParser.feedTSData(data, startOffset, length);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the channel information regardless of being well-formed.
- * @return {@link List} of {@link TunerChannel}
- */
- public List<TunerChannel> getMalFormedChannels() {
- return mTsParser.getMalFormedChannels();
- }
- /**
- * Registers an EventListener.
- * @param eventListener the listener to be registered
- */
- public void registerListener(EventListener eventListener) {
- if (mTsParser != null) {
- // Resets the version numbers so that the new listener can receive the EIT items.
- // Otherwise, each EIT session is handled only once unless there is a new version.
- mTsParser.resetDataVersions();
- }
- mEventListeners.add(eventListener);
- }
- /**
- * Unregisters an EventListener.
- * @param eventListener the listener to be unregistered
- */
- public void unregisterListener(EventListener eventListener) {
- boolean removed = mEventListeners.remove(eventListener);
- if (!removed && DEBUG) {
- Log.d(TAG, "Cannot unregister a non-registered listener!");
- }
- }