path: root/src/com/android/videoeditor/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-10-11Fix b/5418624: do not enable ok button for empty project nameShih-chia Cheng
2011-09-20Fix 5337207: Out of memory adding Title to video clipChih-Chung Chang
2011-07-30Notify adapter dataset change in onPause()Shih-chia Cheng
2011-07-28Show hint in create project dialog and hide titleShih-chia Cheng
2011-07-28Rename ProjectPicker back to ProjectsActivityShih-chia Cheng
2011-07-27A new project picker for Video Edtor appShih-chia Cheng
2011-07-26Do not show action bar title on small screensShih-chia Cheng
2011-06-23Video Editor Phone UI for Nexus SShih-chia Cheng
2011-06-16Remove redundant @inheritdoc in main activitiesShih-chia Cheng
2011-06-16Re-engineer api service listenerShih-chia Cheng
2011-06-08Refactor video editor app codeShih-chia Cheng
2011-03-03Bug fix: 3510239 Use "Android Movie Studio" as the application nameGil Dobjanschi
2011-02-23Bug fix: 3439846 Movie Studio must use the namespace, not com.googleGil Dobjanschi