path: root/share/cmake-3.17/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake
diff options
authorHaibo Huang <>2020-03-20 14:28:55 -0700
committerHaibo Huang <>2020-03-20 14:39:39 -0700
commit82cd051f0b358a85f268ddcc4320c12ef3fd7097 (patch)
tree720444adf4bb0d7698dc953c6706c2955621089f /share/cmake-3.17/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake
parentd00577c9d4ee9a42fb5158f49a1ebce8047b0bd8 (diff)
Upgrade cmake prebuilt to 3.17.0 [Darwin]
Built at: http://fusion/62f916ad-981c-481b-90fe-89fa033e9ef6 Change-Id: Icfd765935145267a3bfe7839446eb0bf623810d4
Diffstat (limited to 'share/cmake-3.17/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake')
1 files changed, 3280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/cmake-3.17/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake b/share/cmake-3.17/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bac0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/cmake-3.17/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,3280 @@
+# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+# file Copyright.txt or for details.
+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+External Project Definition
+.. command:: ExternalProject_Add
+ The ``ExternalProject_Add()`` function creates a custom target to drive
+ download, update/patch, configure, build, install and test steps of an
+ external project:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add(<name> [<option>...])
+ The individual steps within the process can be driven independently if
+ required (e.g. for CDash submission) and extra custom steps can be defined,
+ along with the ability to control the step dependencies. The directory
+ structure used for the management of the external project can also be
+ customized. The function supports a large number of options which can be used
+ to tailor the external project behavior.
+ **Directory Options:**
+ Most of the time, the default directory layout is sufficient. It is largely
+ an implementation detail that the main project usually doesn't need to
+ change. In some circumstances, however, control over the directory layout
+ can be useful or necessary. The directory options are potentially more
+ useful from the point of view that the main build can use the
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Get_Property` command to retrieve their values,
+ thereby allowing the main project to refer to build artifacts of the
+ external project.
+ ``PREFIX <dir>``
+ Root directory for the external project. Unless otherwise noted below,
+ all other directories associated with the external project will be
+ created under here.
+ ``TMP_DIR <dir>``
+ Directory in which to store temporary files.
+ ``STAMP_DIR <dir>``
+ Directory in which to store the timestamps of each step. Log files from
+ individual steps are also created in here unless overridden by LOG_DIR
+ (see *Logging Options* below).
+ ``LOG_DIR <dir>``
+ Directory in which to store the logs of each step.
+ ``DOWNLOAD_DIR <dir>``
+ Directory in which to store downloaded files before unpacking them. This
+ directory is only used by the URL download method, all other download
+ methods use ``SOURCE_DIR`` directly instead.
+ ``SOURCE_DIR <dir>``
+ Source directory into which downloaded contents will be unpacked, or for
+ non-URL download methods, the directory in which the repository should be
+ checked out, cloned, etc. If no download method is specified, this must
+ point to an existing directory where the external project has already
+ been unpacked or cloned/checked out.
+ .. note::
+ If a download method is specified, any existing contents of the source
+ directory may be deleted. Only the URL download method checks whether
+ this directory is either missing or empty before initiating the
+ download, stopping with an error if it is not empty. All other
+ download methods silently discard any previous contents of the source
+ directory.
+ ``BINARY_DIR <dir>``
+ Specify the build directory location. This option is ignored if
+ ``BUILD_IN_SOURCE`` is enabled.
+ ``INSTALL_DIR <dir>``
+ Installation prefix to be placed in the ``<INSTALL_DIR>`` placeholder.
+ This does not actually configure the external project to install to
+ the given prefix. That must be done by passing appropriate arguments
+ to the external project configuration step, e.g. using ``<INSTALL_DIR>``.
+ If any of the above ``..._DIR`` options are not specified, their defaults
+ are computed as follows. If the ``PREFIX`` option is given or the
+ ``EP_PREFIX`` directory property is set, then an external project is built
+ and installed under the specified prefix::
+ TMP_DIR = <prefix>/tmp
+ STAMP_DIR = <prefix>/src/<name>-stamp
+ DOWNLOAD_DIR = <prefix>/src
+ SOURCE_DIR = <prefix>/src/<name>
+ BINARY_DIR = <prefix>/src/<name>-build
+ INSTALL_DIR = <prefix>
+ Otherwise, if the ``EP_BASE`` directory property is set then components
+ of an external project are stored under the specified base::
+ TMP_DIR = <base>/tmp/<name>
+ STAMP_DIR = <base>/Stamp/<name>
+ DOWNLOAD_DIR = <base>/Download/<name>
+ SOURCE_DIR = <base>/Source/<name>
+ BINARY_DIR = <base>/Build/<name>
+ INSTALL_DIR = <base>/Install/<name>
+ If no ``PREFIX``, ``EP_PREFIX``, or ``EP_BASE`` is specified, then the
+ default is to set ``PREFIX`` to ``<name>-prefix``. Relative paths are
+ interpreted with respect to :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR` at the
+ point where ``ExternalProject_Add()`` is called.
+ **Download Step Options:**
+ A download method can be omitted if the ``SOURCE_DIR`` option is used to
+ point to an existing non-empty directory. Otherwise, one of the download
+ methods below must be specified (multiple download methods should not be
+ given) or a custom ``DOWNLOAD_COMMAND`` provided.
+ ``DOWNLOAD_COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ Overrides the command used for the download step
+ (:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` are
+ supported). If this option is specified, all other download options will
+ be ignored. Providing an empty string for ``<cmd>`` effectively disables
+ the download step.
+ *URL Download*
+ ``URL <url1> [<url2>...]``
+ List of paths and/or URL(s) of the external project's source. When more
+ than one URL is given, they are tried in turn until one succeeds. A URL
+ may be an ordinary path in the local file system (in which case it
+ must be the only URL provided) or any downloadable URL supported by the
+ :command:`file(DOWNLOAD)` command. A local filesystem path may refer to
+ either an existing directory or to an archive file, whereas a URL is
+ expected to point to a file which can be treated as an archive. When an
+ archive is used, it will be unpacked automatically unless the
+ ``DOWNLOAD_NO_EXTRACT`` option is set to prevent it. The archive type
+ is determined by inspecting the actual content rather than using logic
+ based on the file extension.
+ ``URL_HASH <algo>=<hashValue>``
+ Hash of the archive file to be downloaded. The argument should be of
+ the form ``<algo>=<hashValue>`` where ``algo`` can be any of the hashing
+ algorithms supported by the :command:`file()` command. Specifying this
+ option is strongly recommended for URL downloads, as it ensures the
+ integrity of the downloaded content. It is also used as a check for a
+ previously downloaded file, allowing connection to the remote location
+ to be avoided altogether if the local directory already has a file from
+ an earlier download that matches the specified hash.
+ ``URL_MD5 <md5>``
+ Equivalent to ``URL_HASH MD5=<md5>``.
+ ``DOWNLOAD_NAME <fname>``
+ File name to use for the downloaded file. If not given, the end of the
+ URL is used to determine the file name. This option is rarely needed,
+ the default name is generally suitable and is not normally used outside
+ of code internal to the ``ExternalProject`` module.
+ Allows the extraction part of the download step to be disabled by
+ passing a boolean true value for this option. If this option is not
+ given, the downloaded contents will be unpacked automatically if
+ required. If extraction has been disabled, the full path to the
+ downloaded file is available as ``<DOWNLOADED_FILE>`` in subsequent
+ steps or as the property ``DOWNLOADED_FILE`` with the
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Get_Property` command.
+ Can be used to disable logging the download progress. If this option is
+ not given, download progress messages will be logged.
+ ``TIMEOUT <seconds>``
+ Maximum time allowed for file download operations.
+ ``HTTP_USERNAME <username>``
+ Username for the download operation if authentication is required.
+ ``HTTP_PASSWORD <password>``
+ Password for the download operation if authentication is required.
+ ``HTTP_HEADER <header1> [<header2>...]``
+ Provides an arbitrary list of HTTP headers for the download operation.
+ This can be useful for accessing content in systems like AWS, etc.
+ ``TLS_VERIFY <bool>``
+ Specifies whether certificate verification should be performed for
+ https URLs. If this option is not provided, the default behavior is
+ determined by the ``CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY`` variable (see
+ :command:`file(DOWNLOAD)`). If that is also not set, certificate
+ verification will not be performed. In situations where ``URL_HASH``
+ cannot be provided, this option can be an alternative verification
+ measure.
+ ``TLS_CAINFO <file>``
+ Specify a custom certificate authority file to use if ``TLS_VERIFY``
+ is enabled. If this option is not specified, the value of the
+ ``CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO`` variable will be used instead (see
+ :command:`file(DOWNLOAD)`)
+ ``NETRC <level>``
+ Specify whether the ``.netrc`` file is to be used for operation.
+ If this option is not specified, the value of the ``CMAKE_NETRC``
+ variable will be used instead (see :command:`file(DOWNLOAD)`)
+ Valid levels are:
+ The ``.netrc`` file is ignored.
+ This is the default.
+ The ``.netrc`` file is optional, and information in the URL
+ is preferred. The file will be scanned to find which ever
+ information is not specified in the URL.
+ The ``.netrc`` file is required, and information in the URL
+ is ignored.
+ ``NETRC_FILE <file>``
+ Specify an alternative ``.netrc`` file to the one in your home directory
+ if the ``NETRC`` level is ``OPTIONAL`` or ``REQUIRED``. If this option
+ is not specified, the value of the ``CMAKE_NETRC_FILE`` variable will
+ be used instead (see :command:`file(DOWNLOAD)`)
+ *Git*
+ NOTE: A git version of 1.6.5 or later is required if this download method
+ is used.
+ ``GIT_REPOSITORY <url>``
+ URL of the git repository. Any URL understood by the ``git`` command
+ may be used.
+ ``GIT_TAG <tag>``
+ Git branch name, tag or commit hash. Note that branch names and tags
+ should generally be specified as remote names (i.e. ``origin/myBranch``
+ rather than simply ``myBranch``). This ensures that if the remote end
+ has its tag moved or branch rebased or history rewritten, the local
+ clone will still be updated correctly. In general, however, specifying
+ a commit hash should be preferred for a number of reasons:
+ - If the local clone already has the commit corresponding to the hash,
+ no ``git fetch`` needs to be performed to check for changes each time
+ CMake is re-run. This can result in a significant speed up if many
+ external projects are being used.
+ - Using a specific git hash ensures that the main project's own history
+ is fully traceable to a specific point in the external project's
+ evolution. If a branch or tag name is used instead, then checking out
+ a specific commit of the main project doesn't necessarily pin the
+ whole build to a specific point in the life of the external project.
+ The lack of such deterministic behavior makes the main project lose
+ traceability and repeatability.
+ If ``GIT_SHALLOW`` is enabled then ``GIT_TAG`` works only with
+ branch names and tags. A commit hash is not allowed.
+ ``GIT_REMOTE_NAME <name>``
+ The optional name of the remote. If this option is not specified, it
+ defaults to ``origin``.
+ ``GIT_SUBMODULES <module>...``
+ Specific git submodules that should also be updated. If this option is
+ not provided, all git submodules will be updated. When :policy:`CMP0097`
+ is set to ``NEW`` if this value is set to an empty string then no submodules
+ are initialized or updated.
+ Specify whether git submodules (if any) should update recursively by
+ passing the ``--recursive`` flag to ``git submodule update``.
+ If not specified, the default is on.
+ ``GIT_SHALLOW <bool>``
+ When this option is enabled, the ``git clone`` operation will be given
+ the ``--depth 1`` option. This performs a shallow clone, which avoids
+ downloading the whole history and instead retrieves just the commit
+ denoted by the ``GIT_TAG`` option.
+ ``GIT_PROGRESS <bool>``
+ When enabled, this option instructs the ``git clone`` operation to
+ report its progress by passing it the ``--progress`` option. Without
+ this option, the clone step for large projects may appear to make the
+ build stall, since nothing will be logged until the clone operation
+ finishes. While this option can be used to provide progress to prevent
+ the appearance of the build having stalled, it may also make the build
+ overly noisy if lots of external projects are used.
+ ``GIT_CONFIG <option1> [<option2>...]``
+ Specify a list of config options to pass to ``git clone``. Each option
+ listed will be transformed into its own ``--config <option>`` on the
+ ``git clone`` command line, with each option required to be in the
+ form ``key=value``.
+ *Subversion*
+ ``SVN_REPOSITORY <url>``
+ URL of the Subversion repository.
+ ``SVN_REVISION -r<rev>``
+ Revision to checkout from the Subversion repository.
+ ``SVN_USERNAME <username>``
+ Username for the Subversion checkout and update.
+ ``SVN_PASSWORD <password>``
+ Password for the Subversion checkout and update.
