path: root/share/cmake-3.22/Help/variable/CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH.rst
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diff --git a/share/cmake-3.22/Help/variable/CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH.rst b/share/cmake-3.22/Help/variable/CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH.rst
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+++ b/share/cmake-3.22/Help/variable/CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH.rst
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+:ref:`Semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of directories specifying installation
+*prefixes* to be searched by the :command:`find_package`,
+:command:`find_program`, :command:`find_library`, :command:`find_file`, and
+:command:`find_path` commands. Each command will add appropriate
+subdirectories (like ``bin``, ``lib``, or ``include``) as specified in its own
+By default this contains the system directories for the current system, the
+:variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`, and the :variable:`CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX`.
+The installation and staging prefixes may be excluded by setting
+the :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_NO_INSTALL_PREFIX` variable.
+The system directories that are contained in ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH`` are
+locations that typically include installed software. An example being
+``/usr/local`` for UNIX based platforms. In addition to standard platform
+locations, CMake will also add values to ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH`` based on
+environment variables. The environment variables and search locations that
+CMake uses may evolve over time, as platforms and their conventions also
+evolve. The following provides an indicative list of environment variables
+and locations that CMake searches, but they are subject to change:
+ * ``ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr``
+ * ``ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/local``
+ * ``ENV{SDKROOT}/usr`` When ``CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT`` is not explicitly specified.
+ * ``ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}`` when using a conda compiler
+ * ``ENV{ProgramW6432}``
+ * ``ENV{ProgramFiles}``
+ * ``ENV{ProgramFiles(x86)}``
+ * ``ENV{SystemDrive}/Program Files``
+ * ``ENV{SystemDrive}/Program Files (x86)``
+``CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH`` is *not* intended to be modified by the project;
+use :variable:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` for this.
+See also :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH`,
+and :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_IGNORE_PATH`.