+ ``SVN_TRUST_CERT <bool>``
+ Specifies whether to trust the Subversion server site certificate. If
+ enabled, the ``--trust-server-cert`` option is passed to the ``svn``
+ checkout and update commands.
+ *Mercurial*
+ ``HG_REPOSITORY <url>``
+ URL of the mercurial repository.
+ ``HG_TAG <tag>``
+ Mercurial branch name, tag or commit id.
+ *CVS*
+ ``CVS_REPOSITORY <cvsroot>``
+ CVSROOT of the CVS repository.
+ ``CVS_MODULE <mod>``
+ Module to checkout from the CVS repository.
+ ``CVS_TAG <tag>``
+ Tag to checkout from the CVS repository.
+ **Update/Patch Step Options:**
+ Whenever CMake is re-run, by default the external project's sources will be
+ updated if the download method supports updates (e.g. a git repository
+ would be checked if the ``GIT_TAG`` does not refer to a specific commit).
+ ``UPDATE_COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ Overrides the download method's update step with a custom command.
+ The command may use
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
+ When enabled, this option causes the update step to be skipped. It does
+ not, however, prevent the download step. The update step can still be
+ added as a step target (see :command:`ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets`)
+ and called manually. This is useful if you want to allow developers to
+ build the project when disconnected from the network (the network may
+ still be needed for the download step though).
+ When this option is present, it is generally advisable to make the value
+ a cache variable under the developer's control rather than hard-coding
+ it. If this option is not present, the default value is taken from the
+ ``EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED`` directory property. If that is also not
+ defined, updates are performed as normal. The ``EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED``
+ directory property is intended as a convenience for controlling the
+ ``UPDATE_DISCONNECTED`` behavior for an entire section of a project's
+ directory hierarchy and may be a more convenient method of giving
+ developers control over whether or not to perform updates (assuming the
+ project also provides a cache variable or some other convenient method
+ for setting the directory property).
+ ``PATCH_COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ Specifies a custom command to patch the sources after an update. By
+ default, no patch command is defined. Note that it can be quite difficult
+ to define an appropriate patch command that performs robustly, especially
+ for download methods such as git where changing the ``GIT_TAG`` will not
+ discard changes from a previous patch, but the patch command will be
+ called again after updating to the new tag.
+ **Configure Step Options:**
+ The configure step is run after the download and update steps. By default,
+ the external project is assumed to be a CMake project, but this can be
+ overridden if required.
+ ``CONFIGURE_COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ The default configure command runs CMake with options based on the main
+ project. For non-CMake external projects, the ``CONFIGURE_COMMAND``
+ option must be used to override this behavior
+ (:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` are
+ supported). For projects that require no configure step, specify this
+ option with an empty string as the command to execute.
+ ``CMAKE_COMMAND /.../cmake``
+ Specify an alternative cmake executable for the configure step (use an
+ absolute path). This is generally not recommended, since it is
+ usually desirable to use the same CMake version throughout the whole
+ build. This option is ignored if a custom configure command has been
+ specified with ``CONFIGURE_COMMAND``.
+ Override the CMake generator used for the configure step. Without this
+ option, the same generator as the main build will be used. This option is
+ ignored if a custom configure command has been specified with the
+ Pass a generator-specific platform name to the CMake command (see
+ :variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM`). It is an error to provide this
+ option without the ``CMAKE_GENERATOR`` option.
+ Pass a generator-specific toolset name to the CMake command (see
+ :variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET`). It is an error to provide this
+ option without the ``CMAKE_GENERATOR`` option.
+ Pass a generator-specific instance selection to the CMake command (see
+ :variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE`). It is an error to provide this
+ option without the ``CMAKE_GENERATOR`` option.
+ ``CMAKE_ARGS <arg>...``
+ The specified arguments are passed to the ``cmake`` command line. They
+ can be any argument the ``cmake`` command understands, not just cache
+ values defined by ``-D...`` arguments (see also
+ :manual:`CMake Options <cmake(1)>`). In addition, arguments may use
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
+ ``CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS <arg>...``
+ This is an alternate way of specifying cache variables where command line
+ length issues may become a problem. The arguments are expected to be in
+ the form ``-Dvar:STRING=value``, which are then transformed into
+ CMake :command:`set` commands with the ``FORCE`` option used. These
+ ``set()`` commands are written to a pre-load script which is then applied
+ using the :manual:`cmake -C <cmake(1)>` command line option. Arguments
+ may use :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
+ This is the same as the ``CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS`` option except the ``set()``
+ commands do not include the ``FORCE`` keyword. This means the values act
+ as initial defaults only and will not override any variables already set
+ from a previous run. Use this option with care, as it can lead to
+ different behavior depending on whether the build starts from a fresh
+ build directory or re-uses previous build contents.
+ If the CMake generator is the ``Green Hills MULTI`` and not overridden then
+ the original project's settings for the GHS toolset and target system
+ customization cache variables are propagated into the external project.
+ ``SOURCE_SUBDIR <dir>``
+ When no ``CONFIGURE_COMMAND`` option is specified, the configure step
+ assumes the external project has a ``CMakeLists.txt`` file at the top of
+ its source tree (i.e. in ``SOURCE_DIR``). The ``SOURCE_SUBDIR`` option
+ can be used to point to an alternative directory within the source tree
+ to use as the top of the CMake source tree instead. This must be a
+ relative path and it will be interpreted as being relative to
+ ``SOURCE_DIR``. When ``BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1`` is specified, the
+ ``BUILD_COMMAND`` is used to point to an alternative directory within the
+ source tree.
+ **Build Step Options:**
+ If the configure step assumed the external project uses CMake as its build
+ system, the build step will also. Otherwise, the build step will assume a
+ Makefile-based build and simply run ``make`` with no arguments as the
+ default build step. This can be overridden with custom build commands if
+ required.
+ ``BUILD_COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ Overrides the default build command
+ (:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` are
+ supported). If this option is not given, the default build command will
+ be chosen to integrate with the main build in the most appropriate way
+ (e.g. using recursive ``make`` for Makefile generators or
+ ``cmake --build`` if the project uses a CMake build). This option can be
+ specified with an empty string as the command to make the build step do
+ nothing.
+ ``BUILD_IN_SOURCE <bool>``
+ When this option is enabled, the build will be done directly within the
+ external project's source tree. This should generally be avoided, the use
+ of a separate build directory is usually preferred, but it can be useful
+ when the external project assumes an in-source build. The ``BINARY_DIR``
+ option should not be specified if building in-source.
+ ``BUILD_ALWAYS <bool>``
+ Enabling this option forces the build step to always be run. This can be
+ the easiest way to robustly ensure that the external project's own build
+ dependencies are evaluated rather than relying on the default
+ success timestamp-based method. This option is not normally needed unless
+ developers are expected to modify something the external project's build
+ depends on in a way that is not detectable via the step target
+ dependencies (e.g. ``SOURCE_DIR`` is used without a download method and
+ developers might modify the sources in ``SOURCE_DIR``).
+ ``BUILD_BYPRODUCTS <file>...``
+ Specifies files that will be generated by the build command but which
+ might or might not have their modification time updated by subsequent
+ builds. These ultimately get passed through as ``BYPRODUCTS`` to the
+ build step's own underlying call to :command:`add_custom_command`.
+ **Install Step Options:**
+ If the configure step assumed the external project uses CMake as its build
+ system, the install step will also. Otherwise, the install step will assume
+ a Makefile-based build and simply run ``make install`` as the default build
+ step. This can be overridden with custom install commands if required.
+ ``INSTALL_COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ The external project's own install step is invoked as part of the main
+ project's *build*. It is done after the external project's build step
+ and may be before or after the external project's test step (see the
+ ``TEST_BEFORE_INSTALL`` option below). The external project's install
+ rules are not part of the main project's install rules, so if anything
+ from the external project should be installed as part of the main build,
+ these need to be specified in the main build as additional
+ :command:`install` commands. The default install step builds the
+ ``install`` target of the external project, but this can be overridden
+ with a custom command using this option
+ (:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` are
+ supported). Passing an empty string as the ``<cmd>`` makes the install
+ step do nothing.
+ **Test Step Options:**
+ The test step is only defined if at least one of the following ``TEST_...``
+ options are provided.
+ ``TEST_COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ Overrides the default test command
+ (:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` are
+ supported). If this option is not given, the default behavior of the test
+ step is to build the external project's own ``test`` target. This option
+ can be specified with ``<cmd>`` as an empty string, which allows the test
+ step to still be defined, but it will do nothing. Do not specify any of
+ the other ``TEST_...`` options if providing an empty string as the test
+ command, but prefer to omit all ``TEST_...`` options altogether if the
+ test step target is not needed.
+ When this option is enabled, the test step will be executed before the
+ install step. The default behavior is for the test step to run after the
+ install step.
+ This option is mainly useful as a way to indicate that the test step is
+ desired but all default behavior is sufficient. Specifying this option
+ with a boolean true value ensures the test step is defined and that it
+ comes after the install step. If both ``TEST_BEFORE_INSTALL`` and
+ ``TEST_AFTER_INSTALL`` are enabled, the latter is silently ignored.
+ If enabled, the main build's default ALL target will not depend on the
+ test step. This can be a useful way of ensuring the test step is defined
+ but only gets invoked when manually requested.
+ **Output Logging Options:**
+ Each of the following ``LOG_...`` options can be used to wrap the relevant
+ step in a script to capture its output to files. The log files will be
+ created in ``LOG_DIR`` if supplied or otherwise the ``STAMP_DIR``
+ directory with step-specific file names.
+ ``LOG_DOWNLOAD <bool>``
+ When enabled, the output of the download step is logged to files.
+ ``LOG_UPDATE <bool>``
+ When enabled, the output of the update step is logged to files.
+ ``LOG_PATCH <bool>``
+ When enabled, the output of the patch step is logged to files.
+ ``LOG_CONFIGURE <bool>``
+ When enabled, the output of the configure step is logged to files.
+ ``LOG_BUILD <bool>``
+ When enabled, the output of the build step is logged to files.
+ ``LOG_INSTALL <bool>``
+ When enabled, the output of the install step is logged to files.
+ ``LOG_TEST <bool>``
+ When enabled, the output of the test step is logged to files.
+ When enabled, stdout and stderr will be merged for any step whose
+ output is being logged to files.
+ This option only has an effect if at least one of the other ``LOG_<step>``
+ options is enabled. If an error occurs for a step which has logging to
+ file enabled, that step's output will be printed to the console if
+ ``LOG_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE`` is set to true. For cases where a large amount
+ of output is recorded, just the end of that output may be printed to the
+ console.
+ **Terminal Access Options:**
+ Steps can be given direct access to the terminal in some cases. Giving a
+ step access to the terminal may allow it to receive terminal input if
+ required, such as for authentication details not provided by other options.
+ With the :generator:`Ninja` generator, these options place the steps in the
+ ``console`` :prop_gbl:`job pool <JOB_POOLS>`. Each step can be given access
+ to the terminal individually via the following options:
+ Give the download step access to the terminal.
+ Give the update step access to the terminal.
+ Give the configure step access to the terminal.
+ Give the build step access to the terminal.
+ Give the install step access to the terminal.
+ Give the test step access to the terminal.
+ **Target Options:**
+ ``DEPENDS <targets>...``
+ Specify other targets on which the external project depends. The other
+ targets will be brought up to date before any of the external project's
+ steps are executed. Because the external project uses additional custom
+ targets internally for each step, the ``DEPENDS`` option is the most
+ convenient way to ensure all of those steps depend on the other targets.
+ Simply doing
+ :command:`add_dependencies(\<name\> \<targets\>) <add_dependencies>` will
+ not make any of the steps dependent on ``<targets>``.
+ ``EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL <bool>``
+ When enabled, this option excludes the external project from the default
+ ALL target of the main build.
+ ``STEP_TARGETS <step-target>...``
+ Generate custom targets for the specified steps. This is required if the
+ steps need to be triggered manually or if they need to be used as
+ dependencies of other targets. If this option is not specified, the
+ default value is taken from the ``EP_STEP_TARGETS`` directory property.
+ See :command:`ExternalProject_Add_Step` below for further discussion of
+ the effects of this option.
+ ``INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS <step-target>...``
+ Generate custom targets for the specified steps and prevent these targets
+ from having the usual dependencies applied to them. If this option is not
+ specified, the default value is taken from the
+ ``EP_INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS`` directory property. This option is mostly
+ useful for allowing individual steps to be driven independently, such as
+ for a CDash setup where each step should be initiated and reported
+ individually rather than as one whole build. See
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add_Step` below for further discussion of the
+ effects of this option.
+ **Miscellaneous Options:**
+ ``LIST_SEPARATOR <sep>``
+ For any of the various ``..._COMMAND`` options, replace ``;`` with
+ ``<sep>`` in the specified command lines. This can be useful where list
+ variables may be given in commands where they should end up as
+ space-separated arguments (``<sep>`` would be a single space character
+ string in this case).
+ ``COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ Any of the other ``..._COMMAND`` options can have additional commands
+ appended to them by following them with as many ``COMMAND ...`` options
+ as needed
+ (:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` are
+ supported). For example:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add(example
+ ... # Download options, etc.
+ BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Starting $<CONFIG> build"
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "$<CONFIG> build complete"
+ )
+ It should also be noted that each build step is created via a call to
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add_Step`. See that command's documentation for the
+ automatic substitutions that are supported for some options.
+Obtaining Project Properties
+.. command:: ExternalProject_Get_Property
+ The ``ExternalProject_Get_Property()`` function retrieves external project
+ target properties:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(<name> <prop1> [<prop2>...])
+ The function stores property values in variables of the same name. Property
+ names correspond to the keyword argument names of ``ExternalProject_Add()``.
+ For example, the source directory might be retrieved like so:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Get_property(myExtProj SOURCE_DIR)
+ message("Source dir of myExtProj = ${SOURCE_DIR}")
+Explicit Step Management
+The ``ExternalProject_Add()`` function on its own is often sufficient for
+incorporating an external project into the main build. Certain scenarios
+require additional work to implement desired behavior, such as adding in a
+custom step or making steps available as manually triggerable targets. The
+``ExternalProject_Add_Step()``, ``ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets()`` and
+``ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies`` functions provide the lower level
+control needed to implement such step-level capabilities.
+.. command:: ExternalProject_Add_Step
+ The ``ExternalProject_Add_Step()`` function specifies an additional custom
+ step for an external project defined by an earlier call to
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add`:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(<name> <step> [<option>...])
+ ``<name>`` is the same as the name passed to the original call to
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add`. The specified ``<step>`` must not be one of
+ the pre-defined steps (``mkdir``, ``download``, ``update``, ``skip-update``,
+ ``patch``, ``configure``, ``build``, ``install`` or ``test``). The supported
+ options are:
+ ``COMMAND <cmd>...``
+ The command line to be executed by this custom step
+ (:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` are
+ supported). This option can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple
+ commands to be executed in order.
+ ``COMMENT "<text>..."``
+ Text to be printed when the custom step executes.
+ ``DEPENDEES <step>...``
+ Other steps (custom or pre-defined) on which this step depends.
+ ``DEPENDERS <step>...``
+ Other steps (custom or pre-defined) that depend on this new custom step.
+ ``DEPENDS <file>...``
+ Files on which this custom step depends.
+ ``BYPRODUCTS <file>...``
+ Files that will be generated by this custom step but which might or might
+ not have their modification time updated by subsequent builds. This list of
+ files will ultimately be passed through as the ``BYPRODUCTS`` option to the
+ :command:`add_custom_command` used to implement the custom step internally.
+ ``ALWAYS <bool>``
+ When enabled, this option specifies that the custom step should always be
+ run (i.e. that it is always considered out of date).
+ ``EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN <bool>``
+ When enabled, this option specifies that the external project's main target
+ does not depend on the custom step.
+ Specifies the working directory to set before running the custom step's
+ command. If this option is not specified, the directory will be the value
+ of the :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR` at the point where
+ ``ExternalProject_Add_Step()`` was called.
+ ``LOG <bool>``
+ If set, this causes the output from the custom step to be captured to files
+ in the external project's ``LOG_DIR`` if supplied or ``STAMP_DIR``.
+ ``USES_TERMINAL <bool>``
+ If enabled, this gives the custom step direct access to the terminal if
+ possible.
+ The command line, comment, working directory and byproducts of every
+ standard and custom step are processed to replace the tokens
+ ``<TMP_DIR>``, ``<DOWNLOAD_DIR>`` and ``<DOWNLOADED_FILE>`` with their
+ corresponding property values defined in the original call to
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add`.
+.. command:: ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets
+ The ``ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets()`` function generates targets for the
+ steps listed. The name of each created target will be of the form
+ ``<name>-<step>``:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets(<name> [NO_DEPENDS] <step1> [<step2>...])
+ Creating a target for a step allows it to be used as a dependency of another
+ target or to be triggered manually. Having targets for specific steps also
+ allows them to be driven independently of each other by specifying targets on
+ build command lines. For example, you may be submitting to a sub-project
+ based dashboard where you want to drive the configure portion of the build,
+ then submit to the dashboard, followed by the build portion, followed
+ by tests. If you invoke a custom target that depends on a step halfway
+ through the step dependency chain, then all the previous steps will also run
+ to ensure everything is up to date.
+ If the ``NO_DEPENDS`` option is specified, the step target will not depend on
+ the dependencies of the external project (i.e. on any dependencies of the
+ ``<name>`` custom target created by :command:`ExternalProject_Add`). This is
+ usually safe for the ``download``, ``update`` and ``patch`` steps, since they
+ do not typically require that the dependencies are updated and built. Using
+ ``NO_DEPENDS`` for any of the other pre-defined steps, however, may break
+ parallel builds. Only use ``NO_DEPENDS`` where it is certain that the named
+ steps genuinely do not have dependencies. For custom steps, consider whether
+ or not the custom commands require the dependencies to be configured, built
+ and installed.
+ Internally, :command:`ExternalProject_Add` calls
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add_Step` to create each step. If any
+ ``STEP_TARGETS`` or ``INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS`` were specified, then
+ ``ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets()`` will also be called after
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add_Step`. ``INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS`` have the
+ ``NO_DEPENDS`` option set, whereas ``STEP_TARGETS`` do not. Other than that,
+ the two options result in ``ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets()`` being called
+ in the same way. Even if a step is not mentioned in either of those two
+ options, ``ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets()`` can still be called later to
+ manually define a target for the step.
+ :command:`ExternalProject_Add` are generally the easiest way to ensure
+ targets are created for specific steps of interest. For custom steps,
+ ``ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets()`` must be called explicitly if a target
+ should also be created for that custom step. An alternative to these two
+ options is to populate the ``EP_STEP_TARGETS`` and
+ ``EP_INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS`` directory properties. These act as defaults
+ for the step target options and can save having to repeatedly specify the
+ same set of step targets when multiple external projects are being defined.
+.. command:: ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies
+ The ``ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies()`` function can be used to add
+ dependencies to a step. The dependencies added must be targets CMake already
+ knows about (these can be ordinary executable or library targets, custom
+ targets or even step targets of another external project):
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies(<name> <step> <target1> [<target2>...])
+ This function takes care to set both target and file level dependencies and
+ will ensure that parallel builds will not break. It should be used instead of
+ :command:`add_dependencies` whenever adding a dependency for some of the step
+ targets generated by the ``ExternalProject`` module.
+The following example shows how to download and build a hypothetical project
+called *FooBar* from github:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ include(ExternalProject)
+ ExternalProject_Add(foobar
+ GIT_TAG origin/release/1.2.3
+ )
+For the sake of the example, also define a second hypothetical external project
+called *SecretSauce*, which is downloaded from a web server. Two URLs are given
+to take advantage of a faster internal network if available, with a fallback to
+a slower external server. The project is a typical ``Makefile`` project with no
+configure step, so some of the default commands are overridden. The build is
+only required to build the *sauce* target:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ find_program(MAKE_EXE NAMES gmake nmake make)
+ ExternalProject_Add(secretsauce
+ URL_HASH MD5=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
+ )
+Suppose the build step of ``secretsauce`` requires that ``foobar`` must already
+be built. This could be enforced like so:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies(secretsauce build foobar)
+Another alternative would be to create a custom target for ``foobar``'s build
+step and make ``secretsauce`` depend on that rather than the whole ``foobar``
+project. This would mean ``foobar`` only needs to be built, it doesn't need to
+run its install or test steps before ``secretsauce`` can be built. The
+dependency can also be defined along with the ``secretsauce`` project:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets(foobar build)
+ ExternalProject_Add(secretsauce
+ URL_HASH MD5=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
+ DEPENDS foobar-build
+ )
+Instead of calling :command:`ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets`, the target could
+be defined along with the ``foobar`` project itself:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add(foobar
+ GIT_TAG origin/release/1.2.3
+ )
+If many external projects should have the same set of step targets, setting a
+directory property may be more convenient. The ``build`` step target could be
+created automatically by setting the ``EP_STEP_TARGETS`` directory property
+before creating the external projects with :command:`ExternalProject_Add`:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+Lastly, suppose that ``secretsauce`` provides a script called ``makedoc`` which
+can be used to generate its own documentation. Further suppose that the script
+expects the output directory to be provided as the only parameter and that it
+should be run from the ``secretsauce`` source directory. A custom step and a
+custom target to trigger the script can be defined like so:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(secretsauce docs
+ COMMENT "Building secretsauce docs"
+ )
+ ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets(secretsauce docs)
+The custom step could then be triggered from the main build like so::
+ cmake --build . --target secretsauce-docs
+cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) # if() quoted variables not dereferenced
+# Pre-compute a regex to match documented keywords for each command.
+math(EXPR _ep_documentation_line_count "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} - 4")
+ LIMIT_COUNT ${_ep_documentation_line_count}
+ REGEX "^\\.\\. command:: [A-Za-z0-9_]+|^ +``[A-Z0-9_]+ [^`]*``$")
+foreach(line IN LISTS lines)
+ if("${line}" MATCHES "^\\.\\. command:: ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)")
+ if(_ep_func)
+ string(APPEND _ep_keywords_${_ep_func} ")$")
+ endif()
+ set(_ep_func "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ #message("function [${_ep_func}]")
+ set(_ep_keywords_${_ep_func} "^(")
+ set(_ep_keyword_sep)
+ elseif("${line}" MATCHES "^ +``([A-Z0-9_]+) [^`]*``$")
+ set(_ep_key "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ # COMMAND should never be included as a keyword,
+ # for ExternalProject_Add(), as it is treated as a
+ # special case by argument parsing as an extension
+ # of a previous ..._COMMAND
+ if("x${_ep_key}x" STREQUAL "xCOMMANDx" AND
+ "x${_ep_func}x" STREQUAL "xExternalProject_Addx")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ #message(" keyword [${_ep_key}]")
+ string(APPEND _ep_keywords_${_ep_func}
+ "${_ep_keyword_sep}${_ep_key}")
+ set(_ep_keyword_sep "|")
+ endif()
+ string(APPEND _ep_keywords_${_ep_func} ")$")
+# Save regex matching supported hash algorithm names.
+set(_ep_hash_algos "MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512|SHA3_224|SHA3_256|SHA3_384|SHA3_512")
+set(_ep_hash_regex "^(${_ep_hash_algos})=([0-9A-Fa-f]+)$")
+set(_ExternalProject_SELF "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}")
+get_filename_component(_ExternalProject_SELF_DIR "${_ExternalProject_SELF}" PATH)
+function(_ep_parse_arguments f name ns args)
+ # Transfer the arguments to this function into target properties for the
+ # new custom target we just added so that we can set up all the build steps
+ # correctly based on target properties.
+ #
+ # We loop through ARGN and consider the namespace starting with an
+ # upper-case letter followed by at least two more upper-case letters,
+ # numbers or underscores to be keywords.
+ if(NOT DEFINED _ExternalProject_SELF)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: ExternalProject module must be explicitly included before using ${f} function")
+ endif()
+ set(key)
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS args)
+ set(is_value 1)
+ if(arg MATCHES "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_][A-Z0-9_]+$" AND
+ NOT (("x${arg}x" STREQUAL "x${key}x") AND ("x${key}x" STREQUAL "xCOMMANDx")) AND
+ if(_ep_keywords_${f} AND arg MATCHES "${_ep_keywords_${f}}")
+ set(is_value 0)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(is_value)
+ if(key)
+ # Value
+ if(NOT arg STREQUAL "")
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} APPEND PROPERTY ${ns}${key} "${arg}")
+ else()
+ get_property(have_key TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} SET)
+ if(have_key)
+ get_property(value TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key})
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} "${value};${arg}")
+ else()
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} "${arg}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ # Missing Keyword
+ message(AUTHOR_WARNING "value '${arg}' with no previous keyword in ${f}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ set(key "${arg}")
+ if(key MATCHES GIT)
+ get_property(have_key TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} SET)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ BRIEF_DOCS "Base directory for External Project storage."
+ "See documentation of the ExternalProject_Add() function in the "
+ "ExternalProject module."
+ )
+ BRIEF_DOCS "Top prefix for External Project storage."
+ "See documentation of the ExternalProject_Add() function in the "
+ "ExternalProject module."
+ )
+ "List of ExternalProject steps that automatically get corresponding targets"
+ "These targets will be dependent on the main target dependencies. "
+ "See documentation of the ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets() function in the "
+ "ExternalProject module."
+ )
+ "List of ExternalProject steps that automatically get corresponding targets"
+ "These targets will not be dependent on the main target dependencies. "
+ "See documentation of the ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets() function in the "
+ "ExternalProject module."
+ )
+ BRIEF_DOCS "Never update automatically from the remote repo."
+ "See documentation of the ExternalProject_Add() function in the "
+ "ExternalProject module."
+ )
+function(_ep_write_gitclone_script script_filename source_dir git_EXECUTABLE git_repository git_tag git_remote_name init_submodules git_submodules_recurse git_submodules git_shallow git_progress git_config src_name work_dir gitclone_infofile gitclone_stampfile tls_verify)
+ # Use `git checkout <tree-ish> --` to avoid ambiguity with a local path.
+ set(git_checkout_explicit-- "--")
+ else()
+ # Use `git checkout <branch>` even though this risks ambiguity with a
+ # local path. Unfortunately we cannot use `git checkout <tree-ish> --`
+ # because that will not search for remote branch names, a common use case.
+ set(git_checkout_explicit-- "")
+ endif()
+ if("${git_tag}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Tag for git checkout should not be empty.")
+ endif()
+ set(git_clone_options "--no-checkout")
+ if(git_shallow)
+ list(APPEND git_clone_options "--depth 1 --no-single-branch")
+ else()
+ list(APPEND git_clone_options "--depth 1")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(git_progress)
+ list(APPEND git_clone_options --progress)
+ endif()
+ foreach(config IN LISTS git_config)
+ list(APPEND git_clone_options --config \"${config}\")
+ endforeach()
+ if(NOT ${git_remote_name} STREQUAL "origin")
+ list(APPEND git_clone_options --origin \"${git_remote_name}\")
+ endif()
+ string (REPLACE ";" " " git_clone_options "${git_clone_options}")
+ set(git_options)
+ # disable cert checking if explicitly told not to do it
+ if(NOT "x${tls_verify}" STREQUAL "x" AND NOT tls_verify)
+ set(git_options
+ -c http.sslVerify=false)
+ endif()
+ string (REPLACE ";" " " git_options "${git_options}")
+ file(WRITE ${script_filename}
+if(NOT \"${gitclone_infofile}\" IS_NEWER_THAN \"${gitclone_stampfile}\")
+ message(STATUS \"Avoiding repeated git clone, stamp file is up to date: '${gitclone_stampfile}'\")
+ return()
+ COMMAND \${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -rf \"${source_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to remove directory: '${source_dir}'\")
+# try the clone 3 times in case there is an odd git clone issue
+set(error_code 1)
+set(number_of_tries 0)
+while(error_code AND number_of_tries LESS 3)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" ${git_options} clone ${git_clone_options} \"${git_repository}\" \"${src_name}\"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ math(EXPR number_of_tries \"\${number_of_tries} + 1\")
+if(number_of_tries GREATER 1)
+ message(STATUS \"Had to git clone more than once:
+ \${number_of_tries} times.\")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to clone repository: '${git_repository}'\")
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" ${git_options} checkout ${git_tag} ${git_checkout_explicit--}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}/${src_name}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to checkout tag: '${git_tag}'\")
+set(init_submodules ${init_submodules})
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" ${git_options} submodule update ${git_submodules_recurse} --init ${git_submodules}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}/${src_name}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to update submodules in: '${work_dir}/${src_name}'\")
+# Complete success, update the script-last-run stamp file:
+ \"${gitclone_infofile}\"
+ \"${gitclone_stampfile}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to copy script-last-run stamp file: '${gitclone_stampfile}'\")
+function(_ep_write_hgclone_script script_filename source_dir hg_EXECUTABLE hg_repository hg_tag src_name work_dir hgclone_infofile hgclone_stampfile)
+ if("${hg_tag}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Tag for hg checkout should not be empty.")
+ endif()
+ file(WRITE ${script_filename}
+if(NOT \"${hgclone_infofile}\" IS_NEWER_THAN \"${hgclone_stampfile}\")
+ message(STATUS \"Avoiding repeated hg clone, stamp file is up to date: '${hgclone_stampfile}'\")
+ return()
+ COMMAND \${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -rf \"${source_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to remove directory: '${source_dir}'\")
+ COMMAND \"${hg_EXECUTABLE}\" clone -U \"${hg_repository}\" \"${src_name}\"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to clone repository: '${hg_repository}'\")
+ COMMAND \"${hg_EXECUTABLE}\" update ${hg_tag}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}/${src_name}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to checkout tag: '${hg_tag}'\")
+# Complete success, update the script-last-run stamp file:
+ \"${hgclone_infofile}\"
+ \"${hgclone_stampfile}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to copy script-last-run stamp file: '${hgclone_stampfile}'\")
+function(_ep_write_gitupdate_script script_filename git_EXECUTABLE git_tag git_remote_name init_submodules git_submodules_recurse git_submodules git_repository work_dir)
+ if("${git_tag}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Tag for git checkout should not be empty.")
+ endif()
+ set(git_stash_save_options --all --quiet)
+ else()
+ set(git_stash_save_options --quiet)
+ endif()
+ file(WRITE ${script_filename}
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to get the hash for HEAD\")
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" show-ref ${git_tag}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE show_ref_output
+ )
+# If a remote ref is asked for, which can possibly move around,
+# we must always do a fetch and checkout.
+if(\"\${show_ref_output}\" MATCHES \"remotes\")
+ set(is_remote_ref 1)
+ set(is_remote_ref 0)
+# Tag is in the form <remote>/<tag> (i.e. origin/master) we must strip
+# the remote from the tag.
+if(\"\${show_ref_output}\" MATCHES \"refs/remotes/${git_tag}\")
+ string(REGEX MATCH \"^([^/]+)/(.+)$\" _unused \"${git_tag}\")
+ set(git_remote \"\${CMAKE_MATCH_1}\")
+ set(git_tag \"\${CMAKE_MATCH_2}\")
+ set(git_remote \"${git_remote_name}\")
+ set(git_tag \"${git_tag}\")
+# This will fail if the tag does not exist (it probably has not been fetched
+# yet).
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" rev-list --max-count=1 ${git_tag}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+# Is the hash checkout out that we want?
+if(error_code OR is_remote_ref OR NOT (\"\${tag_sha}\" STREQUAL \"\${head_sha}\"))
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" fetch
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to fetch repository '${git_repository}'\")
+ endif()
+ if(is_remote_ref)
+ # Check if stash is needed
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" status --porcelain
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE repo_status
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to get the status\")
+ endif()
+ string(LENGTH \"\${repo_status}\" need_stash)
+ # If not in clean state, stash changes in order to be able to be able to
+ # perform git pull --rebase
+ if(need_stash)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" stash save ${git_stash_save_options}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to stash changes\")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ # Pull changes from the remote branch
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" rebase \${git_remote}/\${git_tag}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ # Rebase failed: Restore previous state.
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" rebase --abort
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ )
+ if(need_stash)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" stash pop --index --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ )
+ endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"\\nFailed to rebase in: '${work_dir}/${src_name}'.\\nYou will have to resolve the conflicts manually\")
+ endif()
+ if(need_stash)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" stash pop --index --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ # Stash pop --index failed: Try again dropping the index
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" reset --hard --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" stash pop --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ # Stash pop failed: Restore previous state.
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" reset --hard --quiet \${head_sha}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ )
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" stash pop --index --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"\\nFailed to unstash changes in: '${work_dir}/${src_name}'.\\nYou will have to resolve the conflicts manually\")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" checkout ${git_tag}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to checkout tag: '${git_tag}'\")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(init_submodules ${init_submodules})
+ if(init_submodules)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND \"${git_EXECUTABLE}\" submodule update ${git_submodules_recurse} --init ${git_submodules}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}/${src_name}\"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ endif()
+ if(error_code)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Failed to update submodules in: '${work_dir}/${src_name}'\")
+ endif()
+function(_ep_write_downloadfile_script script_filename REMOTE LOCAL timeout no_progress hash tls_verify tls_cainfo userpwd http_headers netrc netrc_file)
+ if(timeout)
+ set(TIMEOUT_ARGS TIMEOUT ${timeout})
+ set(TIMEOUT_MSG "${timeout} seconds")
+ else()
+ set(TIMEOUT_MSG "none")
+ endif()
+ if(no_progress)
+ else()
+ endif()
+ if("${hash}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}")
+ set(ALGO "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ else()
+ set(ALGO "")
+ set(EXPECT_VALUE "")
+ endif()
+ set(NETRC_CODE "")
+ # check for curl globals in the project
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ # now check for curl locals so that the local values
+ # will override the globals
+ # check for tls_verify argument
+ string(LENGTH "${tls_verify}" tls_verify_len)
+ if(tls_verify_len GREATER 0)
+ set(TLS_VERIFY_CODE "set(CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY ${tls_verify})")
+ endif()
+ # check for tls_cainfo argument
+ string(LENGTH "${tls_cainfo}" tls_cainfo_len)
+ if(tls_cainfo_len GREATER 0)
+ set(TLS_CAINFO_CODE "set(CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO \"${tls_cainfo}\")")
+ endif()
+ # check for netrc argument
+ string(LENGTH "${netrc}" netrc_len)
+ if(netrc_len GREATER 0)
+ set(NETRC_CODE "set(CMAKE_NETRC \"${netrc}\")")
+ endif()
+ # check for netrc_file argument
+ string(LENGTH "${netrc_file}" netrc_file_len)
+ if(netrc_file_len GREATER 0)
+ set(NETRC_FILE_CODE "set(CMAKE_NETRC_FILE \"${netrc_file}\")")
+ endif()
+ if(userpwd STREQUAL ":")
+ else()
+ set(USERPWD_ARGS USERPWD "${userpwd}")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT http_headers STREQUAL "")
+ foreach(header ${http_headers})
+ set(
+ "HTTPHEADER \"${header}\"\n ${HTTP_HEADERS_ARGS}"
+ )
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ # Used variables:
+ # * ALGO
+ # * REMOTE
+ # * LOCAL
+ configure_file(
+ "${_ExternalProject_SELF_DIR}/"
+ "${script_filename}"
+ )
+function(_ep_write_verifyfile_script script_filename LOCAL hash)
+ if("${hash}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}")
+ set(ALGO "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ else()
+ set(ALGO "")
+ set(EXPECT_VALUE "")
+ endif()
+ # Used variables:
+ # * ALGO
+ # * LOCAL
+ configure_file(
+ "${_ExternalProject_SELF_DIR}/"
+ "${script_filename}"
+ )
+function(_ep_write_extractfile_script script_filename name filename directory)
+ set(args "")
+ if(filename MATCHES "(\\.|=)(7z|tar\\.bz2|tar\\.gz|tar\\.xz|tbz2|tgz|txz|zip)$")
+ set(args xfz)
+ endif()
+ if(filename MATCHES "(\\.|=)tar$")
+ set(args xf)
+ endif()
+ if(args STREQUAL "")
+ message(SEND_ERROR "error: do not know how to extract '${filename}' -- known types are .7z, .tar, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz, .tar.xz, .tbz2, .tgz, .txz and .zip")
+ return()
+ endif()
+ file(WRITE ${script_filename}
+"# Make file names absolute:
+get_filename_component(filename \"${filename}\" ABSOLUTE)
+get_filename_component(directory \"${directory}\" ABSOLUTE)
+message(STATUS \"extracting...
+ src='\${filename}'
+ dst='\${directory}'\")
+if(NOT EXISTS \"\${filename}\")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: file to extract does not exist: '\${filename}'\")
+# Prepare a space for extracting:
+set(i 1234)
+while(EXISTS \"\${directory}/../ex-${name}\${i}\")
+ math(EXPR i \"\${i} + 1\")
+set(ut_dir \"\${directory}/../ex-${name}\${i}\")
+file(MAKE_DIRECTORY \"\${ut_dir}\")
+# Extract it:
+message(STATUS \"extracting... [tar ${args}]\")
+execute_process(COMMAND \${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar ${args} \${filename}
+if(NOT rv EQUAL 0)
+ message(STATUS \"extracting... [error clean up]\")
+ file(REMOVE_RECURSE \"\${ut_dir}\")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: extract of '\${filename}' failed\")
+# Analyze what came out of the tar file:
+message(STATUS \"extracting... [analysis]\")
+file(GLOB contents \"\${ut_dir}/*\")
+list(REMOVE_ITEM contents \"\${ut_dir}/.DS_Store\")
+list(LENGTH contents n)
+if(NOT n EQUAL 1 OR NOT IS_DIRECTORY \"\${contents}\")
+ set(contents \"\${ut_dir}\")
+# Move \"the one\" directory to the final directory:
+message(STATUS \"extracting... [rename]\")
+file(REMOVE_RECURSE \${directory})
+get_filename_component(contents \${contents} ABSOLUTE)
+file(RENAME \${contents} \${directory})
+# Clean up:
+message(STATUS \"extracting... [clean up]\")
+file(REMOVE_RECURSE \"\${ut_dir}\")
+message(STATUS \"extracting... done\")
+function(_ep_set_directories name)
+ get_property(prefix TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_PREFIX)
+ if(NOT prefix)
+ get_property(prefix DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_PREFIX)
+ if(NOT prefix)
+ get_property(base DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_BASE)
+ if(NOT base)
+ set(prefix "${name}-prefix")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(prefix)
+ set(tmp_default "${prefix}/tmp")
+ set(download_default "${prefix}/src")
+ set(source_default "${prefix}/src/${name}")
+ set(binary_default "${prefix}/src/${name}-build")
+ set(stamp_default "${prefix}/src/${name}-stamp")
+ set(install_default "${prefix}")
+ else()
+ set(tmp_default "${base}/tmp/${name}")
+ set(download_default "${base}/Download/${name}")
+ set(source_default "${base}/Source/${name}")
+ set(binary_default "${base}/Build/${name}")
+ set(stamp_default "${base}/Stamp/${name}")
+ set(install_default "${base}/Install/${name}")
+ endif()
+ get_property(build_in_source TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_IN_SOURCE)
+ if(build_in_source)
+ get_property(have_binary_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BINARY_DIR SET)
+ if(have_binary_dir)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR
+ "External project ${name} has both BINARY_DIR and BUILD_IN_SOURCE!")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ # Apply defaults and convert to absolute paths.
+ set(places stamp download source binary install tmp)
+ foreach(var ${places})
+ string(TOUPPER "${var}" VAR)
+ get_property(${var}_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}_DIR)
+ if(NOT ${var}_dir)
+ set(${var}_dir "${${var}_default}")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${${var}_dir}")
+ get_filename_component(${var}_dir "${top}/${${var}_dir}" ABSOLUTE)
+ endif()
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}_DIR "${${var}_dir}")
+ endforeach()
+ # Special case for default log directory based on stamp directory.
+ get_property(log_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_DIR)
+ if(NOT log_dir)
+ get_property(log_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_STAMP_DIR)
+ endif()
+ if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${log_dir}")
+ get_filename_component(log_dir "${top}/${log_dir}" ABSOLUTE)
+ endif()
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_DIR "${log_dir}")
+ get_property(source_subdir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SOURCE_SUBDIR)
+ if(NOT source_subdir)
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SOURCE_SUBDIR "")
+ elseif(IS_ABSOLUTE "${source_subdir}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR
+ "External project ${name} has non-relative SOURCE_SUBDIR!")
+ else()
+ # Prefix with a slash so that when appended to the source directory, it
+ # behaves as expected.
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SOURCE_SUBDIR "/${source_subdir}")
+ endif()
+ if(build_in_source)
+ get_property(source_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SOURCE_DIR)
+ if(source_subdir)
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BINARY_DIR "${source_dir}/${source_subdir}")
+ else()
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BINARY_DIR "${source_dir}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ # Make the directories at CMake configure time *and* add a custom command
+ # to make them at build time. They need to exist at makefile generation
+ # time for Borland make and wmake so that CMake may generate makefiles
+ # with "cd C:\short\paths\with\no\spaces" commands in them.
+ #
+ # Additionally, the add_custom_command is still used in case somebody
+ # removes one of the necessary directories and tries to rebuild without
+ # re-running cmake.
+ foreach(var ${places})
+ string(TOUPPER "${var}" VAR)
+ get_property(dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}_DIR)
+ file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${dir}")
+ if(NOT EXISTS "${dir}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "dir '${dir}' does not exist after file(MAKE_DIRECTORY)")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+# IMPORTANT: this MUST be a macro and not a function because of the
+# in-place replacements that occur in each ${var}
+macro(_ep_replace_location_tags target_name)
+ set(vars ${ARGN})
+ foreach(var ${vars})
+ if(${var})
+ get_property(val TARGET ${target_name} PROPERTY _EP_${dir})
+ string(REPLACE "<${dir}>" "${val}" ${var} "${${var}}")
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+function(_ep_command_line_to_initial_cache var args force)
+ set(script_initial_cache "")
+ set(regex "^([^:]+):([^=]+)=(.*)$")
+ set(setArg "")
+ set(forceArg "")
+ if(force)
+ set(forceArg "FORCE")
+ endif()
+ foreach(line ${args})
+ if("${line}" MATCHES "^-D(.*)")
+ set(line "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ if(NOT "${setArg}" STREQUAL "")
+ # This is required to build up lists in variables, or complete an entry
+ string(APPEND setArg "${accumulator}\" CACHE ${type} \"Initial cache\" ${forceArg})")
+ string(APPEND script_initial_cache "\n${setArg}")
+ set(accumulator "")
+ set(setArg "")
+ endif()
+ if("${line}" MATCHES "${regex}")
+ set(name "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ set(type "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
+ set(value "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}")
+ set(setArg "set(${name} \"${value}")
+ else()
+ message(WARNING "Line '${line}' does not match regex. Ignoring.")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ # Assume this is a list to append to the last var
+ string(APPEND accumulator ";${line}")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ # Catch the final line of the args
+ if(NOT "${setArg}" STREQUAL "")
+ string(APPEND setArg "${accumulator}\" CACHE ${type} \"Initial cache\" ${forceArg})")
+ string(APPEND script_initial_cache "\n${setArg}")
+ endif()
+ set(${var} ${script_initial_cache} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(_ep_write_initial_cache target_name script_filename script_initial_cache)
+ # Write out values into an initial cache, that will be passed to CMake with -C
+ # Replace location tags.
+ _ep_replace_location_tags(${target_name} script_initial_cache)
+ _ep_replace_location_tags(${target_name} script_filename)
+ # Replace list separators.
+ get_property(sep TARGET ${target_name} PROPERTY _EP_LIST_SEPARATOR)
+ if(sep AND script_initial_cache)
+ string(REPLACE "${sep}" ";" script_initial_cache "${script_initial_cache}")
+ endif()
+ # Write out the initial cache file to the location specified.
+ file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${script_filename}" CONTENT "${script_initial_cache}")
+function(ExternalProject_Get_Property name)
+ foreach(var ${ARGN})
+ string(TOUPPER "${var}" VAR)
+ get_property(is_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR} SET)
+ if(NOT is_set)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "External project \"${name}\" has no ${var}")
+ endif()
+ get_property(${var} TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR})
+ set(${var} "${${var}}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endforeach()
+function(_ep_get_configure_command_id name cfg_cmd_id_var)
+ get_target_property(cmd ${name} _EP_CONFIGURE_COMMAND)
+ if(cmd STREQUAL "")
+ # Explicit empty string means no configure step for this project
+ set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "none" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ if(NOT cmd)
+ # Default is "use cmake":
+ set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "cmake" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ # Otherwise we have to analyze the value:
+ if(cmd MATCHES "^[^;]*/configure")
+ set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "configure" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ elseif(cmd MATCHES "^[^;]*/cmake" AND NOT cmd MATCHES ";-[PE];")
+ set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "cmake" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ elseif(cmd MATCHES "config")
+ set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "configure" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "unknown:${cmd}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+function(_ep_get_build_command name step cmd_var)
+ set(cmd "")
+ set(args)
+ _ep_get_configure_command_id(${name} cfg_cmd_id)
+ if(cfg_cmd_id STREQUAL "cmake")
+ # CMake project. Select build command based on generator.
+ get_target_property(cmake_generator ${name} _EP_CMAKE_GENERATOR)
+ ("${cmake_generator}" MATCHES "Make" OR NOT cmake_generator))
+ # The project uses the same Makefile generator. Use recursive make.
+ set(cmd "$(MAKE)")
+ set(args install)
+ endif()
+ if("x${step}x" STREQUAL "xTESTx")
+ set(args test)
+ endif()
+ else()
+ # Drive the project with "cmake --build".
+ get_target_property(cmake_command ${name} _EP_CMAKE_COMMAND)
+ if(cmake_command)
+ set(cmd "${cmake_command}")
+ else()
+ set(cmd "${CMAKE_COMMAND}")
+ endif()
+ set(args --build ".")
+ if(_isMultiConfig)
+ # CMake 3.4 and below used the CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR placeholder value
+ # provided by multi-configuration generators. Some projects were
+ # taking advantage of that undocumented implementation detail to
+ # specify a specific configuration here. They should use
+ # BUILD_COMMAND to change the default command instead, but for
+ # compatibility honor the value.
+ set(config ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR})
+ message(AUTHOR_WARNING "CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR should not be set by project code.\n"
+ "To get a non-default build command, use the BUILD_COMMAND option.")
+ else()
+ set(config $<CONFIG>)
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND args --config ${config})
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND args --target install)
+ endif()
+ # But for "TEST" drive the project with corresponding "ctest".
+ if("x${step}x" STREQUAL "xTESTx")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.*/)cmake([^/]*)$" "\\1ctest\\2" cmd "${cmd}")
+ set(args "")
+ if(_isMultiConfig)
+ list(APPEND args -C ${config})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ # Non-CMake project. Guess "make" and "make install" and "make test".
+ if("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Makefiles")
+ # Try to get the parallel arguments
+ set(cmd "$(MAKE)")
+ else()
+ set(cmd "make")
+ endif()
+ set(args install)
+ endif()
+ if("x${step}x" STREQUAL "xTESTx")
+ set(args test)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ # Use user-specified arguments instead of default arguments, if any.
+ get_property(have_args TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_ARGS SET)
+ if(have_args)
+ get_target_property(args ${name} _EP_${step}_ARGS)
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND cmd ${args})
+ set(${cmd_var} "${cmd}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(_ep_write_log_script name step cmd_var)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} log_dir)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} stamp_dir)
+ set(command "${${cmd_var}}")
+ set(make "")
+ set(code_cygpath_make "")
+ if(command MATCHES "^\\$\\(MAKE\\)")
+ # GNU make recognizes the string "$(MAKE)" as recursive make, so
+ # ensure that it appears directly in the makefile.
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^\\$\\(MAKE\\)" "\${make}" command "${command}")
+ set(make "-Dmake=$(MAKE)")
+ set(code_cygpath_make "
+if(\${make} MATCHES \"^/\")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND cygpath -w \${make}
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE cygpath_make
+ ERROR_VARIABLE cygpath_make
+ RESULT_VARIABLE cygpath_error
+ )
+ if(NOT cygpath_error)
+ set(make \${cygpath_make})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(config "")
+ if("${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" MATCHES "^\\$")
+ string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" "\${config}" command "${command}")
+ set(config "-Dconfig=${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}")
+ endif()
+ # Wrap multiple 'COMMAND' lines up into a second-level wrapper
+ # script so all output can be sent to one log file.
+ if(command MATCHES "(^|;)COMMAND;")
+ set(code_execute_process "
+execute_process(COMMAND \${command} RESULT_VARIABLE result)
+ set(msg \"Command failed (\${result}):\\n\")
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS command)
+ set(msg \"\${msg} '\${arg}'\")
+ endforeach()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"\${msg}\")
+ set(code "")
+ set(cmd "")
+ set(sep "")
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS command)
+ if("x${arg}" STREQUAL "xCOMMAND")
+ if(NOT "x${cmd}" STREQUAL "x")
+ string(APPEND code "set(command \"${cmd}\")${code_execute_process}")
+ endif()
+ set(cmd "")
+ set(sep "")
+ else()
+ string(APPEND cmd "${sep}${arg}")
+ set(sep ";")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ string(APPEND code "set(command \"${cmd}\")${code_execute_process}")
+ file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step}-$<CONFIG>-impl.cmake" CONTENT "${code}")
+ set(command ${CMAKE_COMMAND} "-Dmake=\${make}" "-Dconfig=\${config}" -P ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step}-$<CONFIG>-impl.cmake)
+ endif()
+ # Wrap the command in a script to log output to files.
+ set(script ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step}-$<CONFIG>.cmake)
+ set(logbase ${log_dir}/${name}-${step})
+ get_property(log_merged TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_MERGED_STDOUTERR)
+ get_property(log_output_on_failure TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE)
+ if (log_merged)
+ set(stdout_log "${logbase}.log")
+ set(stderr_log "${logbase}.log")
+ else()
+ set(stdout_log "${logbase}-out.log")
+ set(stderr_log "${logbase}-err.log")
+ endif()
+ set(code "
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
+set(command \"${command}\")
+set(log_merged \"${log_merged}\")
+set(log_output_on_failure \"${log_output_on_failure}\")
+set(stdout_log \"${stdout_log}\")
+set(stderr_log \"${stderr_log}\")
+ COMMAND \${command}
+ OUTPUT_FILE \"\${stdout_log}\"
+ ERROR_FILE \"\${stderr_log}\"
+ )
+macro(read_up_to_max_size log_file output_var)
+ file(SIZE \${log_file} determined_size)
+ set(max_size 10240)
+ if (determined_size GREATER max_size)
+ math(EXPR seek_position \"\${determined_size} - \${max_size}\")
+ file(READ \${log_file} \${output_var} OFFSET \${seek_position})
+ set(\${output_var} \"...skipping to end...\\n\${\${output_var}}\")
+ else()
+ file(READ \${log_file} \${output_var})
+ endif()
+ set(msg \"Command failed: \${result}\\n\")
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS command)
+ set(msg \"\${msg} '\${arg}'\")
+ endforeach()
+ if (\${log_merged})
+ set(msg \"\${msg}\\nSee also\\n \${stderr_log}\")
+ else()
+ set(msg \"\${msg}\\nSee also\\n ${logbase}-*.log\")
+ endif()
+ if (\${log_output_on_failure})
+ message(SEND_ERROR \"\${msg}\")
+ if (\${log_merged})
+ read_up_to_max_size(\"\${stderr_log}\" error_log_contents)
+ message(STATUS \"Log output is:\\n\${error_log_contents}\")
+ else()
+ read_up_to_max_size(\"\${stdout_log}\" out_log_contents)
+ read_up_to_max_size(\"\${stderr_log}\" err_log_contents)
+ message(STATUS \"stdout output is:\\n\${out_log_contents}\")
+ message(STATUS \"stderr output is:\\n\${err_log_contents}\")
+ endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Stopping after outputting logs.\")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"\${msg}\")
+ endif()
+ set(msg \"${name} ${step} command succeeded. See also ${logbase}-*.log\")
+ message(STATUS \"\${msg}\")
+ file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${script}" CONTENT "${code}")
+ set(command ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ${make} ${config} -P ${script})
+ set(${cmd_var} "${command}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+# This module used to use "/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" directly and produced
+# makefiles with "/./" in paths for custom command dependencies. Which
+# resulted in problems with parallel make -j invocations.
+# This function was added so that the suffix (search below for ${cfgdir}) is
+# only set to "/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" when ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} is not going to
+# be "." (multi-configuration build systems like Visual Studio and Xcode...)
+function(_ep_get_configuration_subdir_suffix suffix_var)
+ set(suffix "")
+ if(_isMultiConfig)
+ set(suffix "/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}")
+ endif()
+ set(${suffix_var} "${suffix}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(_ep_get_step_stampfile name step stampfile_var)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} stamp_dir)
+ _ep_get_configuration_subdir_suffix(cfgdir)
+ set(stampfile "${stamp_dir}${cfgdir}/${name}-${step}")
+ set(${stampfile_var} "${stampfile}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(_ep_get_complete_stampfile name stampfile_var)
+ set(cmf_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles)
+ _ep_get_configuration_subdir_suffix(cfgdir)
+ set(stampfile "${cmf_dir}${cfgdir}/${name}-complete")
+ set(${stampfile_var} ${stampfile} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets name)
+ set(steps ${ARGN})
+ set(no_deps 1)
+ list(REMOVE_AT steps 0)
+ endif()
+ foreach(step ${steps})
+ if(no_deps AND "${step}" MATCHES "^(configure|build|install|test)$")
+ message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Using NO_DEPENDS for \"${step}\" step might break parallel builds")
+ endif()
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} ${step} stamp_file)
+ add_custom_target(${name}-${step}
+ DEPENDS ${stamp_file})
+ set_property(TARGET ${name}-${step} PROPERTY _EP_IS_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_STEP 1)
+ set_property(TARGET ${name}-${step} PROPERTY LABELS ${name})
+ set_property(TARGET ${name}-${step} PROPERTY FOLDER "ExternalProjectTargets/${name}")
+ # Depend on other external projects (target-level).
+ if(NOT no_deps)
+ get_property(deps TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DEPENDS)
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS deps)
+ add_dependencies(${name}-${step} ${arg})
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+function(ExternalProject_Add_Step name step)
+ _ep_get_complete_stampfile(${name} complete_stamp_file)
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} ${step} stamp_file)
+ _ep_parse_arguments(ExternalProject_Add_Step
+ ${name} _EP_${step}_ "${ARGN}")
+ get_property(exclude_from_main TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN)
+ if(NOT exclude_from_main)
+ add_custom_command(APPEND
+ OUTPUT ${complete_stamp_file}
+ DEPENDS ${stamp_file}
+ )
+ endif()
+ # Steps depending on this step.
+ get_property(dependers TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_DEPENDERS)
+ foreach(depender IN LISTS dependers)
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} ${depender} depender_stamp_file)
+ add_custom_command(APPEND
+ OUTPUT ${depender_stamp_file}
+ DEPENDS ${stamp_file}
+ )
+ endforeach()
+ # Dependencies on files.
+ get_property(depends TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_DEPENDS)
+ # Byproducts of the step.
+ get_property(byproducts TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_BYPRODUCTS)
+ # Dependencies on steps.
+ get_property(dependees TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_DEPENDEES)
+ foreach(dependee IN LISTS dependees)
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} ${dependee} dependee_stamp_file)
+ list(APPEND depends ${dependee_stamp_file})
+ endforeach()
+ # The command to run.
+ get_property(command TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_COMMAND)
+ if(command)
+ set(comment "Performing ${step} step for '${name}'")
+ else()
+ set(comment "No ${step} step for '${name}'")
+ endif()
+ get_property(work_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_WORKING_DIRECTORY)
+ # Replace list separators.
+ get_property(sep TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LIST_SEPARATOR)
+ if(sep AND command)
+ string(REPLACE "${sep}" "\\;" command "${command}")
+ endif()
+ # Replace location tags.
+ _ep_replace_location_tags(${name} comment command work_dir byproducts)
+ # Custom comment?
+ get_property(comment_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_COMMENT SET)
+ if(comment_set)
+ get_property(comment TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_COMMENT)
+ endif()
+ # Uses terminal?
+ get_property(uses_terminal TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_USES_TERMINAL)
+ if(uses_terminal)
+ set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL)
+ else()
+ set(uses_terminal "")
+ endif()
+ # Run every time?
+ get_property(always TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_ALWAYS)
+ if(always)
+ set_property(SOURCE ${stamp_file} PROPERTY SYMBOLIC 1)
+ set(touch)
+ # Remove any existing stamp in case the option changed in an existing tree.
+ if(_isMultiConfig)
+ string(REPLACE "/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" "/${cfg}" stamp_file_config "${stamp_file}")
+ file(REMOVE ${stamp_file_config})
+ endforeach()
+ else()
+ file(REMOVE ${stamp_file})
+ endif()
+ else()
+ set(touch ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${stamp_file})
+ endif()
+ # Wrap with log script?
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_LOG)
+ if(command AND log)
+ _ep_write_log_script(${name} ${step} command)
+ endif()
+ if("${command}" STREQUAL "")
+ # Some generators (i.e. Xcode) will not generate a file level target
+ # if no command is set, and therefore the dependencies on this
+ # target will be broken.
+ # The empty command is replaced by an echo command here in order to
+ # avoid this issue.
+ set(command ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo_append)
+ endif()
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT ${stamp_file}
+ BYPRODUCTS ${byproducts}
+ COMMENT ${comment}
+ COMMAND ${command}
+ COMMAND ${touch}
+ DEPENDS ${depends}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} APPEND PROPERTY _EP_STEPS ${step})
+ # Add custom "step target"?
+ get_property(step_targets TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_STEP_TARGETS)
+ if(NOT step_targets)
+ get_property(step_targets DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_STEP_TARGETS)
+ endif()
+ foreach(st ${step_targets})
+ if("${st}" STREQUAL "${step}")
+ ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets(${name} ${step})
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ get_property(independent_step_targets TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS)
+ if(NOT independent_step_targets)
+ get_property(independent_step_targets DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS)
+ endif()
+ foreach(st ${independent_step_targets})
+ if("${st}" STREQUAL "${step}")
+ ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets(${name} NO_DEPENDS ${step})
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+function(ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies name step)
+ set(dependencies ${ARGN})
+ # Sanity checks on "name" and "step".
+ if(NOT TARGET ${name})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find target \"${name}\". Perhaps it has not yet been created using ExternalProject_Add.")
+ endif()
+ get_property(type TARGET ${name} PROPERTY TYPE)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Target \"${name}\" was not generated by ExternalProject_Add.")
+ endif()
+ get_property(is_ep TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_IS_EXTERNAL_PROJECT)
+ if(NOT is_ep)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Target \"${name}\" was not generated by ExternalProject_Add.")
+ endif()
+ get_property(steps TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_STEPS)
+ list(FIND steps ${step} is_step)
+ if(NOT is_step)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "External project \"${name}\" does not have a step \"${step}\".")
+ endif()
+ if(TARGET ${name}-${step})
+ get_property(type TARGET ${name}-${step} PROPERTY TYPE)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Target \"${name}-${step}\" was not generated by ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets.")
+ endif()
+ get_property(is_ep_step TARGET ${name}-${step} PROPERTY _EP_IS_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_STEP)
+ if(NOT is_ep_step)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Target \"${name}-${step}\" was not generated by ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets.")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ # Always add file-level dependency, but add target-level dependency
+ # only if the target exists for that step.
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} ${step} stamp_file)
+ foreach(dep ${dependencies})
+ add_custom_command(APPEND
+ OUTPUT ${stamp_file}
+ DEPENDS ${dep})
+ if(TARGET ${name}-${step})
+ foreach(dep ${dependencies})
+ add_dependencies(${name}-${step} ${dep})
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+function(_ep_add_mkdir_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name}
+ source_dir binary_dir install_dir stamp_dir download_dir tmp_dir log_dir)
+ _ep_get_configuration_subdir_suffix(cfgdir)
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} mkdir
+ COMMENT "Creating directories for '${name}'"
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${source_dir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${binary_dir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${install_dir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${tmp_dir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${stamp_dir}${cfgdir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${download_dir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${log_dir}
+ )
+function(_ep_is_dir_empty dir empty_var)
+ file(GLOB gr "${dir}/*")
+ if("${gr}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(${empty_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ set(${empty_var} 0 PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+function(_ep_get_git_submodules_recurse git_submodules_recurse)
+ # Checks for GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE property
+ # Default is ON, which sets git_submodules_recurse output variable to "--recursive"
+ # Otherwise, the output variable is set to an empty value ""
+ get_property(git_submodules_recurse_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE SET)
+ if(NOT git_submodules_recurse_set)
+ set(recurseFlag "--recursive")
+ else()
+ get_property(git_submodules_recurse_value TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE)
+ if(git_submodules_recurse_value)
+ set(recurseFlag "--recursive")
+ else()
+ set(recurseFlag "")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(${git_submodules_recurse} "${recurseFlag}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ # The git submodule update '--recursive' flag requires git >= v1.6.5
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: git version 1.6.5 or later required for --recursive flag with 'git submodule ...': GIT_VERSION_STRING='${GIT_VERSION_STRING}'")
+ endif()
+function(_ep_add_download_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} source_dir stamp_dir download_dir tmp_dir)
+ get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND SET)
+ get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND)
+ get_property(cvs_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_REPOSITORY)
+ get_property(svn_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_REPOSITORY)
+ get_property(git_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_REPOSITORY)
+ get_property(hg_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_HG_REPOSITORY )
+ get_property(url TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_URL)
+ get_property(fname TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOAD_NAME)
+ # TODO: Perhaps file:// should be copied to download dir before extraction.
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "file://" "" url "${url}")
+ set(depends)
+ set(comment)
+ set(work_dir)
+ if(cmd_set)
+ set(work_dir ${download_dir})
+ elseif(cvs_repository)
+ find_package(CVS QUIET)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find cvs for checkout of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(cvs_module ${name} _EP_CVS_MODULE)
+ if(NOT cvs_module)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: no CVS_MODULE")
+ endif()
+ get_property(cvs_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_TAG)
+ set(repository ${cvs_repository})
+ set(module ${cvs_module})
+ set(tag ${cvs_tag})
+ configure_file(
+ "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/"
+ "${stamp_dir}/${name}-cvsinfo.txt"
+ )
+ get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME)
+ get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH)
+ set(comment "Performing download step (CVS checkout) for '${name}'")
+ set(cmd ${CVS_EXECUTABLE} -d ${cvs_repository} -q co ${cvs_tag} -d ${src_name} ${cvs_module})
+ list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-cvsinfo.txt)
+ elseif(svn_repository)
+ find_package(Subversion QUIET)
+ if(NOT Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find svn for checkout of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ get_property(svn_revision TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_REVISION)
+ get_property(svn_username TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_USERNAME)
+ get_property(svn_password TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_PASSWORD)
+ get_property(svn_trust_cert TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_TRUST_CERT)
+ set(repository "${svn_repository} user=${svn_username} password=${svn_password}")
+ set(module)
+ set(tag ${svn_revision})
+ configure_file(
+ "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/"
+ "${stamp_dir}/${name}-svninfo.txt"
+ )
+ get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME)
+ get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH)
+ set(comment "Performing download step (SVN checkout) for '${name}'")
+ set(svn_user_pw_args "")
+ if(DEFINED svn_username)
+ set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--username=${svn_username}")
+ endif()
+ if(DEFINED svn_password)
+ set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--password=${svn_password}")
+ endif()
+ if(svn_trust_cert)
+ set(svn_trust_cert_args --trust-server-cert)
+ endif()
+ set(cmd ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE} co ${svn_repository} ${svn_revision}
+ --non-interactive ${svn_trust_cert_args} ${svn_user_pw_args} ${src_name})
+ list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-svninfo.txt)
+ elseif(git_repository)
+ unset(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH) # Use CMake builtin find module
+ find_package(Git QUIET)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find git for clone of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ _ep_get_git_submodules_recurse(git_submodules_recurse)
+ get_property(git_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_TAG)
+ if(NOT git_tag)
+ set(git_tag "master")
+ endif()
+ set(git_init_submodules TRUE)
+ get_property(git_submodules_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES SET)
+ if(git_submodules_set)
+ get_property(git_submodules TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES)
+ if(git_submodules STREQUAL "" AND _EP_CMP0097 STREQUAL "NEW")
+ set(git_init_submodules FALSE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ get_property(git_remote_name TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_REMOTE_NAME)
+ if(NOT git_remote_name)
+ set(git_remote_name "origin")
+ endif()
+ get_property(tls_verify TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TLS_VERIFY)
+ if("x${tls_verify}" STREQUAL "x" AND DEFINED CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY)
+ set(tls_verify "${CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY}")
+ endif()
+ get_property(git_shallow TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_SHALLOW)
+ get_property(git_progress TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_PROGRESS)
+ get_property(git_config TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_CONFIG)
+ # For the download step, and the git clone operation, only the repository
+ # should be recorded in a configured RepositoryInfo file. If the repo
+ # changes, the clone script should be run again. But if only the tag
+ # changes, avoid running the clone script again. Let the 'always' running
+ # update step checkout the new tag.
+ #
+ set(repository ${git_repository})
+ set(module)
+ set(tag ${git_remote_name})
+ configure_file(
+ "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/"
+ "${stamp_dir}/${name}-gitinfo.txt"
+ )
+ get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME)
+ get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH)
+ # Since git clone doesn't succeed if the non-empty source_dir exists,
+ # create a cmake script to invoke as download command.
+ # The script will delete the source directory and then call git clone.
+ #
+ _ep_write_gitclone_script(${tmp_dir}/${name}-gitclone.cmake ${source_dir}
+ ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} ${git_repository} ${git_tag} ${git_remote_name} ${git_init_submodules} "${git_submodules_recurse}" "${git_submodules}" "${git_shallow}" "${git_progress}" "${git_config}" ${src_name} ${work_dir}
+ ${stamp_dir}/${name}-gitinfo.txt ${stamp_dir}/${name}-gitclone-lastrun.txt "${tls_verify}"
+ )
+ set(comment "Performing download step (git clone) for '${name}'")
+ set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${tmp_dir}/${name}-gitclone.cmake)
+ list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-gitinfo.txt)
+ elseif(hg_repository)
+ find_package(Hg QUIET)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find hg for clone of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ get_property(hg_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_HG_TAG)
+ if(NOT hg_tag)
+ set(hg_tag "tip")
+ endif()
+ # For the download step, and the hg clone operation, only the repository
+ # should be recorded in a configured RepositoryInfo file. If the repo
+ # changes, the clone script should be run again. But if only the tag
+ # changes, avoid running the clone script again. Let the 'always' running
+ # update step checkout the new tag.
+ #
+ set(repository ${hg_repository})
+ set(module)
+ set(tag)
+ configure_file(
+ "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/"
+ "${stamp_dir}/${name}-hginfo.txt"
+ )
+ get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME)
+ get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH)
+ # Since hg clone doesn't succeed if the non-empty source_dir exists,
+ # create a cmake script to invoke as download command.
+ # The script will delete the source directory and then call hg clone.
+ #
+ _ep_write_hgclone_script(${tmp_dir}/${name}-hgclone.cmake ${source_dir}
+ ${HG_EXECUTABLE} ${hg_repository} ${hg_tag} ${src_name} ${work_dir}
+ ${stamp_dir}/${name}-hginfo.txt ${stamp_dir}/${name}-hgclone-lastrun.txt
+ )
+ set(comment "Performing download step (hg clone) for '${name}'")
+ set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${tmp_dir}/${name}-hgclone.cmake)
+ list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-hginfo.txt)
+ elseif(url)
+ get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH)
+ get_property(hash TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_URL_HASH)
+ if(hash AND NOT "${hash}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "URL_HASH is set to\n ${hash}\n"
+ "but must be ALGO=value where ALGO is\n ${_ep_hash_algos}\n"
+ "and value is a hex string.")
+ endif()
+ get_property(md5 TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_URL_MD5)
+ if(md5 AND NOT "MD5=${md5}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "URL_MD5 is set to\n ${md5}\nbut must be a hex string.")
+ endif()
+ if(md5 AND NOT hash)
+ set(hash "MD5=${md5}")
+ endif()
+ set(repository "external project URL")
+ set(module "${url}")
+ set(tag "${hash}")
+ configure_file(
+ "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/"
+ "${stamp_dir}/${name}-urlinfo.txt"
+ )
+ list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-urlinfo.txt)
+ list(LENGTH url url_list_length)
+ if(NOT "${url_list_length}" STREQUAL "1")
+ foreach(entry ${url})
+ if(NOT "${entry}" MATCHES "^[a-z]+://")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "At least one entry of URL is a path (invalid in a list)")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if("x${fname}" STREQUAL "x")
+ list(GET url 0 fname)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(IS_DIRECTORY "${url}")
+ get_filename_component(abs_dir "${url}" ABSOLUTE)
+ set(comment "Performing download step (DIR copy) for '${name}'")
+ set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -rf ${source_dir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${abs_dir} ${source_dir})
+ else()
+ get_property(no_extract TARGET "${name}" PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOAD_NO_EXTRACT SET)
+ if("${url}" MATCHES "^[a-z]+://")
+ # TODO: Should download and extraction be different steps?
+ if("x${fname}" STREQUAL "x")
+ set(fname "${url}")
+ endif()
+ if("${fname}" MATCHES [[([^/\?#]+(\.|=)(7z|tar|tar\.bz2|tar\.gz|tar\.xz|tbz2|tgz|txz|zip))([/?#].*)?$]])
+ set(fname "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ elseif(no_extract)
+ get_filename_component(fname "${fname}" NAME)
+ else()
+ # Fall back to a default file name. The actual file name does not
+ # matter because it is used only internally and our extraction tool
+ # inspects the file content directly. If it turns out the wrong URL
+ # was given that will be revealed during the build which is an easier
+ # place for users to diagnose than an error here anyway.
+ set(fname "archive.tar")
+ endif()
+ string(REPLACE ";" "-" fname "${fname}")
+ set(file ${download_dir}/${fname})
+ get_property(timeout TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TIMEOUT)
+ get_property(no_progress TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS)
+ get_property(tls_verify TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TLS_VERIFY)
+ get_property(tls_cainfo TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TLS_CAINFO)
+ get_property(netrc TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_NETRC)
+ get_property(netrc_file TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_NETRC_FILE)
+ get_property(http_username TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_HTTP_USERNAME)
+ get_property(http_password TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_HTTP_PASSWORD)
+ get_property(http_headers TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_HTTP_HEADER)
+ set(download_script "${stamp_dir}/download-${name}.cmake")
+ _ep_write_downloadfile_script("${download_script}" "${url}" "${file}" "${timeout}" "${no_progress}" "${hash}" "${tls_verify}" "${tls_cainfo}" "${http_username}:${http_password}" "${http_headers}" "${netrc}" "${netrc_file}")
+ set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P "${download_script}"
+ if (no_extract)
+ set(steps "download and verify")
+ else ()
+ set(steps "download, verify and extract")
+ endif ()
+ set(comment "Performing download step (${steps}) for '${name}'")
+ file(WRITE "${stamp_dir}/verify-${name}.cmake" "") # already verified by 'download_script'
+ else()
+ set(file "${url}")
+ if (no_extract)
+ set(steps "verify")
+ else ()
+ set(steps "verify and extract")
+ endif ()
+ set(comment "Performing download step (${steps}) for '${name}'")
+ _ep_write_verifyfile_script("${stamp_dir}/verify-${name}.cmake" "${file}" "${hash}")
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${stamp_dir}/verify-${name}.cmake)
+ if (NOT no_extract)
+ _ep_write_extractfile_script("${stamp_dir}/extract-${name}.cmake" "${name}" "${file}" "${source_dir}")
+ list(APPEND cmd COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${stamp_dir}/extract-${name}.cmake)
+ else ()
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOADED_FILE ${file})
+ endif ()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ _ep_is_dir_empty("${source_dir}" empty)
+ if(${empty})
+ message(SEND_ERROR
+ "No download info given for '${name}' and its source directory:\n"
+ " ${source_dir}\n"
+ "is not an existing non-empty directory. Please specify one of:\n"
+ " * SOURCE_DIR with an existing non-empty directory\n"
+ " * URL\n"
+ )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_DOWNLOAD)
+ if(log)
+ set(log LOG 1)
+ else()
+ set(log "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(uses_terminal TARGET ${name} PROPERTY
+ if(uses_terminal)
+ set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1)
+ else()
+ set(uses_terminal "")
+ endif()
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} download
+ COMMENT ${comment}
+ COMMAND ${cmd}
+ DEPENDS ${depends}
+ ${log}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+function(_ep_add_update_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} source_dir tmp_dir)
+ get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_UPDATE_COMMAND SET)
+ get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_UPDATE_COMMAND)
+ get_property(cvs_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_REPOSITORY)
+ get_property(svn_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_REPOSITORY)
+ get_property(git_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_REPOSITORY)
+ get_property(hg_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_HG_REPOSITORY )
+ get_property(update_disconnected_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED SET)
+ if(update_disconnected_set)
+ get_property(update_disconnected TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED)
+ else()
+ get_property(update_disconnected DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED)
+ endif()
+ set(work_dir)
+ set(comment)
+ set(always)
+ if(cmd_set)
+ set(work_dir ${source_dir})
+ if(NOT "x${cmd}" STREQUAL "x")
+ set(always 1)
+ endif()
+ elseif(cvs_repository)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find cvs for update of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ set(work_dir ${source_dir})
+ set(comment "Performing update step (CVS update) for '${name}'")
+ get_property(cvs_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_TAG)
+ set(cmd ${CVS_EXECUTABLE} -d ${cvs_repository} -q up -dP ${cvs_tag})
+ set(always 1)
+ elseif(svn_repository)
+ if(NOT Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find svn for update of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ set(work_dir ${source_dir})
+ set(comment "Performing update step (SVN update) for '${name}'")
+ get_property(svn_revision TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_REVISION)
+ get_property(svn_username TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_USERNAME)
+ get_property(svn_password TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_PASSWORD)
+ get_property(svn_trust_cert TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_TRUST_CERT)
+ set(svn_user_pw_args "")
+ if(DEFINED svn_username)
+ set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--username=${svn_username}")
+ endif()
+ if(DEFINED svn_password)
+ set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--password=${svn_password}")
+ endif()
+ if(svn_trust_cert)
+ set(svn_trust_cert_args --trust-server-cert)
+ endif()
+ set(cmd ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE} up ${svn_revision}
+ --non-interactive ${svn_trust_cert_args} ${svn_user_pw_args})
+ set(always 1)
+ elseif(git_repository)
+ unset(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH) # Use CMake builtin find module
+ find_package(Git QUIET)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find git for fetch of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ set(work_dir ${source_dir})
+ set(comment "Performing update step for '${name}'")
+ get_property(git_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_TAG)
+ if(NOT git_tag)
+ set(git_tag "master")
+ endif()
+ get_property(git_remote_name TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_REMOTE_NAME)
+ if(NOT git_remote_name)
+ set(git_remote_name "origin")
+ endif()
+ set(git_init_submodules TRUE)
+ get_property(git_submodules_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES SET)
+ if(git_submodules_set)
+ get_property(git_submodules TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES)
+ if(git_submodules STREQUAL "" AND _EP_CMP0097 STREQUAL "NEW")
+ set(git_init_submodules FALSE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ _ep_get_git_submodules_recurse(git_submodules_recurse)
+ _ep_write_gitupdate_script(${tmp_dir}/${name}-gitupdate.cmake
+ ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} ${git_tag} ${git_remote_name} ${git_init_submodules} "${git_submodules_recurse}" "${git_submodules}" ${git_repository} ${work_dir}
+ )
+ set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${tmp_dir}/${name}-gitupdate.cmake)
+ set(always 1)
+ elseif(hg_repository)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find hg for pull of ${name}")
+ endif()
+ set(work_dir ${source_dir})
+ set(comment "Performing update step (hg pull) for '${name}'")
+ get_property(hg_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_HG_TAG)
+ if(NOT hg_tag)
+ set(hg_tag "tip")
+ endif()
+ message(WARNING "Mercurial 2.1 does not distinguish an empty pull from a failed pull:
+Update to Mercurial >= 2.1.1.
+ endif()
+ set(cmd ${HG_EXECUTABLE} pull
+ COMMAND ${HG_EXECUTABLE} update ${hg_tag}
+ )
+ set(always 1)
+ endif()
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_UPDATE)
+ if(log)
+ set(log LOG 1)
+ else()
+ set(log "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(uses_terminal TARGET ${name} PROPERTY
+ if(uses_terminal)
+ set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1)
+ else()
+ set(uses_terminal "")
+ endif()
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} update
+ COMMENT ${comment}
+ COMMAND ${cmd}
+ ALWAYS ${always}
+ EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN ${update_disconnected}
+ DEPENDEES download
+ ${log}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+ if(update_disconnected)
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} skip-update skip-update_stamp_file)
+ string(REPLACE "Performing" "Skipping" comment "${comment}")
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} skip-update
+ COMMENT ${comment}
+ ALWAYS ${always}
+ DEPENDEES download
+ ${log}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+ set_property(SOURCE ${skip-update_stamp_file} PROPERTY SYMBOLIC 1)
+ endif()
+function(_ep_add_patch_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} source_dir)
+ get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_PATCH_COMMAND SET)
+ get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_PATCH_COMMAND)
+ set(work_dir)
+ if(cmd_set)
+ set(work_dir ${source_dir})
+ endif()
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_PATCH)
+ if(log)
+ set(log LOG 1)
+ else()
+ set(log "")
+ endif()
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} patch
+ COMMAND ${cmd}
+ DEPENDEES download
+ ${log}
+ )
+function(_ep_extract_configure_command var name)
+ get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CONFIGURE_COMMAND SET)
+ if(cmd_set)
+ get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CONFIGURE_COMMAND)
+ else()
+ get_target_property(cmake_command ${name} _EP_CMAKE_COMMAND)
+ if(cmake_command)
+ set(cmd "${cmake_command}")
+ else()
+ set(cmd "${CMAKE_COMMAND}")
+ endif()
+ get_property(cmake_args TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CMAKE_ARGS)
+ list(APPEND cmd ${cmake_args})
+ # write an initial cache and use it
+ get_property(cmake_cache_args TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS)
+ get_property(cmake_cache_default_args TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CMAKE_CACHE_DEFAULT_ARGS)
+ set(has_cmake_cache_args 0)
+ if(NOT "${cmake_cache_args}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(has_cmake_cache_args 1)
+ endif()
+ set(has_cmake_cache_default_args 0)
+ if(NOT "${cmake_cache_default_args}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(has_cmake_cache_default_args 1)
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(cmake_generator ${name} _EP_CMAKE_GENERATOR)
+ get_target_property(cmake_generator_instance ${name} _EP_CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE)
+ get_target_property(cmake_generator_platform ${name} _EP_CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM)
+ get_target_property(cmake_generator_toolset ${name} _EP_CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET)
+ if(cmake_generator)
+ list(APPEND cmd "-G${cmake_generator}")
+ if(cmake_generator_platform)
+ list(APPEND cmd "-A${cmake_generator_platform}")
+ endif()
+ if(cmake_generator_toolset)
+ list(APPEND cmd "-T${cmake_generator_toolset}")
+ endif()
+ if(cmake_generator_instance)
+ list(APPEND cmd "-DCMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE:INTERNAL=${cmake_generator_instance}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ else()
+ set(has_cmake_cache_default_args 1)
+ set(cmake_cache_default_args ${cmake_cache_default_args}
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(cmake_generator_platform)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(cmake_generator_toolset)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Option CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET not allowed without CMAKE_GENERATOR.")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(cmake_generator_instance)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(has_cmake_cache_args OR has_cmake_cache_default_args)
+ set(_ep_cache_args_script "<TMP_DIR>/${name}-cache-$<CONFIG>.cmake")
+ if(has_cmake_cache_args)
+ _ep_command_line_to_initial_cache(script_initial_cache_force "${cmake_cache_args}" 1)
+ endif()
+ if(has_cmake_cache_default_args)
+ _ep_command_line_to_initial_cache(script_initial_cache_default "${cmake_cache_default_args}" 0)
+ endif()
+ _ep_write_initial_cache(${name} "${_ep_cache_args_script}" "${script_initial_cache_force}${script_initial_cache_default}")
+ list(APPEND cmd "-C${_ep_cache_args_script}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set("${var}" "${cmd}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+# TODO: Make sure external projects use the proper compiler
+function(_ep_add_configure_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} binary_dir tmp_dir)
+ # Depend on other external projects (file-level).
+ set(file_deps)
+ get_property(deps TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DEPENDS)
+ foreach(dep IN LISTS deps)
+ get_property(dep_type TARGET ${dep} PROPERTY TYPE)
+ if(dep_type STREQUAL "UTILITY")
+ get_property(is_ep TARGET ${dep} PROPERTY _EP_IS_EXTERNAL_PROJECT)
+ if(is_ep)
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${dep} "done" done_stamp_file)
+ list(APPEND file_deps ${done_stamp_file})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ _ep_extract_configure_command(cmd ${name})
+ # If anything about the configure command changes, (command itself, cmake
+ # used, cmake args or cmake generator) then re-run the configure step.
+ # Fixes issue
+ #
+ if(NOT EXISTS ${tmp_dir}/${name}
+ file(WRITE ${tmp_dir}/${name} "cmd='\@cmd\@'\n")
+ endif()
+ configure_file(${tmp_dir}/${name} ${tmp_dir}/${name}-cfgcmd.txt)
+ list(APPEND file_deps ${tmp_dir}/${name}-cfgcmd.txt)
+ list(APPEND file_deps ${_ep_cache_args_script})
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_CONFIGURE)
+ if(log)
+ set(log LOG 1)
+ else()
+ set(log "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(uses_terminal TARGET ${name} PROPERTY
+ if(uses_terminal)
+ set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1)
+ else()
+ set(uses_terminal "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(update_disconnected_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED SET)
+ if(update_disconnected_set)
+ get_property(update_disconnected TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED)
+ else()
+ get_property(update_disconnected DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED)
+ endif()
+ if(update_disconnected)
+ set(update_dep skip-update)
+ else()
+ set(update_dep update)
+ endif()
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} configure
+ COMMAND ${cmd}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${binary_dir}
+ DEPENDEES ${update_dep} patch
+ DEPENDS ${file_deps}
+ ${log}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+function(_ep_add_build_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} binary_dir)
+ get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_COMMAND SET)
+ if(cmd_set)
+ get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_COMMAND)
+ else()
+ _ep_get_build_command(${name} BUILD cmd)
+ endif()
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_BUILD)
+ if(log)
+ set(log LOG 1)
+ else()
+ set(log "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(uses_terminal TARGET ${name} PROPERTY
+ if(uses_terminal)
+ set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1)
+ else()
+ set(uses_terminal "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(build_always TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_ALWAYS)
+ if(build_always)
+ set(always 1)
+ else()
+ set(always 0)
+ endif()
+ get_property(build_byproducts TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_BYPRODUCTS)
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} build
+ COMMAND ${cmd}
+ BYPRODUCTS ${build_byproducts}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${binary_dir}
+ DEPENDEES configure
+ ALWAYS ${always}
+ ${log}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+function(_ep_add_install_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} binary_dir)
+ get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_INSTALL_COMMAND SET)
+ if(cmd_set)
+ get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_INSTALL_COMMAND)
+ else()
+ _ep_get_build_command(${name} INSTALL cmd)
+ endif()
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_INSTALL)
+ if(log)
+ set(log LOG 1)
+ else()
+ set(log "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(uses_terminal TARGET ${name} PROPERTY
+ if(uses_terminal)
+ set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1)
+ else()
+ set(uses_terminal "")
+ endif()
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} install
+ COMMAND ${cmd}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${binary_dir}
+ ${log}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+function(_ep_add_test_command name)
+ ExternalProject_Get_Property(${name} binary_dir)
+ get_property(before TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TEST_BEFORE_INSTALL)
+ get_property(after TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TEST_AFTER_INSTALL)
+ get_property(exclude TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TEST_EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN)
+ get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TEST_COMMAND SET)
+ # Only actually add the test step if one of the test related properties is
+ # explicitly set. (i.e. the test step is omitted unless requested...)
+ #
+ if(cmd_set OR before OR after OR exclude)
+ if(cmd_set)
+ get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_TEST_COMMAND)
+ else()
+ _ep_get_build_command(${name} TEST cmd)
+ endif()
+ if(before)
+ set(dependees_args DEPENDEES build)
+ else()
+ set(dependees_args DEPENDEES install)
+ endif()
+ if(exclude)
+ set(dependers_args "")
+ set(exclude_args EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN 1)
+ else()
+ if(before)
+ set(dependers_args DEPENDERS install)
+ else()
+ set(dependers_args "")
+ endif()
+ set(exclude_args "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(log TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_TEST)
+ if(log)
+ set(log LOG 1)
+ else()
+ set(log "")
+ endif()
+ get_property(uses_terminal TARGET ${name} PROPERTY
+ if(uses_terminal)
+ set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1)
+ else()
+ set(uses_terminal "")
+ endif()
+ ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} test
+ COMMAND ${cmd}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${binary_dir}
+ ${dependees_args}
+ ${dependers_args}
+ ${exclude_args}
+ ${log}
+ ${uses_terminal}
+ )
+ endif()
+function(ExternalProject_Add name)
+ cmake_policy(GET CMP0097 _EP_CMP0097
+ PARENT_SCOPE # undocumented, do not use outside of CMake
+ )
+ _ep_get_configuration_subdir_suffix(cfgdir)
+ # Add a custom target for the external project.
+ set(cmf_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles)
+ _ep_get_complete_stampfile(${name} complete_stamp_file)
+ # The "ALL" option to add_custom_target just tells it to not set the
+ # EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL target property. Later, if the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL
+ # argument was passed, we explicitly set it for the target.
+ add_custom_target(${name} ALL DEPENDS ${complete_stamp_file})
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY LABELS ${name})
+ set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY FOLDER "ExternalProjectTargets/${name}")
+ _ep_parse_arguments(ExternalProject_Add ${name} _EP_ "${ARGN}")
+ _ep_set_directories(${name})
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} "done" done_stamp_file)
+ _ep_get_step_stampfile(${name} "install" install_stamp_file)
+ # Set the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL target property if required.
+ get_property(exclude_from_all TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
+ if(exclude_from_all)
+ endif()
+ # The 'complete' step depends on all other steps and creates a
+ # 'done' mark. A dependent external project's 'configure' step
+ # depends on the 'done' mark so that it rebuilds when this project
+ # rebuilds. It is important that 'done' is not the output of any
+ # custom command so that CMake does not propagate build rules to
+ # other external project targets, which may cause problems during
+ # parallel builds. However, the Ninja generator needs to see the entire
+ # dependency graph, and can cope with custom commands belonging to
+ # multiple targets, so we add the 'done' mark as an output for Ninja only.
+ set(complete_outputs ${complete_stamp_file})
+ set(complete_outputs ${complete_outputs} ${done_stamp_file})
+ endif()
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT ${complete_outputs}
+ COMMENT "Completed '${name}'"
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${cmf_dir}${cfgdir}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${complete_stamp_file}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${done_stamp_file}
+ DEPENDS ${install_stamp_file}
+ )
+ # Depend on other external projects (target-level).
+ get_property(deps TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DEPENDS)
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS deps)
+ add_dependencies(${name} ${arg})
+ endforeach()
+ # Set up custom build steps based on the target properties.
+ # Each step depends on the previous one.
+ #
+ # The target depends on the output of the final step.
+ # (Already set up above in the DEPENDS of the add_custom_target command.)
+ #
+ _ep_add_mkdir_command(${name})
+ _ep_add_download_command(${name})
+ _ep_add_update_command(${name})
+ _ep_add_patch_command(${name})
+ _ep_add_configure_command(${name})
+ _ep_add_build_command(${name})
+ _ep_add_install_command(${name})
+ # Test is special in that it might depend on build, or it might depend
+ # on install.
+ #
+ _ep_add_test_command(${name})